Don't Starve Wiki
Don't Starve Wiki

Quote Generating Script

Requires Python 3.x.x

This script fills in empty slots on the quotes pages. If there is no slot for the quote, it wont add one.


0. Get newest version of strings.pot and stringsDST.pot from the game files of Don't Starve and the game files of DST: scripts/languages/strings.pot (Two different "scripts" directories. Both files named stings.pot; DST file should be renamed stringsDST.pot).

1. Go to the wiki quotes page for the character you want to add to (e.x. Wigfrid).

2. Enter editting mode and switch from visual editing to source editing (I prefer the classic editor, seems to work better/load faster).

3. Copy all and paste into new file (keep page open for later).

4. Save as .txt file and name it after the character's DebugSpawn code (find on their wiki page) (e.x. wathgrithr.txt -- wigfrid.txt would also work now).

5. Run script in directory with txt file, strings.pot, and stingsDST.pot. Follow the script's instructions.

6. Script will generate a temp file and an export file. Open the export file and copy all.

7. Paste into wiki page and click the "show changes" button or "Review your changes" button and verify changes.

8. Publish it.

GitHub link

Script (May 26, 2016):

Overwrite = False#WARNING: ERROR-PRONE
PicOverwrite = True
Debuging = False
Character = ""
from time import time
from math import floor
SpecialAffixes = {
	"PIG": "Pig",
	"VERYLOW": "very low",
	"BURNT": "burnt",#----------Not needed, except stupid mangrove
	"INGROUND": "sleeping",
	"ITEM": "held",
	#"ACTIVE": "active",#----------Not needed
	#"STUMP": "stump",
	"PLANTED": "planted",
	#"WITHERED": "withered",#----------Not needed
	"NOHONEY": "no honey",
	"SOMEHONEY": "some honey",
	"FULLHONEY": "full of honey",
	"DONE": "finished",
	"COOKING_LONG":"cooking, long time left",
	"COOKING_SHORT":"cooking, short time left",
	"NEEDSFERTILIZER": "needs fertilizer",
	"DRYINGINRAIN": "drying in rain",
	"WATER": "in water",
	"LOWFUEL": "low fuel",
	"VALID": "full",
	"GEM": "missing gem",
	"SAND": "sand",
	"LONG": "stage 1",
	"MEDIUM": "stage 2",
	"SOON": "stage 3",
	"HAUNTED_GROUND": "ready",
	"HAUNTED_POCKET": "ready, held",
	"CHOPPED": "stump",
	"BLOOM": "blooming",
	"WEBBED": "webbed",
	#"": "",
	#"": "",
	#"": "",
	#"": "",
	#"": "",
PicAffixes = [
	"No Honey",
	"Some Honey",
	"Full Of Honey",
	"Stage 1",
	"Stage 2",
	"Stage 3",
	"Ready, Held",

Cleaning = {
	"(picked up)": "(held)",
	"(in the ground)": "(planted)",
	"(burned out)": "(out)",
	"(burnt out)": "(out)",
	"(run out)": "(out)",
	" (unpicked)":"",
	"(picked, the remains on the ground)": "(picked)",
	"(inventory)": "(held)",
	" (placed)": "",
	"(turned off)": "(off)",
	"(turned on)": "(on)",
	"Mangrove Tree ": "Mangrove ",
	"Octopus Chest ": "Octo Chest ",
	"Cooked Wobster": "Delicious Wobster",
	"Watermelon (cooked)": "Grilled Watermelon",
	"Carrot (picked)": "Carrot",
	"Roasted Seeds ": "Toasted Seeds ",
	"(summer)": "(empty)",#walruscamp
	"(full with honey)": "(full of honey)",
	"Crock Pot ": "Crock Pot (empty) ",
	"Ash ": "Ashes ",
	"Divining Rod Base": "Divining Rod Holder",
	"Wormhole": "Worm Hole",
	"Bird Egg": "Egg",
	"Spider Hat": "Spiderhat",
	"Star-Sky": "Star-sky",
	"(shaved)": "(naked)",
	"(following)": "(follower)",
	"Eyeplant": "Eyeplant",
	"Lureplant": "Meat Bulb",
	"Quacken Tentacles": "Quacken Tentacle",
	"(closed)": "",
	"Bernie ": "Bernie (active) ",
	"Water Balloon": "Waterballoon",
	"Socket (empty)": "Socket (missing gem)",
	"Focus (incomplete)": "Focus (missing gem)",
	"Focus (charged)": "Focus (full)",
	#"*Animal Tracks":"*File:Shown track.pngAnimal Track",
	"(depleted)": "(sand)",
	"Abigail's flower": "Abigail's Flower",
	"Elephant Cactus (active)": "Prickly Elephant Cactus",
	"Elephant Cactus (stump)": "Elephant Cactus Stump",
	"(chopped)": "(stump)",
	"(unpicked, sleeping)": "(sleeping)",#mushrooms
	"Cut Grass Tuft": "Cut Grass",
	" ": "",
	#"": "",
	#"": "",
	#"": "",
	#"": "",
SpecialNounChange = {
	"Grass": "Grass Tuft",
	"Improved Farm": "Basic and Improved Farm",
	"Basic Farm": "Basic and Improved Farm",
	"Net": "Bug Net",
	"Pig Man": "Pig",
	"Gem Stand": "Telelocator Socket",
	#"Prickly Elephant Cactus": "Elephant Cactus",
	#"": "",
	#"": "",
	#"": "",
	#"": "",
	#"": "",
	#"": "",
	#"": "",
	#"": "",
	#"": "",
	#"": "",
	#"": "",
	#"": "",
	#"": "",
	#"": "",
	#"": "",
	#"": "",
	#"": "",
	#"": "",
SpecialPrefixes = {
	"DISEASED": "Diseased ",
	"POISON": "Poison ",
	"DEAD": "Dead ",#idk if actually doing anything
	"LIMITED": "Sick ",#1  way worm hole
	"WINTER": "Winter ",
	#"": "",
	#"": "",
	#"": "",
	#"": "",
	#"": "",
	#"": "",
	#"": "",
PicRename = {

	"Lumpy Evergreen":"A Lumpy Evergreen",
	"The End is Nigh!":"The End is Nigh",
	"Sandbag":"Sand Bag Structure",
	"Sandbag Held":"Sand Bag",
	"Mangrove":"Mangrove Tree",
	"Mangrove Burnt":"Mangrove Tree Burnt",
	"Walrus Camp":"Walrus Camp Winter",
	"Merm Hut":"Merm House Shipwrecked",
	"Slot Machine":"Slotmachine",
	"Octo Chest":"Octopus Chest Build",
	"Poisonous Hole":"Poison Hole",
	"X Marks the Spot":"X Marks The Spot",
	"Blue Mushtree":"Mushtree",
	"Red Mushtree":"MushtreeRed",
	"Green Mushtree":"MushtreeGreen",
	"Splumonkey Pod":"Monkey Totem",
	"Ancient Statue":"Ancient",
	"Relic":"Relic Chair",
	"Clockwork Rook":"Rook",
	"Damaged Bishop":"Damaged bishop",
	"Damaged Rook":"Damaged Clockwork",
	"Ghost":"Ghost Build",
	"Wee MacTusk":"WeeTusk",
	"Abigail":"Abigail build",
	"Delicious Wobster":"Cooked Wobster",
	"Roasted Coconut":"Cooked Coconut",
	"Roasted Coffee Beans":"Cooked Coffee Beans",
	"Webber's Skull":"Webberskull",
	"Maxwell's Phonograph":"Gramophone",
	"Maxwell's Mosquito Trap":"Minetranspattempt2",
	"Charcoal Boulder":"Rock charcoal",
	"Burnt Ash Tree":"Ash Tree",
	"Deadly Feast":"Meaty Stew",
	"Maxwell's Head":"Maxwell Head",
	"Basic and Improved Farm Growing":"Basic Farm}}{{Pic32|Turbo Farm Plot",#hax
	"Juicy Berry Bush":"Berry bush Juicy",
	"Berry Bush Dug":"Berry Bush Item",
	"Crabbit Den":"Rabbit Hole",
	"Large Ornate Chest":"Ornate Chest",
	"Fishermerm's Hut":"Mermhouse Fisher",
	"Plugged Sinkhole":"Sinkhole",
	"Elephant Cactus":"Withered Elephant Cactus",
	"Prickly Elephant Cactus":"Elephant Cactus",
	"Elephant Cactus Stump":"Elephant Cactus Stump 2",
	"Eye Plant":"Eyeplant",
	"Meat Bulb":"Lureplant",
	"Extra-Adorable Lavae":"Lavae",
	"Grass":"Grass Tuft",
	"Telelocator Socket":"Telelocator_Focus",
	"Sea Worther":"Sea worther",
	"Sandbag Held":"Sand Bag",
	"Crock Pot Empty": "Crock Pot",
	"Evergreen Burnt":       "Burnt Evergreen",
	"Lumpy Evergreen Burnt": "Burnt Evergreen",
	"Twiggy Tree": "Twiggy Tree Build",
	"Twiggy Tree Stump":     "Evergreen Stump",
	"Lumpy Evergreen Stump": "Evergreen Stump",
	"Wildbore Head Burnt": "Pig Head Burnt",
	"Merm Head Burnt":     "Pig Head Burnt",
	"Soaked Candle": "Wine Bottle Candle",
	"shadow body":"shadow body collection icon",
	"Juicy Berry Bush Dug": "Dug Juicy Berry Bush",
	"Red Mushroom Picked":   "Mushroom Picked",
	"Green Mushroom Picked": "Mushroom Picked",
	"Blue Mushroom Picked":  "Mushroom Picked",
	"Red Mushroom Sleeping":   "Mushroom Sleeping",
	"Green Mushroom Sleeping": "Mushroom Sleeping",
	"Blue Mushroom Sleeping":  "Mushroom Sleeping",
	"Bee Box No Honey": "Bee Box Level 0",
	"Bee Box Some Honey": "Bee Box Level 1",
	"Bee Box Full Of Honey": "Bee Box Level 3",
	"Piratihatitator Burnt": "Prestihatitator Burnt",
	"Abigail's Flower Stage 1": "Abigail Flower",
	"Abigail's Flower Stage 2": "Abigail Flower2",
	"Abigail's Flower Stage 3": "Abigail Flower2",
	"Abigail's Flower Ready, Held": "Abigail Flower Haunted",
	"Abigail's Flower Ready": "Abigail Flower Haunted",
	"Broken Clockworks": "Broken clockworks",
	"Bernie Broken": "DeadBernie",
	#"": "",
	#"": "",

def CreateSkinDict(Source, Character):
	Source = open(Source)
	Character = Character.lower()
	SkinDict = {}
	for line in Source.readlines():
		if line.startswith('msgctxt "STRINGS.SKIN_NAMES.body_' + Character + "_"):
			Entry = line[34+len(Character):-2]
			Name = Entry.replace("_"," ")
			Name = Name.title()+" Set"
			SkinDict[Entry] = Name

	return SkinDict
def CreateSkinQuoteDict(Source, Character):
	if Character == "WIGFRID":
		Character = "WATHGRITHR"
	SkinDict = CreateSkinDict(Source, Character)
	Character = Character.lower()
	Source = open(Source)
	SkinQuoteDict = {}
	Entry = None
	for line in Source.readlines():
		if Entry:
			PicName = Entry + " body"
			for Case in PicRename:
					if PicName == Case:
						PicName = PicRename[Case]
						if Debuging:
							print("Renamed =>", PicName)
			PicName =  Character.title()+" "+PicName
			#if Debuging:
				#print("{}_{} PicName: {}".format(Character,Entry, PicName))
				SkinQuoteDict[SkinDict[Entry]] = [line[6:-1], PicName]
			Entry = None
		elif line.startswith('msgctxt "STRINGS.SKIN_QUOTES.{}'.format(Character)):
			Entry = line[30 + len(Character):-2]
		del SkinQuoteDict[""]
	return SkinQuoteDict

def CreateNameDict(Source):
	Source = open(Source)
	NameDict = {}
	Entry = None
	for line in Source.readlines():
		if Entry:
			Entry = Entry.replace("WORMHOLE_LIMITED_1","WORMHOLE_LIMITED")
			Entry = Entry.replace("SLOW_","")#farms have same quotes
			Entry = Entry.replace("FAST_","")
			NameDict[Entry] = line[7:-2]
			Entry = None

		elif line.startswith('msgctxt "STRINGS.NAMES.'):
			Entry = line[23:-2]
		elif line.startswith('msgctxt "STRINGS.DIRECTIONS.'):
			Entry = line[28:-2]
		elif line.startswith('msgctxt "STRINGS.SKIN_NAMES.body_'):
			Entry = line[28:-2]
	return NameDict

def CreateQuoteDict(Source, Character):
	if Character == "WILSON": #no Quotes are actually labelled for Wilson, he is the generic.
		Character = "GENERIC"
	elif Character == "WIGFRID":
		Character = "WATHGRITHR"
	NameDict = CreateNameDict(Source)
	#if Debuging:
	Character = Character.upper()
	Source = open(Source)
	QuoteDict = {}
	Entry = None
	for line in Source.readlines():
		if Entry:
			if Debuging: 
				print ("––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––"), print(), print("Entry:",Entry)
			Prefix = ""
			Affix = ""
			PBase = ""
			ABase = ""
			Dug = False
			PicName = ""

			if Entry[len(Entry)-7:] == "GENERIC":
				Entry = Entry[:-8]
				if Debuging: 
					print("Entry =>", Entry)

			if Entry.startswith("DESCRIBE"):
				Entry = Entry[9:]
				if Debuging: 
					print("Entry =>", Entry)

			elif Entry.startswith("ANNOUNCE"):
				Entry = Entry[9:]
				if Debuging: 
					print("Entry =>", Entry)
			if Entry.startswith("DUG"):
				Entry = Entry[4:]
				Affix = "held"
				Dug = True#-----distinction from non-Dug verison
				if Debuging: 
					print("Entry =>", Entry)

			for Case in SpecialAffixes:
				if Entry[len(Entry) - (len(Case) + 1):] == "." + Case or Entry[len(Entry) - (len(Case) + 1):] == "_" + Case: 
					Entry = Entry[:len(Entry) - len(Case)-1]
					Affix += SpecialAffixes[Case]
					ABase = Affix.title()
					if Debuging: 
						print("Affix: {} => {}".format(Case,SpecialAffixes[Case]))
						print("ABase:", ABase)
						print("Entry =>", Entry)

			for Case in SpecialPrefixes:
				if (Entry[len(Entry) - (len(Case) + 1):] == "." + Case or Entry[len(Entry) - (len(Case) + 1):] == "_" + Case) and Entry[:len(Entry) - len(Case)-1] in NameDict:#----------if ends with preffix and without preffix has IGN
					Entry = Entry[:len(Entry) - (len(Case) + 1)]
					Prefix = Prefix + SpecialPrefixes[Case]
					PBase = Prefix.title()
					if Debuging: 
						print("Prefix: {} => {}".format(Case,SpecialPrefixes[Case]))
						print("PBase:", PBase)
						print("Entry =>", Entry)

			if Entry not in NameDict:
				if Entry.find(".") != -1:#-----NORMAL AFFIX GENERATOR
					i = Entry.find(".")
					Affix += Entry[i+1:]#-----also removes "."
					if Affix not in SpecialAffixes:
							Affix = NameDict[Affix]
						except KeyError:
							Affix = Affix.lower()
					Entry = Entry[:i]

			if Affix:
				if not ABase:
					ABase = Affix.title()
				Affix = " ({})".format(Affix)
				if Debuging:
					print("Affix:", Affix)
					print("ABase:", ABase)
					print("Entry =>", Entry)


			if Entry in NameDict:
				#print(" NameDict[Entry]:",  NameDict[Entry])
				if NameDict[Entry] in SpecialNounChange:
					if Debuging:
						print("SNC-Entry: {} => {}".format(NameDict[Entry], SpecialNounChange[NameDict[Entry]]))
					NameDict[Entry] = SpecialNounChange[NameDict[Entry]]

				if Debuging: 
						print("######In Dictionary######")
						print("IGN:", NameDict[Entry])
				if Entry != "COMPASS":
					if ABase:
						if Dug:
							ABase = "Dug"
						elif ABase == "Barren":
							ABase = "Withered"
						PicName = NameDict[Entry] + " " + ABase
						if Debuging:
							print("PicName:", PicName)
						if PicName in PicRename:
							PicName = PicRename[PicName]
							if Debuging:
								print("PicName {} => {}".format(NameDict[Entry] + " " + ABase, PicName))
						elif ABase in PicAffixes:
							if NameDict[Entry] in PicRename:
								PicName = PicRename[NameDict[Entry]]
								if Debuging:
									print("PicName:", PicName)	
								PicName = NameDict[Entry]
							if Debuging:
								print("PicName:", PicName)	
					elif PBase:
						PicName = PBase + NameDict[Entry]
						if Debuging:
							print("PicName:", PicName)
						if PicName in PicRename:
							PicName = PicRename[PicName]
							if Debuging:
								print("PicName {} => {}".format(PBase + NameDict[Entry], PicName))
						PicName = NameDict[Entry]
						if Debuging:
							print("PicName:", PicName)
						if PicName in PicRename:
							PicName = PicRename[PicName]
							if Debuging:
								print("PicName {} => {}".format(NameDict[Entry], PicName))
					QuoteDict[Prefix + NameDict[Entry]+ Affix] = [line[6:-1], PicName]
					if Debuging:
						print("'Pair': [{}|{}|{}]".format(Prefix + NameDict[Entry] + Affix, QuoteDict[Prefix + NameDict[Entry] + Affix][0], QuoteDict[Prefix + NameDict[Entry] + Affix][1]))
				if Debuging: 
					print("====Not in Dictionary====")
				Entry = Entry.replace("_"," ")
				Entry = Entry.replace("."," ")
				Entry = Entry.replace("\"","'")
				Entry = Entry.title()
				if Debuging: 
					print("Cleaned Action:", Prefix + Entry + Affix)
				QuoteDict[Prefix + Entry + Affix] = [line[6:-1], PicName]
				if Debuging: 
					print("Pair: [{}|{}]".format(Prefix + Entry + Affix, QuoteDict[Prefix + Entry + Affix][0]))
			Entry = None
		elif line.startswith('msgctxt "STRINGS.CHARACTERS.{}'.format(Character)):#----------sets up for next cycle; quote is on next line not this one
			Entry = line[29 + len(Character):-2]
		del QuoteDict[""]
	if Debuging:
		print("************************************************************"), print()
	return QuoteDict
def CreateIcon(PicName):
	return "{}{}{}".format("File:", PicName, ".png")
def EnterQuotes(Source, Character, InputFile, OutputFile):

	print("Using Source: {}".format(Source))
	Character = Character.upper()
	if Character == "MAXWELL":
		Character = "WAXWELL"
	QuoteDict = dict(list(CreateQuoteDict(Source, Character).items()) + list(CreateSkinQuoteDict(Source, Character).items()))
	Used = []
	Input = open(InputFile)
	Output = open(OutputFile, "w")
	lIndex = 0
	if not Debuging:
		print("Creating file", end="",flush=True)
	for line in Input.readlines():
		lIndex += 1
		line = line.replace(" "," ")
		for Case in Cleaning:
			line = line.replace(Case+"-", Cleaning[Case]+"-")
		for key in QuoteDict:
			if line.find("*"+key+"-") != -1 or line.find("}"+key+"-") != -1 or line.find("} "+key+"-") != -1 or line.find("]"+key+"-") != -1 or line.find("] "+key+"-") != -1:
				Icon = ""
				temp = QuoteDict[key][0]
				if Character == "WATHGRITHR" or Character == "WIGFRID":
					temp = temp.replace("o", "ö")
					temp = temp.replace("O", "Ö")
				Quote = temp

				PicName = QuoteDict[key][1]
				if PicName:
					Icon = CreateIcon(PicName)
						#print ("Name: {}|Quote: {}|PicName: {}".format(key, Quote, QuoteDict[key][1]))

				line = line.replace("*{}-".format(key),"*{}{}-".format(Icon, key))
				if Overwrite:
					if line.find("*{}-".format(key)) != -1 or line.find("] {}-".format(key)) != -1 or line.find("]{}-".format(key)) != -1 or line.find("{} {}-".format("}", key)) != -1 or line.find("{}{}-".format("}", key)) != -1:

						line = "*{}{}- {}\n".format(Icon, key, Quote)
						if Debuging:

				elif line.find("] {}-\n".format(key)) != -1 or line.find("]{}-\n".format(key)) != -1 or line.find("] {}- \n".format(key)) != -1 or line.find("]{}- \n".format(key)) != -1 or \
				line.find("{} {}-\n".format("}", key)) != -1 or line.find("{}{}-\n".format("}", key)) != -1 or line.find("{} {}- \n".format("}", key)) != -1 or line.find("{}{}- \n".format("}", key)) != -1 or \
				line.find("*{}-\n".format(key)) != -1 or line.find("*{}- \n".format(key)) != -1:#cant use line.find("{}- \n".format(key)) b/c 'Endothermic Fire' would also trigger 'Fire' etc.

					line = "*{}{}- {}\n".format(Icon, key, Quote)
					if Debuging:
				elif PicOverwrite:
					if PicName and Icon and line.find("*{}{}-".format(Icon, key)) == -1:
						IconStart = line.find("[[File:{{{1}}}.png|64px|class=img32|link={{{1}}}]]")
						if IconStart != -1 and IconEnd != -1:
							CurrentIcon = line[IconStart:IconEnd+IconStart+2]
							CurrentPic = line[IconStart+8:IconEnd+IconStart]
							if Debuging:
								print("Icon:", Icon)
								print("CurrentIcon:", line[IconStart:IconEnd+IconStart+2])
							if CurrentPic in QuoteDict or CurrentPic in PicRename.values():
									line = line.replace(CurrentIcon, Icon)
									if Debuging:
										print("Replaced '{}' pic with '{}'".format(CurrentPic, PicName)),print()
								if Debuging:
									print("{} not found".format(CurrentPic))
									print("Keeping CurrentIcon"),print()


		if not Debuging and lIndex%100 == 0:#----------the progress "bar"
			print('.', end="",flush=True)
		if Debuging:
			Unused = open("unused_" + Character.lower() + ".txt", "a")
			UnusedR = open("unused_" + Character.lower() + ".txt", "r")
			for key in QuoteDict:
				if"*{}- {}".format(key, QuoteDict[key])) == -1:
					if"*{}- {}\n".format(key, QuoteDict[key])) == -1:
						Unused.write("*{}- {}\n".format(key, QuoteDict[key]))
		if not Debuging:
		print('Exported to "{}"'.format(OutputFile))

Character = input("Character (file should also be named Character.txt):")
Start = floor(time())
#EnterQuotes("strings.pot",input("Character DebugSpawn: "), input("Import file (e.x. file.txt) :"), input("Export file (e.x. file.txt) :"))
EnterQuotes("stringsDST.pot",Character, Character + ".txt", Character + "temp.txt")
EnterQuotes("strings.pot",Character, Character + "temp.txt", Character + "_Export.txt")
Elapsed = [floor((floor(time())-Start)/60), (floor(time())-Start)%60]
if Debuging:
	print("Completed in {} seconds".format(Elapsed[1]))

