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Red Hound 紅色獵犬

紅色獵犬(Red Hounds)也稱為火焰獵犬(Flame Hounds)火狗(Fire Hounds) 或者地獄獵犬(Hellhounds),通常出現在夏季,它們跟藍色獵犬對應,紅色獵犬比普通獵犬有更少的生命值,免疫燃燒和對冰凍有較高的抗性,當紅色獵犬死亡后,將會形成三團火焰並且持續燃燒至少6秒,然後熄滅變成灰燼 ,這些火焰可能會燃燒附近的建築物或者植物),紅色獵犬死亡后會掉落一隻怪物肉和一個狗牙,有時候可能會掉落紅寶石



Blue Hound 藍色獵犬

藍色獵犬(Blue Hound),也稱為冰狗(Ice Hound),通常會在冬天時獵犬攻擊玩家時出現,跟紅色獵犬對應,藍色獵犬比普通獵犬的生命更少,但是傷害比普通獵犬高而且攻擊帶有冰凍效果,而且免疫任何的冰凍效果,藍色獵犬死亡后會掉落一個怪物肉和兩個狗牙,有時候會掉落藍寶石





When a pack of Hounds is nearby, snorting and growling sounds can be heard. These sounds start off softly and grow louder as the Hounds approach. Characters will soon call attention to these sounds with phrases such as, "Did you hear that?" Usually these warnings appear at least twice before the Hounds come. Once the hounds appear, the growling will be replaced by a running/panting sound as they charge.

Character Warnings:

  • Wilson: Did you hear that?
  • Willow: Show yourself!
  • Wolfgang: I hear puppies!
  • Wendy: The hounds are baying.
  • Wickerbottom: Something is approaching.
  • Woodie: There's something out there.
  • Wes: ...
  • Maxwell: The hounds are growing restless.
  • Wigfrid: The beasts are appröaching...
  • Webber: Doggies are coming!


Hounds immediately charge the character when they appear. Unlike other monsters, they are not distracted by Meats on the ground, although they occasionally stop to eat when they lose interest in the player. After a while, they can become interested in any other Mob and may attack them if the character is some distance away. Hounds will even sometimes sit outside rabbit holes if the rabbit has escaped inside. It is possible for Hounds to run off somewhere to chase another target, then wander back to the player and attack.

If there are walls between the Hounds and their target, they will attack the walls and attempt to break them down, unless there's an entrance to the "fort".

In the brand new DLC (Reign of Giants), one can find a random area within the desert that contains bones and carcasses of dead animals. This is "Houndland", hounds can be found in those areas at anytime. They will only stray a certain distance from their area and it is best not setting up your own base nearby...


Hounds are really fast and cannot be outrun, unless they are being distracted, or if the player has a cane and/or the character is running on a road. They will bite as soon as they are in range and pause for a moment before and after each chomp. It is possible to dodge their bite and then strike back during the pause, although this is difficult with multiple Hounds attacking. Wearing an item that slows the player, such as the Marble Suit, will greatly increase the chance of being bitten.

Once a Hound executes an attack, successful or not, it may stop to bark. When they do this, their A.I. will target the nearest mob/food, and cause them to go for it instead. This is a great way to kill them, as when they attack a Mob that fights in a group such as a Beefalo, they will be quickly dispatched.

Below is the number of hits it takes with each weapon to kill Hounds when playing with characters with a default damage modifier. The Weather Pain is not included due to the random nature of its projectile.

武器 Fishing RodBug Net Lucy the Axe Shovel Pitchfork

Hammer Torch Umbrella

Walking Cane Willow's Lighter

Axe Pickaxe

Luxury Axe Opulent Pickaxe


PickSlashAxe Spear Bat Bat Ham Bat Morning Star Slurtle Slime Tooth Trap

Tentacle Spike Battle Spear Dark Sword

Thulecite Club

Fire DartFire Staff Blow Dart GunpowderOld Bell
No. of hits for
36 12 9 6 5 5 4 3-6 4 or 3 3 3 2 1
No. of hits for
Red Hound
24 8 6 4 4 3 3 2-4 3 or 2 2 免疫 1 1
No. of hits for
Blue Hound
24 8 6 4 4 3 3 2-4 3 or 2 2 3 1 1


Hound attacks are a threat in a Sandbox Mode. The default attacks escalate until they are too dangerous to fight alone. Custom Hound attacks are constant.

After the second attack, there is a chance that some of the Hounds will be Red Hounds in the summer and Blue Hounds in the winter. The chance of those varieties appearing increases by the day.

There are currently no Hounds in Caves, with Depths Worms serving their purpose in a similar manner.

Default setting Next attack Hounds Advance warning (seconds)
Day 0 to 9 6 to 12 days 2 120
Day 10 to 24 6 to 12 days 3 to 4 60
Day 25 to 49 4 to 10 days 4 to 6 45
Day 50 to 99 4 to 10 days 5 to 7 30
Day 100 or more 3 to 7 days 7 to 10 30
Custom setting Next attack Hounds

Advance warning (seconds)

Never -- -- --
Less 6 to 12 days 2 to 4 60
More 4 to 10 days 3 to 5 45
Lots 3 to 7 days 4 to 6 30

The attack script is in: DontStarve > data > scripts > components > hounded.lua According to the script, the default hound attacks eventually escalate to "crazy" (settings as per the last entry in the Default settings table above).

Currently the only way to eventually get to a "crazy" level of hounds is to leave the hound attack setting on default. All other settings are constant (as described above). In other words, currently it is only possible to make the hounds easier overall, easier in the long term (but more difficult early on), or to leave them as default.


Beefalo and Hounds

Beefalo attacking Hounds.

See also: Hound Wave Survival Guide or Hound Repelling
  • For a few Hounds (2-3), the player should be able to defeat them with a Spear, Log Suit, and Football Helmet. Even just a Log Suit and an Axe can prove sufficient.
  • For lots of Hounds, lead them to Tooth Traps or Bee Mines, or lure them to the Beefalo. Once Beefalo are bitten by the Hounds, all Beefalo nearby will join in to attack the Hounds. This will probably kill all the Hounds while possibly giving bonus drops from killed Beefalo. The same basic strategy can be employed using Pigs instead of Beefalo, also. The main consideration when choosing between the two would be the proximity, the number of neutral mobs available, and the time of day (Pigs go back to their houses for the dusk/night). Pigs can deal with Hounds faster because they attack them on sight and use kiting.
  • Leading the hounds to a group Frog Ponds during summer works well. After the first frog is hit by a hound, all nearby frogs will swarm the hounds. Red Hound deaths cannot destroy ponds, so no resources are lost. Frogs do not eat meat, so you can recover all Hound loot as well as any frog legs the hounds do not eat.
  • Neutral Treeguards are very effective against Hounds, as when a Hound gets distracted on a Treeguard and tries to bite it, the Treeguard will attack it back. Large and medium Treeguards will kill Hounds in one hit. Beware of Red Hounds that may set entire forests ablaze upon death, or set Treeguards on fire, which may set surroundings on fire.
  • Attacking a beehive or luring the Hounds to some bees is also an easy way of dealing with them. Beware that red hounds will burn down any nearby hives and bee boxes on death.
  • If playing as Wendy, Abigail's AOE attack can be useful for dispatching or distracting Hounds, although she is likely to die while doing so. Take the chance to use a Spear or Tentacle Spike to deal as much damage as possible while they're distracted.
  • Some players create a "panic room" - a walled-off area with an entrance filled with Tooth Traps, through which incoming Hounds are funneled. Sometimes a Fire Pit and supplies are kept inside for night attacks. Beware that although such tactics can easily handle Hounds attacking a base, they will make exploration near impossible late game if one relies on them too much and have no other ways of dealing with 10 Hounds attacking at once.
  • Some more places or creatures to lead Hounds to are Killer Beehives, Spider Dens, Spider Queens, Rundown Houses, Tentacles, and Pig Torches. Be aware that Red Hounds may burn down beehives and spider dens, which may not be what the player wants if they were farming them for bees or spider drops.
  • Good way to kill big pack of Hounds is to lead them near Lureplant, that has created Eyeplants. Eyeplants will kill hounds pretty fast and you don't have to fight at all. Just spin around said plant and it will do job for you.

Placeholder Trivia

  • Hounds and Red Hounds were added in the The Birds and the Bees & Dogs That Want to Kill You update. Blue Hounds were added in the A Winter's Tale update.
  • Hounds are related to the Hellhound, a supernatural dog common in some mythologies or beliefs. Features that have been attributed to hellhounds include black fur, glowing red or sometimes glowing yellow eyes, super strength or speed, ghostly or phantom characteristics and foul odor. In cultures that associate the afterlife with fire, hellhounds may have fire-based abilities and appearance. (Remitis us to the Red Hound). They are often assigned to guard the entrances to the world of the dead, such as graveyards and burial grounds, or undertake other duties related to the afterlife or the supernatural, such as hunting lost souls or guarding a supernatural treasure. In European legends, seeing a hellhound or hearing it howl may be an omen or even a cause of death.
  • Even though Red Hounds can't be set on fire, they still take fire damage.
  • When Red Hounds are inspected by Maxwell, he reveals that he "put gems in there as a joke". This implies that the notable traits of the Red Hound, such as its red color and spontaneous combustion upon death, are due to the presence of the Red Gem in its body. The anti-freezing properties of the Blue Hound are also derived from the presence of a "surplus" gem, the blue one.
  • Maxwell comments that he had a lot of surplus gems, when examining Blue Hounds, revealing that the freezing resistance Blue Hounds have is caused by the Blue Gems they contain. This may also have caused their "blue" fur, although the grayish teal coloration they sport is a common pigmentation in many real-life mammals, especially in those living in cold climates.
  • Hounds could be related to Blood Hounds, as some features are similar. This includes tracking humans, and similar colors.

Mosquito Bugs

  • Saving the game when the Hound attack warning begins and then loading that save will cause the attack to become bugged. The Hounds will arrive extremely late, sometimes to 7 days, and the warning will persist indefinitely, making the player unable to use tents and other items that require a "safe" condition.
  • Occasionally, dying in a Cave and getting resurrected on the surface (perhaps when Hound attacks are supposed to begin) will cause the growling and snorting sounds to play in half-day intervals while the character remarks that the Hounds are coming, but they will not appear until a Hound attack in 3–10 days, where the warnings properly play close together.
  • Sometimes, hound attacks will 'reset'. This means that the growling noises will be longer and there will only be two normal hounds, just as the first hound attack.
  • Saving and exiting the game during the hound attack, and then loading the save, will cause all of the hounds to become temporarily distracted.

Gold Nugget Gallery

主动生物 蝙蝠發條主教發條犀牛發條騎士深淵蠕蟲青蛙豬人守衛鬼魂暗影生物獵犬 (火獵犬冰獵犬) • 殺人蜂食人花海象小海象魚人蚊子蜘蛛蜘蛛戰士喷吐蜘蛛洞穴蜘蛛穴居悬蛛啜食獸高鸟觸手 (巨型觸手觸手寶寶) • 钢羊
(毒桦栗树桦栗果精座狼 Reign of Giants icon) (浮船骑士沼泽鱼毒蚊子毒蛇蜘蛛戰士(劇毒)海獵犬松鼠鱼劍魚白鯨呆龙 Shipwrecked icon) (远古之魂巨型蛆虫虫群悬挂的藤蔓蚁人蒙面猪人箭毒蛙蝎子利齿蜘蛛猴吸血蝙蝠蝰蛇象鼻鼠虫 Hamlet icon) (粘土猎犬粘土座狼宝石鹿大黄蜂岩漿蟲暗影棋子饼干切割机破碎蜘蛛岩石大白鲨海黾嫌疑窥视者 Don't Starve Together icon)
中立生物 蜜蜂皮弗娄牛兔人 (胡须领主) • 考拉象坎普斯企鷗豬人 (狂暴豬人) • 石龍蝦蝸牛龜蛞蝓龜小高腳鳥穴居猴
(禿鷹浣熊貓伏特山羊 Reign of Giants icon) (藍鯨宽吻海豚猿猴水牛野豬 Shipwrecked icon) (曼德拉长者河鹿蚁人异食松鼠鸭嘴豪猪哈巴狸 Hamlet icon)(沙拉蝾螈乌贼一角鲸海草怪草鳄鱼 Don't Starve Together icon)
被动生物 野牛寶寶蝴蝶切斯特烏鴉火雞曼德拉草小兔 (毛毛兔) • 紅鳥高腳雛鳥雪鳥
(咕嚕咪鼴鼠(地鼠) Reign of Giants icon) (螃蟹狗魚渡渡鸟漁人水母鵜鶘鸚鵡海盗鸚鵡海鷗海豹虎鯊寶寶巨嘴鳥龍蝦 Shipwrecked icon) (蜣螂翠鸟淘金兽呆头孔雀罗宾雷鸟 Hamlet icon) (超可愛岩漿蟲草壁虎哈奇金丝雀月蛾无眼鹿编织暗影 Don't Starve Together icon)
Boss级生物 远古守护者獨眼巨鹿蜘蛛女王樹人守衛
(熊獾龍蠅麋鹿鵝 Reign of Giants icon (棕櫚樹人守衛海怪旋风海豹虎鯊 Shipwrecked icon) (铁巨人远古先驱蚁后翘鼻蛇怪 Hamlet icon) (毒菌蟾蜍蟻獅女王蜂克勞斯復活骸骨(远古织影者)邪天翁帝王蟹果蝇王天体英雄恐怖之眼双子魔眼激光眼魔焰眼 Don't Starve Together icon)
交易者 豬豬國王
(海盜章魚 Shipwrecked icon) (银行家美容師收藏家Erudite农民花商Hatmaker猎人矿工松露斯坦镇长玛法拉法女王教授店主侍者工人 Hamlet icon) (蚁狮 Don't Starve Together icon)
其他 阿比蓋爾查理(黑暗)麥斯威爾(NPC)
(BFB麦斯避役 Hamlet icon) (伯尼熊小动物虚影大虚影 Don't Starve Together icon)
熔炉 Don't Starve Together icon 战斗大师普格纳野猪猩鳄鱼指挥官大熔炉猪战士地狱独眼巨猪熔岩傀儡猪斗士犀牛兄弟剧毒蝎尖甲龟
暴食 Don't Starve Together icon 比利玛姆茜老皮弗娄牛卵石蟹鸽子彼顿山米沼泽猪人沼泽猪人长老