A Night Hand is a Shadow Creature that extends from darkness to try to grab a log or two from a Campfire, dimming bright fires and extinguishing dim ones. They are always accompanied by a creepy music box sound. Typically 2 Night Hands spawn at a time. When approached, a Night Hand will retract back into the darkness for a few seconds, after which it will restart its approach. Chasing a Night Hand to its source permanently de-spawns it. Bringing enough light near the source destroys them and they always disappear with daylight. Sometimes merely feeding the fire is enough to get rid of them. Donning Moggles may dissipate them as well[Verification Needed]. A ring of Fireflies around a fire can prevent Night Hands from appearing.
The player can simply stand between the hands and the fire and ignore them. If the hands come from opposite directions, this may be impractical.
Don't Starve Together[]
In Don't Starve Together, 1 or 2 Night Hands appears during the night as soon as players are below 75% . The number of Night Hands is random and independent of sanity. There is a random delay of 2 to 6 minutes of night time between two Night Hand appearances. A player with less than 4 days on a server will not get Night Hand.
Wavey Jones appears in the ocean in place of Night Hands.
Don't Starve[]
Up to 3 hands can spawn at a time [Verification Needed].
The more hands that appear, the less damage they can do to a fire (1 Hand = <60% per hand. 3 Hands = <30% per hand) [Verification Needed]. Night Hands have a Sanity aura of -40/min [Verification Needed].
It is possible for a lightning strike to extinguish the Night Hand just as it spawns.
The music associated with a Night Hand will continue to play indefinitely sometimes. This can be resolved by save/quitting, then reloading the game.
A Night Hand can still extinguish a fire even after the player has triggered its retreating animation by stepping on it.
A Night Hand may appear even when Sanity is more than half full.
A Night Hand may appear in the Ocean.
If this occurs in the Shipwrecked DLC when the Night Hand is targeting a land-based fire, the Hand will be stopped by the land border and be unable to extinguish the fire, and will be stuck until day arrives.
Two Night Hands approaching a Fire Pit.
A Night Hand can be on water, making it difficult for people who have a Campfire or Fire Pit on a coast.
The second page of the Cyclum Puzzles comic featuring a Night Hand putting out Wilson's fire.
Terrorbeaks and Night Hands featured in the Hallowed Nights 2019 comic.
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Attention: The following categories are only for the players look up the page based on their first impression, they have nothing to do with the actual categories/behavior/function/tags of these creatures
Attention: The following categories are only for the players look up the page based on their first impression, they have nothing to do with the actual categories/behavior/function/tags of these creatures
Attention: The following categories are only for the players look up the page based on their first impression, they have nothing to do with the actual categories/behavior/function/tags of these creatures
Attention: The following categories are only for the players look up the page based on their first impression, they have nothing to do with the actual categories/behavior/function/tags of these creatures
Attention: The following categories are only for the players look up the page based on their first impression, they have nothing to do with the actual categories/behavior/function/tags of these creatures