Don't Starve 中文維基
Don't Starve 中文維基
第1行: 第1行:
{{Hamlet Exclusive}}
{{Hamlet Exclusive}}
{{Upcoming Feature}}
{{Upcoming Feature}}
{{Object Infobox
{{Object Infobox
|image = Tall Grass.png
|image = Tall Grass.png
第30行: 第29行:
|choose = maxwell}}
|choose = maxwell}}
'''高草丛'''是一种存在于[[Hamlet]]DLC的[[植物]],可以在[[平原]]、[[雨林]],和[[Deep Rainforest]]等 [[生态群落]]找到。类似于基础游戏中的[[干草丛]],它也会产生[[干草]],但是需要工具帮助。
'''Tall Grass''' is a [[Plant]] exclusive to [[Don't Starve: Hamlet|''Don't Starve: Hamlet'']] DLC, which can be found in the [[Plains]], [[Rainforest]], and [[Deep Rainforest]] [[Biomes]]. Just like the [[grass]] in the base game, it yields [[Cut Grass]], but only with the help of a tool.
Three tools can be used :
* 使用[[砍刀]]或者[[黄金砍刀]]砍击'''3次'''后,它会产生'''1个'''{{pic24|Cut Grass}}。
* 使用[[剪刀]]剪'''1次''',它会产生'''2个''' {{pic24|Cut Grass}}。
* 使用[[铲子]],虽然它'''不会'''产生{{pic24|Cut Grass}},但是会变成[[干草丛]]去重新栽种。
高草丛会根据种植的地皮不同而长成不同的植物。如果干草丛种植在[[Plains|Plain]]、[[Rainforest]]或者 [[Deep Rainforest]],它会长成高草丛,而且不需要施肥。但是如果种植在其它地皮,它能长成干草丛,而且需要玩家用[[粪便]], [[鸟粪]] 或者[[腐烂物]]施肥才能生长。
* With a [[Machete]] or [[Luxury Machete]], it will yield '''one''' {{pic24|Cut Grass}} after '''three '''hits.
* With [[Shears]], it will yield '''two''' {{pic24|Cut Grass}} in '''one''' cutting.
* With a [[Shovel]], however, it will yield '''no''' {{pic24|Cut Grass}} and give a [[Grass Tuft]] to be replanted instead.
高草丛可能会被[[象鼻鼠虫]]感染,spawning up to three during the evening, night, and when the tuft is hacked or sheered. Digging up or burning an infested Tall Grass tuft will remove the infestation, and cause another, randomly selected Tall Grass tuft in the world to become infested.
Depending on the biome Tall Grass is planted in, it will grow as a different plant. If the Grass Tuft is planted in a [[Plains|Plain]], [[Rainforest]], or [[Deep Rainforest]] biome, it will grow as a Tall grass, and there will be no need to fertilize it. But if it is replanted in any other biome, it will grow as an ordinary one, and the player will have to use [[Manure]], [[Guano]] or [[Rot]] beforehand in order to fertilize it.
Tall Grass tufts may be infested with [[Weevole]]s, spawning up to three during the evening, night, and when the tuft is hacked or sheered. Digging up or burning an infested Tall Grass tuft will remove the infestation, and cause another, randomly selected Tall Grass tuft in the world to become infested.
Tall Grass tufts replanted by the player may become infested when other infested Tall Grass is destroyed in the world.
Tall Grass tufts replanted by the player may become infested when other infested Tall Grass is destroyed in the world.

2019年1月25日 (五) 17:27的版本

仅限: Hamlet icon猪镇

Blueprint 這個頁面描述 即將到來或正計劃的項目
且可能包含著 重要的劇透

Wilson Portrait
It’s too tough to pick with my hands.


Willow Portrait
This grass is tough!


Wolfgang Portrait
Very sturdy grass.


Wendy Portrait
Alas, I’m too weak to pick it.


WX-78 Portrait


Wickerbottom Portrait
I need an implement for that.


Woodie Portrait
Don’t worry your head about this one, Lucy.


Maxwell Portrait
Oh, joyous occasion. I’ve found grass.


Wigfrid Portrait
Surely ‘tis the grass öf Jötunheim!


Webber Portrait
It’s taller than we are!


Walani Portrait
It’s too much work to pick it with my hands.


Warly Portrait
Too long to cut it with my hands.


Woodlegs Portrait
As tall’as th’sky.


Wilba Portrait


高草丛是一种存在于HamletDLC的植物,可以在平原雨林,和Deep Rainforest生态群落找到。类似于基础游戏中的干草丛,它也会产生干草,但是需要工具帮助。


高草丛会根据种植的地皮不同而长成不同的植物。如果干草丛种植在PlainRainforest或者 Deep Rainforest,它会长成高草丛,而且不需要施肥。但是如果种植在其它地皮,它能长成干草丛,而且需要玩家用粪便, 鸟粪 或者腐烂物施肥才能生长。

高草丛可能会被象鼻鼠虫感染,spawning up to three during the evening, night, and when the tuft is hacked or sheered. Digging up or burning an infested Tall Grass tuft will remove the infestation, and cause another, randomly selected Tall Grass tuft in the world to become infested.

Tall Grass tufts replanted by the player may become infested when other infested Tall Grass is destroyed in the world.

植物 漿果叢胡蘿蔔洞穴香蕉樹洞穴菌藻花朵 (惡魔之花, 蕨類) • 乾草叢螢光花食人花曼德拉草蘑菇蘑菇樹植物蘆葦草樹苗荊棘叢完全正常的樹
(Reign of Giants icon白樺樹仙人掌風滾草 )
(Don't Starve Together icon多汁漿果叢绿洲仙人掌枝條樹)
(Shipwrecked icon竹子叢智慧樹咖啡樹巨型仙人掌叢林樹紅樹棕櫚樹正常的叢林樹紅薯藤蔓 )
(Hamlet icon芦荟芦笋荆棘爪棕榈树布满蛛网的树奇异花朵树篱杂乱的植物草坪装饰睡莲荨麻藤雨林树高草丛茶树块茎树 )
生物與其居住小屋 蜂巢獵犬塚池塘豬人屋豬豬國王豬人火炬胡蘿蔔屋破舊魚屋甲殼石墩蜘蛛巢石筍蛛巢穴居猴窟兔子窩高腳鳥巢海象冰屋蟲洞
(Reign of Giants icon鼴鼠穴浣熊窩 )
(Don't Starve Together icon蚁狮Bat Cave女王蜂巢岩漿池)
(Shipwrecked icon螃蟹窩龍騎士巢穴龍蛋漁人屋破舊魚屋猿猴屋魚群野豬屋龍蝦巢海盗章魚)
(Hamlet icon粪堆虫丘睡莲曼德拉丘蚁丘雷鸟鸟巢城镇房屋瞭望塔 )
资源 远古雕像骨頭巨礫漂浮物墳墓竖琴雕像大理石柱大理石树麥斯威爾的雕像鱼人头猪人头遠古遺物洞口骸骨石筍岩
(Reign of Giants icon迷你冰川)
(Shipwrecked icon智慧樹木炭岩珊瑚礁木板箱殘骸火山池帽貝岩熔岩礦貽貝石灰岩黑曜石巨砾毒池沙堆焦油浮膜水墓野豬頭殘骸)
(Hamlet icon易碎的瓦罐小石板 )
(Don't Starve Together icon窪洞LakeMarble SculpturesMeteor BoulderPetrified Tree月亮孢子 )
靜止物件 遠古祭壇玄武岩留聲機坟墓麥斯威爾之門麥斯威爾之燈梦魇灯座夢魘匣鎖夢魘王座方尖碑華麗箱子Pillars沉船Suspicious Dirt PileTouch StoneThulecite Wall
(Reign of Giants icon咕嚕咪雕像 )
(Shipwrecked iconElectric IsoscelesGunpowder BarrelKrissure石灰石墙Obsidian WorkbenchRawlingSteamer Trunk神州飛船角子機Suspicious Bubbles火山火山祭坛伍德莱格的笼子藏寶地 )
(Hamlet icon裂开的洞穴不老泉废墟入口秘密营地许愿井 )
(Don't Starve Together icon遠古寶箱遠古入口遠古壁畫遠古方尖碑華麗傳送門贓物袋月亮祭壇石窩舞台茶几可疑的大理石可疑的月石遠古哨站遠古窯遠古吊燈神祕能量)
零件 眼骨 • (Don't Starve Together icon星-空) • (Shipwrecked icon魚骨) • (Hamlet icon岩蛋)
(Shipwrecked icon木製平面傳送台草柄零件螺絲零件木製球狀零件波環零件)
暴食 Don't Starve Together icon 磨石盐池斑点灌木糖槭树噬咬祭坛