Don't Starve 中文維基
Don't Starve 中文維基

I made them with my face.


鬍子是只有 WilsonWebber 可以長出的。利用Razor刮下 Wilson的鬍子可以成為 Beard Hair, 一種可以做出肉像 Meat Effigy的材料,而Webber的鬍子則會成為蜘蛛網。如果玩家的角色死亡,復活後鬍子也會消失。

Wilson is the only character capable of producing Beard Hair from shaving. Harvesting Tumbleweed and killing Beardlings, Beardlords, and Shadow Splumonkeys are the only method of acquiring Beard Hair when the player is playing any character besides Wilson.

Growth and Shaving

Days until growth Length Shaving Yield

Shaving Efficiency

4 Days (3 as Webber)

Short Beard 1 Beard Hair (1 Silk as Webber) .2 per day
7 Days (6 as Webber) Long Beard 3 Beard Hair (3 Silk as Webber) .375 per day
15 Days (9 as Webber) Magnificent Beard 9 Beard Hair (6 Silk as Webber) .5625 per day

Beard Hair

As the Beard doesn't grow longer after 16 days and the player loses it on resurrection or by changing characters, it is most efficient to shave after every sixteenth night. Upon shaving, Wilson and Webber's Sanity increases by 10. In terms of gaining Sanity, however, shaving every 5 days will yield the best results. Having a Beard does not drain Sanity. Similar to WX-78's upgrade powers, Wilson keeps his Beard when he uses a Wooden Thing.

Beard Insulation

Wilson's beard also provides protection from freezing during Winter depending on the size of the Beard. Webber's beard provides less protection compared to Wilson's beard.

鬍子長度 防止凍傷時間
沒有鬍子 0 秒
短 鬍子 15秒 (11.25 as Webber)
長 鬍子 45秒 (33.75 as Webber)
超長 鬍子

135 秒 (101.5 as Webber)

In the Reign of Giants DLC, having a beard still provides insulation which leads up to faster heat buildup, making it harder to stay cool.

Placeholder Trivia

  • Even though Wolfgang has a moustache, he doesn't grow a beard, saying his skin is too strong for hair.
  • Woodie has a beard, but says (when examining a Razor): "A true lumberjack never shaves". Therefore, he will not provide Beard Hair. It's revealed via lightning strike that Woodie's beard is part of his skull.


  • A good tip is to not shave your beard until the first winter is over, as the Beard provides non-durability warmth during the winter.
  • Shave your Beard after every winter so that it can grow back for the next winter, while also providing you with a small sanity boost and quite a bit of Beard Hair (as Wilson) or Silk (as Webber).
  • If you shave right after a season ends, your Beard can be a good indication of how long the following season is.

Placeholder Gallery

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