Don't Starve 中文維基
Don't Starve 中文維基
(新頁面: {{DST Exclusive}} {{Stub}} {{Item Infobox |stack = Does not stack |spawnCode ="skeletonhat" |water resistence = 20% |durability = 945 hp |droppedBy = {{Pic|24px|Reanimated_Skeleton_Atr...)
(Consnaze移动Bone Helm页面至骸骨頭盔: 將頁面標題改為中文)

2018年1月19日 (五) 06:43的版本

Wilson Portrait
It gives me terrible visions.


Willow Portrait
I've got a headache just looking at it.


Wolfgang Portrait
Puts scary pictures in Wolfgang's head.


Wendy Portrait
A tortured mind dwelled within.


WX-78 Portrait


Wickerbottom Portrait
It has a detrimental effect on the mortal mind.


Woodie Portrait
That right there's a cursed object, eh?


Maxwell Portrait
A most tragic and unfitting end.


Wigfrid Portrait
Immörtal's sight was nöt meant för thee.


Webber Portrait
It's not very comfy.


The Bone Helm is an Item exclusive to Don't Starve Together, introduced in A New Reign. It is dropped by the Ancient Fuelweaver. Upon wearing the helmet the player will experience the effects of 0 Sanity, similar to the Nightmare Amulet.

However, when wearing the Helm, all Shadow Creatures will become neutral. They will not attack unless provoked or the Helm is taken off.

Mr. Skits Behavior

When in groups, attacking one will not cause the other Shadow Creatures to aggro. It will only cause the provoked Creature to pursue. It will continue to give aggro for about 2 minutes, and then it will become neutral again. If one player is wearing the helm and another is insane, the creatures will appear to hunt the insane player while keeping the helmed one completely unharmed.

Placeholder Trivia

  • The Bone Helm was added in a Bonus Update after the completion of A New Reign.
  • While wearing a Bone Helm, neutral Shadow Creatures (and Nightmare Creatures) will often perform their aggro animation when near the player, then back away.
可食用物品 蝙蝠翅膀奶油蝴蝶翅膀鹿角怪眼球雞腿青蛙腿犀牛角光莓蜂蜜葉肉螢光珠曼德拉草大肉怪物肉小肉块膿鼻涕
Reign of Giants icon活力牛奶咕嚕咪黏液
Shipwrecked icon香蕉脂肪椰子死狗鱼死水母死彩虹水母死剑鱼死龙虾龍心虎鯊之眼小鱼肉大鱼肉热带鱼鲨鱼鳍
Hamlet icon捕蝇草茎花蜜箭毒蛙腿
Don't Starve Together icon蜂王漿火龙果种子月蛾翅膀
合成資源 灰燼蓝色羽毛鬍鬚野牛角野牛毛兔毛球木炭红色羽毛燧石齒輪狗牙黑色羽毛活木蚊子囊袋夢魘燃料豬皮紫寶石藍寶石紅寶石圓石蜘蛛絲蛞蝓黏液啜食獸毛皮蜘蛛腺體鋼羊毛螫針斑点触手皮圖勒碎片海象長牙
Reign of Giants icon猫尾巴羽绒咕嚕咪翅膀鳞片厚毛皮伏特山羊角
Shipwrecked icon海豚背鳍渡渡鸟羽毛金币空瓶子水牛角魔法海豹黑曜石海怪嘴鲨鱼鳃蛇皮涡轮叶片毒腺
Hamlet icon甲壳质河鹿角铁矿孔雀羽毛鸭嘴豪猪刺豬皮雷鸟羽毛象鼻鼠虫壳注铁
Don't Starve Together icon乾草沙漠石熊獾绒毛蜂窝黄色羽毛蘑菇皮
战利品 吹箭藍圖食人花种子坎普斯的袋子华丽箱子蜘蛛卵甲壳头盔蜗牛盔甲蜘蛛帽苏格兰帽觸手釘錘
Reign of Giants icon韋伯的頭骨
Shipwrecked icon海盗背包深渊宝箱眼睛吹箭鱼叉铁钥匙蛇油舊王冠黄色蚊子囊袋
Hamlet icon强盗藏匿地图王冠蛇骨鬼祟帽火炬
Don't Starve Together icon女王蜂帽骸骨護甲骸骨頭盔冰凍的岩漿蟲鹿角钥匙化石熔岩蛋R玫瑰暗影心臟暗影香爐设计图克劳斯钥匙
间接取得 蜜蜂野牛毛蝴蝶烏鴉螢火蟲鸟粪糞便紅鳥雪鳥種子兔子蚊子
Reign of Giants icon咕嚕咪黏液鼴鼠
Shipwrecked icon發光生物螃蟹水母鸚鵡海盜鸚鵡海鷗大嘴鳥龍蝦覆蓋膽汁的泥漿彩虹水母魚子鸕鶿
Hamlet icon金砂翠鸟橙色异食松鼠鸽子异食松鼠
Don't Starve Together icon金絲雀乾草