Don't Starve 中文維基
Don't Starve 中文維基

仅限: Hamlet icon猪镇

Blueprint 這個頁面描述 即將到來或正計劃的項目
且可能包含著 重要的劇透

Harp Statue 这个页面因为查理的破坏所以现在尚未完成。
Ah. The end is nigh.



Nightmare Fuel 影响

  • 将不再有白天或黄昏,只有夜晚,这意味着玩家的理智值将不断流失。
  • 所有 食物 的变质速度都将加快50%。[待確認]
  • 环境剧烈变化。
    • 显示玩家月亮相位的月亮图标将会不变,显示一个红色的月亮。
    • 所有普通的 花朵 turn into 恶魔之花。 这不会影响到 Exotic Flowers.
    • 季节性影响, 例如 Hay FeverFog, 仍将在大灾变之中发生 [待確認]
    • The BFB will not spawn during this time, and if summoned, will land and take off immediately.
    • The player will be unable to see the shadows that Vampire Bats and BFB form before they spawn. However, they will be able to see their model and other models darken as the BFB's shadow flies above them.
    • Woodie will become a Werebeaver at the start of every 'day'.
  • All shops become locked, as per usual for nighttime. Royal Guards will no longer patrol, and will stay inside at all times, except if they notice the player stealing in their proximity.
    • Worker Pigs will not repair any damaged structure.
    • Lamp Posts are perpetually on, but the Lamps found in the Mant Hill will no longer emit light.
  • Many creatures have their behaviors changed. All creatures that can sleep at night will do so until attacked, and creatures asleep during the day will be awake constantly.
    • All Mants hatch into Mant Warriors. The new Mant Warriors now glow, emitting a very dim light that spreads across a large distance. Any new Mants spawned by the Antcomb Home automatically turn into Mant Warriors.
    • Pogs will now attack the player and any creature on sight.
    • Pikos and Orange Pikos turn rabid.
    • Iron Hulks are perpetually activated, and do not deactivate.
    • Vampire Bat attacks become much more common and much more severe, happening nearly every day. The amount of bats that spawns is greatly increased. It is common to find upwards of 10 Vampire Bats in an attack during the Aporkalypse on Day 1.
    • Thunderbirds will launch 10 Lightning Bolts instead of 3.
    • Elder Mandrakes become neutral, their facial expression changes from a frown to a smile, and they can be befriended with raw Vegetables.
  • Anywhere from 2-5 Ancient Spirits spawn in every room of every Ancient Pig Ruins. If all ghosts in the room are killed, new ghosts will spawn when the player returns to the room.
  • The boss monster Ancient Herald spawns shortly after the Aporkalypse begins. If killed, it will respawn in a short time. It currently does not drop any loot.

This event is treacherous, with a constant sanity drain, many many bats, allies turning into enemies, and dangerous threat of the base-destroying Ancient Herald. One of the only positive improvements is that the player will never have to rely on light outside. However, unless the player wants to farm Pig Skin? from the Vampire Bats, or a drastic difficulty increase, avoiding this event by using the Aporkalypse Calendar is recommended.

Prototype Strategy

For people starting the game, the Aporkalypse is a major difficulty spike. Since its so infrequent, and can be easily controlled using the Aporkalypse Calendar, it is recommended to use the Calendar to skip the event until you are fully prepared. That being said, there are several things to keep in mind about the Aporkalypse.

  • It is important to realize that this event is entirely within the player's control. Making a small camp near the ruins that contain the Aporkalypse Calendar will allow the player to either reap the benefits or avoid the consequences of the Aporkalypse.
  • Having health recovery items will ensure the player does not die to the myriad of threats during this event.
  • The Ancient Herald currently does not drop items. Therefore, it is useless to kill him, and it is recommended to run when he first appears, as his attacks will destroy the player's camp. It should be noted that he does not become aggressive should the player run, and then return to him. He will engage the player should they attack him again.
  • It is a good idea to get your shopping done before the event, as Pig Shops will be locked at all times.
  • Wendy does a lot better in this event than other characters, due to Abigail dealing maximum damage at all times. Along with Wendy's reduced sanity drain, she is capable of surviving much longer than other characters are.
  • Its a good idea to completely avoid this event as Wilba. Due to it being constant night, her sanity will plummet at a nearly uncontrollable rate and cause her to be insane nearly all the time. In addition, the benefits she gets from having pigs gift her things disappears, as pigs will never leave their houses.
  • WX-78 can bank SYSTEM OVERLOAD much more easily, since Thunderbirds shoot 10 lightning bolts.

Blueprint Gallery

活動 烹飪合成耕種釣魚睡眠骑乘野牛
Shipwrecked icon乘船
環境 日夜週期月亮週期夢魘循環地震閃電雨天
Don't Starve Together icon 沙塵暴
Shipwrecked icon 強風迷霧海浪洪水火山爆發
Hamlet icon
季節 夏天冬天
Reign of Giants icon 秋天春天
Shipwrecked icon 溫和季節颶風季節雨季旱季
Hamlet icon 平和季节潮湿季节繁茂季节
機制 鬍鬚生態環境角色查理控制合成死亡耐久度經驗食物腐敗寒冷生命值飢餓值物品欄光源地圖罪惡值不可再生資源理智值存檔建築
Reign of Giants iconShipwrecked iconHamlet icon 潮濕過熱
Don't Starve Together icon活動疾病再生玩家鬼魂造型啓蒙
Shipwrecked iconHamlet icon 中毒
Hamlet icon 花粉症大灾变猪人庆典可疑的物件
模式 冒險模式沙盒模式洞穴遺跡火山多人版饑荒自定義世界
其他 豬人村道路小徑)• 墓地海洋深淵佈景零件死亡紀錄