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Beaver Vision

Werebeaver's Night Vision.

Woodie starts off with an Axe named Lucy. Lucy is sapient and talks to Woodie, egging him on while chopping down Trees, and warning him about the curse. Lucy talks in red text to differentiate from Woodie's white text. Lucy has infinite durability and reduces the amount of chops required to chop a tree but deals less damage compared to a normal Axe.

If Woodie hits a Tree with an Axe too many times in a short space of time or if it is a full Moon, he will transform into a Werebeaver. In this Werebeaver form, the Hoedown Soundtrack will begin to play, the Map and inventory will be unavailable, and the 3 main stats will disappear and be replaced by the Beaverness Meter. His Beaverness will decrease over time, and when he takes damage, and increase when eating wood-like items, such as Logs or Saplings.

The Hunger meter will disappear and be replaced by the Beaverness Meter (Wereness Meter in DST). Woodie and the Wereform share an inventory, Sanity, and Health, meaning the Wereform can go insane and die. While the inventory's shared, the Wereform will drop equipped items except a Backpack (if Woodie was wearing one) and can't see or use anything in the inventory.

The Werebeaver is able to chop down Trees, dig, mine, demolish Structures, and fight Mobs, but otherwise can't interact with objects in any other way. He has limited night vision and as such is immune to the Night Monster.

His attack strength is equivalent to the damage of a Tentacle Spike (51) and his strong hide absorbs 75% of incoming damage.

The Beaverness Meter has a value of 100 points and will decay at a rate of 2 beaverness every 2.5 seconds. Damage taken by the Werebeaver will also reduce the Beaverness Meter value. To keep the meter up the Werebeaver must consume any of the items listed below.

Beaver Food Beaverness
Living Log +50 beaverness
Boards +15 beaverness
Sapling Dug Berry Bush Item
Grass Tuft Dug Spiky Bush Item Log
+10 beaverness
Twigs +5 beaverness
Pine Cone +2 beaverness
Cut Grass +1 beaverness

When the Beaverness reaches 0, Woodie will appear in the same spot, at the beginning of the next Day, with 50 Health, 37.5 Hunger and 50 Sanity. Any Mobs aggressive against the Werebeaver will remain in place and also be aggressive towards Woodie, possibly killing him because of the low Health.


When the Beaverness reaches 0, Woodie will appear in the same spot, at the beginning of the next Day, with 50 Health, 37.5 Hunger and 50 Sanity. Any Mobs aggressive against the Werebeaver will remain in place and also be aggressive towards Woodie, possibly killing him because of the low Health.

Gift Icon Downloadable Content[]

In the Shipwrecked DLC, the Werebeaver cannot swim. Turning into a Werebeaver while Woodie is on a Boat will result in the Werebeaver sinking. Woodie will then respawn the next day on the closest island with enough materials to build a Log Raft. This also means that the Werebeaver's movement is limited to only the island upon which Woodie transformed.

On the other hand, the Werebeaver is completely immune to Poison.

In the Hamlet DLC, the Werebeaver is immune to Hay Fever and Fog.

Prototype Tips[]

  • Due to Lucy's infinite durability it's a waste to craft other axes (Axe, Luxury Axe, Pick/Axe) unless the player desperately needs a better weapon in the early days.
  • Players are advised to calculate beforehand the days in which it will be a Full Moon and prepare accordingly for the transformation.
    • They can either wait the curse out inside their camp or take advantage of the transformation to chop, dig, or mine for free.
  • While it is true that after returning to human form Woodie's stats will be low, players can take advantage of the fact that they're a fixed value. This way if they're below 50 points on most of their stats, they can cut trees and transform on purpose to refill them again. This is a good way to avoid insanity or starvation when unprepared.
  • Woodie will transform into a Werebeaver in the Caves and Ruins during the Full Moon cycle. This means that Woodie will likely wake up to complete darkness, unless close to a natural light source. Any Lanterns in a player's inventory (unless stored in a backpack) will turn on and drop to the ground, and will possibly be depleted by the time the transformation wears off. Keeping minerals in a backpack will prevent Rock Lobsters from eating them while Woodie is transformed.
  • Players are advised to calculate beforehand the days in which it will be a Full Moon and prepare accordingly for the transformation.
    • They can either wait the curse out inside their camp or take advantage of the transformation to chop, dig, or mine for free.
  • If possible, players should try to transform near their camp or another safe place fitted with supplies to help regain the lost stats.
  • It is advised to store all items in containers to reduce the risk of losing them to other mobs after transforming.
  • It's a good idea to plant Trees in every biome in case they are needed when transformed, either to heal or keep the Werebeaver form until the player gets to a safe spot to turn back to Woodie.
  • Players can use the Werebeaver transformation to quickly skip days, without the need of Tents or similar objects.
  • When transformed it's a good idea to dig as many Graves as possible to avoid the Sanity drain that would otherwise ensue.
  • The Werebeaver can be stunlocked by Fire damage making it very dangerous as the player won't be able to move away easily to avoid the damage or make them an easy target to hostile Mobs.
  • It is advised to only fight Boss Monsters in Werebeaver form near some Trees to avoid using materials on Weapons and Armor and increase the likelihood of survival thanks to the healing from Logs.
  • Due to his curse the only way currently to get an Old Bell with Woodie in the Reign of Giants DLC, without the Console, is to plant a Fleshy Bulb near Glommer's Statue, let the Eyeplants take Glommer's Flower off the statue and kill the Lureplant before it digests it.
  • As a Werebeaver, Woodie can still raise his "naughtiness" rating and cause Krampus to arrive.
  • If one isn't interested in using the Werebeaver much, simply allow the meter to run out on the morning of the first full moon. This will skip the second full moon and revert Woodie on the morning after it.
  • In Shipwrecked, one easy way to cure a poisoned Woodie is to turn into the Werebeaver, thanks to his poison immunity.

Mosquito Bugs[]

  • As a Werebeaver, if the player's Log Meter drops to 0 as a result of being hurt by monsters and is still being attacked when the player transforms back the normal HUD won't return; it will stay as the Werebeaver's HUD, but still work as the normal HUD. It reverts to normal after the player saves and exits then returns again (or Woodie turns into the Beaver with 50 sanity).
  • If Woodie dies in Werebeaver form, when the next moon phase is a full moon he will appear as Woodie, but the screen will show the Werebeaver HUD. Reloading the world should fix this.
  • When a full moon occurs, when Woodie is hit during his transforming stage, Lucy will say a transforming quote, but Woodie doesn't actually turn into the Werebeaver.
  • When Woodie changes back to his human form, quickly getting in and out of the game will result in Woodie still being in Werebeaver form, but the game acts as if Woodie had 50 sanity.
  • As a Werebeaver, if the Log Meter hits 0 and he gnaws an item that replenishes it at the same time (possibly causing the Werebeaver's death sound effect to activate and sometimes the music to stop), he will be unable to faint and revert. This will end if the player either reloads, which will return Woodie to normal with all stats full, or if the meter is refilled and then once again returned to 0 (he will only revert normally if the meter is refilled all the way to 100).
  • If the player saves at the same time Woodie faints, upon reloading Woodie's stats will be full.
  • Sometimes if the player is wearing a Backpack when the curse activates and the inventory drops to the ground, the backpack will disappear. However, the next time the curse activates, the backpack may appear again when the player's inventory drops to the ground.
  • Sometimes, after reverting from Werebeaver form, Woodie will make Werebeaver sounds when getting hurt.
  • If one exits and then re-enters the game during dusk as a Werebeaver, Woodie will still give his dusk announcement, even though he's transformed.
  • In Shipwrecked, transforming into the Werebeaver while on a boat and a touch stone active may respawn Woodie at the touchstone, but he won't be visible and can't move. The only way to fix this is to force close the game.