Don't Starve 中文維基
Don't Starve 中文維基

I didn't know trees grew on the moon.


The Lunar Forest is a Biome exclusive to Don't Starve Together, introduced in Return of Them. It is covered in Moon Crater Turf and can only be found as part of the Lunar Island area amidst the Ocean.

Placeholder Trivia

  • The Lunar Forest Biome was introduced in the Turn of Tides update.
地面 西洋棋地牧草地墓地森林沼澤馬賽克混合地岩石地稀樹草原
沙漠落葉林 Reign of Giants icon) (沙灘珊瑚礁叢林熔岩地紅樹林草地海洋潮汐沼泽火山 Shipwrecked icon) (战场耕地深层雨林毒气雨林莲花池猪城市彩绘沙漠峰顶荒野平原雨林郊区 Hamlet icon)(月面森林月面矿区岩石海滩 Don't Starve Together icon
洞穴 蘑菇森林岩石平原石筍地地下森林洞穴沼澤 • (月面洞窟遠古檔案區Don't Starve Together icon )
遺跡 迷宮軍用地聖地村莊荒地中庭 Don't Starve Together icon
相關 地圖道路小徑) • 地皮深淵
室内 Hamlet icon) (月岛 Don't Starve Together icon