Don't Starve 中文維基
Don't Starve 中文維基



Grass Suit 草製護甲具有 225 耐久度並能吸收 60% 的物理傷害。
Log Suit 木製護甲具有 450 耐久度並能吸收 80% 的物理傷害。
Night Armour 暗影護甲具有 750 耐久度並能吸收 95% 的物理傷害。裝備時每分鐘都會減少 10 理智值並且每次受到傷害時都會減少相當於所受傷害 10% 的理智(護甲傷害減免前的原始傷害)。
Marble Suit 大理石護甲具有 1050 耐久度並能吸收 95% 的物理傷害。裝備大理石護甲的玩家會減少 30% 的移動速度。
Snurtle Shell Armor 蝸牛盔甲具有 1050 耐久度並能吸收 60% 的物理傷害(躲起來時能吸收 100%)。蝸牛盔甲有 75% 的機會從蝸牛龜身上掉落。
Thulecite Suit 圖勒護甲具有 1800 耐久度並能吸收 90% 的物理傷害。裝備時,每分鐘可以回復玩家 3.3 點的理智值。
Scalemail 鱗片護甲具有 1800 耐久度並能吸收 70% 的物理傷害。裝備時,玩家可以免疫屬性傷害、點燃傷害玩家的生物、並且每分鐘可以回復玩家 3.3 點的理智值。Reign of Giants icon
Seashell Suit 貝殼護甲具有 750 耐久度並能吸收 75% 的物理傷害同時能夠免疫物理接觸所造成的中毒效果。 Shipwrecked icon
Limestone Suit 石灰岩護甲具有 825 耐久度並能吸收 70% 的物理傷害。裝備時會減少玩家 10% 的移動速度但每分鐘可以回復玩家 2.0 點的理智值 Shipwrecked icon
Obsidian Armor 黑耀石護甲具有 1350 耐久度並能吸收 70% 的物理傷害。裝備時,玩家可以免疫屬性傷害並點燃傷害玩家的生物。 Shipwrecked icon
Cactus Armour 仙人掌護甲具有 450 耐久度並能吸收 80% 的物理傷害。裝備時,對攻擊玩家的生物造成 17 點傷害。 Shipwrecked icon


Football Helmet 橄欖球頭盔具有 450 耐久度並能吸收 80% 的物理傷害同時提供 20% 的抗潮濕能力。
Beekeeper Hat 養蜂帽具有 750 耐久度並能吸收 80% 來自蜜蜂殺人蜂的物理傷害。
Shelmet 甲殼頭盔具有 750 耐久度並能吸收 90% 的物理傷害。甲殼頭盔有 10% 的機會從蛞蝓龜身上掉落。
Thulecite Crown 圖勒皇冠具有 1200 耐久度並能吸收 90% 的物理傷害。同時在受到傷害時也有一定機會創造出可以減少 100% 所受傷害的保護力場,原本所受傷害的 5% 會改為減少玩家的理智。
Battle Helm 戰盔具有 750 耐久度並能吸收 80% 的物理傷害同時提供 20% 的抗潮濕能力。只有《巨人王朝》中的腳色薇格弗德可以製作。 Reign of Giants icon
Horned Helmet 角盔具有 600 耐久度並能吸收 85% 的物理傷害同時提供 35% 的抗潮濕能力以及免疫物理接觸所造成的中毒效果。 Shipwrecked icon.



  1. 一開始傷害的會被 主護甲 吸收
  2. 剩下的傷害再被 副護甲 吸收
  3. 最後剩餘的傷害才會反應在角色的 HealthMeter 上面

在遊戲中除非先被擊中或是使用模組,否則你很難去辨認哪件護甲是主護甲哪件是副護甲。重新裝備它們或是重新載入遊戲改變優先序。但玩家最後減少的 HealthMeter 並不會因為這個次序影響。

範例:當蜘蛛女王對同時裝備了Grass Suit主護甲)和 Football Helmet副護甲)玩家造成了 80 點傷害時,實際受到的傷害會根據以下公式減免:

  • 80 × 0.6 = 48 傷害會被 Grass Suit 吸收
  • (80 − 48) × 0.8 = 25.6 傷害會被 Football Helmet 吸收
  • 80 − 48 − 25.6 = 6.4 傷害會反應到角色的 HealthMeter 上面

傷害公式可以簡化成 80 × (1 − 0.6) × (1 − 0.8) = 6.4

主 / 副護甲

The game itself does not distinguish any sort of pre-defined priorities of armor, instead takes them on the fly. While it might be hard to keep track of what armor receives the most damage, it is manageable.

Primary armor, i.e. the armor that absorbs the most damage, is always the last equipped. In order to save one's helmet, they would equip the helmet first, then the suit. If a suit is hot switched (replaced right away) it keeps its position. However, if there is any moment in which the helmet slot is empty (occurs when a helmet breaks, even if the player has a replacement in their inventory), the helmet assumes the primary slot and the suit has to be re-equipped.

It has been reported that reloading the game could change the positions. If not sure what armor is primary, just unequip your suit and equip it again, and the suit will become the primary.

Keep in mind that even the most beaten up log/grass suit still retains its original fuel value, therefore does not have to be used up. Instead of heading into the battle with an armor with low durability, risking the helmet assuming primary slot mid-fight, try equipping the shiny new suit and leaving the old one for when the night comes.

  • It is unconfirmed if this holds true in Shipwrecked. Current Belief is that primary armor is always the helmet, even if you reequip your chest armor while wearing both.


Armor has less durability (by 30%) and can no longer be multiplicatively stacked as it could before; the game now uses the better armor's absorption, then divides the damage absorbed between the two worn armors weighted by their absorption (Although testing points more to a 50/50 distribution).

EXAMPLE: Taking a 100 damage attack while wearing a Football Helmet and a Log Suit (80% absorption each) causes 20 damage to the player and 80 damage split among the armors. If a Grass Suit (60% absorption) is worn with the Football Helmet, the player will take the same 20 damage (because the higher 80% absorption takes priority), but the durability damage will be divided differently using an unknown formula (after personal testing, it looks to be 50/50 and not weighted by absorption).
