“I feel inspired.”
“Fire items can be forged here!”
“Is fire table.”
“Ah, this is where fiery items are forged.”
“Just the spot to learn volcanic craftsmanship.”
“I can make some fiery tools here.”
“This workstation ignites a spark of creativity in my heart...”
“I would very much like to talk to the maker of this bench.”
“Fire förge!”
“We forge the fire items here!”
“For playing with fire.”
“I believe it churns out volcanic doohickeys!”
“Th'legends be true...”
“Makes hard things”
“Look, someone threw out a perfectly good workbench.”
The Obsidian Workbench is a naturally spawning Structure introduced in the Shipwrecked DLC. It is found inside the Volcano. It functions similarly to the Ancient Pseudoscience Station, and allows players to craft items from the Volcanic Tab while they are near the workbench. If the player is wearing a Brain of Thought, they can craft Volcanic items without being near the workbench.
Craftable Items[]
The following Items can be crafted at the Obsidian Workbench: