Don't Starve 中文維基
Don't Starve 中文維基
第1行: 第1行:
{{Character Infobox
{{Character Infobox
|image = File:300px-Maxwell.png
|image = File:300px-Maxwell.png
|name = Maxwell
|name = 麥斯威爾
|nick = The Puppet Master
|nick = 操偶大師
|motto = "Freedom!"
|motto = 「自由了!」
|sanity = 200
|sanity = 200
|health = 75
|health = 75
|hunger = 150
|hunger = 150
|perk = 衣冠楚楚的但是身體虛弱。<br>能自行回復理智。<br>配戴著自己的[[暗影劍|劍]]。
|perk = Is dapper but frail<br>[[#Special Power|Can fragment his mind]]<br>Brings his own [[Dark Sword|sword]]
|item = [[File:Codex Umbra.png|32px|link=Codex Umbra]]
|item = [[File:Codex Umbra.png|32px|link=Codex Umbra]]
|sanity drain = +20/min
|sanity drain = +20/分
|start item = {{pic|32|Codex Umbra}} {{pic|32|Dark Sword}} {{pic|32|Night Armour}} {{pic|32|Purple Gem}}<br>{{pic|32|Nightmare Fuel}} '''x4'''}}
|start item = {{pic|32|Codex Umbra}} {{pic|32|Dark Sword}} {{pic|32|Night Armour}} {{pic|32|Purple Gem}}<br>{{pic |32|Nightmare Fuel}} '''x4'''}}
{{Quote|Freedom, at last!|Maxwell}}
'''麥斯威爾(Maxwell)'''(也就是'''威廉卡特William Cater''')是第 8 個可以解鎖的角色。麥斯威爾是[[饑荒]]中其中一個不是以[[經驗|經驗值]]來解鎖的角色。他是遊戲中的反派角色,如果在[[冒險模式]]的最終章將他解放,他便會變回他衣冠楚楚的人類型態,送到饑荒世界中的其中一個小島上。
In addition to his journal on "Them", which allows him to fragment his mind, Maxwell starts off with his own fighting gear and valuable items. 身為一個衣冠楚楚的角色,他的[[理智值]]會隨著時間不斷的上升。為了平衡這個設定,麥斯威爾的[[生命|生命值]]上限只有 75 點。麥斯威爾的玩法圍繞著他的理智值,需要控制得很好,以及使用他的書。
'''Maxwell''' (麥斯威爾) 是第八個可以解鎖的角色 , 而且是凡人狀態出現(即是會死). Maxwell 整體而言只有較低的生命, 但是卻會因為他短小精悍的風格(席編:....), 他的理智卻會每分鐘上升20點. Maxwell開始遊戲時會有他獨特的裝備, 令他在剛開始遊戲時馬上就可以進入各種活動. 由於他的理智會自然回復, Maxwell對於『可以回復理智』的裝備和衣服的依賴性會比例少. 這一個升提即使在使用 Dark Sword 或 the Night Armor時仍然會存在的, 所以 Maxwell 使用它們時只用付出很少代價.玩家在戰鬥時必須非常小心,因為 Maxwell只有 75點生命上限.在開始新的世界時,Maxweel會自己起身,他會說"Freedom, at last!" (終於自由了),而不會有另一個自己跑出來說話.
=={{pic32|Lock}} '''解鎖'''==
Maxwell是其中一個不能以累積經驗值來解鎖的角色 (可份考),另外個是 [[Wes]] 和[[Webber]].
=={{pic|32|Codex Umbra}} 特殊能力==
=={{pic|32|Codex Umbra}} '''特殊能力'''==
{{Main|Codex Umbra}}
[[File:Shadow Summon.jpg|thumb|left|Maxwell fragmenting his mind.]]
[[File:Shadow Summon.jpg|thumb|left|麥斯威爾分離自己的靈魂]]
麥斯威爾的理智值因為他衣冠楚楚的風格而會以每分鐘增加 20 點理智值的速度上升。他在遊戲開始時便會擁有[[暗影劍]]、[[暗影護甲]]、[[紫寶石]]、4 個[[夢魘燃料]]和他自己的名叫[[暗影法典]]的書。
他在遊戲開始時會推有 [[Dark Sword]], [[Night Armor]], 1 [[Purple Gem]], and 4 [[Nightmare Fuel]], Maxwell 亦會帶著他的書本 [[Codex Umbra]], 容許他控制自己的意智。
暗影法典和[[薇克伯頓]]的書作用類似,但無限時效。使用這本書可以讓一個暗影傀儡以麥斯威爾的形象出現。每使用一次便會耗損 15 點生命值、2 個夢魘燃料及 55 點理智值上限。玩家最多可以召喚三個暗影傀儡,這時麥斯威爾會只剩 35 點理智值,並無法再召喚更多傀儡。每個影子人偶可以存活 2.5 個遊戲天。它們可以協助麥斯威爾戰鬥、挖礦和砍樹。每死一個暗影傀儡,麥斯威爾的理智值上限就會回復 55 點。
Codex Umbra 的作用近似於 [[Wickerbottom]]'s [[books]], 但是卻可以無限次使用。 當閱讀的時候,一個影子人就會出現。使用這本書會扣減15點生命和2個惡夢燃料。 For every Shadow Puppet that exists, Maxwell's maximum sanity is reduced by 55. The player may have up to 3 puppets, at which point Maxwell will have 35 sanity and will be unable to spawn more. The shadow puppets will live up to 2.5 days before dying off. They will aid Maxwell in combat, and assist him in mining and chopping down trees. Upon death of a puppet, Maxwell's maximum sanity will be restored by 55.
Summoning multiple puppets to reduce the maximum sanity is a good way to get Maxwell to stay insane for long periods of time, which is not easily obtained normally due to his sanity regain buff.
== Strategy ==
麥斯威爾的最大生命值只有 75 點,如果沒有穿著高防禦力護甲的時候,戰鬥是非常危險的。
Since Maxwell has a natural regeneration of Sanity, players are recommended to do sanity-consuming things that other players would suffer from, for example, picking Evil Flowers, using Staves and killing monsters. Sanity regenerating items such as the [[Tam o' Shanter]] are unnecessary and allow Maxwell to wear items such as the [[Football Helmet]] while still being able to rapidly regain sanity. This also makes him ideal for exploring caves or night as the sanity drain from darkness is negated.
Due to Maxwell having half the max health of [[Wilson]], it is recommended to use his starting [[Night Armour]] when fighting dangerous creatures such as [[Hounds]] or [[Boss Monsters|bosses]] early on, reducing attack damage against him by 95% when worn. Combined with his [[Dark Sword|Dark Sword,&nbsp;]]Maxwell is unexpectedly an ideal fighting character before the durability of the armor and sword wear out. Maxwell also has the advantage of being capable of building a [[Shadow Manipulator]] quicker than other characters, as he starts with a [[Purple Gem]] and [[Nightmare Fuel]], shorting the time gathering the materials. This can allow players to quickly rebuild Night Armour and Dark Swords early game.
== {{pic32|Gift Icon}} '''可下載內容''' ==
The most notable advantage of Maxwell is the ability to use [[Codex Umbra]], which can allow him to summon Shadow Puppet followers at the cost of Nightmare Fuel, Health, and maximum Sanity. These Shadow Puppets will aid the player in chores and fights, and will live up to 2.5 days before vanishing. It is however difficult to lower Maxwell's sanity in order to gather more Nightmare Fuel, since his sanity constantly refills.
在[[船難]]DLC中,Maxwell's Puppets will aid him when hacking things with a [[Machete]] and they will have their own shadow version of the [[Row Boat]] making it possible for them to follow him across islands, unlike other [[Followers]].
An effective way to keep Maxwell insane is to equip his starting Night Armour and Dark Sword at the same time, which will stack together and drain sanity at -10/m. Summoning Shadow Puppets to lower Maxwell's sanity is also effective, but costs Nightmare Fuel to do on its own. Late game, players can collect Nightmare Fuel in mass amounts by staying in the [[Ruins]] during the [[Nightmare Cycle]]. [[Shadow Creatures]] can drop stacks worth of fuel for the player to collect once the cycle reaches its calm state.
== Unlock ==
Players can only unlock Maxwell by completing [[Adventure Mode]]. After beating five consecutive Chapters (escaping from five randomly-ordered and themed Adventure Worlds), the player will find themselves in the Epilogue Chapter. Once there, if the player chooses to take pity upon Maxwell, they can attempt to release him from imprisonment in the [[Nightmare Throne]] by inserting a [[Divining Rod]] into the throne's [[Nightmare Lock]]. Once this happens, Maxwell becomes a playable character. For a complete description and spoiler of the Epilogue and other Chapter Worlds, see the Adventure Mode page.
=={{pic|32|Placeholder}} Trivia==
* Maxwell's voice is sounded by a harmonium.
=={{pic32|prototype}} '''提示''' ==
* Maxwell's name is based on the [[Wikipedia:Maxwell's demon|Maxwell's demon]] thought experiment, named after the scientist [[Wikipedia:James Clerk Maxwell|James Clerk Maxwell]].
* 麥斯威爾的起始物品是遊戲裡面最強力的幾件道具之一,所以相對其他角色而言,麥斯威爾更容易於開局中存活下來。 暗影劍和暗影盔甲可以提供很不錯的生存能力,並且能夠控制他的理智值的回復狀況。
* Maxwell is the only playable character whose name doesn't start with "W".
* 召喚暗影傀儡使麥斯威爾的理智值上限下降是個讓他保持瘋狂一段時間的好方法,但蒐集夢魘燃料對他來說是困難的,因為他的理智值會一直自動回升。同時裝備暗影劍和暗影盔甲會使他的理智值以每分鐘減少 10 點的速度下降,可能可以讓他變成瘋狂狀態並隨心且輕易的回到正常狀態,因為兩邊的門檻只差了 5 點理智值。
** Maxwell's playable character appears to be named "Waxwell" in game's files. This suggests that he was likely named Waxwell in the game's files to avoid any file conflicts between the NPC Maxwell and the playable Maxwell.
** 在白天時進入瘋狂狀態並且擊殺[[暗影生物]]以取得暗影燃料,是一個隨時維持暗影傀儡的好方法。擊殺[[毛毛兔]]也是另外一個取得暗影燃料的方法,但因為毛毛兔為機率掉落暗影燃料,所以效率上不如前者。
** His [[William Carter|past name]] also starts with a W, however.
* 因為麥斯威爾可以自己回升理智值,所以玩家們可利用他進行耗損理智值的活動。例如:摘[[惡魔花瓣]]、使用[[魔法類|魔法]]和[[遠古類]]物品或吃降低理智值的[[食物]]。
** The playable version of Maxwell was also nicknamed by fans "Waxwell" prior to his release.
** 回復理智值的物品如[[苏格兰帽|蘇格蘭帽]]、[[帳篷]]、[[太妃糖]]等等,對麥斯威爾來說不是必需品。這讓他在裝備[[橄欖球頭盔]]等盔甲時仍能迅速回復理智值。這也讓他更可以在[[夜晚]]時探索或進入[[洞穴]]和[[遺跡]]探索,因為夜晚和一片漆黑帶來的理智值下降對他來說不是問題。
* Maxwell breaks the fourth wall by talking about Klei and even ''Don't Starve'' itself.
* 由於麥斯威爾的生命值上限很低,因此在遊戲初級階段,玩家在和[[獵犬]]或[[頭目級怪物]]等危險怪物戰鬥時建議裝備起手道具的暗夜盔甲,裝備時它可以減少 95% 的戰鬥傷害。
* Maxwell is probably based on Woland from Michael Bulgakov's novel, ''The Master And Margarita''. Note that Bulgakov's version of the name starts with W.
** 和他的暗夜劍及暗影傀儡一起搭配,麥斯威爾便是絕佳的戰鬥角色(在他的暗影盔甲和暗影劍的耐久度用完之前)。
* It is likely Maxwell actually created a lot of the monsters in ''Don't Starve''. This can be held up by the fact that he sometimes says, "They don't recognize me!" when examining [[Hound]]s and "They were a failed experiment."'' when examining [[Tallbird]]s.
* 雖然暗影傀儡在對付較弱的對手時是很強的,但和更強的生物戰鬥時若沒有麥斯威爾的幫忙便會死亡。[[冰凍法杖]]和[[火焰法杖]]是很好的輔助武器。冰凍法杖可以用來在敵人攻擊傀儡前將牠們定住,避免讓傀儡承受傷害。火焰法杖可以將生物定住更久,同時也能對牠們造成傷害,但代價是敵人死亡後掉落的戰利品有可能會被火焰燒毀。
* At the end of the trailer for the ''End of the Beginning'' update, Maxwell has a rounded chin, but, in the game version, he has a flat chin.
** 玩家也可以利用一些怪物的特性,讓暗影傀儡戰鬥起來更加輕鬆,例如與[[高腳鳥]]戰鬥時,可以先用麥斯威爾引怪,再命令暗影傀儡攻擊牠。
* Before the "Underground" update (when the entrances to caves were covered by [[Basalt]]), when examining a basalt boulder, Maxwell would say "I made a rock so heavy that I can't lift it", which is a reference to the [[wikipedia:Omnipotence paradox|Omnipotency paradox]], perhaps solidifying the idea that Maxwell is the God of whatever realm the game takes place.
* 麥斯威爾也有比其他角色更快製作出[[暗影操縱者]]的優勢,因為在遊戲開始時他就自帶一個紫色寶石和夢魘燃料,減少了蒐集原料所需的時間。這讓玩家可盡快重新製造新的暗影劍和暗影盔甲。
* After ''[[New Features#October 22.2C 2013 - All.27s Well that Maxwell|"All's Well That Maxwell"]]'' update, his sound when engaged in a fight is different.
* 正常來說,暗影傀儡會在麥斯威爾停止動作後停下使用工具的指令,但如果他們距離目標物太近且玩家藉由移動或迅速更換手部裝備物品,[ 傀儡們還是會持續進行指令],並在沒有消耗武器耐久度的狀況下獲取資源。這意味著使用麥斯威爾遊玩遊戲時,合成較好的工具會是一種浪費。
* Considering [[Wendy]]'s examination quote for Maxwell ("I feel a strange kinship with him.") and the letter from Jack Carter in the [[William_Carter_Puzzles#Third_Puzzle|3rd William Carter Puzzle]], it can be assumed that Maxwell is her uncle. This is all speculation though and nothing official has been said on the matter.
* 在晚期遊戲階段,玩家可以在遺蹟的[[夢魘循環]]中輕易的蒐集到大量夢魘燃料。在循環的平靜狀態中,[[暗影生物]]仍能提供玩家數量可觀的夢魘燃料。
*Maxwell is one of the only two characters, the other being [[Wolfgang]], that when struck by [[Lightning]] in the ''[[Reign of Giants]]'' DLC are shown to have normal human skeletons. He's also one of the only two that have no [[Unimplemented/Speculated_Items#Player_Skulls|skull]], the other being [[Wigfrid]].
** 不然,在[[惡魔之花]]附近釋放一些捕捉到的蜜蜂便會生成更多惡魔之花,而這些惡魔之花便能用來合成夢魘燃料。
* Due to the low maximum Health and the cost of the Codex Umbra it is advised to only rely on [[Life Giving Amulet]]s to revive from death instead of [[Meat Effigies]] as the latter will leave him at only 45 maximum Health. This means that [[Beard Hair]] is largely useless to Maxwell.
* In DLCs, thanks to his Sanity regeneration, Maxwell will not lose Sanity even with 100 [[Wetness]] while holding wet [[Items]].
=={{pic|32|Placeholder}} '''你知道嗎?'''==
* 麥斯威爾的聲音來自「風琴」(harmonium)。
* 麥斯威爾之名來自於提出[[Wikipedia:麦克斯韦妖|馬克士威妖]]實驗的提倡科學家[[Wikipedia:詹姆斯·克拉克·麦克斯韦|詹姆斯‧馬克士威]] 。
* 麥斯威爾真正的名字是威廉,所以所有可以使用的角色的名字技術上來說都是以"W"開頭的。
** 在遊戲檔案中,麥斯威爾的名字顯示成衛斯威爾(Waxwell)。這也許是為了區別NPC版和角色版兩個人物的檔案衝突。
** 在成為可玩角色之前,粉絲們也暱稱他為衛斯威爾(Waxwell)。
* 麥斯威爾是其中一個不能以累積經驗值來解鎖的角色另外個是[[維斯]]、[[韋伯]]、[[威爾伯]]和[[木腿船長]]
* 在開始新的世界時,麥斯威爾會自己起身,他會說「終於自由了!」("Freedom, at last!"),而不會有另一個自己跑出來說話。這可能暗示替自己從噩夢王座解救的那個角色沒有跟麥斯威爾之前一樣強的力量來控制整個世界。
* 麥斯威爾甚至談論創造自己的遊戲公司和遊戲本身,打破了次元限制。 舉例來說,當他檢查[[黃金鎬]]的時候提到了「遊戲邏輯」。
* 麥斯威爾的原型也許是從麥克爾·布爾加科夫的小說《大師和瑪格麗特》中的魔術師沃蘭德(Woland)而來,也是以「W」開頭。
* 在觀察[[高腳鳥]]時,麥斯威爾會透露出它們是在失敗的實驗中不小心創造出來的。
* 在版本「[[初始的結束]]」更新的預告影片中,麥斯威爾是圓下巴,但在遊戲版本中則是扁下巴。
* 在版本「[[只要有麥斯威爾一切都好]]」更新後,暗影法典以做為他的附加物品被加到了遊戲中,以及他面臨戰鬥的聲音進行了更改。
* 在DLC中被[[閃電]]打中時,麥斯威爾的袖子中也有骨頭。
* He is one of the only five characters that have no [[Unimplemented Features#Player Skulls|skull]] in the game files, the others being [[Wigfrid]], [[Walani]], [[Warly]] and [[Woodlegs]].
* 麦斯威尔由于游戏的原因明显矮于他的NPC形象
* When Maxwell is rebound to the Nightmare Throne, he will revert to his demonic NPC appearance.
* If one dies to the [[Night Monster]] while playing as Maxwell, the [[Morgue]] will show the cause of death as "Charlie" rather than "Darkness".
* Maxwell's perks description used to be: Is dapper but frail; Can fragment his own mind; Brings his own sword. His starting items and perks were kept though.
=={{Pic|32|Blueprint}} '''畫廊'''==
{{Scroll box|content=
<gallery captionalign="center">
Waxwell silho.png|Maxwell's silhouette.
Waxwell Portrait.png|Maxwell's portrait.
Waxwell ingame.png|Maxwell in-game.
Maxwell Map Icon.png|Maxwell's icon in the [[Map]].
Maxwell lightning strike.png|Maxwell struck by Lightning in the ''Reign of Giants'' DLC.
Maxwell frozen.png|Maxwell frozen in the ''Reign of Giants'' DLC.
MaxwellAsleep.png|Maxwell put to sleep with a cooked mandrake
Ghost Maxwell.png|[[Ghost Characters|Maxwell's ghost]] in ''[[Don't Starve Together]]''.
CardMaxwell.png|Maxwell's [[Steam Trading Card]] for Don't Starve
CardMaxwell (Foil).png|Maxwell's foil Steam Trading Card for Don't Starve
Shadows and Hexes.png|Maxwell's Steam Trading Card for Don't Starve Together
Maxwell Shadow.jpg|Maxwell's Expanded Steam Card for DST
Maxwell AllWellThatMaxwell.png|Maxwell as he appears in the trailer for the "''All Well That Maxwell''" update.
All's well that Maxwell.jpg|Maxwell and the Codex Umbra on the ''All's Well That Maxwell'' promo art.
Slap Fight.gif|Animation of Wilson and Maxwell having a slap-fight found after solving a puzzle made by Klei for ''Don't Starve Together'''s development.
Maxwell Valentine Card.png|Maxwell's Valentine Card.
Waxwell_Shadow_Skin_Portrait.png|Maxwell's [[Skins#Triumphant_(Elegant)|"Unshadow" skin]] in ''[[Don't Starve Together]]''
Waxwell_Guest_of_Honor_Skin_Portrait.png|Maxwell's [[Skins#Guest_of_Honor_(Elegant)|"Guest of Honor" skin]] in ''[[Don't Starve Together]]''
Waxwell_Survivor_Skin_Portrait.png|Maxwell's [[Skins#Survivor_(Elegant)|"Survivor" skin]] in ''[[Don't Starve Together]]''
Maxwell Halloween Costume.PNG|Maxwell's [[Hallowed Nights]] [[Krampus]] costume.

2020年5月6日 (三) 07:09的版本



麥斯威爾(Maxwell)(也就是威廉卡特William Cater)是第 8 個可以解鎖的角色。麥斯威爾是饑荒中其中一個不是以經驗值來解鎖的角色。他是遊戲中的反派角色,如果在冒險模式的最終章將他解放,他便會變回他衣冠楚楚的人類型態,送到饑荒世界中的其中一個小島上。

In addition to his journal on "Them", which allows him to fragment his mind, Maxwell starts off with his own fighting gear and valuable items. 身為一個衣冠楚楚的角色,他的理智值會隨著時間不斷的上升。為了平衡這個設定,麥斯威爾的生命值上限只有 75 點。麥斯威爾的玩法圍繞著他的理智值,需要控制得很好,以及使用他的書。

Lock 解鎖


Codex Umbra 特殊能力


Shadow Summon


麥斯威爾的理智值因為他衣冠楚楚的風格而會以每分鐘增加 20 點理智值的速度上升。他在遊戲開始時便會擁有暗影劍暗影護甲紫寶石、4 個夢魘燃料和他自己的名叫暗影法典的書。

暗影法典和薇克伯頓的書作用類似,但無限時效。使用這本書可以讓一個暗影傀儡以麥斯威爾的形象出現。每使用一次便會耗損 15 點生命值、2 個夢魘燃料及 55 點理智值上限。玩家最多可以召喚三個暗影傀儡,這時麥斯威爾會只剩 35 點理智值,並無法再召喚更多傀儡。每個影子人偶可以存活 2.5 個遊戲天。它們可以協助麥斯威爾戰鬥、挖礦和砍樹。每死一個暗影傀儡,麥斯威爾的理智值上限就會回復 55 點。



麥斯威爾的最大生命值只有 75 點,如果沒有穿著高防禦力護甲的時候,戰鬥是非常危險的。


Gift Icon 可下載內容

船難DLC中,Maxwell's Puppets will aid him when hacking things with a Machete and they will have their own shadow version of the Row Boat making it possible for them to follow him across islands, unlike other Followers.


Prototype 提示

  • 麥斯威爾的起始物品是遊戲裡面最強力的幾件道具之一,所以相對其他角色而言,麥斯威爾更容易於開局中存活下來。 暗影劍和暗影盔甲可以提供很不錯的生存能力,並且能夠控制他的理智值的回復狀況。
  • 召喚暗影傀儡使麥斯威爾的理智值上限下降是個讓他保持瘋狂一段時間的好方法,但蒐集夢魘燃料對他來說是困難的,因為他的理智值會一直自動回升。同時裝備暗影劍和暗影盔甲會使他的理智值以每分鐘減少 10 點的速度下降,可能可以讓他變成瘋狂狀態並隨心且輕易的回到正常狀態,因為兩邊的門檻只差了 5 點理智值。
    • 在白天時進入瘋狂狀態並且擊殺暗影生物以取得暗影燃料,是一個隨時維持暗影傀儡的好方法。擊殺毛毛兔也是另外一個取得暗影燃料的方法,但因為毛毛兔為機率掉落暗影燃料,所以效率上不如前者。
  • 因為麥斯威爾可以自己回升理智值,所以玩家們可利用他進行耗損理智值的活動。例如:摘惡魔花瓣、使用魔法遠古類物品或吃降低理智值的食物
    • 回復理智值的物品如蘇格蘭帽帳篷太妃糖等等,對麥斯威爾來說不是必需品。這讓他在裝備橄欖球頭盔等盔甲時仍能迅速回復理智值。這也讓他更可以在夜晚時探索或進入洞穴遺跡探索,因為夜晚和一片漆黑帶來的理智值下降對他來說不是問題。
  • 由於麥斯威爾的生命值上限很低,因此在遊戲初級階段,玩家在和獵犬頭目級怪物等危險怪物戰鬥時建議裝備起手道具的暗夜盔甲,裝備時它可以減少 95% 的戰鬥傷害。
    • 和他的暗夜劍及暗影傀儡一起搭配,麥斯威爾便是絕佳的戰鬥角色(在他的暗影盔甲和暗影劍的耐久度用完之前)。
  • 雖然暗影傀儡在對付較弱的對手時是很強的,但和更強的生物戰鬥時若沒有麥斯威爾的幫忙便會死亡。冰凍法杖火焰法杖是很好的輔助武器。冰凍法杖可以用來在敵人攻擊傀儡前將牠們定住,避免讓傀儡承受傷害。火焰法杖可以將生物定住更久,同時也能對牠們造成傷害,但代價是敵人死亡後掉落的戰利品有可能會被火焰燒毀。
    • 玩家也可以利用一些怪物的特性,讓暗影傀儡戰鬥起來更加輕鬆,例如與高腳鳥戰鬥時,可以先用麥斯威爾引怪,再命令暗影傀儡攻擊牠。
  • 麥斯威爾也有比其他角色更快製作出暗影操縱者的優勢,因為在遊戲開始時他就自帶一個紫色寶石和夢魘燃料,減少了蒐集原料所需的時間。這讓玩家可盡快重新製造新的暗影劍和暗影盔甲。
  • 正常來說,暗影傀儡會在麥斯威爾停止動作後停下使用工具的指令,但如果他們距離目標物太近且玩家藉由移動或迅速更換手部裝備物品,傀儡們還是會持續進行指令,並在沒有消耗武器耐久度的狀況下獲取資源。這意味著使用麥斯威爾遊玩遊戲時,合成較好的工具會是一種浪費。
  • 在晚期遊戲階段,玩家可以在遺蹟的夢魘循環中輕易的蒐集到大量夢魘燃料。在循環的平靜狀態中,暗影生物仍能提供玩家數量可觀的夢魘燃料。
    • 不然,在惡魔之花附近釋放一些捕捉到的蜜蜂便會生成更多惡魔之花,而這些惡魔之花便能用來合成夢魘燃料。
  • Due to the low maximum Health and the cost of the Codex Umbra it is advised to only rely on Life Giving Amulets to revive from death instead of Meat Effigies as the latter will leave him at only 45 maximum Health. This means that Beard Hair is largely useless to Maxwell.
  • In DLCs, thanks to his Sanity regeneration, Maxwell will not lose Sanity even with 100 Wetness while holding wet Items.

Placeholder 你知道嗎?

  • 麥斯威爾的聲音來自「風琴」(harmonium)。
  • 麥斯威爾之名來自於提出馬克士威妖實驗的提倡科學家詹姆斯‧馬克士威
  • 麥斯威爾真正的名字是威廉,所以所有可以使用的角色的名字技術上來說都是以"W"開頭的。
    • 在遊戲檔案中,麥斯威爾的名字顯示成衛斯威爾(Waxwell)。這也許是為了區別NPC版和角色版兩個人物的檔案衝突。
    • 在成為可玩角色之前,粉絲們也暱稱他為衛斯威爾(Waxwell)。
  • 麥斯威爾是其中一個不能以累積經驗值來解鎖的角色,另外四個是維斯韋伯威爾伯木腿船長
  • 在開始新的世界時,麥斯威爾會自己起身,他會說「終於自由了!」("Freedom, at last!"),而不會有另一個自己跑出來說話。這可能暗示替自己從噩夢王座解救的那個角色沒有跟麥斯威爾之前一樣強的力量來控制整個世界。
  • 麥斯威爾甚至談論創造自己的遊戲公司和遊戲本身,打破了次元限制。 舉例來說,當他檢查黃金鎬的時候提到了「遊戲邏輯」。
  • 麥斯威爾的原型也許是從麥克爾·布爾加科夫的小說《大師和瑪格麗特》中的魔術師沃蘭德(Woland)而來,也是以「W」開頭。
  • 在觀察高腳鳥時,麥斯威爾會透露出它們是在失敗的實驗中不小心創造出來的。
  • 在版本「初始的結束」更新的預告影片中,麥斯威爾是圓下巴,但在遊戲版本中則是扁下巴。
  • 在版本「只要有麥斯威爾一切都好」更新後,暗影法典以做為他的附加物品被加到了遊戲中,以及他面臨戰鬥的聲音進行了更改。
  • 在DLC中被閃電打中時,麥斯威爾的袖子中也有骨頭。
  • He is one of the only five characters that have no skull in the game files, the others being Wigfrid, Walani, Warly and Woodlegs.
  • 麦斯威尔由于游戏的原因明显矮于他的NPC形象
  • When Maxwell is rebound to the Nightmare Throne, he will revert to his demonic NPC appearance.
  • If one dies to the Night Monster while playing as Maxwell, the Morgue will show the cause of death as "Charlie" rather than "Darkness".
  • Maxwell's perks description used to be: Is dapper but frail; Can fragment his own mind; Brings his own sword. His starting items and perks were kept though.

Blueprint 畫廊

饥荒 Wilson portrait威爾森 台詞 ⋅ 服裝Willow portrait薇洛 台詞 ⋅ 服裝Wolfgang portrait沃爾夫岡 台詞 ⋅ 服裝Wendy portrait溫蒂 台詞 ⋅ 服裝
WX-78 portrait機器人 台詞 ⋅ 服裝Wickerbottom portrait薇克伯頓 台詞 ⋅ 服裝Woodie portrait伍迪 台詞 ⋅ 服裝
Wes portrait 維斯 台詞 ⋅ 服裝Waxwell Portrait麥斯威爾 台詞 ⋅ 服裝Wagstaff Portrait瓦格斯塔夫 台詞 ⋅ 服裝
巨人国 Reign of Giants iconWigfrid portrait薇格弗德 台詞 ⋅ 服裝Webber portrait韋伯 台詞 ⋅ 服裝
海难 Shipwrecked iconWalani portrait瓦拉尼 台詞 ⋅ 服裝Warly portrait沃利 台詞 ⋅ 服裝Wilbur portrait 威爾伯 台詞 ⋅ 服裝Woodlegs Portrait木腿船長 台詞 ⋅ 服裝
猪镇 Hamlet iconWilba Portrait薇尔芭 台詞 ⋅ 服裝Wormwood Portrait沃姆伍德 台詞 ⋅ 服裝Wheeler Portrait薇勒爾 台詞 ⋅ 服裝
联机版 Don't Starve Together iconWinona Portrait薇諾娜 台詞 ⋅ 服裝Wortox Portrait沃拓克斯 台詞 ⋅ 服裝Wurt Portrait沃特 台詞 ⋅ 服裝Walter Portrait沃爾特 台詞 ⋅ 服裝Wanda Portrait旺达 台詞 ⋅ 服裝
已移除 Map Icon Florid PosternWarbucks Portrait沃巴克斯 台詞 ⋅ 服裝
未实现 威爾頓 • 温妮 • 華萊士 • 薇弗利 • 火焰兵