Don't Starve 中文維基
Don't Starve 中文維基


  • 敵對(Hostile)生物會在玩家進入他們附近一定範圍時(「仇恨」範圍),主動對玩家攻擊(例如:蜘蛛獵犬)。
  • 中立 (Neutral)生物會在玩家由某些動作激怒他們後(例如攻擊該生物或其同類),對玩家發動攻擊(例如;兔人)。
  • 被動(Passive)生物即使在玩家攻擊或追趕他們時,也不會反擊(例如:兔子)。


生命Health (HP)


武器攻擊* 角色攻擊乘數


生物生命/ 玩家的攻擊

傷害Damage (DMG)


生物傷害 *( 100% - 盔甲所吸收傷害%數)

攻擊間隔Attack Period (AP)


Insanity Aura (IA)


走速Walk Speed​​ (WS)

當生物不在主動攻擊狀態(敵對及中立生物) 也非逃離玩家追趕(被動生物) 時的移動速度。

跑速Run Speed​​ (RS)








Butterfly 蝴蝶 P 1 5 5 Butterfly Wings98% or Butter2%
Bee 蜜蜂 N 100 10 2 5 5 Honey16.7% or Stinger83.3%
Killer Bee 殺人蜂 H 100 10 2 5 5 Honey16.7% or Stinger83.3%
Mosquito 蚊子 H 100 3 2 8 12 Mosquito Sack
Crow 烏鴉 P 25 Morsel50% or Crow Feather50%
Redbird 紅雀 P 25 Morsel50% or Crimson Feather50%
Winter Snowbird 雪雀 P 25 Morsel50% or Azure Feather50%
Gobbler 火雞 P 50 3 8 Drumstick x2
Rabbit 兔子 P 25 5 5 Morsel
Beardling 毛毛兔 P 25 -40 5 5 Monster Meat40% or Nightmare Fuel40% or Beard Hair20%
Mandrake Mob 曼德拉草 P 20 6 6 Mandrake
Frog 青蛙 H 100 10 1 4 8 Frog Legs
Beefalo 野牛 N 500 34 4 1.5 7 Meat× 4, × 3 and 33%Beefalo WoolBeefalo Horn
Baby Beefalo 青年野牛 P 300 1.8 8.1 Meat× 3, × 2Beefalo Wool
Baby Beefalo 幼年野牛 P 300 1.4 6.3 Morsel× 4, × 2Beefalo Wool
Baby Beefalo 野牛寶寶 P 300 1 4.5 Morsel× 3,Beefalo Wool
Koalefant 無尾象 N 500 50 4 1.5 7 Meat× 8,Koalefant Trunk
Winter Koalefant 無尾冬象 N 500 50 4 1.5 7 Meat× 8,Winter Koalefant Trunk
Ewecus 钢铁羊 H 500 60 Meat×4, Steel Wool×2-3, Phlegm×1-2
Tallbird 高腳鳥 H 400 50 2 7 7 Meat× 2
Teenbird 青年高腳鳥 N 300 37.5 2 6 6 Meat
Smallbird 小高腳鳥 P 50 10 1 6 6 Morsel
Penguin 海鷗企鵝 N 150 33 3 2 ? Jet Feather20%和Drumstick10%和 Morsel10%, Egg(若藏著)
Tentacle 觸手怪 H 500 34 2 -40 Monster Meat× 2, Tentacle Spike50% and Tentacle Spots20%
Tentapillar 巨型觸手怪 P 500 Light Bulb80%, 50% once a day, 40%, 25% 4 per day, 10%, 10% once per day, 10%Tentacle Spike
Tentacle SpotsMarsh Turf
Slurtle SlimeSkeleton1 Rocks
Baby Tentacle 新生觸手怪 H 20 5 3
Shadow Tentacle 暗影觸手怪 H 500 34 2 -40
Clockwork Bishop 發條主教 H 300 40 4 5 5 Gears× 2,Purple Gem
Damaged bishop 殘破的


H 300 40 4 5 5 Purple Gem, Nightmare Fuel60%, Thulecite Fragments50%
Clockwork Knight 發條


H 300 40 2 5 5 Gears× 2
Damaged Knight 殘破的發條騎士 H 300 40 2 5 5 Gears, Nightmare Fuel60%, Thulecite Fragments50%
Rook 發條犀牛 H 300 45 2 5 16 Gears× 2
Damaged Clockwork 殘破


H 300 45 2 5 16 Gears, Nightmare Fuel60%, Thulecite Fragments50%
Crawling Horror 爬行


H 300 20 2.5 -100 3 3 Nightmare Fueland Nightmare Fuel50%, +15Sanity
Terrorbeak 巨喙


H 400 50 1.5 -100 7 7 Nightmare Fueland Nightmare Fuel50% , +33Sanity
獵犬 H 150 20 2 -40 10 10 Monster Meat, Hound's Tooth12.5%
Red Hound
紅獵犬 H 100 30 2 -40 10 10 Monster Meat, Hound's Tooth, × 3 and 20%AshRed Gem
Ice hound
藍獵犬 H 100 30 2 -40 10 10 Monster Meat, × 2 and 20%Hound's ToothBlue Gem
Krampus 坎普斯 N 200 50 1.2 7 7 Monster Meat, × 2 and 1%CharcoalKrampus Sack
MacTusk 海象爸爸 H 150 33 3 3 6 Meat, Blow Dartand Walrus Tusk50% and Tam o' Shanter25%
WeeTusk 小海象 H 100 22 5.1 3 5 Meat
Merm 魚人 H 250 30 3 3 8 FishFrog Legs
Pig 豬人 N 250 33 3 +25 (友好時) 3 5 Meat75% or Pig Skin25%
Guardian Pig 豬人守衛 H 300 33 1.5 3 5 Meat75% or Pig Skin25%
Werepig 狂暴豬人 H 350 40 2 -100 3 7 Meat× 2,Pig Skin
Bunnyman 兔人 N 200 40 2 +25 (友好時) 3 6 Carrot× 2, Bunny Puff25% or Meat75%
Beardlord 毛毛王 N 200 60 1 ? 3 6 Monster Meat, × 2Beard Hair
Rock Lobster 石龍蝦 N 1250-1800 62.5-90 1 ? 2 Rocks × 2, × 2,Flint Meat
Spider 蜘蛛 H 100 20 3 -25 3 5 Monster Meat50% or Silk25% or Spider Gland25%
Spider Warrior 蜘蛛戰士 H 200 20 4-6 -40 4 5 Monster Meat50% or Silk25% or Spider Gland25%
Cave Spider 洞穴蜘蛛 H 150 20 3 -15 3 5 Monster Meat50% or Silk25% or Spider Gland25%
Spitter 吐網蜘蛛 H 175 20 6 -15 4 5 Monster Meat50% or Silk25% or Spider Gland25%
Dangling Depth Dweller 白蜘蛛 H 200 20 2 -25 3 5 Monster Meat50% or Silk25% or Spider Gland25%
Batilisk 蝙蝠 H 50 20 1 8 Batilisk Wing15% and Monster Meat10% and Guano15%
Slurper 啜食獸 H 200 30 5 -25 9 Light Bulbx2, Slurper Pelt50%
Depths Worm 深淵蠕蟲 H 900 75 4 -25 ? Monster Meatx4,Worm Light
Splumonkey Cropped 穴居猴 P 125 20 2 7 Morsel, Cave Banana, Nightmare Fuel50%
Shadow Splumonkey 暗影穴居猴 H 125 20 2 7 Cave Banana, Beard Hair, 50% , Any stolen items in its InventoryNightmare Fuel
Slurtle 蛞蝓龜 P 600 25 4 3 Slurtle Slimex2, Broken Shell90% or Shelmet10%
Snurtle 蝸牛龜 P 200 7 Slurtle Slimex2, Broken Shell25% or Snurtle Shell Armor75%
Treeguard 樹人守衛(大型) N 2500 186(62) 3 -100 1.875 1.875 Monster Meat, × 6Living Log
Treeguard 樹人守衛(中型) N 2000 150(50) 3 -100 1.5 1.5 Monster Meat, × 6Living Log
Treeguard 樹人守衛(小型) N 1400 105(35) 3 -100 1.05 1.05 Monster Meat, × 6Living Log
Spider Queen 蜘蛛女王 H 1250 80 3 -400 1.75 1.75 Monster Meat× 4, × 4, ,SilkSpider EggsSpiderhat
Deerclops 鹿角怪 H 2000 150(50) 3 -400 3 3 Meat× 8,Deerclops Eyeball
Chester 切斯特 P 450 3 7 內有物
Ghost Build 鬼魂 H 200 15 1.2 -40 2 2
Abigail build 阿比蓋爾 N 600 10, 20, 40 1.5 5 5
Abigail's Flower
DS-charlie-head 查理(暗影怪物) H N/A 100 Random -20 (每次攻擊) 無法殺死
Ancient Guardian 遠古守護者 H 2500 100 2 5 17 Meat× 8, Rhino Horn,Ornate Chest
MinoClop 眼球鐳射塔 N 1000 65 3 -2
Lureplant 食人花 P 300 Fleshy Bulb, 任何未消化物品
Eyeplant 眼球草 H 30 20 1
Worm Hole 蟲洞 P N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 無法殺死
Sick Wormhole 生病


Fireflies 螢火蟲 P N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 無法殺死
Pig King 豬豬國王 P N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 無法殺死
Bearger 熊獾
Reign of Giants icon
H 3000 200(100) 3 -400 3 (6) 10 Meat×8, Thick Fur
Buzzard 秃鹰
Reign of Giants icon
N 175 15 2 4 8 Drumstick, Morsel33% , Jet Feather33%
Catcoon 浣熊猫
Reign of Giants icon
N 150 25 2 3 3 Meat, Cat Tail33%
Dragonfly 蜻蜓龙
Reign of Giants icon
H 2750 150, 75 x3 225 (75, 37.5 x3 112.5) 2.5 -400 4 4 Meat×8, Scales
Glommer 咕嚕咪
Reign of Giants icon
P 100 +6.25/min (if allied) 6 6 Monster Meat×3, Glommer's Wings, Glommer's Goop×2
Moleworms 鼴鼠
Reign of Giants icon
P 25 2.75 2.75 Morsel, Any stolen items
Goose 麋鹿鵝
Reign of Giants icon
H 3000 150(75) 3 8 12 Meat×6 Drumstick×2, Down Feather×3-5
Mosling 麋鹿鵝寶寶
Reign of Giants icon
N 350 50 3 5 5 Meat, Drumstick, Down Feather×2-3 133%
Poison Birchnut Tree 毒白桦树
Reign of Giants icon
H N/A 40 Immobile Immobile Birchnut×3, Living Log×2 (+1 stump), Nightmare Fuel
Birchnutter 桦果精
Reign of Giants icon
H 50 5 2 3.5 3.5 Birchnut40%, Twigs60%
Varg 座狼
Reign of Giants icon
H 600 50 3 5.5 5.5 Monster Meat×4-6, Hound's Tooth1-3
Volt Goat 伏特山羊
Reign of Giants icon
N 350 25 2 4 8 Meat×3, Volt Goat Horn25%
Charged Volt Goat 充电伏特山羊
Reign of Giants icon
H 350 37.5 2 4 8 Meat×3, Electric Milk, Volt Goat Horn25%
Blue Whale 蓝鲸
Shipwrecked icon
N 650 50 3.5 2 4 Blue Whale Carcass
Bottlenose Ballphin 宽吻海豚
Shipwrecked icon
N 100 10 6 5 8 Fish Morsel×2, Empty Bottle (DS)50%
Cormorant 鸬鹚
Shipwrecked icon
P 25 Morsel50%, Jet Feather50%
Crabbit 螃蟹
Shipwrecked icon
P 50 1.5 5 Fish Morsel
Crocodog 鳄鱼狗
Shipwrecked icon
H 150 20 2 -40 10 Monster Meat, Hound's Tooth×2 12.5%
Blue Crocodog 蓝鳄鱼狗
Shipwrecked icon
H 100 30 2 -40 10 Monster Meat, Hound's Tooth×2, Seaweed20%
Yellow Crocodog 黄鳄鱼狗
Shipwrecked icon
H 100 30 2 -40 10 Monster Meat, Hound's Tooth, Venom Gland20%
Dogfish 狗鱼
Shipwrecked icon
P 100 5 8 Dead Dogfish
Doydoy 渡渡鸟
Shipwrecked icon
P 100 2 Meat, Drumstick×2, Doydoy Feather×2
Teen Doydoy 青年渡渡鸟
Shipwrecked icon
P 75 1.5 Drumstick, Doydoy Feather×2
Baby Doydoy 幼年渡渡鸟
Shipwrecked icon
P 25 5 Morsel, Doydoy Feather
Dragoon 龙骑士
Shipwrecked icon
H 300 25 1 3 15 Monster Meat, Dragoon Heart10%
Fishermerm 渔人
Shipwrecked icon
P 150 Tropical Fish
Floaty Boaty Knight 发条骑士船
Shipwrecked icon
H 500 50 6 3 6 Gears×1-3
Flup 沼泽鱼
Shipwrecked icon
H 100 25 Monster Meat, Eyeshot25%
Jellyfish 水母
Shipwrecked icon
P 50 5 2 Dead Jellyfish
Packim Baggims 鹈鹕
Shipwrecked icon
P 450 10
Palm Treeguard 棕榈树人守卫
Shipwrecked icon
N 750 50 3 -100 1.5 Coconut, Living Log
Parrot 鹦鹉
Shipwrecked icon
P 25 Morsel50%, Crimson Feather50%
Parrot Pirate 海盗鹦鹉
Shipwrecked icon
P 25 +25 Morsel50%, Crimson Feather50%
Poison Snake 毒蛇
Shipwrecked icon
H 100 10 3 3 Monster Meat20%, Venom Gland20%, Snakeskin10%, Snake Oil0.2%
Poison Mosquito 毒蚊子
Shipwrecked icon
H 100 3 2 8 12 Yellow Mosquito Sack50%, Venom Gland
PrimeApe 猿猴
Shipwrecked icon
N 125 20 2 7 Morsel or Banana, Manure, Any stolen items
Quacken 海怪
Shipwrecked icon
H 1000 50 15 Immobile Immobile Chest of the Depths, Booty Bag, Iron Key
Quacken Tentacle 海怪触手
Shipwrecked icon
H 90 50 8 Immobile Immobile Tentacle Spike5%, Tentacle Spots10%
Rainbow Jellyfish 彩虹水母
Shipwrecked icon
P 50 3 Dead Rainbow Jellyfish
Sea Hound 海猎犬
Shipwrecked icon
H 150 20 1.5 -40 10 Monster Meat×1, Hound's Tooth12.5%, Shark Fin12.5%
Seagull 海鸥
Shipwrecked icon
P 25 Morsel50%, Azure Feather50%
Seal 海豹
Shipwrecked icon
P 10 Meat×4, Magic Seal
Sealnado 旋风海豹
Shipwrecked icon
H 3000 75 (250) 3 5 13 Turbine Blades
Sharkitten 虎鲨宝宝
Shipwrecked icon
P 150 Raw Fish×2-3, Shark Gills×0-2
Shipwrecked icon
H 100 10 3 3 Monster Meat33%, Snakeskin16%, Snake Oil0.33%
Spider Warrior (Venomous) 蜘蛛战士(海难)
Shipwrecked icon
H 200 20 4-6 -40 4 5 Monster Meat50%, Silk25%, Venom Gland25%
Stink Ray 松鼠鱼
Shipwrecked icon
H 50 0 1 8 Monster Meat66.7%, Venom Gland33.3%
Swordfish 剑鱼
Shipwrecked icon
H 200 30 2 5 8 Dead Swordfish
Tiger Shark 虎鲨
Shipwrecked icon
N 2500 100 (225) 3 8 12 Raw Fish×8, Eye of the Tiger Shark×1-2, Shark Gills×2-4
Toucan 大嘴鸟
Shipwrecked icon
P 25 Morsel50%, Jet Feather50%
Water Beefalo 水牛
Shipwrecked icon
N 500 34 5 1.5 7.5 Meat×4, Horn33%
White Whale 白鲸
Shipwrecked icon
H 800 75 3 2.5 5 White Whale Carcass
Wildbore 野猪
Shipwrecked icon
N 250 Meat75%, Pig Skin25%
Wobster 龙虾
Shipwrecked icon
P 25 1.5 4 Dead Wobster
Yaarctopus 海盗章鱼
Shipwrecked icon
P Immobile Immobile
Antlion 蚁狮
Don't Starve Together icon
N 6000 50, 75, 100 4 -40 Immobile Immobile Desert Stone×6-8, Meat×4, Rocks×2-4, Trinkets, Blueprint (rare)
Bee Queen 女王蜂
Don't Starve Together icon
H 22500 60(120) 2 4 4 Honey×3-4, Honeycomb×1-2, Stinger×1, Royal Jelly×6-7, Bee Queen Crown, Blueprint (rare)
Lavae 超可爱岩浆虫
Don't Starve Together icon
P 250
Red Gem DeerBlue Gem Deer 宝石鹿
Don't Starve Together icon
H 1500 25 2 2.5 8 Meat×2, Red Gem×1, Blue Gem×1
Grass Gekko 草鬣蜥
Don't Starve Together icon
P 150 1 10 Cut Grass, Leafy Meat
Guardian Bee 大黄蜂
Don't Starve Together icon
H 180 15 2 3 8 Stinger
Hutch 哈奇
Don't Starve Together icon
P 450
Lavae 岩浆虫
Don't Starve Together icon
H 500 50 Rocks×1-5 (if frozen)
No-Eyed Deer 无眼鹿
Don't Starve Together icon
P 700 2.5 8 Meat×1-2, Bone Shards×1-2
Toadstool 蟾蜍王
Don't Starve Together icon
H 52500 100, 120, 150, 250 3.5, 3, 2.5, 2 0.6, 0.8, 1.2, 3.2 Frog Legs×1, Meat×3.75, Red Cap×1.66, Green Cap×1.66, Blue Cap×1.66, Shroom Skin×1, Blueprint (rare)×2, Blue Spore / Green Spore / Red Spore×2.5
Misery Toadstool 苦难蟾蜍王
Don't Starve Together icon
H 99999 150, 175, 225, 300 3.5, 3, 2.5, 2 0.6, 0.8, 1.2, 3.2 Frog Legs×1, Meat×3.75, Red Cap×1.66, Green Cap×1.66, Blue Cap×1.66, Shroom Skin×1, Blueprint (rare)×3, Blue Spore / Green Spore / Red Spore×2.5
Stalker minion1 Woven Shadow
Don't Starve Together icon
P 1 -40 3 3
Stalker minion2 Woven Shadow
Don't Starve Together icon
P 1 -40 1.5 1.5

HP = 生命(Health Points), Dmg = 傷害(Damage dealt per hit), AP =攻擊間隔( Attack Period), IA =瘋狂光環(Insanity aura), WS =走速(Walk Speed), RS = 跑速(Run Speed)



Aggro Table V1

Mob Table

也有Klei Forum User Spazmatic的一張電子表格,來自這個Klei thread,位於這個Google Docs location .

主动生物 蝙蝠發條主教發條犀牛發條騎士深淵蠕蟲青蛙豬人守衛鬼魂暗影生物獵犬 (火獵犬冰獵犬) • 殺人蜂食人花海象小海象魚人蚊子蜘蛛蜘蛛戰士喷吐蜘蛛洞穴蜘蛛穴居悬蛛啜食獸高鸟觸手 (巨型觸手觸手寶寶) • 钢羊
(毒桦栗树桦栗果精座狼 Reign of Giants icon) (浮船骑士沼泽鱼毒蚊子毒蛇蜘蛛戰士(劇毒)海獵犬松鼠鱼劍魚白鯨呆龙 Shipwrecked icon) (远古之魂巨型蛆虫虫群悬挂的藤蔓蚁人蒙面猪人箭毒蛙蝎子利齿蜘蛛猴吸血蝙蝠蝰蛇象鼻鼠虫 Hamlet icon) (粘土猎犬粘土座狼宝石鹿大黄蜂岩漿蟲暗影棋子饼干切割机破碎蜘蛛岩石大白鲨海黾嫌疑窥视者 Don't Starve Together icon)
中立生物 蜜蜂皮弗娄牛兔人 (胡须领主) • 考拉象坎普斯企鷗豬人 (狂暴豬人) • 石龍蝦蝸牛龜蛞蝓龜小高腳鳥穴居猴
(禿鷹浣熊貓伏特山羊 Reign of Giants icon) (藍鯨宽吻海豚猿猴水牛野豬 Shipwrecked icon) (曼德拉长者河鹿蚁人异食松鼠鸭嘴豪猪哈巴狸 Hamlet icon)(沙拉蝾螈乌贼一角鲸海草怪草鳄鱼 Don't Starve Together icon)
被动生物 野牛寶寶蝴蝶切斯特烏鴉火雞曼德拉草小兔 (毛毛兔) • 紅鳥高腳雛鳥雪鳥
(咕嚕咪鼴鼠(地鼠) Reign of Giants icon) (螃蟹狗魚渡渡鸟漁人水母鵜鶘鸚鵡海盗鸚鵡海鷗海豹虎鯊寶寶巨嘴鳥龍蝦 Shipwrecked icon) (蜣螂翠鸟淘金兽呆头孔雀罗宾雷鸟 Hamlet icon) (超可愛岩漿蟲草壁虎哈奇金丝雀月蛾无眼鹿编织暗影 Don't Starve Together icon)
Boss级生物 远古守护者獨眼巨鹿蜘蛛女王樹人守衛
(熊獾龍蠅麋鹿鵝 Reign of Giants icon (棕櫚樹人守衛海怪旋风海豹虎鯊 Shipwrecked icon) (铁巨人远古先驱蚁后翘鼻蛇怪 Hamlet icon) (毒菌蟾蜍蟻獅女王蜂克勞斯復活骸骨(远古织影者)邪天翁帝王蟹果蝇王天体英雄恐怖之眼双子魔眼激光眼魔焰眼 Don't Starve Together icon)
交易者 豬豬國王
(海盜章魚 Shipwrecked icon) (银行家美容師收藏家Erudite农民花商Hatmaker猎人矿工松露斯坦镇长玛法拉法女王教授店主侍者工人 Hamlet icon) (蚁狮 Don't Starve Together icon)
其他 阿比蓋爾查理(黑暗)麥斯威爾(NPC)
(BFB麦斯避役 Hamlet icon) (伯尼熊小动物虚影大虚影 Don't Starve Together icon)
熔炉 Don't Starve Together icon 战斗大师普格纳野猪猩鳄鱼指挥官大熔炉猪战士地狱独眼巨猪熔岩傀儡猪斗士犀牛兄弟剧毒蝎尖甲龟
暴食 Don't Starve Together icon 比利玛姆茜老皮弗娄牛卵石蟹鸽子彼顿山米沼泽猪人沼泽猪人长老