Don't Starve 中文維基
Don't Starve 中文維基
第40行: 第40行:
| [[File:Bee Mine.png|link=Bee Mine]] || [[蜜蜂地雷]] || [[:Category:Traps|Trap]] /[[武器]] || style="text-align: center;"| — ||[[合成]]
| [[File:Bee Mine.png|link=Bee Mine]] || [[蜜蜂地雷]] || [[:Category:Traps|Trap]] /[[武器]] || style="text-align: center;"| — ||[[合成]]
| [[File:Beefalo Hat.png|link=Beefalo Hat]] || [[牛帽]] || Hat/[[Dress]] Item || style="text-align: center;"| — ||[[合成]]
| [[File:Beefalo Hat.png|link=Beefalo Hat]] || [[牛帽]] || Hat/[[Dress]] Item || style="text-align: center;"| — ||[[合成]]
| [[File:Beefalo Horn.png|link=Beefalo Horn]] || [[牛角]] || [[合成]]物品/[[Tool]] || style="text-align: center;"| — ||Dropped by [[Beefalo]]
| [[File:Beefalo Horn.png|link=Beefalo Horn]] || [[牛角]] || [[合成]]物品/[[Tool]] || style="text-align: center;"| — ||Dropped by [[Beefalo]]

2014年7月2日 (三) 15:09的版本

物品 (Items)是在飢荒世界中任何可以拿走和可以帶走的東西 (相對於物件是固定的)。 They can be anything at all and are found by foraging, mining, farming or killing mobs, except for a select few which are character-specific items. Most items have a specific function which makes them unique; 食物 items restore hunger, clothing provides warmth, protection against damage and can even boost Sanity, and other items can be used for 合成.

Below is a large list of items, what they stack to, what their uses are, and how to obtain them. Generally, small items can stack to 40, medium sized items can stack to 20 and large sized items can only stack to 10. For example: Flint => 40, Logs => 20 and Boards=> 10.

圖片 名字 類型 堆疊上限 獲得
Abigail's Flower 阿比蓋爾的花 指定角色物品 Play as Wendy
Applied Horticulture 應用園藝 指定角色物品/書本 Craft it while playing as Wickerbottom
Ash 灰燼 合成物品 40 Dropped by burningplants where they stand or other flammable items, appears when a normal Campfire goes out, and dropped by Red Hounds.
Axe 斧頭 工具/武器 合成
Backpack 背包 背包/生存物品 合成
Bacon and Eggs 培根蛋 烹飪鍋 Recipe 40 烹飪鍋


Ball and Cup 劍玉 Gravedigger Item 40 Digging up 墳墓
BatBat 蝙蝠棍 Magic Melee 武器 合成
Batilisk Wing 蝙蝠翅膀 食物/合成物品 20 Dropped by Batilisk
Beard Hair 鬍鬚 合成物品 40

Shaving Wilson's Beard or dropped by Beardlings, Beardlords and Shadow Splumonkeys .

Beardling 黑化兔子 生物/食物 Caught with a 陷阱 while Sanity is below 40%
Bee 蜜蜂 生物 20 Caught with a 蟲網
Bee Mine 蜜蜂地雷 Trap /武器 合成
Beefalo Hat 野牛帽 Hat/Dress Item 合成
Beefalo Horn 牛角 合成物品/Tool Dropped by Beefalo
Beefalo Wool 牛毛 合成物品 40 Dropped by Beefalo, or shaving a Beefalo with a Razor
Beekeeper Hat 養蜂帽 Hat/Armor/Dress Item 合成
Belt of Hunger 飢餓腰帶 Hat/Dress Item 合成
Berries 漿果 食物 40 Picking Berry Bushes
Berry Bush Item 漿果叢 Plantable 10 Digging up Berry Bushes
Birds of the World 世界鳥類圖鑑 指定角色物品/書本 Craft it while playing as Wickerbottom
Bird Trap 捕鳥陷阱 生存物品/Trap 合成
Blow Dart 吹箭 武器 20 合成 and dropped by MacTusk
Blue Cap 藍蘑菇 食物 40 Dropped by picking a Blue Mushroom or chopping down Blue Mushtrees
Blue Gem 藍寶石 合成物品/Gravedigger Item 40 Dropped by Blue Hounds, found in Caves and Ruins, and may fall from cave roof during Earthquakes
Blueprint 藍圖 Misc Item 1 Can be found in Set Pieces, Adventure Mode or if you start a default plus world.
Boards 木板 合成物品 10 合成
Boomerang 迴旋鏢 武器 合成
Box Thing 盒狀零件 Wooden Thing Component Spawns once per World
Braised Eggplant 燉茄子 食物 40 烹飪
Breezy Vest 涼爽背心 Dress Item 合成
Broken Shell 蝸牛殼碎片 Misc. Item 40 Dropped by Slurtles, Slurtle Mounds, and Snurtles
Bug Net 蟲網 工具/武器/生存物品 合成
Bunny Puff 兔毛球 合成物品 40 兔人掉落
Bush Hat 灌木帽 Hat/Dress Item 合成
Butter 牛油 食物 40 蝴蝶稀有掉落
Butter Muffin 奶油鬆餅 烹飪鍋 Recipe 40 烹飪鍋


Butterfly 蝴蝶 生物/可種植 20 使用蟲網捕捉
Butterfly Wings 蝴蝶翅膀 食物 40 蝴蝶掉落
Carrot 胡蘿蔔 食物 20 Farming, and 由兔人掉落
Carrot Seeds 胡蘿蔔種子 農作物種子/食物/Plantable 20 Feeding a bird in a 鳥籠
Cave Banana 洞穴香蕉 食物 40 Harvesting Cave Banana Trees or destroying a Splumonkey Pod
Cave Rock Turf
洞穴地板 Turfs 10 Dig it up in the caves using a Pitchfork
Charcoal 木炭 Fuel 40 Dropped by Krampus and chopping down burnt s
Carpeted Flooring 地毯地板 Turfs 10 合成
Checkerboard Flooring 棋盤地板 Turfs 10 合成
Chilled Amulet 寒冰護符 Amulet 合成
Cobblestones 卵石地板 Turfs 10 合成
Codex Umbra 暗影法典 Character-specific Item/Book Play as Maxwell
Construction Amulet 建造護符 Amulet 合成
Cooked Batilisk Wing 烤蝙蝠翅膀 食物 20 烹飪
Cooked Blue Cap 烤藍蘑菇 食物 40 烹飪
Cooked Cave Banana 烤洞穴香蕉 食物 40 烹飪
Cooked Egg 煎蛋 食物 40 烹飪
Cooked Eel 烤鰻魚 食物 40 烹飪
Cooked Fish 烤魚 食物 40 烹飪
Cooked Frog Legs 烤青蛙腿 食物 40 烹飪
Cooked Green Cap 烤綠蘑菇 食物 40 烹飪
Cooked Leafy Meat 烤葉肉 食物 20 烹飪
Cooked Mandrake 烤曼德拉草 食物 40 烹飪
Cooked Meat 烤肉 食物 20 烹飪
Cooked Monster Meat 烤怪物肉 食物 20 烹飪
Cooked Morsel 烤小塊肉 食物 40 烹飪
Cooked Red Cap 烤紅蘑菇 食物 40 烹飪
Compass 指南針 Misc. Item 合成
Corn 玉米 食物 20 Farming
Corn Seeds 玉米種子 農作物種子/食物/Plantable 20 Feeding a bird in a 鳥籠
Crank Thing 曲柄零件 Wooden Thing Component Spawns once per World
Crimson Feather 紅色羽毛 合成物品 40 Dropped by 紅鳥
Crow 烏鴉 生物 Caught with a 捕鳥陷阱
Crow Feather 烏鴉羽毛 合成物品 40 Dropped by Crow
Cut Grass 乾草 合成物品 40 Picking Grass
Cut Reeds 蘆葦 合成物品 40 Picking Reeds
Cut Stone 石磚 合成物品 10 合成
Dapper Vest 小巧背心 Dress Item 合成
Dark Petals 惡魔花瓣 食物, 合成物品 40 Picking Evil Flowers
Dark Sword 暗影劍 武器/魔法物品 合成
Green Staff
毀滅法杖 法杖 合成
Deerclops Eyeball 鹿角怪眼球 食物 Dropped by Deerclops
Dessicated Tentacle 乾燥觸手 Gravedigger Item 40 Digging up 墳墓
Divining Rod 占卜棒 Science Item 合成
Dragon Fruit 火龍果 食物 20 Farming
Dragon Fruit Seeds 火龍果種子 農作物種子/食物/Plantable 20 Feeding a bird in a 鳥籠
Dragonpie 火龍果派 烹飪鍋 Recipe 20 烹飪鍋


Drumstick 雞腿 食物 40 Dropped by Gobbler
Durian 榴槤 食物 20 Farming
Durian Seeds 榴槤種子 農作物種子/食物/Plantable 40 Feeding a bird in a 鳥籠
Eel 鰻魚 食物 40 釣魚
Egg 食物 40 Feeding a bird in a 鳥籠
Eggplant 茄子 食物 20 Farming
Eggplant Seeds 茄子種子 農作物種子/食物/Plantable 40 Feeding a bird in a 鳥籠
Extra Smelly Durian 特臭榴槤 食物 40 烹飪
Eye Bone 眼骨 Misc. Item Found naturally on the map and spawns Chester
Fake Kazoo 假卡祖笛 Gravedigger Item 40 Digging up 墳墓
Feather Hat 羽毛帽 Hat/Dress Item 合成
Fire Dart 燃燒吹箭 武器 20 合成
Fire Staff 火焰法杖 法杖 合成
Fireflies 螢火蟲 生物 40 Caught with a 蟲網
Fish 食物 40 釣魚 and dropped by Merms
Fish Tacos 炸魚玉米餅 烹飪鍋 Recipe 40 烹飪鍋


Fishing Rod 釣竿 Tool/武器/Survival Item 合成
Fishsticks 魚肉條 烹飪鍋 Recipe 40 烹飪鍋


Fist Full of Jam 果醬 烹飪鍋 Recipe 40 烹飪鍋


Fleshy Bulb Fleshy Bulb 可種植 10 Dropped by Lureplants and Meat Bulb
Flint 燧石 合成物品 40 Found on the ground, mining Boulders and Stalagmites, may fall from cave roof during Earthquakes, and dropped by Rock Lobsters
Football Helmet 橄欖球頭盔 Armor/Dress Item 合成
Foliage 樹葉 食物 40 Picking a Fern
Forest Turf 森林草皮 Turfs 10 Digging up the ground in forest areas with a Pitchfork
Frazzled Wires 破爛電線 Gravedigger Item 40 Digging up 墳墓
Fried Drumstick 炸雞腿 食物 40 烹飪
Fried Tallbird Egg 煎高腳鳥蛋 食物 20 烹飪
Frog Legs 青蛙腿 食物 40 Dropped by Frogs and Merms
Froggle Bunwich 蛙腿三明治 烹飪鍋 Recipe 40 烹飪鍋


Fruit Medley 水果拼盤 烹飪鍋 Recipe 40 烹飪鍋


Fungal Turf 菌類草皮 (藍) Turfs 10 Found underground by digging up the ground in fungal areas with a Pitchfork
Fungus Turf Red 菌類草皮 (紅) Turfs 10 Found underground by digging up the ground in fungal areas with a Pitchfork
Fungus Turf Green 菌類草皮 (綠) Turfs 10 Found underground by digging up the ground in fungal areas with a Pitchfork
Fur Roll 毛皮卷 Sleeping Resource 10 合成
Garland 花冠 Hat/Dress Item/ 合成
Gears 齒輪 合成物品/Gravedigger Item 40 Digging up 墳墓 and dropped by Clockwork Monsters
Glow Berry
發光漿果 食物 Dropped by Depths Worm
Gnome 地精玩偶 Gravedigger Item 40 Digging up 墳墓
Gold Nugget 金塊 合成物品 20 Mining Gold Veins and Stalagmites, found on the ground in Graveyards, may fall from cave roof during Earthquakes, and giving certain items to the Pig King
Gord's Knot 哥德結 Gravedigger Item 40 Digging up 墳墓
Grass Suit 草製盔甲 Armour 合成
Grass Tuft Dug 乾草根 Dug up grass 10 Dug up by Shovel
Grass Turf 草地草皮 Turfs 10 Digging up the ground in grassy areas with a Pitchfork
Green Gem 綠寶石 合成物品 40 Mainly found by mining Ancient Statues in the Ruins.
Green Cap 綠蘑菇 食物 40 Dropped by picking a Green Mushroom or chopping down Green Mushtrees
Guano 蝙蝠糞便 Fertilizer 20 Periodically produced by Batilisks
Guano Turf 蝙蝠糞地板 Turfs 10 Found underground by digging up the ground in guano areas with a Pitchfork
Guardian's Horn
守護者的角 Ancient Item Dropped by Ancient Guardian
Gunpowder 火藥 Explosive 武器 40 合成
Ham Bat 火腿棍 武器 合成
Hammer 錘子 工具/武器 合成
Hardened Rubber Bung 硬化橡膠塞 Gravedigger Item 40 Digging up 墳墓
Hatching Tallbird Egg 孵化中高腳鳥蛋 Tallbird Young/食物 Place a Tallbird Egg near a fire for a short time.
Hay Wall 乾草牆 20 合成
Healing Salve 治療藥膏 Healing Item/Survival Item 40 合成
Heat Stone 保暖石 生存物品 合成
Honey 蜂蜜 食物/合成物品 40 Dropped by Bees and Killer Bees, destroying Bee and Killer Bee hives and harvested from Bee Boxes
Honey Ham 蜂蜜火腿 烹飪鍋 Recipe 40 烹飪鍋


Honey Nuggets Honey Nuggets 烹飪鍋 Recipe 40 烹飪鍋


Bandage 蜂蜜藥膏 Healing Item/Survival Item 40 合成
Honeycomb 蜂窩 合成物品 20 Destroying Bee and Killer Bee hives.
Hot Pumpkin 熱南瓜 食物 40 烹飪
Hound's Tooth 獵犬尖牙 合成物品 40 Dropped by Hounds and Hound Mounds
Houndius Shootius 眼球雷射塔 Deployable Structure 40 合成
Ice Staff 冰凍法杖 法杖 合成
Jerky 肉乾 食物 20 Hang Meat on a Drying Rack
Kabobs 烤肉串 烹飪鍋 Recipe 40 烹飪鍋


Killer Bee 殺人蜂 生物 20 Caught with a 蟲網
Koalefant Trunk 象鼻 食物/合成物品 20 Dropped by Koalefant
Koalefant Trunk Steak 象鼻排 食物 20 Cooking a Koalefant Trunk or Winter Koalefant Trunk
Krampus Sack 坎普斯的袋子 背包 Dropped by Krampus
Lantern 燈籠 光源 合成
Lazy Forager's Amulet 強征護符 Amulet 合成
Lichen 青苔 食物 40 Harvesting Cave Lichen
Leafy Meat 葉肉 食物 20 Harvesting a LurePlant
Life Giving Amulet 生命護符 Amulet 20 Crafting and Digging up Graves
Light Bulb 螢光珠 合成物品/Light Source/食物 40 Picking a Light Flower
Living Log 有生命的木材 合成物品 20 Dropped by Treeguard or Totally Normal Tree
Log 木材 合成物品 20 Chopping down trees, Mushtrees, or Cave Banana Trees, and digging up tree stumps
Log Suit 木製盔甲 Armour 合成
Lucy the Axe 露西斧 工具/武器 Play as Woodie
Luxury Axe 黃金斧頭 工具/武器 合成
Lying Robot 機器人玩偶 Gravedigger Item 40 Digging up 墳墓
Magiluminescence 魔力之光 Amulet 合成
Mandrake (item) 曼德拉草 Mob/食物 40 Picking a Mandrake at Day, dropped by deceased Mandrakes.
Mandrake Soup 曼德拉草湯 烹飪鍋 Recipe 40 烹飪鍋


Manure 糞便 Fertilizer 20

Periodically produced by Beefalos and Koalefants. Can be made by feeding vegetables to Pigs and angrying Splumonkeys. Can also by destroying Splumonkey Pods and Pig Torches

Marble 大理石 合成物品 40 Minimg Marble Pillars, Marble Trees, Harp Statues and Maxwell's Statues, may fall from cave roof during Earthquakes, or appears when a Touch Stone breaks
Marble Suit 大理石盔甲 Armour 合成
Marsh Bush 荊棘根 Plantable 10 Dig up a Spiky Bush using a Shovel
Marsh Turf 沼澤地皮 Turfs 10 Digging up ground in a Marsh with a Pitchfork
Meat 食物 20 Dropped by lots of large mobs such as Pigs, Beefalo etc.
Meatballs 肉丸 烹飪鍋 recipe 40 烹飪鍋


Meaty Stew 燉肉 烹飪鍋 recipe 40 烹飪鍋


Melty Marbles 彈珠 Gravedigger Item 40 Digging up 墳墓
Metal Potato Thing 金屬球狀零件 Wooden Thing Component Spawns

once per World

Miner Hat 礦工帽 Hat/Light Source 合成
Mismatched Buttons Mismatched Buttons Gravedigger Item 40 Digging up 墳墓
Monster Jerky 怪物肉乾 食物 20 Hang Monster Meat on a Drying Rack
Monster Lasagna 怪物千層麵 烹飪鍋 Recipe 40 烹飪鍋


Monster Meat 怪物肉 食物 20 Dropped by many monsters, such as Hounds, and Spiders
Morsel 小塊肉 食物 40 Dropped by small animals, Beardlings, Crows, etc.
Mosquito 蚊子 生物 ? Catch using a 蟲網
Mosquito Sack Mosquito Sack Healing Item 20 Dropped by Mosquitos
Mud Turf 泥土地皮 Turfs 10 Found underground by digging up the ground in mud areas with a Pitchfork
Night Armour 暗影盔甲 Armor/魔法物品 合成
Nightmare Fuel 夢魘燃料 合成物品/Gravedigger Item 40 合成, digging up 墳墓, and appears when a Touch Stone breaks. It is also dropped by Shadow Creatures, Beardlings and Splumonkeys
Nightmare Amulet 夢魘護符 Amulet 合成
Nitre 硝石 合成物品 40 Mining Smooth Boulders and Stalagmites, may fall from cave roof during Earthquakes
On Tentacles 在觸手之上 Character-specific Item/Book Craft it while playing as Wickerbottom
One-man Band 獨奏樂器 魔法物品 合成
Opulent Pickaxe 黃金十字鎬 工具/武器 合成
Orange Gem 橙寶石 合成物品 40

Mainly found by mining Ancient Statues in the Ruins.

Pan Flute 排笛 武器/魔法物品 合成
Papyrus 莎草紙 合成物品 20 合成
Petals 花瓣 食物, 合成物品 40 Picking Flowers
Pickaxe 十字鎬 工具/武器 合成
PickSlashAxe 斧鎬 工具/武器 合成
Pierogi Pierogi 烹飪鍋 Recipe 40 烹飪鍋


Pig Skin 豬皮 食物/合成物品 40 Dropped by Pig, Guardian Pig, and Werepig, or by breaking Pig Heads with a Hammer
Piggyback 豬皮背包 背包/生存物品 合成
Pile o' Balloons Pile o' Balloons Character-Specific Item Play as Wes
Pine Cone 松果 Fuel, Tree Resource 40 Chopping down Evergreens
Pitchfork 草叉 工具/武器 合成
Pomegranate 石榴 食物 40 Farming
Pomegranate Seeds 石榴種子 農作物種子/食物/可種植 40 Feeding a bird in a 鳥籠
Popcorn 爆米花 食物 40 烹飪
Powdercake Powdercake 烹飪鍋 Recipe 40 烹飪鍋


Prepared Dragon Fruit 火龍果切片 食物 40 烹飪
Puffy Vest 鬆軟背心 服飾物品 合成
Pumpkin 南瓜 食物 20 Farming
Pumpkin Seeds 南瓜種子 農作物種子/食物/Plantable 40 Feeding a bird in a 鳥籠
Pumpkin Cookie 南瓜餅乾 烹飪鍋 Recipe 40 烹飪鍋


Pumpkin Lantern 南瓜燈籠 光源 合成
Purple Gem 紫寶石 合成物品 40 合成. Dropped by Clockwork Bishop and mining Ancient Statues
Rabbit 兔子 生物/食物 Caught with a 陷阱
Rabbit Earmuff 兔毛耳罩 Hat/Dress Item 合成
Ratatouille Ratatouille 烹飪鍋 Recipe 40 烹飪鍋


Razor 剃刀 工具 合成
Red Gem 紅寶石 合成物品/Gravedigger Item 40 Dropped by Hell Hounds, found in 墳墓, mining Stalagmites and Ancient Statues and may fall from cave roof during Earthquakes
Red Cap 紅蘑菇 食物 40 Dropped by picking a Red Mushroom or chopping down Red Mushtrees
Redbird 紅烏 生物 Caught with a 捕鳥陷阱
Regal Shovel 黃金鏟子 Tool/武器 合成
Ring Thing 環狀零件 Wooden Thing Component Spawns once per World
Roasted Berries 烤漿果 食物 40 烹飪
Roasted Carrot 烤胡蘿蔔 食物 40 烹飪
Rocks 石頭 合成物品 40 Finding on the ground, mining Boulders or Stalagmites, may fall from cave roof during Earthquakes, and dropped by Rock Lobster
Rocky Turf 岩石地板 Turfs 10 Digging up ground in Rockyland areas with a Pitchfork
Rope 繩子 合成物品 10 合成
Rot 腐爛物 Fertilizer/食物 40 Letting perishables spoil or by destroying Merm Heads using a Hammer
Rotten Egg Rotten Egg 食物 40 Let an Egg spoil
Sapling Dug Dug Sapling 可種植 10 Dug up by Shovel
Savanna Turf 稀樹草皮 Turfs 10 Digging up the ground in a Savanna with a Pitchfork
Second-hand Dentures 二手假牙 Gravedigger Item 40 Digging up 墳墓
Seeds 種子 食物/可種植 40 Left behind by birds
Sewing Kit 針線包 Dress Item 合成
Shelmet Shelmet Hat/Armor Dropped by Slurtles
Shovel 鏟子 工具/武器 合成
Silk 合成物品 40 Dropped by Spiders and by destroying a Spider Den or Spilagmite
Sleep Dart 麻醉吹箭 武器 20 合成
Sleepytime Stories 睡前故事 Character-specific Item/Book Craft it while playing as Wickerbottom
Sliced Pomegranate 石榴切片 食物 40 烹飪
Slimey Turf Slimey Turf Turfs 10 Found underground by digging up the ground in slimey areas with a Pitchfork
Slurper Pelt 綴食者毛皮 合成物品 ? Dropped by Slurpers
Slurtle Slime 蝸牛黏液 Lantern Fuel 20 Dropped by Slurtle, Slurtle Mound, and Snurtle
Small Jerky 怪物肉乾 食物 40 Hang a Morsel, Frog Leg, Fish, or other small meats on a Drying Rack
Snowbird 雪鳥 生物 Caught with a 陷阱
Azure Feather 雪鳥羽毛 合成物品 40 Dropped by Snowbird
Snurtle Shell Armor 蝸牛盔甲 Armor Dropped by Snurtle
Spear Melee 武器 合成
Spider Eggs 蜘蛛蛋 可種植 10 Dropped by 3-tier Spider Dens and by Spider Queens
Spider Gland 蜘蛛腺體 合成物品/Healing Item 20 Dropped by Spiders
Spiderhat 蜘蛛帽 Dress Item Dropped by Spider Queens
Star Caller's Staff 喚星法杖 法杖 合成
Stinger 蜂針 合成物品 40

Dropped by Bees and Killer Bees

Stone Wall 石牆 Wall 20 合成
Straw Hat 草帽 Hat/Dress Item 合成
Straw Roll 稻草卷 Sleeping Resource/Survival Item 10 合成
Stuffed Eggplant Stuffed Eggplant 烹飪鍋 Recipe 40 烹飪鍋


Taffy 太妃糖 烹飪鍋 Recipe 40 烹飪鍋


Tallbird Egg 高腳鳥蛋 Tallbird Young/食物 Stealing from a Tallbird Nest
Tam o' Shanter Tam o' Shanter Hat/Dress Item Dropped by MacTusk
Telelocator Staff 傳送法杖 法杖 合成
Tentacle Spike 觸手釘錘 近戰武器 Dropped by Tentacle or Big Tentacle
Tentacle Spots 斑點觸手皮 合成物品 40 Dropped by Tentacle or Big Tentacle
The End is Nigh 黑夜的終結 指定角色物品/書本 Craft it while playing as Wickerbottom
The Lazy Explorer 探險法杖 法杖 合成, can be acquired from an Ancient Altar
Thulecite 銩礦 合成物品 20 合成, found in the Ruins
Thulecite Crown
銩礦皇冠 Hat/Dress Item 合成
Thulecite Fragments
銩礦碎片 Ancient Item, 合成物品 40 Found in the Ruins
Thulecite Club 銩礦棒 武器 合成
Thulecite Medallion 銩礦勳章 Ancient Item 合成
Thulecite Suit 銩礦盔甲 Hat/Armor/Dress Item 合成
銩礦牆 20 合成
Tiny Rocketship 迷你火箭 Gravedigger Item 40 Digging up 墳墓
Toasted Seeds 烤種子 食物 40 烹飪
Tooth Trap 尖牙陷阱 Trap/武器 合成
Top Hat 高禮帽 Hat/Dress Item 合成
Torch 火把 光源/武器 合成
Trap 陷阱 生存物品/武器 合成
Turkey Dinner 火雞大餐 烹飪鍋 Recipe 40 烹飪鍋


Twigs 樹枝 合成物品 40 Picking a Sapling or Spiky Bush, destroying Merm Heads using a Hammer, or chopping down Cave Banana Trees or Spiky Trees
Umbrella 雨傘 生存物品/武器 合成
Unagi 鰻魚壽司 烹飪鍋 Recipe 40 烹飪鍋


Walking Cane 步行手杖 Dress Item/武器 合成
Waffles Waffles 烹飪鍋 Recipe 40 烹飪鍋


Walrus Tusk 海象長牙 合成 10 Dropped by MacTusk
Wet Goop Wet Goop 烹飪鍋 Recipe 40 Created by an invalid 烹飪鍋 recipe, or from a Hatching Tallbird Egg that is too cold
Winter Hat 冬帽 Hat/Dress Item 合成
Winter Rabbit 冬兔 生物/食物 Catch with a 陷阱
Winter Koalefant Trunk 冬象鼻 食物/合成物品 20 Dropped by Winter Koalefant
Willow's Lighter 薇洛的打火機 Character-specific Item/Light Source Play as Willow
Wood Wall 木牆 20 合成
Wooden Flooring 木質地板 Turfs 20 合成
Yellow Gem 黃寶石 合成物品 40 Mainly found by mining Ancient Statues in the Ruins.