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The Scrapbook is a feature added to Don't Starve Together in the Terrors Below update. It is a collection of Items and Creatures that have previously been discovered by the Player, containing details such as creature Health and Attack damage, Items, Food (while Crock Pot dishes are listed, their recipes are listed separately in the Cookbook) and the stats they give, and examination quotes from each of the playable characters. You can use Scrapbook Pages to discover things you don't know. In this case, the object will be displayed in black and white, and its characteristics will not be displayed until you examine the object directly.

The scrapbook can be fully unlocked with this command;



To write a creature to the Scrapbook, you must either examine it or kill it.

Image Meaning Value
Health Icon Health [int]
Damage Icon Damage [int]
Rotting Icon Perish Time [int] Days
Lunar Aligned Icon Lunar Aligned Lunar Aligned
Shadow Aligned Icon Shadow Aligned Shadow Aligned
Sanity Icon Sanity Aura Quite Scary
Emits Light Icon Emits Light Emits Light


To write a giant (boss) to the Scrapbook, you must either examine it or kill it.

Image Meaning Value
Health Icon Health [int]
Damage Icon Damage [int]
Lunar Aligned Icon Lunar Aligned Lunar Aligned
Shadow Aligned Icon Shadow Aligned Shadow Aligned
Sanity Icon Sanity Aura Quite Scary|Very Scary


To write an item to the Scrapbook, you must examine it. If an item is crafted by the player, it is considered examined upon the craft finishing.

Image Meaning Value Additional Information Additional Value
Stack Icon Stack Size [int] items
Damage Icon Damage [int] Planar Damage Range +[int] Planar Damage +[int] Range
Armor Icon Armor [int] Absorbs Planar Defense [int]% +[int] Planar Defense
Water Resiston Icon Water Resistance Stops [int]%
Freezing Resistance Icon Freezing Resistance [int]
Overheating Resistance Icon Overheating Resistance [int]
Dischargeability Icon Discharge Rate (Light Sources Filter|Light Bulb|Glow Berry|Nightmare Fuel|Shadow Magic Filter) [int] Days
Durability Icon Uses [int] Uses Use Type Scythe|Dig|Hammer|Mine|Chop|Net|Play
Rotting Icon Perish Time [int] Days
Wears Out Icon Wears out [int] Days
Sanity Icon Sanity Aura +[int]/sec
Food Type Icon Mob Food Type Roughage|Elemental|Gears|Horrible
Hunger Icon Hunger Restores for Mob +[int]
Health Icon Health Restores for Mob +[int]
Sanity Icon Sanity Restores for Mob +[int]
Fuel Value Icon Fuel Value (Light Sources Filter|Light Bulb|Glow Berry|Nightmare Fuel) [int]


To write an item to the Scrapbook, you must examine it. Like with the prior section, food is considered examined upon being crafted, as well as upon being consumed.

Image Meaning Value
Stack Icon Stack Size [int] items
Food Type Icon Mob Food Type Veggie|Meat|Generic|Goodies|Seeds|Horrible
Hunger Icon Hunger Restores +[int]
Health Icon Health Restores +[int]
Sanity Icon Sanity Restores +[int]
Fuel Value Icon Fuel Value (Light Sources Filter|Light Bulb|Glow Berry) [int]
Rotting Icon Perish Time [int] Days
Emits Light Icon Emits Light Emits Light

Placeholder Trivia[]

  • The Scrapbooking was introduced in the Terrors Below update.
  • The game file shows that Scrapbook also has an unused "Biomes", "Seasons", "Things" and "POI" (Point of interest) categories, which may be something that will be added in the future.
    • "Things" and "POI" categories were then later added to the Scrapbook in the Host of Horrors update.
  • The game file shows that Scrapbook also has an unused sorting dividing food into "GENERIC", "INSECT", "BERRY", "RAW", "BURNT", "WOOD", "MONSTER".
  • The game file shows that Scrapbook also has an unused sorting dividing sanity auras into "A LITTLE SCARY", "A LITTLE CALMING", "QUITE CALMING", "VERY CALMING".