Don't Starve Wiki
Don't Starve Wiki
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Wilson talking

"I am filled with an irresistible urge to do science."

I am one heck of a scientist.


This page lists Wilson's Quotes which are spoken when the player examines an in-game item or object. The player can alt-click items and objects to examine them.

Wilson PortraitWilson[]

Icon ToolsTools[]

Base Game[]

  • AxeAxe- "It's my trusty axe."
  • Luxury AxeLuxury Axe- "That's one fancy axe."
  • ShovelShovel- "There's a lot going on underground."
  • Regal ShovelRegal Shovel- "I can't wait to dig holes."
  • PickaxePickaxe- "Iconic, isn't it?"
  • Opulent PickaxeOpulent Pickaxe- "Hey, isn't gold really soft?"
  • RazorRazor- "A sharpened rock tied to a stick. Hygienic!"
  • HammerHammer- "Stop! It's time! To hammer things!"
  • PitchforkPitchfork- "Maxwell might be looking for this."
  • Feather PencilFeather Pencil- "The feather increases the scientific properties of the writing."
  • BrushBrush- "I bet the beefalo really like this."
  • SaddleSaddle- "That'll allow the mounting of some smelly animal."
  • War SaddleWar Saddle- "The only problem is the saddle sores."
  • Glossamer SaddleGlossamer Saddle- "This saddle really flies!"
  • SaddlehornSaddlehorn- "This could take a saddle off."
  • Salt LickSalt Lick- "How many licks does it take to get to the center?"


  • MacheteMachete- "I like the cut of this blade."
  • Luxury MacheteLuxury Machete- "Hack in style!"


  • ShearsShears- "Shearly delightful."

Don't Starve Together[]

  • AxeAxe- "A trusty axe."
  • PitchforkPitchfork- "Now I just need an angry mob to join."
  • Pocket ScalePocket Scale- "A scaled-down weighing device."
  • Garden HoeGarden Hoe- "I have to make the ground more comfortable for the seeds."
  • Splendid Garden HoeSplendid Garden Hoe- "Do I really need something this fancy to move dirt around?"
  • Watering CanWatering Can- "I can water the plants with this."
  • Watering CanWatering Can (empty)- "Maybe there's a pond around here somewhere..."
  • Waterfowl CanWaterfowl Can- "It's been improved with science... and bird parts!"
  • Waterfowl CanWaterfowl Can (empty)- "It won't do me much good without water."
  • Beefalo BellBeefalo Bell- "It makes beefalo friendly. I'm sure there's a very scientific explanation."

Icon LightLights[]

Base Game[]

  • CampfireFire PitCampfire and Fire Pit (upon being built)- "Sure beats darkness."
  • CampfireCampfire (high)- "That fire is getting out of hand!"
  • Fire PitFire Pit (high)- "Good thing it's contained!"
  • CampfireFire PitCampfire and Fire Pit (normal)- "Nice and comfy."
  • CampfireFire PitCampfire and Fire Pit (low)- "The fire's getting a bit low."
  • CampfireFire PitCampfire and Fire Pit (embers)- "I should put something on the fire before it goes out."
  • CampfireCampfire (out)- "Well, that's over."
  • Fire PitFire Pit (out)- "At least I can start it up again."
  • TorchTorch- "Something to hold back the night."
  • Miner HatMiner Hat- "This will keep my hands free."
  • Pumpkin LanternPumpkin Lantern- "Spooky!"
  • LanternLantern- "A more civilized light."

Reign of Giants[]

  • Endothermic FireEndothermic Fire PitEndothermic Fire and Fire Pit- "Sure beats darkness."
  • Endothermic FireEndothermic Fire (high)- "That fire is getting out of hand!"
  • Endothermic Fire PitEndothermic Fire Pit (high)- "Good thing it's contained!"
  • Endothermic FireEndothermic Fire PitEndothermic Fire and Fire Pit (normal)- "Nice and comfy."
  • Endothermic FireEndothermic Fire PitEndothermic Fire and Fire Pit (low)- "The fire's getting a bit low."
  • Endothermic FireEndothermic Fire PitEndothermic Fire and Fire Pit (embers)- "I should put something on the fire before it goes out."
  • Endothermic FireEndothermic Fire (out)- "Well, that's over."
  • Endothermic Fire PitEndothermic Fire Pit (out)- "At least I can start it up again."
  • MogglesMoggles- "A wretched stench but excellent visibility."


  • ChimineaChiminea (all stages)- "Take that, wind!"
  • Bottle LanternBottle Lantern- "A bottle full of sunshine."
  • Boat TorchBoat Torch- "This'll keep my hands free."
  • Boat LanternBoat Lantern- "This will do wonders for my night-vision!"
  • Obsidian Fire PitObsidian Fire Pit (upon being built)- "This fire pit is a conductor for even more... fire."
  • Obsidian Fire PitObsidian Fire Pit (high)- "Good thing it's contained!"
  • Obsidian Fire PitObsidian Fire Pit (normal)- "This is my best invention yet."
  • Obsidian Fire PitObsidian Fire Pit (low)- "The fire's getting a bit low."
  • Obsidian Fire PitObsidian Fire Pit (embers)- "I should put something on the fire before it goes out."
  • Obsidian Fire PitObsidian Fire Pit (out)- "At least I can start it up again.
  • Tar LampTar Lamp- "That's a real slick lamp."
  • Buoyant ChimineaBuoyant Chiminea (upon being built)- "Science protects my fires out here."
  • Buoyant ChimineaBuoyant Chiminea (high)- "I'm glad we're surrounded by water."
  • Buoyant ChimineaBuoyant Chiminea (normal)-"As cozy as it gets."
  • Buoyant ChimineaBuoyant Chiminea (low)- "It's getting low."
  • Buoyant ChimineaBuoyant Chiminea (embers)- "Better put something on it before it goes out."
  • Buoyant ChimineaBuoyant Chiminea (out)- "It finally went out."


  • Cork Candle HatCork Candle Hat- "What a bright idea!"
  • CowlCowl- "A hat, made of bat."

Don't Starve Together[]

  • CampfireEndothermic FireCampfire and Endothermic Fire (embers)- "That fire needs more fuel or it's going to go out."
  • Miner HatMiner Hat- "A hands-free way to brighten your day."
  • Mushlight BuildMushlight (off)- "It's a big, science-y 'shroom."
  • MushlightMushlight (on)- "Science makes it light up."
  • Mushlight BurntMushlight (burnt)- "Comboletely burnt."
  • Glowcap BuildGlowcap (off)- "We could make a prime light source with some primary colors."
  • GlowcapGlowcap (on)- "Blue is obviously the most scientific color."
  • Glowcap BurntGlowcap (burnt)- "I didn't mildew it, I swear."
  • Willow's LighterWillow's Lighter- "It's her lucky lighter."

Icon SurvivalSurvival[]

Base Game[]

  • BackpackBackpack- "You could fit a whole lot of science in there."
  • PiggybackPiggyback- "I feel kinda bad for that."
  • Bird TrapBird Trap- "Gives me a net advantage!"
  • Bug NetBug Net- "For catching bugs."
  • Fishing RodFishing Rod- "It makes me hungry just to look at it."
  • Straw RollStraw Roll- "It smells like wet."
  • Fur RollFur Roll- "It's so warm and comfy."
  • TentTent- "I get sort of crazy when I don't sleep."
  • TrapTrap- "I wove it real tight."
  • Honey PoulticeHoney Poultice- "Seems sterile enough."
  • Healing SalveHealing Salve- "The stinging means that it's working."
  • UmbrellaUmbrella- "This will keep my hair dry, at least."
  • CompassCompass-
    • N- "North."
    • S- "South."
    • E- "East."
    • W- "West."
    • NE- "Northeast."
    • SE- "Southeast."
    • NW- "Northwest."
    • SW- "Southwest."
  • CompassCompass (generic)- "Which way am I facing?"
  • Bundling WrapBundling Wrap- "Wrapping things up should make them easier to carry."
  • Bundled Supplies 1 SlotBundled Supplies 2-3 SlotBundled Supplies 4 SlotBundled Supplies- "Our supplies are in there!"

Reign of Giants[]

  • Insulated PackInsulated Pack- "The fur keeps the temperature inside stable."
  • Luxury FanLuxury Fan- "Down, to bring the temperature down."
  • Siesta Lean-toSiesta Lean-to- "A nice place for an afternoon rest out of the heat."
  • Siesta Lean-toSiesta Lean-to (can't sleep)- "Night is for sleeping, not taking siestas."
  • Siesta Lean-toSiesta Lean-to (monsters)- "It's too dangerous right now!"
  • Siesta Lean-toSiesta Lean-to (hungry)- "I'm too hungry for a siesta!"
  • Siesta Lean-toSiesta Lean-to (in cave)- "I don't think I could really relax down here."
  • Tent BurntTent (burnt)- "Nothing left to sleep in."
  • Siesta Lean-to BurntSiesta Lean-to (burnt)- "It won't provide much shade now."
  • Thermal Stone Stage 3Thermal Stone- "I could manipulate its temperature."
  • Thermal Stone Stage 1Thermal Stone (frozen)- "It's colder than ice."
  • Thermal StoneThermal Stone (cold)- "That's a cold stone."
  • Thermal Stone Stage 4Thermal Stone (warm)- "It's quite warm and cuddly... for a rock!"
  • Thermal Stone Stage 5Thermal Stone (hot)- "Nice and toasty hot!"
  • Pretty ParasolPretty Parasol- "This will keep my hair moderately dry, at least."


  • Thatch PackThatch Pack- "I call it a thatchel."
  • Booty BagBooty Bag- "I can keep my booty in here."
  • Sea SackSea Sack- "I hate when food has that not-so-fresh taste."
  • Tropical FanTropical Fan- "Down to bring my temperature down."
  • Silly Monkey BallSilly Monkey Ball- "I have a strange desire to name it after myself."
  • Tropical ParasolTropical Parasol- "My hair looks good wet... it's when it dries that's the problem."
  • Anti VenomAnti Venom- "Tastes horrible!"
  • Palm Leaf HutPalm Leaf Hut BurntPalm Leaf Hut (normal, burning, and burnt)- "Shade, sweet shade."


  • Bug B'GoneBug B'Gone- "Take that, bugs!"
  • Bird WhistleBird Whistle- "For the birds."

Don't Starve Together[]

  • PiggybackPiggyback- "This little piggy's gone... "home"."
  • Fishing RodFishing Rod- "Hook, line and stick!"
  • UmbrellaUmbrella- "I always hate when my hair gets wet and poofy."
  • Luxury FanLuxury Fan- "Down, to bring the temperature down."
  • Pretty ParasolPretty Parasol- "My hair looks good wet... it's when it dries that's the problem."
  • Telltale HeartTelltale Heart- "The beating of this hideous heart will bring a ghost back to life!"
  • Booster ShotBooster Shot- "A scientific breakthrough! The cure!"
  • WaterballoonWaterballoon- "What a scientific marvel!"
  • Whirly FanWhirly Fan- "Somehow the breeze comes out the back twice as fast."
  • FlareFlare- "I can light it to let everyone know I'm here."
  • Sea Fishing RodSea Fishing Rod- "Now this is the reel deal!"
  • Tillweed SalveTillweed Salve- "My salve-ation."
  • Seed Pack-ItSeed Pack-It- "I was getting tired of carrying loose seeds in my pockets."
  • BernieBernie InactiveBernie (held and inactive)- "It's all scorched."
  • Bernie ActiveBernie (active)- "That teddy bear is moving around. Interesting."
  • Bernie BigBERNIE!- "Remind me not to get on Willow's bad side."
  • DeadBernieBernie (broken)- "It finally fell apart."
  • Chef PouchChef Pouch- "A breakthrough in culinary science!"
  • Tent RollTent Roll- "This requires some a-tent-tion."
  • Camper's TentCamper's Tent- "I feel like I haven't had a proper night's sleep in ages!"

Icon FoodFood[]

Base Game[]

  • Crock PotCrock Pot (empty)- "It makes me hungry just to look at it."
  • Crock PotCrock Pot (cooking, long time left)- "This is going to take a while."
  • Crock PotCrock Pot (cooking, short time left)- "It's almost done!"
  • Crock PotCrock Pot (finished)- "Mmmmm! It's ready to eat!"
  • Crock PotCrock Pot (failed to add item)- "That can't go in there."
  • Bee BoxBee Box- "Bees!"
  • Bee Box Level 0Bee Box (no honey)- "It's empty."
  • Bee Box Level 2Bee Box (some honey)- "I should wait a bit."
  • Bee Box Level 3Bee Box (full of honey)- "It's full of honey."
  • Basic FarmImproved FarmFarm- "I should try planting some crops."
  • Basic FarmImproved FarmFarm (growing)- "Go plants go!"
  • Basic FarmImproved FarmFarm (finished)- "Mmmm. Ready to harvest."
  • Basic FarmImproved FarmFarm (needs fertilizer)- "I think it needs to be fertilized."
  • Ice BoxIce Box- "I have harnessed the power of cold!"
  • Drying Rack BuildDrying Rack- "I should dry some meats."
  • Drying RackDrying Rack (drying)- "Meat takes a while to dry."
  • Drying RackDrying Rack (finished)- "Jerky time!"

Reign of Giants[]

  • Crock Pot BurntCrock Pot (burnt)- "The pot got cooked."
  • Bee Box BurntBee Box (burnt)- "How did it get burned?!!"
  • Farmplot BurntBasic and Improved Farm (burnt)- "I don't think anything will grow in a pile of ash."
  • Drying RackDrying Rack (drying in rain)- "Meat takes even longer to dry in rain."
  • Drying Rack BurntDrying Rack (burnt)- "The rack got dried."
  • Bucket-o-poopBucket-o-poop- "That is definitely a bucket full of poop."


  • Mussel StickMussel Stick- "I'm really going to stick it to those mussels."
  • Mussel BedMussel Bed- "I should find a good spot for these."
  • Fish FarmFish Farm (empty)- "I need to find some fish eggs for this."
  • Fish FarmFish Farm (growing)- "The fish babies haven't hatched yet."
  • Fish FarmFish Farm (one fish)- "There's a fish!"
  • Fish FarmFish Farm (two fish)- "The fish are still multiplying."
  • Fish FarmFish Farm (three fish)- "This has been a successful fish experiment!"
  • Fish FarmFish Farm (four fish)- "I'd better start harvesting these!"


  • SprinklerSprinkler- "Water you think it's for?"

Don't Starve Together[]

  • Bee Box Level 2Bee Box (some honey)- "Need to wait a bit."
  • Drying RackDrying Rack (non-meat drying)- "Drying things is not an exact science."
  • Drying RackDrying Rack (non-meat done)- "In laboratory terms, we would call that "dry"."
  • Drying RackDrying Rack (non-meat drying in rain)- "Rain, rain, go away. Be wet again another day."
  • Mushroom Planter BuildMushroom Planter (empty)- "It could use a spore. Or a mushroom transplant."
  • Mushroom PlanterMushroom Planter (some)- "It should keep growing now."
  • Mushroom PlanterMushroom Planter (lots)- "The mushrooms have really taken to the log."
  • Mushroom PlanterMushroom Planter (stuffed)- "That's a lot of mushrooms!"
  • Mushroom Planter ExhaustedMushroom Planter (rotten)- "The log is dead. We should replace it with a live one."
  • Mushroom Planter BurntMushroom Planter (burnt)- "The power of science compelled it."
  • Mushroom PlanterMushroom Planter (snow covered)- "I don't think it can grow in this cold."
  • Salt BoxSalt Box- "Just the cure for spoiling food!"
  • CookbookCookbook- "I've always been hungry for knowledge."
  • Garden DigamajigGarden Digamajig (held)- "I'd better find a good spot for my garden before I use it."
  • Garden Digamajig BuildGarden Digamajig- "A convenient plot device."
  • Composting BinComposting Bin- "I can barrel-y stand the smell."
  • Composting BinComposting Bin (too wet)- "That looks too soggy."
  • Composting BinComposting Bin (too dry)- "Hm... too dry."
  • Composting BinComposting Bin (balanced)- "Just right!"
  • File:Composting Bin Burnt.pngComposting Bin (burnt)- "I didn't think it could smell any worse..."
  • Growth Formula StarterGrowth Formula Starter- "Now we wait for science to do its work."
  • Fermenting Growth FormulaFermenting Growth Formula- "It's creating what we scientists call a chemical reaction!"
  • Fermented Growth FormulaFermented Growth Formula- "That stomach-churning smell means it's working!"
  • Super Growth FormulaSuper Growth Formula- "That's some strong science!"
  • Gardeneer HatGardeneer Hat- "To understand the plant, you must wear the plant."
  • Tree JamTree Jam- "Mmmm, tree food!"
  • Portable Crock Pot BuildPortable Crock Pot- "Now we're cookin'!"
  • Portable Crock PotPortable Crock Pot (finished)- "Now we're done cookin'!"
  • Portable Grinding Mill BuildPortable Grinding Mill- "It mixes all the food."
  • Portable Seasoning Station BuildPortable Seasoning Station- "This will spice things up."
  • Portable Seasoning StationPortable Seasoning Station (finished)- "Should make things a little tastier."

Icon ScienceScience[]

Base Game[]

  • Science MachineScience Machine- "It breaks down objects into their scientific components."
  • Alchemy EngineAlchemy Engine- "It's even more science-y than the last one!"
  • Thermal MeasurerThermal Measurer- "I am one heck of a scientist."
  • RainometerRainometer- "It measures cloudiness."
  • Lightning RodLightning Rod- "I can harness the heavens!"
  • Lightning RodLightning Rod (charged)- "The power is mine!"
  • GunpowderGunpowder- "It looks like pepper."

Reign of Giants[]

  • Science Machine BurntScience Machine (burnt)- "It won't be doing much science now."
  • Alchemy Engine BurntAlchemy Engine (burnt)- "The extra science didn't keep it alive."
  • Thermal Measurer BurntThermal Measurer (burnt)- "Its measuring days are over."
  • Rainometer BurntRainometer (burnt)- "The measuring parts went up in a cloud of smoke."
  • Ice FlingomaticIce Flingomatic (off)- "All quiet on the flinging front."
  • Ice FlingomaticIce Flingomatic (on)- "Fling on!"
  • Ice FlingomaticIce Flingomatic (low fuel)- "The fuel tank is getting a bit low."
  • Electrical DoodadElectrical Doodad- "It's whirring with electricity."


  • Sea LabSea Lab- "For sea science!"
  • Ice Maker 3000Ice Maker 3000- "It's putting along!"
  • Ice Maker 3000Ice Maker 3000 (high)- "It's running great!"
  • Ice Maker 3000Ice Maker 3000 (medium)- "It's putting along."
  • Ice Maker 3000Ice Maker 3000 (low)- "It seems to be slowing down."
  • Ice Maker 3000Ice Maker 3000 (very low)- "I can hear it sputtering."
  • Ice Maker 3000Ice Maker 3000 (out)- "It needs more fuel."
  • Quacken DrillQuacken Drill- "I can get more tar if I used this at sea."


  • SmelterSmelter- "I smelt that!"
  • Oscillating FanOscillating Fan- "Fan-tastic."

Don't Starve Together[]

  • Thermal MeasurerThermal Measurer- "Mercurial."
  • Lightning RodLightning Rod- "To harness the heavens!"
  • Cartographer's Desk BuildCartographer's Desk- "Now I can show everyone what I found!"
  • Cartographer's DeskCartographer's Desk (burning)- "So much for that."
  • Cartographer's Desk BurntCartographer's Desk (burnt)- "Nothing but ash now."
  • Potter's Wheel BuildPotter's Wheel- "We can make stone sculptures with this."
  • Potter's WheelPotter's Wheel (material placed)- "Ready for sculpting."
  • Potter's WheelPotter's Wheel (sculpture)- "A masterpiece!"
  • Potter's Wheel BurntPotter's Wheel (burnt)- "Burnt right down."
  • Think Tank BuildThink Tank- "I think tanks are in order."
  • Think Tank BurntThink Tank (burnt)- "The science has been lost to sea."
  • Terra Firma TamperTerra Firma Tamper- "A true scientist is always breaking new ground!"

Exclusive to PS4[]

  • AccomploshrineAccomploshrine- "I want to use it, and I want the world to know that I did."

Icon FightFight[]

Base Game[]

  • SpearSpear- "That's one pointy stick."
  • Ham BatHam Bat- "This seems unsanitary."
  • BoomerangBoomerang- "Aerodynamical!"
  • BoomerangBoomerang (hit self)- "Ow! I should try to catch that!"
  • Blow DartBlow Dart- "Good practice for my birthday cake!"
  • Sleep DartSleep Dart- "Just don't breathe in."
  • Fire DartFire Dart- "This seems fundamentally unsafe."
  • Football HelmetFootball Helmet- "I don't like sports."
  • Grass SuitGrass Suit- "I hope there are no bugs in this."
  • Log SuitLog Suit- "That is a perfectly reasonable piece of clothing."
  • Marble SuitMarble Suit- "This looks really heavy."
  • Bee MineBee Mine- "It buzzes when I shake it."
  • Tooth TrapTooth Trap- "This is a nasty surprise."

Reign of Giants[]

  • ScalemailScalemail- "Hot mail!"
  • Morning StarMorning Star- "It's electric!"
  • Weather PainWeather Pain- "Spinning doom."


  • Poison SpearPoison Spear- "Now it's extra deadly."
  • Poison DartPoison Dart- "The pointy end goes that way."
  • CoconadeCoconade- "I'll need to light it first."
  • CoconadeCoconade (lit)- "This seems dangerous."
  • Spear GunSpear Gun SpearSpear Gun PoisonSpear Gun ObsidianSpear Gun (empty), Spear Gun, Poison Spear Gun, Obsidian Spear Gun- "Science takes care of me."
  • Cutlass SupremeCutlass Supreme- "I hope this sword doesn't start to smell..."
  • Horned HelmetHorned Helmet- "Nice and dry. This helmet will protect me from the elements."
  • Seashell SuitSeashell Suit- "Arts and crafts!"
  • Limestone SuitLimestone Suit- "I'm sure this will hold up great!"
  • Cactus ArmorCactus Armor- "The best defense is a good offense."


  • HalberdHalberd- "Now I can't be caught off-guard."
  • Cork BatCork Bat- "Put a cork in it."
  • Weevole MantleWeevole Mantle- "Yeesh. This is kinda creepy."
  • Mant MaskMant Mask- "There's still some goo stuck to the insides."
  • Mant SuitMant Suit- "It's brittle."
  • Fancy HelmetFancy Helmet- "Protects my brains."
  • Tin SuitTin Suit- "Science says I'm safe in here."
  • BlunderbussBlunderbuss- "Well, this will come in handy."

Don't Starve Together[]

  • Grass SuitGrass Suit- "Hopefully there aren't any bugs in it."
  • Bee MineBee Mine- "It buzzes when shaken."
  • Electric DartElectric Dart- "It has shocking accuracy."
  • Tail o' Three CatsTail o' Three Cats- "Nothing like loud noises to help keep the peace."
  • NapsackNapsack- "It makes snooze circles when I throw it."
  • Cookie Cutter CapCookie Cutter Cap- "At least my hair will stay dry."
  • Strident TridentStrident Trident- "This is going to be a blast!"
  • Battle HelmBattle Helm- "Pretty fancy hat, that."
  • Battle SpearBattle Spear- "It feels very stabby."
  • Trusty SlingshotTrusty Slingshot- "The bane of windows everywhere."

Icon StructuresStructures[]

Base Game[]

  • Birdcage BuildBirdcage- "I should put a bird in it."
  • BirdcageBirdcage (occupied)- "That's my bird!"
  • BirdcageBirdcage (occupied, sleeping)- "Awwww, he's asleep."
  • Pig House BuildPig House- "These pigs have pretty fancy houses."
  • Pig House Light OnPig House (occupied, lights on)- "I can see a snout pressed up against the window."
  • Pig House BuildPig House (occupied, lights off)- "Come ON! I know you're home!"
  • Rabbit Hutch BuildRabbit Hutch- "That's not a real carrot."
  • Hay WallHay Wall (held)- "This seems like a bad idea."
  • Hay Wall BuildHay Wall- "Hmmmm. I guess that'll have to do."
  • Wood WallWood Wall (held)- "Pickets!"
  • Wood Wall BuildWood Wall- "Pointy!"
  • Stone WallStone Wall (held)- "They make me feel so safe."
  • Stone Wall BuildStone Wall- "That's a nice wall."
  • ChestChest- "It's my tickle trunk!"
  • SignSign- "It says "You are here"."
  • Potted FernPotted Fern- "A fern in a pot."
  • Mini SignMini Sign (held)- "It's not much use like this. We should place it."
  • Mini SignMini Sign (empty)- "We should draw something on there."
  • Mini SignMini Sign (drawn on)- "I could draw better than that!"
  • Wood FenceWood Fence (held)- "All we need to build a nice, sturdy fence."
  • Wood Fence BuildWood Fence- "It's just a wood fence."
  • Wood GateWood Gate (held)- "All we need to build a nice, sturdy gate."
  • Wood Gate BuildWood Gate- "It opens. And closes sometimes, too."

Reign of Giants[]

  • Pig House BurntPig House (burnt)- "Not so fancy now, pig!"
  • Rabbit Hutch BurntRabbit Hutch (burnt)- "That's not a real roasted carrot."
  • Hay Wall BuildHay Wall (burnt)- "That won't do at all."
  • Wood Wall BuildWood Wall (burnt)- "Burnt!"
  • Chest BurntChest (burnt)- "That trunk was truncated."
  • Scaled ChestScaled Chest- "Next best thing to a lockbox!"
  • Sign BurntSign (burnt)- "I can't read it any longer."


  • Sand CastleSand Castle- "Look what I made!"
  • Sand Castle SandSand Castle (sand)- "It's a sandcastle, in the sand!"
  • Wildbore House BuildWildbore House BurntWildbore House (normal, burning, and burnt)- "What a bore-ing house."
  • Prime Ape Hut BuildPrime Ape Hut (normal, burning, and burnt)- "Here be evil."
  • Limestone WallLimestone Wall (held)- "These would do more good if I placed them."
  • LimestoneWallStructureLimestone Wall- "Sturdy."
  • Dragoon DenDragoon Den- "Even goons gotta sleep."
  • Sand BagSandbag (held)- "Sand technology on the go."
  • Sand Bag StructureSandbag- "Keeps the water at bay."
  • SeaworthySeaworthy (Vanilla or ROG world)- "Ahoy!"
  • SeaworthySeaworthy (SW world)- "It's broken."
  • BuoyBuoy- "Awww yaaaaa Buoy!"
  • Sea ChestSea Chest- "Watertight, just like all my theories."
  • Ballphin Palace BuildBallphin Palace- "The place where the ballphins roost."
  • Sea WallSea Wall (held)- "I have to build it in the water."
  • Sea Wall BuildSea Wall- "I shelled out for the good stuff."


  • Cork BarrelCork Barrel- "Room for two. Or three."

Don't Starve Together[]

  • Birdcage BuildBirdcage- "Now it just needs a bird."
  • BirdcageBirdcage (occupied)- "Who's a good bird?"
  • ChestChest- "It's a tickle trunk!"
  • BirdcageBirdcage (occupied, bird hungry)- "He's looking a bit peckish."
  • BirdcageBirdcage (occupied, bird starving)- "Did I forget to feed you?"
  • BirdcageBirdcage (occupied, bird dead)- "Maybe he's just resting?"
  • BirdcageBirdcage (occupied, bird skeleton)- "That bird is definitely deceased."
  • Directional SignDirectional Sign- "It says 'Thataway'."
  • SignDirectional SignSign and Directional Sign (empty)- "The sign is currently blank."
  • Directional Sign BurntDirectional Sign (burnt)- "'Don't play with matches.'"
  • End TableEnd Table (empty and burning)- "I should put something in there."
  • StagehandEnd Table (flowers)- "A flower in a vase on a table."
  • StagehandEnd Table (new light source)- "It's nice to have a little light."
  • StagehandEnd Table (old light source)- "Did we remember to pick up new bulbs?"
  • StagehandEnd Table (wilted)- "Not looking too fresh."
  • End Table BurntEnd Table (burnt)- "A burnt vase on a burnt table."
  • Friendly ScarecrowFriendly Scarecrow- "All dressed up and no where to crow."
  • Friendly Scarecrow BuildFriendly Scarecrow (burning)- "Someone made that strawman eat crow."
  • Friendly Scarecrow BurntFriendly Scarecrow (burnt)- "Someone MURDERed that scarecrow!"
  • Moon Rock WallMoon Rock Wall (held)- "Very light, but surprisingly tough."
  • Moon Rock Wall BuildMoon Rock Wall- "Spacey and smooth!"
  • Scaled FurnaceScaled Furnace- "It's scalding!"
  • WardrobeWardrobe- "It holds dark, forbidden secrets..."
  • WardrobeWardrobe (burning)- "That's burning fast!"
  • Wardrobe BurntWardrobe (burnt)- "It's outta style now."
  • Potted SucculentPotted Succulent- "A succulent in a pot."
  • Tackle ReceptacleTackle Receptacle- "Time to tackle my reel problems."
  • Fish Scale-O-MaticFish Scale-O-Matic- "I wonder how my catch of the day will measure up!"
  • Fish Scale-O-MaticFish Scale-O-Matic (with heavy fish)- "What a catch!"
  • Fish Scale-O-MaticFish Scale-O-Matic (with own fish)- "Not to throw my weight around, buuut..."
  • Fish Scale-O-MaticFish Scale-O-Matic (with own heavy fish)- "It's the one that DIDN'T get away!"
  • Fish Scale-O-MaticFish Scale-O-Matic (burning)- "On a scale of 1 to on fire... that's pretty on fire."
  • Fish Scale-O-Matic BurntFish Scale-O-Matic (burnt)- "All my bragging rights, gone up in flames!"
  • Astral DetectorAstral Detector (held)- "Aha! I used the secret knowledge to build a device! Why does this feel familiar..."
  • Astral Detector BuildAstral Detector- "Why use a map when you could use a mind-bogglingly complex piece of machinery?"
  • Astral Detector BuildAstral Detector (all pieces found)- "It seems to have found everything worth finding."
  • Produce ScaleProduce Scale- "I can scientifically measure my harvest's heftiness."
  • Produce ScaleProduce Scale (with light item)- "It's so average the scale isn't even bothering to tell me its weight."
  • Produce ScaleProduce Scale (with item)- "Not bad."
  • Produce ScaleProduce Scale (with heavy item)- "Who knew they grew that big?"
  • Produce ScaleProduce Scale (burning)- "Mmm, what's cooking?"
  • Produce Scale BurntProduce Scale (burnt)- "I suppose that wasn't the best way to cook it."
  • Grooming Station KitGrooming Station (held)- "I'd better set this up somewhere."
  • Grooming StationGrooming Station- "There's no beefalo here to groom."
  • Grooming StationGrooming Station (occupied)- "Let's beautify this beefalo!"
  • File:Grooming Station Burnt.pngGrooming Station (burnt)- "I styled my beefalo in the hottest fashions... and paid the price."
  • Craftsmerm House BuildCraftsmerm House- "It's actually kind of cute."
  • Craftsmerm House BurntCraftsmerm House (burnt)- "Ugh, the smell!"
  • DIY Royalty Kit BuildDIY Royalty Kit- "Just what is she planning?"
  • DIY Royalty Kit BurntDIY Royalty Kit (burnt)- "I suppose we'll never know what it was for now."
  • Royal TapestryRoyal Tapestry- "Looks fit for a swamp king!"
  • Royal Tapestry BurntRoyal Tapestry (burnt)- "There was something fishy about that throne anyway."
  • Merm Flort-ifications BuildMerm Flort-ifications- "They seem happy to have found a king."
  • Merm Flort-ifications BuildMerm Flort-ifications (Merm King dead)- "A royal guard with no Royal to guard."
  • SisturnSisturn (empty)- "Some flowers would liven it up a bit."
  • SisturnSisturn (some flowers)- "A few more flowers should do the trick."
  • Sisturn BuildSisturn (full)- "What a brilliant boo-quet!"

Icon RefineRefine[]

Base Game[]

  • RopeRope- "Some short lengths of rope."
  • BoardsBoards- "Boards."
  • Cut StoneCut Stone- "I've made them seductively smooth."
  • PapyrusPapyrus- "Some sheets of paper."
  • Purple GemPurple Gem- "It contains the mysteries of the universe."
  • Nightmare FuelNightmare Fuel- "This stuff is crazy!"
  • BeeswaxBeeswax- "Beeswax is a scientifically proven preservative!"
  • Wax PaperWax Paper- "Some sheets of wax paper."


  • ClothCloth- "Soft cloth made from hard root!"
  • LimestoneLimestone- "Looks like a useful building material."
  • Empty BottleEmpty Bottle- "Just an empty bottle."
  • Coral NubbinCoral Nubbin- "I want nubbin to do with that."


  • Claw Palm SaplingClaw Palm Sapling- "Science at work."

Don't Starve Together[]

  • Cut StoneCut Stone- "Seductively smooth."
  • Cratered MoonrockCratered Moonrock- "I should stick something shiny in it. For research."
  • Marble BeanMarble Bean- "I traded the old family cow for it."
  • Feathery CanvasFeathery Canvas- "I'm making a quill-t!"
  • Collected DustCollected Dust- "Ah-CHOO!"

Icon MagicMagic[]

Base Game[]

  • Meat EffigyMeat Effigy- "What a handsome devil!"
  • PrestihatitatorPrestihatitator- "Who would name something that?"
  • Shadow ManipulatorShadow Manipulator- "What have I created?"
  • Pan FlutePan Flute- "I can serenade the animals."
  • Night LightNight Light- "It gives off a spooky light."
  • Night ArmorNight Armor- "Wearing this makes me feel safe and insecure."
  • Dark SwordDark Sword- "I dreamed it myself!"
  • One-man BandOne-man Band- "I should have added a beefalo bell."
  • Bat BatBat Bat- "I bet I could fly if I held two of these."
  • Belt of HungerBelt of Hunger- "A soggy, sustaining, succulent suit."
  • Chilled AmuletChilled Amulet- "Cool as ice!"
  • Nightmare AmuletNightmare Amulet- "It's whispering to me."
  • Life Giving AmuletLife Giving Amulet- "I feel so safe when I'm wearing it."
  • Fire StaffFire Staff- "I don't want to set the world on fire."
  • Ice StaffIce Staff- "It's cold to the touch."
  • Telelocator StaffTelelocator Staff- "It can show me the world."
  • TelebaseTelelocator Focus (full)- "It's ready to go."
  • TelebaseTelelocator Focus (missing gem)- "It needs more purple gems."
  • Telelocator FocusTelolocator Socket (full)- "Looks ready."
  • Telelocator FocusTelelocator Socket (missing gem)- "It needs a gem."

Reign of Giants[]

  • Meat Effigy BurntMeat Effigy (burnt)- "Not much use anymore."
  • Prestihatitator BurntPrestihatitator (burnt)- "Fire doesn't really solve naming issues..."
  • Shadow Manipulator BurntShadow Manipulator (burnt)- "Whatever it was, it's burnt now."
  • Old BellOld Bell- "Dingalingaling."


  • PiratihatitatorPiratihatitator- "It's twisting my tongue."
  • Prestihatitator BurntPiratihatitator (burnt)- "Fire doesn't really solve naming issues..."
  • Dripple PipesDripple Pipes- "Is it dripping...?"


  • Hogus PorkusatorHogus Porkusator- "More science for my brain!"
  • Pugalisk WandPugalisk Wand- "Sends shivers down my spine."
  • SkyworthySkyworthy (non-Hamlet world)- "Entrance-ing."
  • SkyworthySkyworthy (Hamlet world)- "That's exit-ing!"
  • Living ArtifactLiving Artifact- "It's alive. ALIVE!"
  • Root TrunkRoot Trunk- "It rooted out all my things!"
  • Vortex CloakVortex Cloak- "Ha ha! Take that nightmares!"

Don't Starve Together[]

  • Pan FlutePan Flute- "To serenade the animals."
  • Night ArmorNight Armor- "Wearing that makes me feel safe and insecure."
  • Dark SwordDark Sword- "Why would anyone make this? It's terrifying."
  • One-man BandOne-man Band- "We should add a beefalo bell."
  • Bat BatBat Bat- "I bet I could fly if I held two of them."
  • Life Giving AmuletLife Giving Amulet- "I feel so safe when I get to wear it."
  • Telelocator StaffTelelocator Staff- "That could reveal the world."
  • OcuvigilOcuvigil- "That's an entirely scientific mapping tool."
  • Moon DialMoon Dial (generic)- "Water amplifies the science, allowing us to measure the moon."
  • Moon Dial (New Moon)Moon Dial (new moon)- "It's a new moon."
  • Moon Dial (Waxing Half)Moon Dial (waxing)- "The moon is waxing."
  • Moon Dial (Full Moon)Moon Dial (full moon)- "It's a full moon."
  • Moon Dial (Waning Half)Moon Dial (waning)- "The moon is waning."
  • Moon DialMoon Dial (in Caves)- "There's no moon down here to measure."
  • Moon Dial (Moonstorm)Moon Dial (Moonstorm)- "I have the strangest feeling I'm being watched."
  • The Lazy DeserterThe Lazy Deserter- "This pyramid controls the sands."
  • The Lazy DeserterThe Lazy Deserter (active)- "Ready for departiculation."
  • Clean SweeperClean Sweeper- "I like the dust! It feels scholarly!"
  • Kitschy Beaver IdolKitschy Beaver Idol- "I guess science works differently up North."
  • Kitschy Goose IdolKitschy Goose Idol- "That thing's giving ME goosebumps!"
  • Kitschy Moose IdolKitschy Moose Idol- "A perfectly normal cursed moose thing."

Icon DressDress[]

Base Game[]

  • Sewing KitSewing Kit- "Darn it! Darn it all to heck!"
  • Rabbit EarmuffsRabbit Earmuffs- "At least my ears won't get cold..."
  • Straw HatStraw Hat- "Hats always ruin my hair."
  • Beefalo HatBeefalo Hat- "That's a case of hat-hair waiting to happen."
  • Beekeeper HatBeekeeper Hat- "This should keep me protected."
  • Feather HatFeather Hat- "I AM A BIRD!"
  • Winter HatWinter Hat- "It'll be good for when winter comes."
  • Top HatTop Hat- "What a nice hat."
  • Dapper VestDapper Vest- "This vest is dapper as all get-out."
  • Breezy VestBreezy Vest- "Wilderness casual."
  • Puffy VestPuffy Vest- "Winter survival gear."
  • Bush HatBush Hat- "It's kind of scratchy."
  • GarlandGarland- "It smells like prettiness."
  • Walking CaneWalking Cane- "It makes walking seem much easier!"

Reign of Giants[]

  • Cat CapCat Cap- "Ears hat!"
  • Fashion MelonFashion Melon- "Let the juice run down your face."
  • Ice CubeIce Cube- "Stay cool, boy."
  • Rain CoatRain Coat- "Keeps the rain where it ought to be. Outside my body."
  • Rain HatRain Hat- "It'll mess up my hair, but I'll stay nice and dry."
  • Summer FrestSummer Frest- "Keep off, evil sun!"
  • Floral ShirtFloral Shirt- "It's not lab-safe!"
  • EyebrellaEyebrella- "It will watch over me."
  • Hibearnation VestHibearnation Vest- "Welcome to the hibernation station!"


  • Brain of ThoughtBrain of Thought- "Two brains means double the ideas!"
  • Snakeskin HatSnakeskin Hat- "Should repel the rain."
  • Snakeskin JacketSnakeskin Jacket- "How fashionable!"
  • Blubber SuitBlubber Suit- "Well, it's something."
  • WindbreakerWindbreaker- "The wind doesn't stand a chance!"
  • Tar SuitTar Suit- "I'll pitch a fit if I have to wear that."
  • Particulate PurifierParticulate Purifier- "Sucks all the stink out."
  • Sleek HatSleek Hat- "It really cuts through the air!"
  • Shark Tooth CrownShark Tooth Crown- "What a dangerous looking hat."
  • DumbrellaDumbrella- "The second umbrella keeps the first umbrella dry."


  • Gas MaskGas Mask- "Now I can breath anywhere."
  • Pith HatPith Hat- "Pithy."
  • ThunderhatThunderhat- "Does this hat make me look scientific?"

Don't Starve Together[]

  • Rabbit EarmuffsRabbit Earmuffs- "Makes you warm and fuzzy inside. Outside, too."
  • Beekeeper HatBeekeeper Hat- "Protects your skin, but squashes your meticulous coiffure."
  • Feather HatFeather Hat- "BECOME THE BIRD!"
  • Walking CaneWalking Cane- "Technically walking is just controlled falling."
  • Rain CoatRain Coat- "Keeps the rain where it ought to be. Outside your body."
  • Rain HatRain Hat- "Messy hair... the terrible price of dryness."
  • EyebrellaEyebrella- "It watches over the wearer."
  • Fashion GogglesFashion Goggles- "What a stylish pair of goggles."
  • Desert GogglesDesert Goggles- "Quality eye protection."
  • Blue FuncapGreen FuncapRed FuncapFuncap- "Makes the wearer look like a fun guy."
  • SeawreathSeawreath- "Sometimes you have to feel worse to feel better."
  • AstrogglesAstroggles- "Of course! Combining moon energy with potato energy, why didn't I think of that?"
  • Clever DisguiseClever Disguise- "Finally, I can show my face in public."
  • Pinetree Pioneer HatPinetree Pioneer Hat- "I was never exactly "outdoorsy" in my youth."

Icon AncientAncient[]

Base Game[]

  • ThuleciteThulecite- "I wonder where this is from?"
  • Thulecite WallThulecite Wall (held)- "A solid piece of history."
  • Thulecite Wall BuildThulecite Wall- "An ancient piece of wall."
  • Thulecite MedallionThulecite Medallion (min)- "All is well."
  • Thulecite MedallionThulecite Medallion (rising low)- "Getting pretty magical around here."
  • Thulecite MedallionThulecite Medallion (rising high)- "I think it's becoming more concentrated!"
  • Thulecite MedallionThulecite Medallion (max)- "It seems to be staying steady."
  • Thulecite MedallionThulecite Medallion (receding high)- "Feels like it's receding."
  • Thulecite MedallionThulecite Medallion (receding low)- "The nightmare is almost gone!"
  • Thulecite MedallionThulecite Medallion (outside ruins)- "There's no magic around here."
  • The Lazy ForagerThe Lazy Forager- "Teleportation can be so useful."
  • MagiluminescenceMagiluminescence- "Warm to the touch."
  • Construction AmuletConstruction Amulet- "Just when I thought I couldn't get any better."
  • The Lazy ExplorerThe Lazy Explorer- "This beats walking."
  • Star Caller's StaffStar Caller's Staff- "I put a gem on a stick."
  • Deconstruction StaffDeconstruction Staff- "This will come in handy."
  • PickSlashAxePick/Axe- "It's brilliant!"
  • Thulecite CrownThulecite Crown- "Fit for a king. Or me."
  • Thulecite SuitThulecite Suit- "It's oddly light."
  • Thulecite ClubThulecite Club- "It has quite a heft to it."
  • Houndius ShootiusHoundius Shootius (held)- "I think it's sleeping."
  • Houndius Shootius BuildHoundius Shootius- "I hope it doesn't turn on me."

Don't Starve Together[]

  • Thulecite MedallionThulecite Medallion (rising high)- "It's becoming more concentrated!"
  • Construction AmuletConstruction Amulet- "No base should be without one!"
  • Star Caller's StaffStar Caller's Staff- "A genius invention... a gem on a stick."
  • Thulecite CrownThulecite Crown- "How's my hair?"
  • Premier Gardeneer HatPremier Gardeneer Hat- "This will help me see all the science hiding in the dirt."

Icon NauticalNautical[]


  • Log RaftLog Raft- "This looks... boat-like..."
  • RaftRaft- "This looks... adequate..."
  • Row BoatRow Boat- "It runs on elbow grease."
  • Cargo BoatCargo Boat- "It has room for all my stuff!"
  • Armored BoatArmored Boat- "That is one durable boat."
  • Encrusted BoatEncrusted Boat- "A mere shell of a ship."
  • The 'Sea Legs'The "Sea Legs"- "A vessel fit for a scallywag."
  • Boat Repair KitBoat Repair Kit- "This will add some float to my boat."
  • Thatch SailThatch Sail- "This should really transform my boating experience."
  • Cloth SailCloth Sail- "That wind isn't getting away now!"
  • Snakeskin SailSnakeskin Sail- "Scale it and sail it!"
  • Feather Lite SailFeather Lite Sail- "It's feather-light!"
  • Iron WindIron Wind- "This is how a scientist should travel."
  • Boat CannonBoat Cannon- "The only thing better than a boat is a boat with a cannon."
  • Quackering RamQuackering Ram- "Does my ingenuity know no bounds?!"
  • Sea TrapSea Trap (held and placed)- "For the deadliest catch."
  • Sea YardSea Yard (off)- "It's not in shipshape right now."
  • Sea YardSea Yard (on)- "For keeping my ships in tiptop shape!"
  • Sea YardSea Yard (out of fuel)- "I'll need to refill that soon."
  • Tar ExtractorTar Extractor (off)- "I have to turn it on."
  • Tar ExtractorTar Extractor (on)- "It's running smoothly."
  • Tar ExtractorTar Extractor (out of fuel)- "I need to refuel that."
  • Trawl NetTrawl Net- "Nothing but net."
  • Trawl Net DetachedTrawl Net (detached)- "It's bulging with potential!"
  • Trawl Net SinkingTrawl Net (sinking)- "I think it's sinking."
  • Trawl Net SinkingTrawl Net (sinking soon)- "It is definitely sinking."
  • SpyglassSpyglass- "I spy with my little eye..."
  • Super SpyglassSuper Spyglass- "I can see forever!"
  • Captain HatCaptain Hat- "The proper boating attire!"
  • Pirate HatPirate Hat- "Fit for a cutthroat scallywag. Or me."
  • Lucky HatLucky Hat- "Does it make me look scurvy... I mean scary!?"
  • Life JacketLife Jacket- "Keeps me afloat without my boat!"


  • Cork Bowl CanoeCork Bowl Canoe- "An accident waiting to happen."

Icon Volcanic​Volcanic[]


  • Obsidian MacheteObsidian Machete- "It's hot to the touch."
  • Obsidian AxeObsidian Axe- "A winning combination!"
  • Obsidian SpearObsidian Spear- "This will leave a mark."
  • Obsidian ArmorObsidian Armor- "I'm a genius."
  • Obsidian CoconadeObsidian Coconade- "It's even bombier!"
  • Howling ConchHowling Conch- "I can hear the wind trapped within."
  • Sail StickSail Stick- "There must be a scientific explanation for this."
  • Volcano StaffVolcano Staff- "The label says 'Keep out of reach of children'."

Icon Treasure Hunting​Treasure Hunting[]


  • Disarming ToolsDisarming Tools- "A trap for traps!"
  • Ball Pein HammerBall Pein Hammer- "It's a tiny little hammer."
  • Gold PanGold Pan- "Critics panned it."
  • Magnifying GlassMagnifying Glass- "Science awaits!"

Icon City Planning​City Planning[]


  • Lamp PostLamp Post (off)- "Lusterless."
  • Lamp PostLamp Post (on)- "Plain fire. No science involved."
  • Town HouseTown House- "Both a house, and a home."
  • Town HouseTown House (burning)- "That house is on fire!"
  • The Sterling Trough Deli BuildThe Sterling Trough Deli- "A place to eat."
  • The Sterling Trough Deli BuildThe Sterling Trough Deli (burning)- "It's on fire!"
  • Pigg and Pigglet's General Store BuildPigg and Pigglet's General Store- "A common store full of common goods."
  • Pigg and Pigglet's General Store BuildPigg and Pigglet's General Store (burning)- "That shop is on fire!"
  • Curly Tails Mud Spa BuildCurly Tails Mud Spa- "I could use a fix-me-up."
  • Curly Tails Mud Spa BuildCurly Tails Mud Spa (burning)- "That spa is on fire!"
  • Swinesbury Fine Grocer's BuildSwinesbury Fine Grocer's- "There's fresh produce in there."
  • Swinesbury Fine Grocer's BuildSwinesbury Fine Grocer's (burning)- "The food is on fire!"
  • Miss Sow's Floral Arrangements BuildMiss Sow's Floral Arrangements- "A garden variety shop."
  • Miss Sow's Floral Arrangements BuildMiss Sow's Floral Arrangements (burning)- "The flowers are burning!"
  • 'The Sty' Oddities Emporium Build'The Sty' Oddities Emporium- "A lot of strange things in there."
  • 'The Sty' Oddities Emporium Build'The Sty' Oddities Emporium (burning)- "It's on fire."
  • The Flying Pig Arcane Shop BuildThe Flying Pig Arcane Shop- "This could put a twinkle in my eye."
  • The Flying Pig Arcane Shop BuildThe Flying Pig Arcane Shop (burning)- "The knowledge is burning!"
  • The Boar's Tusk Weapon Shop BuildThe Boar's Tusk Weapon Shop- "Instruments of destruction."
  • The Boar's Tusk Weapon Shop BuildThe Boar's Tusk Weapon Shop (burning)- "The weapons are on fire!"
  • The Sow's Ear Hat Shop BuildThe Sow's Ear Hat Shop- "A place to hang your hat."
  • The Sow's Ear Hat Shop BuildThe Sow's Ear Hat Shop (burning)- "The hats are on fire!"
  • Swinesbury AcademySwinesbury Academy- "I can smell the history."
  • Swinesbury AcademySwinesbury Academy (burning)- "The museum is on fire!"
  • Swinesbury Mineral Exchange BuildSwinesbury Mineral Exchange- "Ah. A useful place for a change."
  • Swinesbury Mineral Exchange BuildSwinesbury Mineral Exchange (burning)- "It's burning."
  • The Tinkerer's Tower BuildThe Tinkerer's Tower- "For science-ing!"
  • The Tinkerer's Tower BuildThe Tinkerer's Tower (burning)- "Appears to be... burning."
  • Swinesbury City Hall BuildSwinesbury City Hall- "The local lawmaker."
  • Swinesbury City Hall BuildSwinesbury City Hall (burning)- "It wasn't me."
  • My City Hall BuildMy City Hall- "I'm a Gentleman Politician now."
  • My City Hall BuildMy City Hall (burning)- "Who would do that?!"
  • Security ContractSecurity Contract- "It says I can hire my own town guard."
  • Slanty Shanty BuildSlanty Shanty- "Who would want to live there?"
  • Slanty Shanty BuildSlanty Shanty (owned)- "Home sweet home."
  • Slanty Shanty (burnt)- "I hope the insurance will cover that."
  • Watch TowerWatch Tower- "It's surprisingly sturdy."
  • Watch TowerWatch Tower (burning)- "The tower is on fire!"

Icon Renovate​Renovate[]


  • House Expansion PermitHouse Expansion Permit- "My new lab awaits!"
  • Demolition PermitDemolition Permit- "Time to demonstrate some demolition."
  • Wood FlooringCheckered FlooringSlate FlooringWood, Checkered, and Slate Flooring- "Totally floored."
  • Marble FlooringMarble Flooring- "It's the floor."
  • Sheet Metal FlooringSheet Metal Flooring- "A-floor-dable."
  • Garden Stone FlooringGarden Stone Flooring- "A stone cold floor."
  • Geometric Tiles FlooringGeometric Tiles Flooring- "A geometric ton of flooring."
  • Shag CarpetShag Carpet- "Wipes the floor with the other flooring."
  • Transitional FlooringTransitional Flooring- "I 'wood' not say no to someone finishing this."
  • Wood Panel FlooringWood Panel Flooring- "Totally floored."
  • Herringbone FlooringHerringbone Flooring- "Stone cold floor."
  • Hexagon FlooringHexagon Flooring- "Totally floored."
  • Curvy Hoof FlooringCurvy Hoof Flooring- "Totally floored."
  • Octagon FlooringOctagon Flooring- "Geometric ton of flooring."
  • Carved BookshelfWindowed CabinetMarble ShelfGlass ShelfHutch ShelfAdjustable ShelfWall Mounted ShelfA-Frame ShelfCarved Bookshelf, Windowed Cabinet, and Marble, Glass, Hutch, Adjustable, Wall Mounted, and A-Frame Shelf- "A place to put stuff."
  • Basic BookshelfBasic Bookshelf- "Basic."
  • Cinderblock BookshelfCrates ShelfPallet ShelfCinderblock Bookshelf and Crates and Pallet Shelf- "It could use some work."
  • Ladder ShelfLadder Shelf- "Nice use for a ladder."
  • Industrial ShelfIndustrial Shelf- "Functional."
  • FridgeFridge- "This doesn't make sense."
  • Floating ShelfPipe ShelfFloating and Pipe Shelf- "A place to hang stuff."
  • Hat TreeHat Tree- "A place to hang your hat."
  • Basic PlantholderBasic Plantholder- "It's a potted plant."
  • WIP PlantholderWIP Plantholder- "It's still a work in progress."
  • Fancy PlantholderFancy Plantholder- "That's fancy."
  • Bonsai PlantholderDishgarden PlantholderPhilodendron PlantholderBirdcage PlantholderPalm PlantholderBonsai, Dishgarden, Philodendron, Birdcage, and Palm Plantholder- "A fancy way to hold a plant."
  • Orchid PlantholderDraceana PlantholderXerographica PlantholderMarble PlantholderOrchid, Draceana, Xerographica, and Marble Plantholder- "A fancy way to hold a fancy plant."
  • ZZ PlantholderZZ Plantholder- "A holder for a fancy plant."
  • Fernstand PlantholderFernstand Plantholder- "A fancy way to hold a boring plant."
  • Fern PlantholderFern Plantholder- "A hanging plant."
  • Terrarium PlantholderTerrarium Plantholder- "A plant cage."
  • Plantpet PlantholderPlantpet Plantholder- "It's like a pet that grows!"
  • Traps PlantholderTraps Plantholder- "Those look hungry."
  • Pitcher PlantholderPitcher Plantholder- "It's a growing chandelier!"
  • "Character" Tree"Character" Tree- "It's bent out of shape over something."
  • Festive Tree (Hamlet)Festive Tree- "Is it that time of year already?"
  • Planed Wood ColumnRound ColumnPlaned Wood and Round Column- "Stable enough."
  • Millinery ColumnMillinery Column- "Adds some stability."
  • Lit Marble ColumnLit Marble Column- "Adds some fancy stability."
Wall PapersWall Papers[]
  • Wood PanelingWood Paneling- "A bunch of wood."
  • Checkered Wall PaperCheckered Wall Paper- "A chunk of checkered stuff put on a wall."
  • Floral Wall PaperFloral Wall Paper- "Some fancy stuff put on a wall."
  • Sunflower Wall PaperHarlequin Wall PaperSunflower and Harlequin Wall Paper- "Pretty paper on a wall."
  • Peagawk Wall PaperPeagawk Wall Paper- "Pretty paper on a wall."
  • Orange Wall PaperOrange Wall Paper- "It's a wall."
  • Purple Wall PaperPurple Wall Paper- "It's a wall."
  • Rope Wall PannelingRope Wall Panneling- "I'm 'knot' going to say anything bad about it."
  • Circle Wall TilingCircle Wall Tiling- "Pretty paper on a wall."
  • Marble Wall TilingMarble Wall Tiling- "'Marble'ous piece of wall."
  • Fine Wall TilingFine Wall Tiling- "It's a wall."
  • Full Wall MouldingFull Wall Moulding- "Kind of square."
  • Upholstered WallUpholstered Wall- "Im-'plush'-onable."
Ceiling LightsCeiling Lights[]
  • Wired BulbWired Bulb- "Looks pretty sad."
  • Metal Shade LampMetal Shade Lamp- "Very functional."
  • ChandelierHanging Blooming LampHanging Floral LampChandelier and Hanging Blooming and Floral Lamp- "A fancy hanging light."
  • Rope LightRope Light- "It could use some decoration."
  • Dual Rope LightDual Rope Light- "Two boring lights."
  • Blown Glass BulbBlown Glass Bulb- "Fancy hanging light."
  • Cherry Lamp ShadeCherry Lamp Shade- "A fancy light."
  • Tophat LightDerby LightTophat and Derby Light- "Someone left their hat up there."
Wall DecorationsWall Decorations[]
  • PhotoPhoto- "Who's that kid?"
  • Full Length MirrorFull Length Mirror- "Now I can look at my gentlemanly figure."
  • Embroidery HoopEmbroidery Hoop- "How cozy."
  • MosaicWreathMosaic and Wreath- "Well that's nice."
  • Axe (Wall Decoration)Axe- "I have an axe to grind with this."
  • HuntHunt- "In-spear-ed."
  • Periodic TableGears ArtPeriodic Table and Gears Art- "Science-y."
  • CapeCape- "A little dramatic."
  • No SmokingNo Smoking- "Science says it's bad for your health."
  • Black CatBlack Cat- "Is this bad luck, or good?"
  • Tasteful Fish MountingTasteful Fish Mounting- "So that's where the smell is coming from."
  • Beefalo MountingBeefalo Mounting- "He looks unhappy."
  • Classic ChairLounge ChairClassic and Lounge Chair- "I could sit on that."
  • Corner ChairCorner Chair- "Someone could sit on that."
  • BenchBench- "A couple people could sit on that."
  • Horned ChairHorned Chair- "A spiky seat."
  • FootrestFootrest- "Somewhere to rest my feet."
  • Classic ChairMassager Chair- "I don't trust it."
  • Stuffed ChairStuffed Chair- "A comfy chair to sit on."
  • Rocking ChairRocking Chair- "That chair is rocking!"
  • Ottoman ChairOttoman Chair- "Seat. Foot rest. The ottoman has many uses."
  • Fancy ChaiseFancy Chaise- "A chair to chaise after."
House UpgradesHouse Upgrades[]
  • Cottage Kit (Item)Cottage Kit- "Builds a small domicile."
  • Tudor Home Kit (Item)Tudor Home Kit- "Builds a simple residence."
  • Gothic Home Kit (Item)Gothic Home Kit- "Builds a dwelling with some character."
  • Brick Home Kit (Item)Brick Home Kit- "Builds a brickwork residence."
  • Turreted Home Kit (Item)Turreted Home Kit- "Builds a reasonable shelter."
  • Villa Kit (Item)Villa Kit- "Builds a considerable home."
  • Manor Kit (Item)Manor Kit- "Builds a sizable habitation."
  • Hardwood DoorHardwood Door- "I wood like to see whats through there."
  • Stone ArchwayStone Archway- "That door rocks."
  • Forest DoorForest Door- "I feel like it's watching me."
  • Wrought Iron DoorWrought Iron Door- "A door I can go through."
  • Curtained DoorCurtained Door- "A door I can go through."
  • Industrial DoorIndustrial Door- "A door I can go through."
  • Round DoorwayRound Doorway- "A little like being eaten."
  • Gothic DoorGothic Door- "I hope that bat is dead."
  • Peaked Curtain WindowPeaked Curtain Window- "Lets in some sunlight."
  • Round Burlap WindowRound Burlap Window- "Not exactly high class."
  • Peaked WindowSquare WindowPeaked and Square Window- "It's a window."
  • Tall WindowTall Window- "It's a window. A tall window."
  • Large Square Curtain WindowLarge Square Curtain Window- "Lets in some sunlight."
  • Tall Curtain WindowTall Curtain Window- "It's a window. That's tall."
  • Greenhouse WallGreenhouse Wall- "A big window."
  • Eye RugEye Rug- "I feel like someone's watching me."
  • Square Throw RugSquare Throw Rug- "Kind of square."
  • Oval RugOctagon RugBraid RugOval, Octagon, and Braid Rug- "It's a rug."
  • Large RugLarge Rug- "It covers a lot of ground."
  • Fur Throw RugPorcupus RugFur Throw and Porcupus Rug- "A dead animal someone left on the floor."
  • Hedgehog RugHedgehog Rug- "I can step on you!"
  • Hoofprint RugHoofprint Rug- "Did an animal step on this or is it just decoration?"
  • Swirl RugSwirl Rug- "Swirlish."
  • Catcoon RugCatcoon Rug- "There's a dead animal on the floor."
  • Rubbermat RugRubbermat Rug- "Good for the lab."
  • Web RugWeb Rug- "Oh what a tangled web we weave..."
  • Metal RugMetal Rug- "I better test its metal."
  • Wormhole RugWormhole Rug- "Just a reproduction."
  • Beard RugBeard Rug- "Is that my beard?"
  • Nailbed RugNailbed Rug- "I think they nailed it."
  • Crime RugCrime Rug- "Murderous."
  • Soccer RugSoccer Rug- "Geometrical."
  • Fringe LampDownbridge LampDual Embroidered LampCeramic LampGlass LampDual Fringes LampCandelabra LampGothic LampOrb LampBellshade LampCrystals LampUpturn LampRight Angle LampFancy LampFringe, Stainglass, Downbridge, Dual Embroidered, Ceramic, Glass, Candelabra, Gothic, Orb, Bellshade, Crystals, Upturn, Right Angle, and Fancy Lamp- "A fancy lamp."
  • Stainglass LampStainglass Lamp- "A pretty lamp."
  • Dual Fringes LampDual Fringes Lamp- "Two for the price of one."
  • Elizabethan LampElizabethan Lamp- "An old fancy lamp."
  • Dual Upturn LampDual Upturn Lamp- "Two for the price of one!"
  • Spool LampSpool Lamp- "A little plain."
  • Edison LampEdison Lamp- "This one could use a lampshade."
  • Adjustable LampAdjustable Lamp- "A practical lamp."
  • Round TableRound Table- "It's a round table."
  • Hard Wood DeskHard Wood Desk- "I could get some work done there."
  • DIY TableDIY Table- "Pretty basic."
  • College TableCollege Table- "Interesting decor..."
  • Crate TableCrate Table- "I could put things on that."
  • Chess TableChess Table- "Check and mate."

Icon Cartography​Cartography[]

Don't Starve Together[]

  • Map ScrollMap Scroll (Cave)Map Scroll (empty)- "A blank map. Doesn't seem very useful."

Icon Celestial​Celestial[]

Don't Starve Together[]

  • Moon Rock IdolMoon Rock Idol- "I only worship science."
  • Portal ParaphernaliaPortal Paraphernalia- "Stuff for science!"
  • Moon Glass AxeMoon Glass Axe- "I've made it extra effective."
  • Glass CutterGlass Cutter- "I'm not really cut out for fighting."
  • Bath BombBath Bomb- "It's just textbook chemistry."

Icon Critters​Critters[]

Don't Starve Together[]

  • KittykitKittykit- "You'd make a good lab assistant."
  • VarglingVargling- "Pretty cute for a lil monster!"
  • EweletEwelet- "Much less mucusy than its momma."
  • BroodlingBroodling- "It's wyrmed its way into my heart."
  • GlomglomGlomglom- "What an aerodynamical creature!"
  • GibletGiblet- "My feathered friend."
  • MothlingMothling- "I keep her around because she's good at mothematics."
  • Friendly PeeperFriendly Peeper- "Always good to have another set of eyes! Er... eye."

Icon Fishing​Fishing[]

Don't Starve Together[]

  • Wooden Ball BobberWooden Ball Bobber- "The fish will have a ball with this."
  • Hardened Slip BobberHardened Slip Bobber- "Those fish won't give me the slip this time!"
  • Sunrise SpinnerbaitDusky SpinnerbaitNightflyer SpinnerbaitSunrise, Dusky, and Nightflyer Spinnerbait- "Some fish might find this a-luring!"
  • Sunrise SpoonDusky SpoonNightflyer SpoonSunrise, Dusky, and Nightflyer Spoon- "Some smaller fish might find this a-luring!"
  • Rainy Day LureRainy Day Lure- "Soaking myself might help me think like a fish..."
  • Snow Day LureSnow Day Lure- "The fish won't snow what hit them!"
  • Stupefying LureStupefying Lure- "My brain is protected by a thick layer of hard science!"
  • Heavy Weighted LureHeavy Weighted Lure- "This feels a bit heavy handed."
  • Jet Quill FloatJet Quill Float- "I'd rather eat fish than crow."
  • Crimson Quill FloatCrimson Quill Float- "Hopefully it won't attract any red herrings."
  • Azure Quill FloatAzure Quill Float- "The snowbird quill helps me stay frosty."
  • Saffron Quill FloatSaffron Quill Float- "Say y'ello to my little friend!"
  • Down Quill FloatDown Quill Float- "You're going down, fish!"
  • Malbatross Quill FloatMalbatross Quill Float- "Where there's a quill, there's a way."

Icon Sculpt​Sculpt[]

Don't Starve Together[]

  • Statue Hornucopia MarbleStatue Hornucopia StoneStatue Hornucopia MoonglassCarved Hornucopia- "Makes my stomach rumble just looking at it."
  • Statue Pipe MarbleStatue Pipe StoneStatue Pipe MoonglassBubble Pipe Carving- "That was never really my thing."
  • Statue Pawn MarbleStatue Pawn StoneStatue Pawn MoonglassPawn Figure- "I can relate."
  • Statue Rook MarbleStatue Rook StoneStatue Rook MoonglassRook Figure- "It's even heavier than it looks."
  • Statue Knight MarbleStatue Knight StoneStatue Knight MoonglassKnight Figure- "It's a horse, of course."
  • Statue Bishop MarbleStatue Bishop StoneStatue Bishop MoonglassBishop Figure- "It's a stone bishop."
  • Statue Rook MarbleStatue Rook StoneStatue Knight MarbleStatue Knight StoneStatue Bishop MarbleStatue Bishop StoneRook, Knight, and Bishop Figures (shaking on new moon)- "The chess pieces are moving themselves!"
  • Statue Muse MarbleStatue Muse StoneStatue Muse MoonglassQueenly Figure- "Hmm... Looks familiar."
  • Statue Formal MarbleStatue Formal StoneStatue Formal MoonglassKingly Figure- "Doesn't seem very "kingly" to me."
  • Statue Deerclops MarbleStatue Deerclops StoneStatue Deerclops MoonglassDeerclops Figure- "It feels like its eye follows you."
  • Statue Bearger MarbleStatue Bearger StoneStatue Bearger MoonglassBearger Figure- "It was a lot bigger up close."
  • Statue MooseGoose MarbleStatue MooseGoose StoneStatue MooseGoose MoonglassMoose/Goose Figure- "Eurgh. It's so lifelike."
  • Statue Dragonfly MarbleStatue Dragonfly StoneStatue Dragonfly MoonglassDragonfly Figure- "Ah, that brings back memories. Bad ones."
  • Statue Butterfly MarbleStatue Butterfly StoneStatue Butterfly MoonglassMoon Moth Figure- "It looks nice, doesn't it?"
  • Statue Anchor MarbleStatue Anchor StoneStatue Anchor MoonglassAnchor Figure- "It's as heavy as it looks."
  • Statue Moon MarbleStatue Moon StoneStatue Moon Moonglass"Moon" Figure- "I've been feeling pretty inspired lately."
  • Statue Malbatross MarbleStatue Malbatross StoneStatue Malbatross MoonglassMalbatross Figure- "It's not so bad when it isn't trying to kill you."
  • Statue Crab King MarbleStatue Crab King StoneStatue Crab King MoonglassCrab King Figure- "Still not as crabby as Maxwell."
  • Statue Toadstool MarbleStatue Toadstool StoneStatue Toadstool MoonglassToadstool Figure- "Not really a great stool though, is it?"
  • Statue Ancient Fuelweaver MarbleStatue Ancient Fuelweaver StoneStatue Ancient Fuelweaver MoonglassAncient Fuelweaver Figure- "Exactly as stationary as a skeleton should be."
  • Statue Klaus MarbleStatue Klaus StoneStatue Klaus MoonglassKlaus Figure- "Can I invoke the "no holiday decorations" Klaus?"
  • Statue Bee Queen MarbleStatue Bee Queen StoneStatue Bee Queen MoonglassBee Queen Figure- "Very statuesque."
  • Statue Antlion MarbleStatue Antlion StoneStatue Antlion MoonglassAntlion Figure- "A stagn-antlion."
  • Statue Ancient Guardian MarbleStatue Ancient Guardian StoneStatue Ancient Guardian MoonglassAncient Guardian Figure- "Now you're the one scared stiff!"
  • Statue Celestial Champion MarbleStatue Celestial Champion StoneStatue Celestial Champion MoonglassCelestial Champion Figure- "I much prefer it this way."
  • Statue Eye of Terror MarbleStatue Eye of Terror StoneStatue Eye of Terror MoonglassEye of Terror Figure- "It's giving me a stony stare."
  • Statue Twins of Terror MarbleStatue Twins of Terror StoneStatue Twins of Terror MoonglassTwins of Terror Figure- "That was a terrible night of very uncomfortable eye contact."

Icon Seafaring​Seafaring[]

Don't Starve Together[]

  • Boat KitBoat Kit- "It would be nice to do some experiments on the water."
  • PlankPlank- "Couldn't we have just made a lifeboat?"
  • Boat Leak SmallBoat Leak MediumLeak- "I should patch that up before we sink."
  • Boat PatchBoat Patch- "Just in case of disaster."
  • OarDriftwood OarOar and Driftwood Oar- "Manual ship acceleration."
  • Anchor KitAnchor Kit- "Now I can build an anchor."
  • Anchor BuildAnchor- "I wouldn't want my boat to float away."
  • MastMast Kit- "Now I can build a mast."
  • Mast BuildMast- "Avast! A mast!"
  • Winged SailWinged Sail Kit- "It's lighter than it looks."
  • Winged Sail BuildWinged Sail- "Spread my wings and sail away!"
  • Steering Wheel KitSteering Wheel Kit- "That's going to be the steering wheel."
  • Steering Wheel BuildSteering Wheel- "I could have been a sailor in another life."
  • Tin Fishin' BinTin Fishin' Bin- "They're stuffed in there like sardines!"
  • Pinchin' WinchPinchin' Winch- "It'll do in a pinch."
  • Pinchin' WinchPinchin' Winch (retrieving item)- "I'll let it do the heavy lifting."
  • Pinchin' WinchPinchin' Winch (holding item)- "What do we have here?"
  • Deck IlluminatorDeck Illuminator- "I'm full of bright ideas."
  • Lightning ConductorLightning Conductor- "I've harnessed the power of electricity over land and sea!"
  • Fire PumpFire Pump- "It puts out fires very a-fish-iently."

Icon Balloonomancy​Balloonomancy[]

Don't Starve Together[]

  • Pile o' BalloonsPile o' Balloons- "It looks like clown currency."
  • BalloonBalloon- "How are they floating?"
  • Speedy Balloon 1Speedy Balloon- "The hole in the center makes it more aerodynamic, that's just physics!"
  • Speedy Balloon 4Speedy Balloon (deflated)- "Now it's just another balloon."
  • Party BalloonParty Balloon- "How did he get the smaller balloons inside?"
  • Inflatable VestInflatable Vest- "If the bright colors don't attract some horrible creature, the squeaking will."
  • Balloon HatBalloon Hat- "The static does terrible things to my hair."

Icon Books​Books[]

Don't Starve Together[]

  • BookcaseBookcase- "Why study when I can experiment?"
  • Birds of the WorldBirds of the World- "No point studying when I can just wing it."
  • Horticulture, AbridgedHorticulture, Abridged- "I see no farm in reading that."
  • Applied SilvicultureApplied Silviculture- "I'll stick to my own experiments."
  • Sleepytime StoriesSleepytime Stories- "Strange, it's just 500 pages of telegraph codes."
  • The End is NighThe End is Nigh!- "The beginning was dull, but got better near the end."
  • On TentaclesOn Tentacles- "Someone'll get suckered into reading this."
  • The Angler's Survival GuideThe Angler's Survival Guide- "It didn't really hook me."
  • Pyrokinetics ExplainedPyrokinetics Explained- "I don't feel any burning need to read it."
  • Overcoming ArachnophobiaOvercoming Arachnophobia- "I'm not scared of spiders! I'm not!"
  • Tempering TemperaturesTempering Temperatures- "My thoughts on it are only lukewarm."
  • Lux AeternaLux Aeterna- "Whoever wrote this must've been pretty bright."
  • Practical Rain RitualsPractical Rain Rituals- "That doesn't sound very scientific."
  • Lunar GrimoireLunar Grimoire- "All this interest in the moon is probably just a phase."
  • Apicultural NotesApicultural Notes- "I don't get all the buzz around this one."
  • Horticulture, ExpandedHorticulture, Expanded- "It's about as exciting as watching grass grow."
  • The Everything EncyclopediaThe Everything Encyclopedia- "Wickerbottom likes to do everything by the book."
  • Lux Aeterna ReduxLux Aeterna Redux- "Brilliant!"
  • Fiery PenFiery Pen- "Strike while the pen's hot!"


Don't Starve Together[]

  • Bio ScanalyzerBio Scanalyzer- "WX-78 really puts a piece of themselves into their work."
  • Bio ScanalyzerBio Scanalyzer (inactive)- "I wonder if it dreams about scanning sheep."
  • Bio ScanalyzerBio Scanalyzer (hunting)- "Get that data!"
  • Bio ScanalyzerBio Scanalyzer (scanning)- "Seems like it's found something."
  • Bio ScanalyzerBio Scanalyzer (scan complete)- "It's got the look of someone eager to show their work."
  • Circuit ExtractorCircuit Extractor- "Obviously a very delicate and complicated scientific instrument."
  • Bio DataBio Data- "Smells like fresh research."
  • Hardy CircuitSuper-Hardy CircuitProcessing CircuitSuper-Processing CircuitBeanbooster CircuitChorusbox CircuitGastrogain CircuitSuper-Gastrogain CircuitAcceleration CircuitSuper-Acceleration CircuitThermal CircuitRefrigerant CircuitElectrification CircuitOptoelectronic CircuitIllumination CircuitCircuits- "So much science packed into one tiny gizmo."

Icon ClocksmithyClocksmithy[]

Don't Starve Together[]

  • Clockmaker's ToolsClockmaker's Tools- "I wonder if she got them second hand."
  • Time PiecesTime Pieces- "Wait a minute, this is starting to look more like magic than science!"
  • Ageless WatchSecond Chance WatchBackstep WatchBacktrek WatchRift WatchAgeless Watch, Second Chance Watch, Backstep Watch, Backtrek Watch, and Rift Watch- "I bet there's a lot of interesting science inside."
  • Ageless WatchSecond Chance WatchAgeless Watch and Second Chance Watch (recharging)- "I guess it needs time to... recalibrate the, uh... time whatsit."
  • Backstep WatchBacktrek WatchRift WatchBackstep Watch, Backtrek Watch, and Rift Watch (recharging)- "It's doing "time stuff", that's the technical term."
  • Rift Watch Portal EntrancePortal Entrance- "Onward, to discovery!"
  • Rift Watch Portal ExitPortal Exit- "It's a long drop down."
  • Alarming ClockAlarming Clock- "That looks like a bad time just waiting to happen."

Icon Ectoherbology​Ectoherbology[]

Don't Starve Together[]

  • Revenant RestorativeSpectral Cure-AllUnyielding DraughtDistilled VengeanceNightshade NostrumVigor MortisAll Ghostly Elixirs- "Ah yes. Very science-y."

Icon Engineering​Engineering[]

Don't Starve Together[]

  • Trusty TapeTrusty Tape- "Good for mending."
  • Winona's Catapult BuildWinona's Catapult- "She's made a sort of automatic defense system."
  • Winona's CatapultWinona's SpotlightWinona's Catapult and Spotlight (not connected to generator)- "It needs some electricity."
  • Winona's CatapultWinona's SpotlightWinona's GeneratorWinona's G.E.M.eratorWinona's Inventions (burning)- "It's on fire!"
  • Winona's Catapult BurntWinona's Spotlight BurntWinona's Generator BurntWinona's G.E.M.erator BurntWinona's Inventions (burnt)- "Science couldn't save it."
  • Winona's Spotlight BuildWinona's Spotlight- "What an ingenious idea!"
  • Winona's Generator BuildWinona's Generator- "Looks science-y. How does it work?"
  • Winona's GeneratorWinona's Generator (low fuel)- "It's getting low on power."
  • Winona's GeneratorWinona's Generator (out of fuel)- "I could get it working, if Winona's busy."
  • Winona's G.E.M.erator BuildWinona's G.E.M.erator- "Hey! That's not science!"
  • Winona's G.E.M.eratorWinona's G.E.M.erator (low fuel)- "It'll turn off soon."
  • Winona's G.E.M.eratorWinona's G.E.M.erator (out of fuel)- "Science beats magic, every time."

Icon Green Thumb​Green Thumb[]

Don't Starve Together[]

  • Bramble HuskBramble Husk- "The best offense is a good defense."
  • Bramble TrapBramble Trap- "It'd really poke whoever stepped on it."
  • Compost WrapCompost Wrap- "Wormwood offered me a bite, but I respectfully declined."

Icon Seasonings​Seasonings[]

Don't Starve Together[]

  • Garlic PowderGarlic Powder- "A powerfully potent powder."
  • Honey CrystalsHoney Crystals- "Sweet! It's sweet!"
  • Chili FlakesChili Flakes- "A flagon of fiery fluid."
  • Seasoning SaltSeasoning Salt- "A little sodium's good for the heart."

Icon Slingshot Ammo​Slingshot Ammo[]

Don't Starve Together[]

  • PebblesGold RoundsMarblesFreeze RoundsSlow-Down RoundsCursed RoundsPebbles, Gold Rounds, Marbles, Freeze Rounds, Slow-Down Rounds, and Cursed Rounds- "Shots to be slinged."
  • Poop PelletsPoop Pellets- "Poop projectiles."

Icon Spider CareSpider Care[]

Don't Starve Together[]

  • Den Decorating SetDen Decorating Set- "It looks like someone's been getting crafty."
  • Webby WhistleWebby Whistle- "I don't want to call any spiders over to me!"
  • Shoo BoxShoo Box- "If only science could make it work for me."
  • Healing GlopHealing Glop- "If I see any spiders around I'll be sure to give it to them. Maybe."
  • Warrior SwitcherdoodleCave SwitcherdoodleShatter SwitcherdoodleStrider SwitcherdoodleWarrior, Cave, Shatter, and Strider Switcherdoodle- "Oh wow, that looks um... delicious, Webber!"
  • Dangler SwitcherdoodleSpitter SwitcherdoodleNurse SwitcherdoodleDangler, Spitter, and Nurse Switcherdoodle- "Ah, I... just ate! Why don't you give it to one of your spider friends?"

Icon Stagecraft​Stagecraft[]

Don't Starve Together[]

  • Weaponized WarbleHeartrending BalladClear Minded CadenzaBel Canto of CourageWeaponized Warble, Heartrending Ballad, Clear Minded Cadenza, and Bel Canto of Courage- "Theater makes me fidgety."
  • Fireproof FalsettoFireproof Falsetto- "I once burned my vest before seeing a play. I call that dramatic ironing."
  • Rude InterludeStartling SoliloquyRude Interlude and Startling Soliloquy- "I'm afraid I'm not a licensed poetic."

Icon StrongmanStrongman[]

Don't Starve Together[]

  • Mighty GymMighty Gym- "I think I pulled a muscle just looking at it..."
  • File:Mighty Gym Burnt.pngMighty Gym (burnt)- "It won't pull any muscles now."
  • DumbbellDumbbell- "I usually let my mind do all the heavy lifting."
  • Golden DumbbellGolden Dumbbell- "It's worth its weight in gold."
  • GembellGembell- "I'll conquer this weight with the power of-- ACK! My spine!!"
  • Potato SackPotato Sack- "It's either filled with potato-shaped rocks or rock-shaped potatoes."

GiftLargeA​Events (Don't Starve Together icononly)[]

Hallowed Nights[]

  • Candy BagCandy Bag- "It's some sort of delicious pocket dimension for sugary treats."
  • Candy AppleCandy Apple- "The cavities are probably worth it, right?"
  • Candy CornCandy Corn- "What corruption of science grew these?"
  • Catcoon CandyCatcoon Candy- "My teeth are going to have something to say about this tomorrow."
  • Choco PigsChoco Pigs- "Much better tasting than the real thing."
  • Ghost PopTentacle LolliGhost Pop and Tentacle Lolli- "Only a sucker wouldn't love this."
  • Gummy SpiderGummy Spider- "They wriggle on the way down."
  • Jelly WormJelly Worm- "Sticks to your teeth."
  • Not-So-Candy CornNot-So-Candy Corn- "It's... corn."
  • RaisinsRaisins- "Everyone'll be raisin' a fuss over these."
  • "Raisins""Raisins"- "I... don't think I'll be eating those."
  • Candy LiceCandy Lice- "Did that candy just move?"
  • Otherworldly JawbreakerOtherworldly Jawbreaker- "Oh, my poor jaw."
  • Lava PepperLava Pepper- "I don't do well with spice."
  • Broken StakeBroken Stake- "I don't believe in the supernatural."
  • Cubic Zirkonia BallCubic Zirkonia Ball- "I know someone who'd have a ball with this!"
  • Empty ElixirEmpty Elixir- "Hard to find a good flask around here."
  • Faux FangsFaux Fangs- "I might need these after all that candy."
  • Monkey PawMonkey Paw- "Let's make a wish. For science."
  • Spider RingSpider Ring- "I hope this doesn't attract spiders."
  • BinocularsBinoculars- "I think it came from another world. One with grifts."
  • Lone GloveLone Glove- "I wonder where the other one is?"
  • Snail ScaleSnail Scale- "Holding it makes me feel like bartering."
  • Goop CanisterGoop Canister- "It's a little warm to the touch."
  • Toy CobraToy Cobra- "It's full of someone's childhood memories."
  • Crocodile ToyCrocodile Toy- "It's not very good at jumping."
  • Broken TerrariumBroken Terrarium- "It's some sort of plant specimen."
  • Odd RadioOdd Radio- "It's picking up frequencies from another world."
  • Broken HairdryerBroken Hairdryer- "Maybe a tool for testing aerodynamics?"
  • Mad Scientist LabMad Scientist Lab- "Sanity is a small price to pay for science!"
  • Brew of Phobic AbrogationBrew of Phobic AbatementBrew of Phobic Abrogation and Brew of Phobic Abatement- "Full of grit."
  • Canteen of Sanguine MixtureTumblerful of Psychic FortitudeCanteen of Sanguine Mixture and Tumblerful of Psychic Fortitude- "A potent potion."
  • Flask of Sanguine MixtureDram of Psychic FortitudeFlask of Sanguine Mixture and Dram of Psychic Fortitude- "I was hoping for something bigger."
  • Sulfuric Crystals of SaltpeterSulfuric Crystals of LimeSulfuric Crystals of Saltpeter and Sulfuric Crystals of Lime- "Crystalized inferno."
  • Lunar ExperimentSteeped Lunar Essence- "Infused with transforming such-and-such."
  • Totally Normal RootTotally Normal Root- "Something's in there! I'll have to root it out."
  • Totally Normal SaplingTotally Normal Sapling- "It'll grow up big and horrifying."
  • Bat DecorationBat Decoration- "Completely batty decoration."
  • Crow DecorationCrow Decoration- "Everyone's raven about tree decorations these days."
  • Dangling Depth Dweller DecorationDangling Depth Dweller Decoration- "This wood look good hanging somewhere."
  • Ghost DecorationGhost Decoration- "A spectornament I could hang in a tree."
  • Spider DecorationSpider Decoration- "Eight-armed adornment."
  • Tentacle DecorationTentacle Decoration- "Almost i-tentacle to the real ones."
  • Bats coming out of tree- "Did you see that?!"
  • Drinking bravery potion- "Those trees don't seem so spooky anymore."
  • Steeped Lunar Essence had no effect- "Perhaps I didn't let it steep long enough..."

Winter's Feast[]

  • Gift WrapGift Wrap- "That's a wrap!"
  • GiftLargeAGiftLargeBGiftMediumAGiftMediumBGiftSmallAGiftSmallBGift- "Is that for me?"
  • Festive Tree PlanterFestive Tree Planter- "I need a pine cone for that."
  • Festive Tree Planter BurntFestive TreeFestive Tree Planter and Winter's Feast Tree (burnt)- "That puts a damper on the festivities."
  • Festive Tree PlanterWinter's Feast Tree (sapling)- "It's almost Winter's Feast!"
  • Festive TreeWinter's Feast Tree- "Happy Winter's Feast!"
  • Festive TreeWinter's Feast Tree (burning)- "That was a mistake, I think."
  • Gingerbread CookieGingerbread Cookie- "The anatomy's not right, but I'll overlook it."
  • Eternal FruitcakeEternal Fruitcake- "That experiment may have been a tiny bit unethical."
  • Sugar CookieSugar Cookie- "I'm going to eat forty. For science."
  • Candy CaneCandy Cane- "A Yuletide toothache waiting to happen."
  • Chocolate Log CakeChocolate Log Cake- "It's nice to eat something other than berries for once."
  • Plum PuddingPlum Pudding- "I'm puddin' that straight in my mouth!"
  • Apple CiderApple Cider- "It's a hollowed apple filled with yummy juice."
  • Hot CocoaHot Cocoa- "How does it stay warm? A thermodynamical mug?"
  • Heavenly EggnogHeavenly Eggnog- "Can science explain why it tastes so good?"
  • Festive BaubleFestive Bauble 2Festive Bauble 3Festive Bauble 4Festive Bauble 5Festive Bauble 6Festive Bauble 7Festive Bauble 8Festive Bauble 9Festive Bauble 10Festive Bauble 11Festive Bauble 12Festive Bauble FancyFestive Bauble Fancy 2Festive Bauble Fancy 3Festive Bauble Fancy 4Festive Bauble Fancy 5Festive Bauble Fancy 6Festive Bauble Fancy 7Festive Bauble Fancy 8Festive Bauble- "Every scientist appreciates a good bauble."
  • Festive LightFestive Light 2Festive Light 3Festive Light 4Festive Light 5Festive Light 6Festive Light 7Festive Light 8Festive Light- "A tree's not complete without some electricity."
  • Magnificent Adornment BeargerMagnificent Adornment DeerclopsMagnificent Adornment GmooseMagnificent Adornment DragonflyMagnificent Adornment BeeQueenMagnificent Adornment ToadstoolMagnificent Adornment AntlionMagnificent Adornment FuelweaverMagnificent Adornment KlausMagnificent Adornment KrampusMagnificent Adornment Gem Deer BlueMagnificent Adornment Gem Deer RedMagnificent Adornment MalbatrossMagnificent Adornment- "This one is especially impressive."
  • Champion Adornment Grand Forge BoarriorChampion Adornment RhinocebrosChampion Adornment Infernal SwineclopsChampion Adornment- "I should hang this one over a fire."
  • Appeasing Adornment MumsyAppeasing Adornment BillyAppeasing Adornment- "For some reason it makes me hungry."
  • Masonry OvenMasonry Oven- "A festive furnace for flame-grilled foodstuffs!"
  • Masonry OvenMasonry Oven (cooking)- "Cooking really is a science."
  • Masonry OvenMasonry Oven (almost done cooking)- "The science is almost done!"
  • Masonry OvenMasonry Oven (dish ready)- "Science says it's done."
  • Winter's Feast TableWinter's Feast Table- "A feastival table."
  • Winter's Feast TableWinter's Feast Table (with food)- "Time to eat!"
  • Winter's Feast TableWinter's Feast Table (wrong food)- "It's not the season for that."
  • Winter's Feast Table BurntWinter's Feast Table (burnt)- "Who would do such a thing?"
  • Merry BerrysauceMerry Berrysauce- "Equal parts merry and berry."
  • BibingkaBibingka- "Soft and spongy."
  • Cabbage RollsCabbage Rolls- "The meat hides inside the cabbage to avoid predators."
  • Festive Fish DishFestive Fish Dish- "I wouldn't mind sampling some seasonal seafood."
  • Good GravyGood Gravy- "It's all gravy."
  • LatkesLatkes- "I could eat a latke more of these."
  • LutefiskLutefisk- "Is there any trumpetfisk?"
  • Mulled PunchMulled Punch- "This punch has a kick to it."
  • PanettonePanettone- "This Yuletide bread really rose to the occasion."
  • PavlovaPavlova- "I lova good Pavlova."
  • Pickled HerringPickled Herring- "You won't be herring any complaints from me."
  • Polish CookiesPolish Cookies- "I'll polish off this whole plate!"
  • Pumpkin PiePumpkin Pie- "I should probably just eat the whole thing... for science."
  • Roasted TurkeyRoasted Turkey- "I see a big juicy drumstick with my name on it."
  • StuffingStuffing- "That's the good stuff!"
  • Sweet Potato CasseroleSweet Potato Casserole- "Science has created a hybrid between dinner and dessert."
  • TamalesTamales- "If I eat much more I'm going to start feeling a bit husky."
  • TourtiereTourtiere- "Pleased to eat you."
  • Gingerbread PigGingerbread Pig- "I'd better follow him."
  • Gingerbread Pig House 1Gingerbread Pig House 2Gingerbread Pig House 3Gingerbread Pig House 4Gingerbread Pig House- "Room and board all rolled into one."
  • Gingerbread VargGingerbread Varg- "Time to desert this dessert."
  • Cookie CrumblesCookie Crumbles- "A crummy way to hide yourself."
  • Holiday CheerHoliday Cheer- "The spirit of the season!"
  • Eating Holiday Cheer- "Tastes like the holidays."
  • Eating without feasting- "I should really share this with the others."
  • Feasting- "I'm feeling a surge of holiday spirit!"
  • Feasting buff- "I'm feeling a surge of holiday spirit!"
  • Feasting buff wearing off- "The holiday goes by so fast..."

Lunar New Year[]

  • Red PouchRed Pouch- "Is there something inside that?"
  • Lucky Gold NuggetLucky Gold Nugget- "What a lucky find!"
  • Red FirecrackersRed Firecrackers- "Filled with explosion science!"
  • Red LanternRed Lantern- "This lantern feels more special than the others."
  • Lucky FanLucky Fan- "It's inordinately large."
  • Lucky Beast HeadLucky Beast Head- "So who gets to be the head?"
  • Lucky Beast BodyLucky Beast Body- "I'm middling on this middle piece."
  • Lucky Beast TailLucky Beast Tail- "Someone has to bring up the rear."
  • Floating LanternFloating Lantern- "How illuminating!"
  • Dappled KoiGolden KoiDappled and Golden Koi- "Now that's the real McKoi!"
  • Gobbler Shrine BuildGobbler Shrine- "I feel like it wants something."
  • Gobbler ShrineGobbler Shrine (empty)- "I've got to plant something there."
  • Gobbler Shrine BurntGobbler Shrine (burnt)- "That won't do at all."
  • Varg Shrine BuildVarg Shrine- "I should make something fun."
  • Varg ShrineVarg Shrine (empty)- "I need to put a torch in it."
  • Varg Shrine BurntVarg Shrine (burnt)- "It burned down."
  • Lucky WhistleLucky Whistle- "This'd stop a dog in its tracks."
  • Clay HoundClay Hound- "It's been unleashed!"
  • Clay Hound StatueClay Hound (statue)- "It looks so real."
  • Clay VargClay Varg- "A terror cotta monster!"
  • Clay Varg StatueClay Varg (statue)- "Did it just move?"
  • Hound SketchVarg SketchHound Sketch and Varg Sketch- "A picture of a sculpture. We'll need somewhere to make it."
  • Hound Figure Marble BuildHound Figure Stone BuildHound Figure Moonglass BuildHound Figure- "And I didn't even get eaten!"
  • Varg Figure Marble BuildVarg Figure Stone BuildVarg Figure Moonglass BuildVarg Figure- "That thing's the leashed of my worries."
Pig King[]
  • Pig Shrine BuildPig Shrine- "More stuff to make."
  • Pig ShrinePig Shrine (empty)- "It's hungry for meat."
  • Pig Shrine BurntPig Shrine (burnt)- "Burnt out."
  • Tribute RoastTribute Roast- "A feast fit for me."
  • Eight Treasure Mud PieEight Treasure Mud Pie- "A meal only a beast would love."
  • Fish Heads on a StickFish Heads on a Stick- "Nothing fancy."
  • Golden BeltGolden Belt- "This looks important."
  • Elite Pig DmitriElite Pig (Dmitri)- "Here's mud in your eye!"
  • Elite Pig IgnatiusElite Pig (Ignatius)- "He's got gold fever!"
  • Elite Pig SawyerElite Pig (Sawyer)- "Wouldn't you rather hit someone else?"
  • Elite Pig WadeElite Pig (Wade)- "What are you looking at?"
  • Can't play game (too late)- "It's too late for that now."
  • Can't play game (area not empty)- "I need to clean up first."
  • Can't play game (danger)- "It's too dangerous for that right now."
  • Carrat Shrine BuildCarrat Shrine- "What to make..."
  • Carrat ShrineCarrat Shrine (empty)- "Hm... what does a carrat like to eat?"
  • Carrat Shrine BurntCarrat Shrine (burnt)- "Smells like roasted carrots."
  • Starting Point KitStarting Point Kit- "Well, it's a start."
  • Starting PointStarting Point- "It's a good enough place to start."
  • Finish Line KitFinish Line Kit- "The end's in sight."
  • Finish LineFinish Line- "It's really more of a finish circle than a line."
  • Finish Line BurntFinish Line (burnt)- "It's all gone up in flames!"
  • Finish LineFinish Line (won)- "Ha HA! Science prevails!"
  • Finish LineFinish Line (lost)- "Sigh... congratulations, {winner}."
  • Checkpoint KitCheckpoint Kit- "That checks out."
  • CheckpointCheckpoint- "You've made your point."
  • Navigation Gym KitNavigation Gym Kit- "I'd better get training!"
  • Navigation GymNavigation Gym- "This'll get things moving in the right direction."
  • Navigation GymNavigation Gym (with Carrat)- "You would make an excellent lab rat."
  • Navigation Gym BurntNavigation Gym (burnt)- "My training regimen crashed and burned."
  • Reflex Gym KitReflex Gym Kit- "This should improve my carrat's reaction time considerably."
  • Reflex GymReflex Gym- "Let's train those carrat-like reflexes!"
  • Reflex GymReflex Gym (with Carrat)- "The subject's response time is steadily improving!"
  • Reflex Gym BurntReflex Gym (burnt)- "A small loss to take in the pursuit of science."
  • Speed Gym KitSpeed Gym Kit- "I'd better get this assembled."
  • Speed GymSpeed Gym- "I need to get my carrat up to speed."
  • Speed GymSpeed Gym (with Carrat)- "Faster... faster!"
  • Speed Gym BurntSpeed Gym (burnt)- "I may have overdone it."
  • Endurance Gym KitEndurance Gym Kit- "This should help improve my carrat's stamina" [sic]
  • Endurance GymEndurance Gym- "Getting strong now!"
  • Endurance GymEndurance Gym (with Carrat)- "This carrat... will be unstoppable!!"
  • Endurance Gym BurntEndurance Gym (burnt)- "You can't stop progress! But this will delay it..."
  • Carrat Scale KitCarrat Scale Kit- "This will help car-rate my car-rat."
  • Carrat ScaleCarrat Scale- "Hopefully the scales tip in my favor."
  • Carrat ScaleCarrat Scale (bad Carrat)- "I suppose no matter what, it's still just a sentient vegetable."
  • Carrat ScaleCarrat Scale (good Carrat)- "This carrat looks ripe for racing!"
  • Carrat Scale BurntCarrat Scale (burnt)- "What a mess."
  • Packet of SeedsPacket of Seeds- "Looks pretty seedy, if you ask me."
  • Premium Seed PacketPremium Seed Packet- "Hey there, fancy-plants!"
  • Carrat Figure Marble BuildCarrat Figure Stone BuildCarrat Figure Moonglass BuildCarrat Figure- "We have a winner!"
  • Charlie's CarratCharlie's Carrat- "That's... disconcerting."
  • Can't start race with no participants- "I think I'm missing something here."
  • Race starting- "Let the experim- er, race begin!"
  • Carrat is sleeping- "Don't you dare! Wake up, we have a race to win!"
  • Carrat is stunned- "Get up! GO GO!"
  • Carrat going wrong way-
    • "No, no! You're going the wrong way!"
    • "Turn around, white eyes!"
  • Carrat is slow- "Don't walk, RUN!"
  • Carrat is exhausted- "This carrat is in no shape to be training."
  • Attempting to pick up wrong Carrat-
    • "You're not my carrat."
    • "OW, it bit me!"
  • Beefalo Shrine BuildBeefalo Shrine- "What to make..."
  • Beefalo ShrineBeefalo Shrine (empty)- "Hm... what makes a beefalo?"
  • Beefalo Shrine BurntBeefalo Shrine (burnt)- "Smells like barbeque."
  • Sewing Machine KitSewing Machine (held)- "There looks to be a bit of assembly required."
  • Sewing MachineSewing Machine- "Sewing can't be that hard... can it?"
  • Judge's Booth ItemJudge's Booth (held)- "It looks like a bit of building is in order."
  • Judge's Booth BuildJudge's Booth- "Strange, I never see him enter or leave..."
  • Beefalo Stage ItemBeefalo Stage (held)- "I'd better get that set up."
  • Beefalo Stage BuildBeefalo Stage- "This contest is going to go off without a hitch! Well, figuratively speaking."
  • Fearsome Pattern ScrapFormal Pattern ScrapFestive Pattern ScrapFearsome, Formal, and Festive Pattern Scrap- "If I put some of these together, I bet I could make a beefalo costume."
  • Warrior Beefalo DollDolled-Up Beefalo DollFestive Beefalo DollFlowery Beefalo DollIronclad Beefalo DollFrostbitten Beefalo DollFormal Beefalo DollVictorian Beefalo DollLucky Beast Beefalo DollBeefalo Dolls (Year of the Beefalo)- "I wonder what the Judge would say about this?"
  • Warrior Beefalo DollDolled-Up Beefalo DollFestive Beefalo DollFlowery Beefalo DollIronclad Beefalo DollFrostbitten Beefalo DollFormal Beefalo DollVictorian Beefalo DollLucky Beast Beefalo DollBeefalo Dolls- "Scientifically formulated for maximum huggableness."
  • Costume Pattern(Warrior Beefalo Doll)Warrior Costume Pattern- "How ferocious!"
  • Costume Pattern(Dolled-Up Beefalo Doll)Dolled-Up Costume Pattern- "My beefalo will look as cute as a button!"
  • Costume Pattern(Festive Beefalo Doll)Festive Costume Pattern- "This is just the occasion for some festivity!"
  • Costume Pattern(Flowery Beefalo Doll)Flowery Costume Pattern- "You really can't go wrong with flowers."
  • Costume Pattern(Ironclad Beefalo Doll)Ironclad Costume Pattern- "This requires a suspicious amount of welding for a sewing project."
  • Costume Pattern(Frostbitten Beefalo Doll)Frostbitten Costume Pattern- "I usually like my beefalo fresh, not frozen."
  • Costume Pattern(Formal Beefalo Doll)Formal Costume Pattern- "This is a costume for some Grade A beefalo."
  • Costume Pattern(Victorian Beefalo Doll)Victorian Costume Pattern- "I think my grandmother wore something similar."
  • Costume Pattern(Lucky Beast Beefalo Doll)Lucky Beast Costume Pattern- "I'm feeling lucky about this one!"
  • Beefalo Figure Marble BuildBeefalo Figure Stone BuildBeefalo Figure Moonglass BuildBeefalo Figure- "This sculpture is pretty beefy."
  • Calling beefalo- "Come on over!"
  • Can't build stage too far- "The judge won't be able to see my beefalo from here."
  • Can't hitch beefalo (no beefalo)- "If I had a bell I could befriend a beefalo."
  • Can't hitch beefalo (too far away)- "My beefalo buddy is too far away."
  • Can't hitch beefalo (already hitched)- "My beefalo is already hitched up."
  • Can't hitch beefalo (in bad mood)- "My beefalo seems to be too lively."
  • Can't select beefalo contestant (already made choice)- "I've already made my pick."
  • Can't select beefalo contestant (not part of contest)- "I've got no steak in this contest."
  • Failed to start contest (generic)- "I guess they don't support the arts here."
  • Failed to start contest (already active elsewhere)- "He must be busy with another contest somewhere."
  • Judge can't appraise beefalo now- "They must be busy now."
  • Learned new costume pattern- "My mind has been filled with beefalo styling inspiration!"
  • Costume pattern already known- "I'm seeing a familiar pattern... I've learned this already!"
  • Catcoon Shrine BuildCatcoon Shrine- "What to make..."
  • Catcoon ShrineCatcoon Shrine (empty)- "Maybe it would like a feather to play with..."
  • File:Catcoon Shrine Burnt.pngCatcoon Shrine (burnt)- "Smells like scorched fur."
  • Kitcoon Nursery KitKitcoon Nursery Kit- "The whole kit and caboodle."
  • Kitcoon NurseryKitcoon Nursery- "You'd have to be pretty small to fit in there."
  • Kitcoon NurseryKitcoon Nursery (playing hide-and-seek)- ""Now where could they be..."
  • Kitcoon NurseryKitcoon Nursery (playing hide-and-seek, time almost up)- "Not much time left! Where are they?!"
  • File:Kitcoon Nursery Burnt.pngKitcoon Nursery (burnt)- "NOOOO!"
  • Wind-up Mouse ToyWind-up Mouse Toy- "Mice with wheels, what will science think up next?"
  • Kit CollarKit Collar- "I should think of some names! Let's see, Wilson Jr., Wilson Jr. 2..."
  • Gobbler Wobbler KitGobbler Wobbler Kit- "It looks like there's some assembly required."
  • Gobbler WobblerGobbler Wobbler- "It's not a real bird, but the kits don't know that."
  • File:Gobbler Wobbler Burnt.pngGobbler Wobbler (burnt)- "Combustion!"
  • Kit Teaser KitKit Teaser Kit- "It doesn't look too hard to build."
  • Kit TeaserKit Teaser- "Those kits are so easily distracted. Now what was I doing again?"
  • File:Kit Teaser Burnt.pngKit Teaser (burnt)- "It went up in flames."
  • Kitcoon Figure Marble BuildKitcoon Figure Stone BuildKitcoon Figure Moonglass BuildKitcoon Figure- "These ones are much easier to find."
  • Catcoon Figure Marble BuildCatcoon Figure Stone BuildCatcoon Figure Moonglass BuildCatcoon Figure- "It would probably make a great scratching post."
  • Kitcoon ForestKitcoon Savanna