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Don't Starve Wiki

The juvenile is less aggressive.


Wee MacTusk (also known as WeeTusk or Smallrus) is an aggressive Mob. Along with MacTusk he's part of the Father and Son Walrus Hunting Party, which will respawn 2.5 days after being killed, from a Walrus Camp.

Like MacTusk, Wee MacTusk will try to keep his distance from the player. He is defenseless without his father and the Hounds, so if they are killed, he will run back to the Walrus Camp. If his father is killed but the Hounds are still alive, he will still stay around to command the Hounds to attack their target. If players go back the day after, he will be alone with another pack of Blue Hounds, but he will still attempt to keep his distance.

Below is the number of hits it takes with each weapon to kill Wee MacTusk when playing with characters with a default damage modifier.

Weapon No. of hits for
Fishing Rod Bug Net 24
Lucy the Axe (Woodie portrait only) 8
Shovel Pitchfork Hammer

Torch Umbrella Walking Cane

Willow's Lighter (Willow portrait only)

Axe Pickaxe Boomerang

Luxury Axe Opulent Pickaxe PickSlashAxe

Spear Bat Bat 3
Tentacle Spike Ham Bat Thulecite Club

Battle Spear (Wigfrid portraitonly)

Tooth Trap Dark Sword Slurtle Slime

Fire Dart Fire Staff

Blow Dart GunpowderOld Bell 1

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