Don't Starve Wiki
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Don't Starve Wiki
Harp Statue This article is incomplete because of the evil sabotage by Maxwell....
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Maxwell talking

Say pal, you don't look so good...

The dapperest of them all.


This page lists Maxwell's quotes, which are spoken when the player examines an in-game object, or during certain in-game events. The player can alt-click items and objects to examine them.

Waxwell PortraitMaxwell

Icon ToolsTools

Base Game

  • AxeAxe- "Sometimes the direct approach is best."
  • Luxury AxeLuxury Axe- "It gets sharper with every cut."
  • ShovelShovel- "This is some real advanced technology."
  • Regal ShovelRegal Shovel- "This shovel is worth a princely sum."
  • PickaxePickaxe- "Everybody loves a little mining."
  • Opulent PickaxeOpulent Pickaxe- "This must be game logic."
  • RazorRazor- "If only the world had a single neck."
  • HammerHammer- "It feels good to undo the work of others."
  • PitchforkPitchfork- "The tool of choice for perfectionists."
  • Feather PencilFeather Pencil- "Not as elegant as a quill and inkwell, but it'll do."
  • BrushBrush- "It's like showing affection, without actually touching it."
  • SaddleSaddle- "But that means I'd have to touch the smelly thing."
  • War SaddleWar Saddle- "At least it affords some dignity to the rider."
  • Glossamer SaddleGlossamer Saddle- "But is it fast enough to escape the judgmental stares?"
  • SaddlehornSaddlehorn- "And I may never put it back on."
  • Salt LickSalt Lick- "So salty."


  • MacheteMachete- "Truthfully I was always a hack."
  • Luxury MacheteLuxury Machete- "I've always wanted to hack things in luxury."


  • ShearsShears- "Aren't there gardeners for this sort of thing?"

Don't Starve Together

  • Pocket ScalePocket Scale- "I keep it next to my pocket watch and my pocket comb."
  • Garden HoeGarden Hoe- "Am I to be reduced to a common farmhand?"
  • Splendid Garden HoeSplendid Garden Hoe- "A bit extravagant, don't you think?"
  • Watering CanWatering Can- "Surely someone else can do these menial tasks?"
  • Watering CanWatering Can (empty)- "So I'm to traipse around looking for water, then?"
  • Waterfowl CanWaterfowl Can- "I really don't care for gardening."
  • Waterfowl CanWaterfowl Can (empty)- "Surely there must be some water nearby."
  • Beefalo BellBeefalo Bell- "It appears to have some kind of hypnotic effect on beefalo."

Icon LightLights

Base Game

  • CampfireFire PitCampfire and Fire Pit (upon being built)- "Sure beats darkness."
  • CampfireCampfire (high)- "That will keep Charlie away for now."
  • Fire PitFire Pit (high)- "A roaring fire."
  • CampfireCampfire (normal)- "Firey."
  • Fire PitFire Pit (normal)- "It's hot."
  • CampfireCampfire (low)- "It needs fuel."
  • Fire PitFire Pit (low)- "It's getting low."
  • CampfireCampfire (embers)- "I'm going to lose it."
  • Fire PitFire Pit (embers)- "I should attend to that."
  • CampfireCampfire (out)- "That's not coming back."
  • Fire PitFire Pit (out)- "It's gone cold."
  • TorchTorch- "It keeps Charlie at bay."
  • Miner HatMiner Hat- "Eventually the firefly will starve."
  • Pumpkin LanternPumpkin Lantern- "Why hello, Mr. Crane."
  • LanternLantern- "I hope this keeps Them away."

Reign of Giants

  • Endothermic FireEndothermic Fire- "How comforting."
  • Endothermic Fire PitEndothermic Fire Pit- "A fire pit."
  • Endothermic FireEndothermic Fire (high)- "That will keep Charlie away for now."
  • Endothermic Fire PitEndothermic Fire Pit (high)- "A roaring, cold fire."
  • Endothermic FireEndothermic Fire (normal)- "Cold and firey."
  • Endothermic Fire PitEndothermic Fire Pit (normal)- "It's cold."
  • Endothermic FireEndothermic Fire (low)- "It needs fuel."
  • Endothermic Fire PitEndothermic Fire Pit (low)- "It's getting low."
  • Endothermic FireEndothermic Fire (embers)- "I'm going to lose it."
  • Endothermic Fire PitEndothermic Fire Pit (embers)- "I should attend to that."
  • Endothermic FireEndothermic Fire (out)- "That's not coming back."
  • Endothermic Fire PitEndothermic Fire Pit (out)- "It's gone warm."
  • MogglesMoggles- "No wonder they can dig for hours."


  • ChimineaChiminea (all stages)- "Safe keeping for my hard earned fires."
  • Bottle LanternBottle Lantern- "Their lives have found purpose in servitude."
  • Boat TorchBoat Torch- "Sailing at night seems unsafe, but I guess this makes it a little better."
  • Boat LanternBoat Lantern- "It lends all around it an eerie glow."
  • Obsidian Fire PitObsidian Fire Pit (upon being built)- "The stone was born for this."
  • Obsidian Fire PitObsidian Fire Pit (high)- "A roaring fire."
  • Obsidian Fire PitObsidian Fire Pit (normal)- "It's burning in style."
  • Obsidian Fire PitObsidian Fire Pit (low)- "It's getting low."
  • Obsidian Fire PitObsidian Fire Pit (embers)- "I should attend to that."
  • Obsidian Fire PitObsidian Fire Pit (out)- "It's gone cold."
  • Tar LampTar Lamp- "A little light in the dark."
  • Buoyant ChimineaBuoyant Chiminea (upon being built)- "It will protect the flames from the waves."
  • Buoyant ChimineaBuoyant Chiminea (high)- "I may have overdone it."
  • Buoyant ChimineaBuoyant Chiminea (normal)- "It's burning just fine."
  • Buoyant ChimineaBuoyant Chiminea (low)- "There's barely any heat."
  • Buoyant ChimineaBuoyant Chiminea (embers)- "A flame not long for this world."
  • Buoyant ChimineaBuoyant Chiminea (out)- "Out like a light."


  • Cork Candle HatCork Candle Hat- "The wax better not drip on my suit."
  • CowlCowl- "How delightfully horrific."

Don't Starve Together

  • TorchTorch (out)- "Curses. Another light down."
  • LanternLantern- "I hope it keeps Them away."
  • Endothermic Fire PitEndothermic Fire Pit (embers)- "Someone should attend to that."
  • Mushlight BuildMushlight (off)- "I suppose we're decorating with fungus now."
  • MushlightMushlight (on)- "A rather pale light."
  • Mushlight BurntMushlight (burnt)- "C'est la vie."
  • Glowcap BuildGlowcap (off)- "I'm partial to the lavender shade, myself."
  • GlowcapGlowcap (on)- "A light to repel the encroaching shadow."
  • Glowcap BurntGlowcap (burnt)- "Who ordered the mushroom flambe?"
  • Willow's LighterWillow's Lighter- "It does the job, I suppose."

Icon SurvivalSurvival

Base Game

  • BackpackBackpack- "I wish there were porters around here."
  • PiggybackPiggyback- "Oh that's just demeaning."
  • Bird TrapBird Trap- "They keep falling for it!"
  • Bug NetBug Net- "Good for capturing defenseless insects."
  • Fishing RodFishing Rod- "I will eat for a lifetime."
  • Straw RollStraw Roll- "I don't like sleeping rough."
  • Fur RollFur Roll- "At least they're good for something."
  • TentTent- "That's a bit rustic for my taste."
  • TrapTrap- "Only the dumbest animals will fall for this."
  • Honey PoulticeHoney Poultice- "Sticky and gooey and good for putting on booboos."
  • Healing SalveHealing Salve- "Just a bit of venom and some dirty old ash."
  • UmbrellaUmbrella- "It's crooked!"
  • CompassCompass-
    • N- "North."
    • S- "South."
    • E- "East."
    • W- "West."
    • NE- "Northeast."
    • SE- "Southeast."
    • NW- "Northwest."
    • SW- "Southwest."
  • CompassCompass (generic)- "I've lost my way."
  • Bundling WrapBundling Wrap- "I guess we could wrap a few things up."
  • Bundled Supplies 1 SlotBundled Supplies 4 SlotBundled Supplies- "Nice and snug."

Reign of Giants

  • Insulated PackInsulated Pack- "Its contents are hibernating."
  • Luxury FanLuxury Fan- "Is it windy out or is it just my fan?"
  • Siesta Lean-toSiesta Lean-to- "Rustic, but excellent shade."
  • Siesta Lean-toSiesta Lean-to (can't sleep)- "It's sleep-time, not siesta-time."
  • Siesta Lean-toSiesta Lean-to (monsters)- "They're hot on my heels!"
  • Siesta Lean-toSiesta Lean-to (hungry)- "Traditionally, a siesta comes after eating, not before."
  • Siesta Lean-toSiesta Lean-to (in cave)- "It's a bit creepy out for that."
  • TentTent (overheating)- "
  • Tent BurntTent (burnt)- "That's a bit burned for my taste."
  • Siesta Lean-to BurntSiesta Lean-to (burnt)- "So much for the shade thing."
  • Thermal Stone Stage 3Thermal Stone- "A pocketful of stone and temperature."
  • Thermal Stone Stage 1Thermal Stone (frozen)- "It's almost too cold to hold."
  • Thermal StoneThermal Stone (cold)- "Pleasantly cool."
  • Thermal Stone Stage 4Thermal Stone (warm)- "Comfortably lukewarm."
  • Thermal Stone Stage 5Thermal Stone (hot)- "It's almost too hot to hold."
  • Pretty ParasolPretty Parasol- "It's more pretty than dapper."


  • Thatch PackThatch Pack- "Not much, but the extra space is better than nothing."
  • Booty BagBooty Bag- "I suppose it will do."
  • Sea SackSea Sack- "It won't make me stronger, but it'll give me more pockets."
  • Tropical FanTropical Fan- "Is it windy out or is it just my fan?"
  • Silly Monkey BallSilly Monkey Ball- "What am I supposed to do with this?"
  • Tropical ParasolTropical Parasol- "It serves its purpose."
  • Anti VenomAnti Venom- "A cure to what ails you."
  • Palm Leaf HutPalm Leaf Hut BurntPalm Leaf Hut (normal, burning, and burnt)- "Phew."


  • Bug B'GoneBug B'Gone- "This will put that horde in its place."
  • Bird WhistleBird Whistle- "What use are birds to me?"

Don't Starve Together

  • Luxury FanLuxury Fan- "Is it windy out or is it just this fan?"
  • Telltale HeartTelltale Heart- "I'm not sure I really want to give this up."
  • Booster ShotBooster Shot- "Who would put this filth in their veins?"
  • WaterballoonWaterballoon- "Do you have any idea how much this suit cost?"
  • Whirly FanWhirly Fan- "This pathetic device... gets the job done."
  • FlareFlare- "For those with a flare for the dramatic."
  • Sea Fishing RodSea Fishing Rod- "A more in-depth approach to fishing."
  • Tillweed SalveTillweed Salve- "This will have to do."
  • Seed Pack-ItSeed Pack-It- "One more thing to lug from place to place."
  • BernieBernie InactiveBernie (held and inactive)- "It makes me a little nostalgic."
  • Bernie ActiveBernie (active)- "Just what am I looking at here?"
  • Bernie BigBERNIE!- "How truly unnerving."
  • DeadBernieBernie (broken)- "It's seen better days."
  • Chef PouchChef Pouch- "I've been reduced to hauling my own foodstuffs."
  • Tent RollTent Roll- "Surely someone else can set it up."
  • Camper's TentCamper's Tent- "Oh, how I miss sleeping indoors."

Icon FoodFood

Base Game

  • Crock PotCrock Pot (empty)- "Just the thought makes my mouth water."
  • Crock PotCrock Pot (cooking, long time left)- "Wait for it..."
  • Crock PotCrock Pot (cooking, short time left)- "Here it comes!"
  • Crock PotCrock Pot (finished)- "Finally, some quality grub."
  • Crock PotCrock Pot (failed to add item)- "That can't go in there."
  • Bee BoxBee Box- "It holds my bees."
  • Bee Box Level 0Bee Box (no honey)- "My bees are not working hard enough."
  • Bee Box Level 1Bee Box (some honey)- "I should wait a bit longer."
  • Bee Box Level 3Bee Box (full of honey)- "So tempting, but so full of bees."
  • Basic FarmImproved FarmFarm- "Do I look like a farmer?"
  • Basic FarmImproved FarmFarm (growing)- "I have better things to do than watch plants grow."
  • Basic FarmImproved FarmFarm (finished)- "It's ready."
  • Basic FarmImproved FarmFarm (needs fertilizer)- "It needs to be... refreshed."
  • Ice BoxIce Box- "A little piece of winter in a box."
  • Drying Rack BuildDrying Rack- "It can dry meats so that they last longer."
  • Drying RackDrying Rack (drying)- "Still moist."
  • Drying RackDrying Rack (finished)- "Like the desert."

Reign of Giants

  • Crock Pot BurntCrock Pot (burnt)- "A bit overdone for my tastes."
  • Bee Box BurntBee Box (burnt)- "Honey roasted."
  • Farmplot BurntBasic and Improved Farm (burnt)- "A harvest of ashes."
  • Drying RackDrying Rack (drying in rain)- "Moist and staying that way."
  • Drying Rack BurntDrying Rack (burnt)- "It's too brittle to hang meat on now."
  • Bucket-o-poopBucket-o-poop- "Much better than carrying manure in my hands."


  • Mussel StickMussel Stick- "The mussels won't be able to resist."
  • Mussel BedMussel Bed- "They'll grow where I tell them to."
  • Fish FarmFish Farm (empty)- "I need some fish eggs if I want fish."
  • Fish FarmFish Farm (growing)- "I put the eggs in. Where are my fish?"
  • Fish FarmFish Farm (one fish)- "Success! A fish."
  • Fish FarmFish Farm (two fish)- "The more the merrier!"
  • Fish FarmFish Farm (three fish)- "I better not see any rowdiness, fish."
  • Fish FarmFish Farm (four fish)- "Who would ever need this many fish?"


  • SprinklerSprinkler- "Good. Now I don't have to water by hand."

Don't Starve Together

  • Bee BoxBee Box- "It holds the bees."
  • Bee Box Level 0Bee Box (no honey)- "Why do the bees not serve me?"
  • Drying RackDrying Rack (non-meat drying)- "Still moist."
  • Drying RackDrying Rack (non-meat done)- "Like the desert."
  • Drying RackDrying Rack (non-meat drying in rain)- "Moist and staying that way."
  • Bucket-o-poopBucket-o-poop- "It's not gentlemanly to carry manure in one's hands."
  • Mushroom Planter BuildMushroom Planter (empty)- "Smells... "piney"."
  • Mushroom PlanterMushroom Planter (some)- "They seem to be doing well."
  • Mushroom PlanterMushroom Planter (lots)- "The mushrooms have really taken to the log."
  • Mushroom PlanterMushroom Planter (stuffed)- "It's so full it's almost obscene."
  • Mushroom Planter ExhaustedMushroom Planter (rotten)- "Rotten, all the way through. I relate."
  • Mushroom Planter BurntMushroom Planter (burnt)- "Only ash and ruin remain here."
  • Mushroom PlanterMushroom Planter (snow covered)- "Nothing grows in these frigid wastes."
  • Salt BoxSalt Box- "This will extend the life of our supplies somewhat."
  • CookbookCookbook- "Very well. If I can master the dark arts, how hard could cooking be?"
  • Garden DigamajigGarden Digamajig (held)- "Some kind of farming implement? I've no interest in such things."
  • Garden Digamajig BuildGarden Digamajig- "Thankfully it seems capable of doing the work itself."
  • Composting BinComposting Bin- "Disgusting."
  • Composting BinComposting Bin (too wet)- "It's nothing but foul wet slop."
  • Composting BinComposting Bin (too dry)- "Positively arid."
  • Composting BinComposting Bin (balanced)- "This should suffice."
  • File:Composting Bin Burnt.pngComposting Bin (burnt)- "It smells about as bad as you'd imagine."
  • Growth Formula StarterGrowth Formula Starter- "It looks more like a science experiment than a fertilizer."
  • Fermenting Growth FormulaFermenting Growth Formula- "Wonderful, it's putrefying."
  • Fermented Growth FormulaFermented Growth Formula- "Ugh, the smell... can we just put it in the ground already?"
  • Super Growth FormulaSuper Growth Formula- "It's reached the peak of its power... and its stench."
  • Gardeneer HatGardeneer Hat- "I'm really supposed to put that contraption on my head?"
  • Tree JamTree Jam- "Looks like you're in a bit of a jam, pal."
  • Portable Crock Pot BuildPortable Crock Pot- "An instrument of the dark culinary arts."
  • Portable Crock PotPortable Crock Pot (finished)- "Let's hope something palatable has come of it."
  • Portable Grinding Mill BuildPortable Grinding Mill- "Does it have to make such a horrible racket?"
  • Portable Seasoning Station BuildPortable Seasoning Station- "Ah. The daily grind."
  • Portable Seasoning StationPortable Seasoning Station (finished)- "Finally something with some taste."

Icon ScienceScience

Base Game

  • Science MachineScience Machine- "I can't believe I forgot how to build those things."
  • Alchemy EngineAlchemy Engine- "It unlocks recipes of middling utility."
  • Thermal MeasurerThermal Measurer- "Not the most useful invention, is it?"
  • RainometerRainometer- "I could also just look up to learn the same thing."
  • Lightning RodLightning Rod- "A little bit of protection."
  • Lightning RodLightning Rod (charged)- "Energy flows through it."
  • GunpowderGunpowder- "Now this, I like."

Reign of Giants

  • Science Machine BurntScience Machine (burnt)- "The fire learned how to burn it down."
  • Alchemy Engine BurntAlchemy Engine (burnt)- "Flames have swallowed it whole."
  • Thermal Measurer BurntThermal Measurer (burnt)- "Who cares?"
  • Rainometer BurntRainometer (burnt)- "The rain did not come in time."
  • Ice FlingomaticIce Flingomatic (off)- "Quiet before the storm."
  • Ice FlingomaticIce Flingomatic (on)- "Begone, fire!"
  • Ice FlingomaticIce Flingomatic (low fuel)- "Not much fuel left."
  • Electrical DoodadElectrical Doodad- "I don't understand how it works, but it does."


  • Sea LabSea Lab- "There are watery mysteries to be unlocked yet."
  • Ice Maker 3000Ice Maker 3000 (empty and high)- "It's working hard to make ice for me."
  • Ice Maker 3000Ice Maker 3000 (medium)- "It appears to be doing its job."
  • Ice Maker 3000Ice Maker 3000 (low)- "I'd better fill it up."
  • Ice Maker 3000Ice Maker 3000 (very low)- "It's on its last legs."
  • Ice Maker 3000Ice Maker 3000 (out)- "It's not doing its job."
  • Quacken DrillQuacken Drill- "I will quack open the sea itself."


  • SmelterSmelter- "Finally we're catching up to the Iron age."
  • Oscillating FanOscillating Fan- "Ah. Civilization."

Don't Starve Together

  • GunpowderGunpowder- "Now THIS I like."
  • Cartographer's Desk BuildCartographer's Desk- "Mapmaking is a soothing pastime. Methodical."
  • Cartographer's DeskCartographer's Desk (burning)- "Such directionless destruction."
  • Cartographer's Desk BurntCartographer's Desk (burnt)- "Useless."
  • Potter's Wheel BuildPotter's Wheel- "A block of marble might suffice."
  • Potter's WheelPotter's Wheel (material placed)- "How I've missed the act of creation."
  • Potter's WheelPotter's Wheel (sculpture)- "Ah, yes. Not terrible."
  • Potter's Wheel BurntPotter's Wheel (burnt)- "To sculpt, to carve, no more."
  • Think Tank BuildThink Tank- "Now to see if Higgsbury's ideas hold water."
  • Think Tank BurntThink Tank (burnt)- "Well, it's useless now."
  • Terra Firma TamperTerra Firma Tamper- "I despise getting my hands dirty."

Exclusive to PS4

  • AccomploshrineAccomploshrine- "Even They couldn't build something so devious."

Icon FightFight

Base Game

  • SpearSpear- "It's a spear. Yup."
  • Ham BatHam Bat- "An undignified weapon for a less refined time."
  • BoomerangBoomerang- "Beats getting your hands dirty."
  • BoomerangBoomerang (hit self)- "Ow! Clumsy!"
  • Blow DartBlow Dart- "A glorious tube of pain-giving!"
  • Sleep DartSleep Dart- "Call me Mr. Sandman."
  • Fire DartFire Dart- "Just make sure to breathe out."
  • Football HelmetFootball Helmet- "Now I am ready for the scrimmage."
  • Grass SuitGrass Suit- "Direct confrontation is quite gauche."
  • Log SuitLog Suit- "Ugh. I'm not one for such vulgar fisticuffs."
  • Marble SuitMarble Suit- "That really isn't my style."
  • Bee MineBee Mine- "They wait so patiently."
  • Tooth TrapTooth Trap- "This one packs a wallop."

Reign of Giants

  • ScalemailScalemail- "That's some fly mail."
  • Morning StarMorning Star- "Good morning."
  • Weather PainWeather Pain- "Wind power."


  • Poison SpearPoison Spear- "I've made sure it packs an extra wallop."
  • Poison DartPoison Dart- "I've turned the venoms of this world against itself."
  • CoconadeCoconade- "I foresee death in the future."
  • CoconadeCoconade (lit)- "I may want to take cover."
  • Spear GunSpear Gun SpearSpear Gun PoisonSpear Gun ObsidianSpear Gun (empty and all spears)- "This projectile flinger may come in handy."
  • Cutlass SupremeCutlass Supreme- "A gentleman's weapon."
  • Horned HelmetHorned Helmet- "Sometimes one must sacrifice form for function."
  • Seashell SuitSeashell Suit- "Perhaps not the sturdiest, but it will conceal my vulnerabilities."
  • Limestone SuitLimestone Suit- "It renders me... sluggish."
  • Cactus ArmorCactus Armor- "Nothing says... stay away... quite like this."


  • HalberdHalberd- "A blade as sharp as my wit."
  • Cork BatCork Bat- "Easy enough to carry."
  • Weevole MantleWeevole Mantle- "This is not a good look."
  • Mant MaskMant Mask- "A hollowed out head. Don't ask where I got it."
  • Mant SuitMant Suit- "The indignities I've suffered..."
  • Fancy HelmetFancy Helmet- "How very conquistadorian."
  • Tin SuitTin Suit- "Not very pliant but it does the job."
  • BlunderbussBlunderbuss- "A weapon after my own heart."

Don't Starve Together

  • Football HelmetFootball Helmet- "Ready for the scrimmage."
  • Electric DartElectric Dart- "Never strikes the same place twice, except when it does."
  • Tail o' Three CatsTail o' Three Cats- "Makes me feel like the master again."
  • NapsackNapsack- "It appears to be a sleeping bag."
  • Cookie Cutter CapCookie Cutter Cap- "This doesn't look dapper at all."
  • Strident TridentStrident Trident- "It seems to have struck a chord."
  • Battle HelmBattle Helm- "Well... it's no crown."
  • Battle SpearBattle Spear- "I can appreciate a finely crafted weapon."
  • Trusty SlingshotTrusty Slingshot- "A rather childish weapon, but quite effective in the right hands."

Icon StructuresStructures

Base Game

  • Birdcage BuildBirdcage- "You'll never get me behind bars again."
  • BirdcageBirdcage (occupied)- "I feel for ya, feathers."
  • BirdcageBirdcage (occupied, sleeping)- "You'll still be in there when you wake up."
  • Pig House BuildPig House- "That's like their only trick."
  • Pig House Light OnPig House (occupied, lights on)- "I'd go inside too, if I was him."
  • Pig House BuildPig House (occupied, lights off)- "I'll huff and I'll puff!"
  • Rabbit Hutch BuildRabbit Hutch- "Oh, isn't that clever."
  • Hay WallWood WallStone WallHay Wall, Wood Wall, and Stone Wall (held)- "Pocket-sized wall pieces. Yup."
  • Hay Wall BuildHay Wall- "It's a tinderbox."
  • Wood Wall BuildWood Wall- "Moderately tough, but flammable."
  • Stone Wall BuildStone Wall- "This will keep the riff-raff out."
  • ChestChest- "A place to store loot."
  • SignSign- "It says... nothing."
  • Potted FernPotted Fern- "How quaint."
  • Mini SignMini Sign (held)- "It's not much use like this. We should place it."
  • Mini SignMini Sign (empty)- "We should draw something on there."
  • Mini SignMini Sign (drawn on)- "I could draw better than that!"
  • Wood FenceWood Fence (held)- "All we need to build a nice, sturdy fence."
  • Wood Fence BuildWood Fence- "It's just a wood fence."
  • Wood GateWood Gate (held)- "All we need to build a nice, sturdy gate."
  • Wood Gate BuildWood Gate- "It opens. And closes sometimes, too."

Reign of Giants

  • Pig House BurntPig House (burnt)- "Let's see you hide in there now."
  • Rabbit Hutch BurntRabbit Hutch (burnt)- "Cleverness killed the carrot."
  • Hay Wall BuildHay Wall (burnt)- "I told you so."
  • Wood Wall BuildWood Wall (burnt)- "Not tough, nor flammable."
  • Chest BurntChest (burnt)- "It won't store anything now."
  • Scaled ChestScaled Chest- "Those scales sure are nifty."
  • Sign BurntSign (burnt)- "Somehow, it says even less now."


  • Sand CastleSand Castle- "I found that wholly unenjoyable. I swear."
  • Sand Castle SandSand Castle (sand)- "Decorative sand."
  • Wildbore House BuildWildbore House BurntWildbore House (normal, burning, and burnt)- "Is this what passes for architecture around here?"
  • Prime Ape Hut BuildPrime Ape Hut (normal, burning, and burnt)- "Keep me away from that."
  • Limestone WallLimestone Wall (held)- "Where should I begin building my fortress?"
  • LimestoneWallStructureLimestone Wall- "It will hold."
  • Dragoon DenDragoon Den- "I see no reason to disturb them."
  • Sand BagSandbag (held)- "A bag of dirt I can carry."
  • Sand Bag StructureSandbag- "A bag of dirt that keeps water out."
  • SeaworthySeaworthy (Vanilla or ROG world)- "I hope you're prepared."
  • SeaworthySeaworthy (SW world)- "Useless!"
  • BuoyBuoy- "It floats with ease."
  • Sea ChestSea Chest- "My suits had best not get moldy in there."
  • Ballphin Palace BuildBallphin Palace- "Ah. I need a castle like that."
  • Sea WallSea Wall- "I suppose I could place this on the water."
  • Sea Wall BuildSea Wall- "About as well constructed as sea trash can be."


  • Cork BarrelCork Barrel- "I know just what to fill it with."

Don't Starve Together

  • Pig House BuildPig House- "It is not a sound structure."
  • Mini SignMini Sign (held)- "A sign is useless if it has nothing to mark."
  • Mini SignMini Sign (empty)- "There's nothing on it, currently."
  • Mini SignMini Sign (drawn on)- "It was drawn in a steady hand."
  • Wood FenceWood Fence (held)- "A fence for your pocket."
  • Wood Fence BuildWood Fence- "My life is one obstacle after another."
  • Wood GateWood Gate (held)- "A gate for your pocket."
  • Wood Gate BuildWood Gate- "When one gate closes..."
  • BirdcageBirdcage (occupied, bird hungry)- "What's all the fuss about, feathers?"
  • BirdcageBirdcage (occupied, bird starving)- "Oh, come on. I fed you last week."
  • BirdcageBirdcage (occupied, bird dead)- "That's a deep sleep."
  • BirdcageBirdcage (occupied, bird skeleton)- "Maybe he wasn't sleeping."
  • SignDirectional SignSign and Directional Sign (empty)- "This requires profundity."
  • Directional SignDirectional Sign- "'Thataway'... Ugh!"
  • Directional Sign BurntDirectional Sign (burnt)- "Somehow, it says even less now."
  • End TableEnd Table (empty)- "An empty vessel awaiting decoration or light."
  • StagehandEnd Table (flowers)- "Purely decorative."
  • StagehandEnd Table (new light source)- "A temporary reprieve from the shadow."
  • StagehandEnd Table (old light source)- "I believe it is Wilson's turn to fetch bulbs."
  • StagehandEnd Table (wilted)- "Every lovely flower must one day wilt."
  • End Table BurntEnd Table (burnt)- "That was uncalled for."
  • Friendly Scarecrow BuildFriendly Scarecrow- "It's an empty shell of a man."
  • Friendly ScarecrowFriendly Scarecrow (burning)- "Nothing is safe."
  • Friendly Scarecrow BurntFriendly Scarecrow (burnt)- "The scarecrow has gone to a place where there is no fear."
  • Moon Rock WallMoon Rock Wall (held)- "Where should I put this?"
  • Moon Rock Wall BuildMoon Rock Wall- "I like to build walls between myself and the outside."
  • Scaled FurnaceScaled Furnace- "The red gems are producing a sweltering heat."
  • WardrobeWardrobe- "Fashion without function."
  • WardrobeWardrobe (burning)- "Oops."
  • Wardrobe BurntWardrobe (burnt)- "Dapperness is a state of mind."
  • Potted SucculentPotted Succulent- "You're hard to kill. I respect that."
  • Tackle ReceptacleTackle Receptacle- "I suppose I could use a relaxing day of fishing."
  • Fish Scale-O-MaticFish Scale-O-Matic- "Perhaps I might reign again... as the king of fishing!"
  • Fish Scale-O-MaticFish Scale-O-Matic (with heavy fish)- "Enjoy your moment while it lasts..."
  • Fish Scale-O-MaticFish Scale-O-Matic (with own fish)- "Bow down before your fishing master!"
  • Fish Scale-O-MaticFish Scale-O-Matic (with own heavy fish)- "Impressive, isn't it?"
  • Fish Scale-O-MaticFish Scale-O-Matic (burning)- "No! NOO!"
  • Fish Scale-O-Matic BurntFish Scale-O-Matic (burnt)- "All my ambitions go up in smoke."
  • Astral DetectorAstral Detector (held)- "I have many questions."
  • Astral Detector BuildAstral Detector- "It's leading us to something..."
  • Astral Detector BuildAstral Detector (all pieces found)- "It fulfilled its purpose."
  • Produce ScaleProduce Scale- "Do we not have infinitely more pressing things to do?"
  • Produce ScaleProduce Scale (with light item)- "The bar has been set low, I see."
  • Produce ScaleProduce Scale (with item)- "A moderately impressive display" [sic]
  • Produce ScaleProduce Scale (with heavy item)- "I suppose it's an accomplishment."
  • Produce ScaleProduce Scale (burning)- "...And now it's on fire."
  • Produce Scale BurntProduce Scale (burnt)- "Reduced to dust."
  • Grooming Station KitGrooming Station (held)- "Do I look like a common construction worker? Oh very well..."
  • Grooming StationGrooming Station- "How ridiculous."
  • Grooming StationGrooming Station (occupied)- "I suppose I'll have to try to make this creature less homely."
  • File:Grooming Station Burnt.pngGrooming Station (burnt)- "What a shame."
  • Craftsmerm House BuildCraftsmerm House- "It's slightly less offensive to my eyes than the others."
  • Craftsmerm House BurntCraftsmerm House (burnt)- "It's been burned to the ground."
  • DIY Royalty Kit BuildDIY Royalty Kit- "What is that little creature up to?"
  • DIY Royalty Kit BurntDIY Royalty Kit (burnt)- "Such a waste of time and energy."
  • Royal TapestryRoyal Tapestry- "Not especially impressive for a "throne"."
  • Royal Tapestry BurntRoyal Tapestry (burnt)- "Someone finally took care of that hideous throw rug."
  • Merm Flort-ifications BuildMerm Flort-ifications- "They're flying the royal banner."
  • Merm Flort-ifications BuildMerm Flort-ifications (Merm King dead)- "A kingdom without a king."
  • SisturnSisturn (empty)- "I can't help but wonder... no, it couldn't be."
  • SisturnSisturn (some flowers)- "Perhaps I should pay my respects as well."
  • Sisturn BuildSisturn (full)- "It has a strangely calming effect."

Icon RefineRefine

Base Game

  • RopeRope- "You'd think this would have more uses."
  • BoardsBoards- "Roughly hewn."
  • Cut StoneCut Stone- "The building blocks of civilization."
  • PapyrusPapyrus- "A blank canvas."
  • Purple GemPurple Gem- "Purple brings great power."
  • Nightmare FuelNightmare Fuel- "Ahhh. Refreshing."
  • BeeswaxBeeswax- "I miss sealing a good letter."
  • Wax PaperWax Paper- "My interest in this wax paper wanes...."


  • ClothCloth- "I've fashioned the bamboo into something useful."
  • LimestoneLimestone- "Perhaps this sea life's death will find use after all."
  • Empty BottleEmpty Bottle- "Given enough time I could build a ship inside."
  • Coral NubbinCoral Nubbin- "It's not bald! It's distinguished!"


  • Claw Palm SaplingClaw Palm Sapling- "You're on your own, tree."

Don't Starve Together

  • Cratered MoonrockCratered Moonrock- "This will make a decent magical vessel."
  • Marble BeanMarble Bean- "Let me guess, it grows a marble stalk?"
  • Feathery CanvasFeathery Canvas- "Hopefully it catches the wind as well as the eye."
  • Collected DustCollected Dust- "It may have some alchemical uses."

Icon MagicMagic

Base Game

  • Meat EffigyMeat Effigy- "I'm not above using this."
  • PrestihatitatorPrestihatitator- "Quite a dapper machine."
  • Shadow ManipulatorShadow Manipulator- "This is where I do my own personal research."
  • Pan FlutePan Flute- "I'm going to sing a song of madness."
  • Night LightNight Light- "It burns with a beautiful glow."
  • Night ArmorNight Armor- "Time to wrap myself in nightmares."
  • Dark SwordDark Sword- "Snicker-snack!"
  • One-man BandOne-man Band- "It has a good beat and you can dance to it."
  • Bat BatBat Bat- "Violence has never felt better."
  • Belt of HungerBelt of Hunger- "Wet, soggy, and oddly filling."
  • Chilled AmuletChilled Amulet- "It's frosted over."
  • Nightmare AmuletNightmare Amulet- "It speaks with the shadow."
  • Life Giving AmuletLife Giving Amulet- "It channels the darkest energies of the universe."
  • Fire StaffFire Staff- "A basic enchantment, but effective."
  • Ice StaffIce Staff- "Cool staff."
  • Telelocator StaffTelelocator Staff- "Power can do amazing things when it's funneled through the right channels."
  • TelebaseTelelocator Focus (full)- "That should do the trick."
  • TelebaseTelelocator Focus (missing gem)- "The fuel needs more focus points."
  • Telelocator FocusTelolocator Socket (full)- "This one's ready."
  • Telelocator FocusTelelocator Socket (missing gem)- "The fuel needs a focus."

Reign of Giants

  • Meat Effigy BurntMeat Effigy (burnt)- "I won't be using it any longer."
  • Prestihatitator BurntPrestihatitator (burnt)- "It was too hot to handle."
  • Shadow Manipulator BurntShadow Manipulator (burnt)- "Research complete."
  • Old BellOld Bell- "More bell."


  • PiratihatitatorPiratihatitator- "Such a fascinating device."
  • Prestihatitator BurntPiratihatitator (burnt)- "Ashes to ashes."
  • Dripple PipesDripple Pipes- "Goodness. It's been awhile since I played."


  • Hogus PorkusatorHogus Porkusator- "Scientifically proving pigs can fly."
  • Pugalisk WandPugalisk Wand- "Penetrating."
  • SkyworthySkyworthy (non-Hamlet world)- "Another door."
  • SkyworthySkyworthy (Hamlet world)- "An exit but not a way out."
  • Living ArtifactLiving Artifact- "Not exactly dapper, but how can I say no to this?"
  • Root TrunkRoot Trunk- "Keeps my things just where I want them."
  • Vortex CloakVortex Cloak- "It's like it was tailored just for me."

Don't Starve Together

  • Meat Effigy BurntMeat Effigy (burnt)- "No one will be using that any longer."
  • Prestihatitator BurntPrestihatitator (burnt)- "That was its final act."
  • Night ArmorNight Armor- "Wrap yourself in the nightmare. Embrace it."
  • OcuvigilOcuvigil- "This is a conduit for strong revelatory magicks."
  • Moon DialMoon Dial (generic)- "The gem conjures water springs in conjunction with the "moon's" cycles."
  • Moon Dial (New Moon)Moon Dial (new moon)- "The... "moon"... has retreated for now."
  • Moon Dial (Waxing Half)Moon Dial (waxing)- "The "moon" is waxing."
  • Moon Dial (Full Moon)Moon Dial (full moon)- "The "moon" is full in the sky."
  • Moon Dial (Waning Half)Moon Dial (waning)- "The "moon" is on the wane."
  • Moon DialMoon Dial (in Caves)- "The cave provides sanctuary from the "moon's" prying eyes."
  • Moon Dial (Moonstorm)Moon Dial (Moonstorm)- "I can feel its eye upon me... watching..."
  • The Lazy DeserterThe Lazy Deserter- "Walking gets tiresome, you know."
  • The Lazy DeserterThe Lazy Deserter (active)- "The magic beckons!"
  • Clean SweeperClean Sweeper- "Presto change-o! Ahem... old habit."
  • Kitschy Beaver IdolKitschy Beaver Idol- "It seems he's learning to bend the curse to his will."
  • Kitschy Goose IdolKitschy Goose Idol- "Ugh, it offends my eyes."
  • Kitschy Moose IdolKitschy Moose Idol- "Almost as powerful as it is tacky."

Icon DressDress

Base Game

  • Sewing KitSewing Kit- "A fine and noble endeavor."
  • Rabbit EarmuffsRabbit Earmuffs- "They are at least warm."
  • Straw HatStraw Hat- "A hat fit for a peasant."
  • Beefalo HatBeefalo Hat- "How unfashionable."
  • Beekeeper HatBeekeeper Hat- "I'll wear it if I have to."
  • Feather HatFeather Hat- "I will lure them in with my plumage."
  • Winter HatWinter Hat- "How disappointingly rustic."
  • Top HatTop Hat- "Some fine haberdashery."
  • Dapper VestDapper Vest- "It's no three-piece, but it's dapper enough."
  • Breezy VestBreezy Vest- "It's more of a fall vest."
  • Puffy VestPuffy Vest- "It's so hard to look fashionable in the winter."
  • Bush HatBush Hat- "There's room in there for me."
  • GarlandGarland- "Definitely not my style."
  • Walking CaneWalking Cane- "It has pictures of fast things carved into it."

Reign of Giants

  • Cat CapCat Cap- "Dead head."
  • Fashion MelonFashion Melon- "This is one way to keep cool. And sticky."
  • Ice CubeIce Cube- "Strap some ice on your head."
  • Rain CoatRain Coat- "Out out, rain!"
  • Rain HatRain Hat- "Not the most dapper of hats, but quite necessary."
  • Summer FrestSummer Frest- "Safety before dapperness."
  • Floral ShirtFloral Shirt- "The dapperest of them all."
  • EyebrellaEyebrella- "Eye to the sky."
  • Hibearnation VestHibearnation Vest- "See my vest."


  • Brain of ThoughtBrain of Thought- "I feel inspired."
  • Snakeskin HatSnakeskin Hat- "Quite dashing, actually."
  • Snakeskin JacketSnakeskin Jacket- "Quite dapper!"
  • Blubber SuitBlubber Suit- "This is undignified."
  • WindbreakerWindbreaker- "Sigh."
  • Tar SuitTar Suit- "I hope this won't tar-nish my dapper image."
  • Particulate PurifierParticulate Purifier- "Cleans the stench away."
  • Sleek HatSleek Hat- "Quite sleek, if not elegant."
  • Shark Tooth CrownShark Tooth Crown- "I respect this fashion choice."
  • DumbrellaDumbrella- "This looks silly."


  • Gas MaskGas Mask- "This clears the vapors."
  • Pith HatPith Hat- "Protects my most important part."
  • ThunderhatThunderhat- "Electrifying finery."

Don't Starve Together

  • Feather HatFeather Hat- "I always considered myself the peacock of people."
  • Fashion GogglesFashion Goggles- "Not my sort of fashion."
  • Desert GogglesDesert Goggles- "Function over form."
  • Blue FuncapGreen FuncapRed FuncapFuncap- "It possesses a spritely magic."
  • SeawreathSeawreath- "You really expect me to wear this?"
  • AstrogglesAstroggles- "There are hardly enough inventors brave enough to harness the power of potatoes."
  • Clever DisguiseClever Disguise- "This seems rather... fishy."
  • Pinetree Pioneer HatPinetree Pioneer Hat- "It's not quite my style."

Icon AncientAncient

Base Game

  • ThuleciteThulecite- "An exceedingly rare but useful material."
  • Thulecite WallThulecite Wall (held)- "Pocket-sized wall pieces. Yup."
  • Thulecite Wall BuildThulecite Wall- "An ancient wall."
  • Thulecite MedallionThulecite Medallion (min)- "The heart of the city is still."
  • Thulecite MedallionThulecite Medallion (rising low)- "It beats once again."
  • Thulecite MedallionThulecite Medallion (rising high)- "The pulse is quickening."
  • Thulecite MedallionThulecite Medallion (max)- "The pulse is holding steady."
  • Thulecite MedallionThulecite Medallion (receding high)- "The pulse is waning."
  • Thulecite MedallionThulecite Medallion (receding low)- "It calms once more."
  • Thulecite MedallionThulecite Medallion (outside ruins)- "The pulse has no influence here."
  • The Lazy ForagerThe Lazy ExplorerThe Lazy Forager and Lazy Explorer- "Simple magic is often the best."
  • MagiluminescenceMagiluminescence- "This will make me stand out."
  • Construction AmuletConstruction Amulet- "I swear I don't normally need this."
  • Deconstruction StaffDeconstruction Staff- "I must rely on focusing tools in this form."
  • Star Caller's StaffStar Caller's Staff- "With a bigger gem it would be so much more powerful."
  • PickSlashAxePick/Axe- "I don't know why I didn't think of this."
  • Thulecite CrownThulecite Crown- "Fuel must flow."
  • Thulecite SuitThulecite Suit- "Thulecite meshes so well with nightmare fuel."
  • Thulecite ClubThulecite Club- "The fuel runs deep in this."
  • Houndius ShootiusHoundius Shootius (held)- "Now I just have to set it up."
  • Houndius Shootius BuildHoundius Shootius- "Some of my better work."

Don't Starve Together

  • The Lazy ExplorerThe Lazy Explorer- "It's a focusing tool."
  • Construction AmuletConstruction Amulet- "A crutch for pitiful mortals without godlike powers. What?"
  • Deconstruction StaffDeconstruction Staff- "It is a focusing tool."
  • PickSlashAxePick/Axe- "The duality of mine."
  • Houndius ShootiusHoundius Shootius (held)- "Now it just needs to be set up."
  • Premier Gardeneer HatPremier Gardeneer Hat- "I suppose the Ancients were farmers once, before they turned to the fuel."

Icon NauticalNautical


  • Log RaftLog Raft- "It seems like there should be regulations against this."
  • RaftRaft- "Looks much too precarious for my liking."
  • Row BoatRow Boat- "Manually operated. A pity."
  • Cargo BoatCargo Boat- "Ah, plenty of room to breathe."
  • Armored BoatArmored Boat- "This boat knows how to take a hit like a champion."
  • Encrusted BoatEncrusted Boat- "It seems sturdy enough to carry me."
  • The 'Sea Legs'The "Sea Legs"- "Seems dependable."
  • Boat Repair KitBoat Repair Kit- "It will hold off my vessel's inevitable decay."
  • Thatch SailThatch Sail- "It will be smooth sailing with this at my back."
  • Cloth SailCloth Sail- "It will aid in my travels."
  • Snakeskin SailSnakeskin Sail- "For ease of travel."
  • Feather Lite SailFeather Lite Sail- "I suppose it's better than paddling."
  • Iron WindIron Wind- "Thank goodness, I have places to be!"
  • Boat CannonBoat Cannon- "It's about time I got my hands on one of these."
  • Quackering RamQuackering Ram- "Quacker before me!! Uh, I mean quiver...!"
  • Sea TrapSea Trap (held and placed)- "The curiosity will get the best of you eventually."
  • Sea YardSea Yard (off)- "Out of commission. For now."
  • Sea YardSea Yard (on)- "Much needed ship maintenance."
  • Sea YardSea Yard (out of fuel)- "This maintenance machine needs maintaining."
  • Tar ExtractorTar Extractor (off)- "It's no use to me if it's off."
  • Tar ExtractorTar Extractor (on)- "It's doing its job."
  • Tar ExtractorTar Extractor (out of fuel)- "The contraption needs replenishing."
  • Trawl NetTrawl Net- "I see no downside to using this."
  • Trawl Net DetachedTrawl Net (detached)- "Just think of the meals I'll make."
  • Trawl Net SinkingTrawl Net (sinking)- "It's working its way down."
  • Trawl Net SinkingTrawl Net (sinking soon)- "Into the depths..."
  • SpyglassSuper SpyglassSpyglass and Super Spyglass- "This may help me get the lay of the land."
  • Captain HatCaptain Hat- "It makes me feel commanding."
  • Pirate HatPirate Hat- "Is this amusing?"
  • Lucky HatLucky Hat- "Swashbuckling..."
  • Life JacketLife Jacket- "Sadly my cultured countenance must take a back seat to sensibility."


  • Cork Bowl CanoeCork Bowl Canoe- "Looks barely seaworthy."

Icon Volcanic​Volcanic


  • Obsidian MacheteObsidian Machete- "This seems like a dangerous thing to farm with."
  • Obsidian AxeObsidian Axe- "It seems to work best when alight."
  • Obsidian SpearObsidian Spear- "I've made sure it packs a fiery wallop."
  • Obsidian ArmorObsidian Armor- "I've bent the flame to my will."
  • Obsidian CoconadeObsidian Coconade- "This is definitely overkill."
  • Howling ConchHowling Conch- "Beautiful on the outside, destructive on the inside."
  • Sail StickSail Stick- "A stick, presumably for sailing."
  • Volcano StaffVolcano Staff- "It feels at home in my hands."

Icon Treasure Hunting​Treasure Hunting


  • Disarming ToolsDisarming Tools- "This will deal with those pesky traps."
  • Ball Pein HammerBall Pein Hammer- "For more subtler smashing jobs."
  • Gold PanGold Pan- "Must I do everything myself?"
  • Magnifying GlassMagnifying Glass- "Let's see what we can find."

Icon City Planning​City Planning


  • Lamp PostLamp Post (off)- "It eases my mind."
  • Lamp PostLamp Post (on)- "A welcome sign of civilization."
  • Town HouseTown House- "I presume it's a pigsty inside."
  • Town HouseTown House (burning)- "That will only lead to improvement."
  • The Sterling Trough Deli BuildThe Sterling Trough Deli- "Finally some decent food."
  • The Sterling Trough Deli BuildThe Sterling Trough Deli (burning)- "A shame."
  • Pigg and Pigglet's General Store BuildPigg and Pigglet's General Store- "A common boutique to purchase common goods."
  • Pigg and Pigglet's General Store BuildPigg and Pigglet's General Store (burning)- "Generally, I'd say it's on fire."
  • Curly Tails Mud Spa BuildCurly Tails Mud Spa- "Seems even filthy pigs need the occasional pampering."
  • Curly Tails Mud Spa BuildCurly Tails Mud Spa (burning)- "A pity."
  • Swinesbury Fine Grocer's BuildSwinesbury Fine Grocer's- "A simple grocer."
  • Swinesbury Fine Grocer's BuildSwinesbury Fine Grocer's (burning)- "I do fancy roast vegetables."
  • Miss Sow's Floral Arrangements BuildMiss Sow's Floral Arrangements- "Every breastpocket needs a fresh rose."
  • Miss Sow's Floral Arrangements BuildMiss Sow's Floral Arrangements (burning)- "I'll have to get my roses elsewhere."
  • 'The Sty' Oddities Emporium Build'The Sty' Oddities Emporium- "Hmm... I may be in the market for some oddities."
  • 'The Sty' Oddities Emporium Build'The Sty' Oddities Emporium (burning)- "Nothing I can do about that."
  • The Flying Pig Arcane Shop BuildThe Flying Pig Arcane Shop- "Ahh... more my style."
  • The Flying Pig Arcane Shop BuildThe Flying Pig Arcane Shop (burning)- "Agh! Put it out! Someone!"
  • The Boar's Tusk Weapon Shop BuildThe Boar's Tusk Weapon Shop- "Well, well, well..."
  • The Boar's Tusk Weapon Shop BuildThe Boar's Tusk Weapon Shop (burning)- "Live by the sword, die by the flame."
  • The Sow's Ear Hat Shop BuildThe Sow's Ear Hat Shop- "I may have use for a millinery."
  • The Sow's Ear Hat Shop BuildThe Sow's Ear Hat Shop (burning)- "Everything burns."
  • Swinesbury AcademySwinesbury Academy- "Hmmm... The are a lot of artifacts in there." [sic]
  • Swinesbury AcademySwinesbury Academy (burning)- "Not my problem."
  • Swinesbury Mineral Exchange BuildSwinesbury Mineral Exchange- "Can I exchange this money for anything useful?"
  • Swinesbury Mineral Exchange BuildSwinesbury Mineral Exchange (burning)- "Serves them right."
  • The Tinkerer's Tower BuildThe Tinkerer's Tower- "Full of schemes and plans. Like me."
  • The Tinkerer's Tower BuildThe Tinkerer's Tower (burning)- "He'll have to rebuild his own shop."
  • Swinesbury City Hall BuildSwinesbury City Hall- "I could run this place better."
  • Swinesbury City Hall BuildSwinesbury City Hall (burning)- "Serves them right."
  • My City Hall BuildMy City Hall- "I deserve that."
  • My City Hall BuildMy City Hall (burning)- "This town has a vandal problem."
  • Security ContractSecurity Contract- "Oh good, I can hire some help."
  • Slanty Shanty BuildSlanty Shanty- "Hmmm... Should I invest in real estate in this place?"
  • Slanty Shanty BuildSlanty Shanty (owned)- "An estate of my own."
  • Slanty Shanty BurntSlanty Shanty (burnt)- "Someone will pay for that."
  • Watch TowerWatch Tower- "There's an appeal in overseeing the masses."
  • Watch TowerWatch Tower (burning)- "A watchtower no more."

Icon Renovate​Renovate


  • House Expansion PermitHouse Expansion Permit- "More room for my acquisitions."
  • Demolition PermitDemolition Permit- "I normally don't need a license for destruction."
  • Wood FlooringWood Flooring- "Watch out for slivers."
  • Marble FlooringMarble Flooring- "A nice solid floor."
  • Checkered FlooringCheckered Flooring- "This feels homey."
  • Slate FlooringSlate Flooring- "Tartan floor tile."
  • Sheet Metal FlooringSheet Metal Flooring- "Utilitarian flooring."
  • Garden Stone FlooringGarden Stone Flooring- "A bit too outdoorsy."
  • Geometric Tiles FlooringGeometric Tiles Flooring- "Has some charm to it."
  • Shag CarpetShag Carpet- "It'll do."
  • Transitional FlooringTransitional Flooring- "It will need to be fixed."
  • Wood Panel FlooringWood Panel Flooring- "Creaky. I like it."
  • Herringbone FlooringHerringbone Flooring- "It'll do for now."
  • Hexagon FlooringHexagon Flooring- "Not bad."
  • Curvy Hoof FlooringCurcy Hoof Flooring- "Rather piggish."
  • Octagon FlooringOctagon Flooring- "Really? Linoleum?"
  • Carved BookshelfHutch ShelfWindowed CabinetCarved Bookshelf, Hutch Shelf, and Windowed Cabinet- "Ah. A place to put my books."
  • Basic BookshelfBasic Bookshelf- "A bit basic, but it'll do."
  • Cinderblock BookshelfCrates ShelfFridgeFloating ShelfPallet ShelfCinderblock Bookshelf, Crates Shelf, Fridge, Floating Shelf, and Pallet Shelf- "Interesting choice of decor."
  • Marble ShelfMarble Shelf- "I have the perfect book for that bookshelf."
  • Glass ShelfGlass Shelf- "Looks breakable."
  • Ladder ShelfLadder Shelf- "Boorish."
  • Industrial ShelfIndustrial Shelf- "Philistine."
  • Adjustable ShelfAdjustable Shelf- "A place to put my books."
  • Wall Mounted ShelfWall Mounted Shelf- "Stable enough."
  • A-Frame ShelfPipe ShelfHat TreeA-Frame Shelf, Pipe Shelf, and Hat Tree- "I suppose this works."
  • Basic PlantholderFancy PlantholderPhilodendron PlantholderDraceana PlantholderXerographica PlantholderPalm PlantholderZZ PlantholderBasic Plantholder, Fancy Plantholder, Philodendron Plantholder, Draceana Plantholder, Xerographica Plantholder, Palm Plantholder, and ZZ Plantholder- "It's a plant."
  • WIP PlantholderWIP Plantholder- "It's a little bush."
  • Bonsai PlantholderBonsai Plantholder- "It's a little tree."
  • Dishgarden PlantholderDishgarden Plantholder- "It's a fancy plant holder."
  • Orchid PlantholderOrchid Plantholder- "I prefer roses."
  • Birdcage PlantholderPitcher PlantholderBirdcage Plantholder and Pitcher Plantholder- "A hanging plant."
  • Fernstand PlantholderFernstand Plantholder- "A fern."
  • Fern PlantholderFern Plantholder- "A hanging fern."
  • Terrarium PlantholderTerrarium Plantholder- "Caged plants."
  • Plantpet PlantholderPlantpet Plantholder- "A planted pet."
  • Traps PlantholderTraps Plantholder- "I like these."
  • Marble PlantholderMarble Plantholder- "Ooh. Fancy."
  • "Character" Tree"Character" Tree- "Someone should put it out of its misery."
  • Festive Tree (Hamlet)Festive Tree- "How festive."
  • Planed Wood ColumnMillinery ColumnRound ColumnLit Marble ColumnPlaned Wood Column, Millinery Column, Round Column, and Lit Marble Column- "A pillar of strength."
Wall PapersWall Papers
  • Wood PanelingWood Paneling- "Some basic walls."
  • Checkered Wall PaperCheckered Wall Paper- "A pleasant way to decorate your surroundings."
  • Floral Wall PaperFloral Wall Paper- "Could use some red."
  • Sunflower Wall PaperHarlequin Wall PaperSunflower Wall Paper and Harlequin Wall Paper- "Well isn't that sweet."
  • Peagawk Wall PaperPeagawk Wall Paper- "Well, at least the feathers are no longer staring at me."
  • Orange Wall PaperPurple Wall PaperOrange Wall Paper and Purple Wall Paper- "A little boring."
  • Rope Wall PannelingRope Wall Panneling- "A little too nautical for my tastes."
  • Circle Wall TilingFull Wall MouldingCircle Wall Tiling and Full Wall Moulding- "Not bad, I suppose."
  • Marble Wall TilingMarble Wall Tiling- "Fancy."
  • Fine Wall TilingFine Wall Tiling- "Bureaucratic."
  • Upholstered WallUpholstered Wall- "Plush."
Ceiling LightsCeiling Lights
  • Wired BulbWired Bulb- "Well, that's boring."
  • Metal Shade LampMetal Shade Lamp- "Utilitarian."
  • ChandelierBlown Glass BulbHanging Blooming LampHanging Floral LampChandelier, Blown Glass Bulb, Hanging Blooming Lamp, and Hanging Floral Lamp- "A ceiling light."
  • Rope LightDual Rope LightRope Light and Dual Rope Light- "Well, that's boring."
  • Cherry Lamp ShadeCherry Lamp Shade- "A light."
  • Tophat LightTophat Light- "That's where I left my hat."
  • Derby LightDerby Light- "A place to hang your hat."
Wall DecorationsWall Decorations
  • PhotoPhoto- "Horrid boy..."
  • Full Length MirrorFull Length Mirror- "I can hardly see myself."
  • Embroidery HoopEmbroidery Hoop- "Such sentiment..."
  • MosaicMosaic- "How bourgeois."
  • WreathWreath- "Shocking what passes for art around here."
  • Axe (Wall Decoration)No SmokingTasteful Fish MountingAxe, No Smoking, and Tasteful Fish Mounting- "Lovely..."
  • HuntBeefalo MountingHunt and Beefalo Mounting- "Interesting decor."
  • Periodic TablePeriodic Table- "Handy chart for my alchemical experiments."
  • Gears ArtGears Art- "Fanciful arrangement of clockwork."
  • CapeCape- "How dramatic."
  • Black CatBlack Cat- "Ah, the memories..."
  • Classic ChairCorner ChairLounge ChairClassic Chair, Corner Chair, and Lounge Chair- "A place to sit."
  • BenchBench- "A place for people to sit."
  • Horned ChairHorned Chair- "Not as good as my throne."
  • FootrestFootrest- "A place to rest my feet."
  • Classic ChairMassager Chair- "Ohh. I like that!"
  • Stuffed ChairStuffed Chair- "A comfy chair to sit on."
  • Rocking ChairRocking Chair- "An invigorating place to sit."
  • Ottoman ChairOttoman Chair- "A place to sit or rest my feet."
  • Fancy ChaiseFancy Chaise- "A chair to lounge in."
House UpgradesHouse Upgrades
  • Cottage Kit (Item)Cottage Kit- "Materials for a quaint house."
  • Tudor Home Kit (Item)Tudor Home Kit- "Materials for a snug little home."
  • Gothic Home Kit (Item)Gothic Home Kit- "Materials for a house with some charm."
  • Brick Home Kit (Item)Brick Home Kit- "Materials for a functional home."
  • Turreted Home Kit (Item)Turreted Home Kit- "Materials for a small home."
  • Villa Kit (Item)Villa Kit- "Materials for an acceptable home."
  • Manor Kit (Item)Manor Kit- "Materials for a home worthy of a fine gentleman."
  • Hardwood DoorHardwood Door- "It's a door. You go through it."
  • Stone ArchwayForest DoorWrought Iron DoorStone Archway, Forest Door, and Wrought Iron Door- "A door to another room."
  • Curtained DoorCurtained Door- "It barely hides anything."
  • Industrial DoorIndustrial Door- "Little too industrial."
  • Round DoorwayRound Doorway- "A little like being eaten."
  • Gothic DoorGothic Door- "Has a certain dramatic flare."
  • Peaked Curtain WindowPeaked Curtain Window- "The curtains are a nice touch."
  • Round Burlap WindowRound Burlap Window- "Needs better drapery."
  • Peaked WindowPeaked Window- "A window."
  • Square WindowTall WindowLarge Square Curtain WindowTall Curtain WindowSquare Window, Tall Window, Large Square Curtain Window, and Tall Curtain Window- "A way to see the outside world."
  • Greenhouse WallGreenhouse Wall- "All that sunshine and nothing to keep it out."
  • Eye RugEye Rug- "Quit staring!"
  • Square Throw RugOctagon RugSwirl RugBraid RugSquare Throw Rug, Octagon Rug, Swirl Rug, and Braid Rug- "A floor rug."
  • Oval RugLarge RugOval Rug and Large Rug- "A rug after my own heart."
  • Fur Throw RugPorcupus RugCatcoon RugFur Throw Rug, Porcupus Rug, and Catcoon Rug- "A dead thing that warms my feet."
  • Hedgehog RugHedgehog Rug- "An animal that warms my feet."
  • Hoofprint RugHoofprint Rug- "How droll."
  • Rubbermat RugRubbermat Rug- "Essential when dealing with... fluids."
  • Web RugWeb Rug- "Rather sticky."
  • Metal RugMetal Rug- "Dangerous."
  • Wormhole RugWormhole Rug- "Does it work?"
  • Beard RugBeard Rug- "Ugh."
  • Nailbed RugNailbed Rug- "Lovely..."
  • Crime RugCrime Rug- "Which unfortunate soul was that?"
  • Soccer RugSoccer Rug- "How geometric."
  • Fringe LampStainglass LampDownbridge LampGlass LampElizabethan LampGothic LampOrb LampBellshade LampCrystals LampUpturn LampRight Angle LampFancy LampFringe Lamp, Stainglass Lamp, Downbridge Lamp, Glass Lamp, Elizabethan Lamp, Gothic Lamp, Orb Lamp, Bellshade Lamp, Crystals Lamp, Upturn Lamp, Right Angle Lamp, and Fancy Lamp- "A little light."
  • Dual Embroidered LampDual Embroidered Lamp- "A couple lights."
  • Ceramic LampCeramic Lamp- "I like the decor."
  • Dual Fringes LampDual Upturn LampDual Fringes Lamp and Dual Upturn Lamp- "A couple of lights."
  • Candelabra LampCandelabra Lamp- "I like this."
  • Spool LampSpool Lamp- "This could be improved."
  • Edison LampEdison Lamp- "Missing everything but the bulb."
  • Adjustable LampAdjustable Lamp- "A versatile light."
  • Round TableRound Table- "A table."
  • Hard Wood DeskHard Wood Desk- "A practical table."
  • DIY TableDIY Table- "Crude."
  • College TableCollege Table- "Philistine."
  • Crate TableCrate Table- "Boorish."
  • Chess TableChess Table- "I like this."

Icon Cartography​Cartography

Don't Starve Together

  • Map ScrollMap Scroll (Cave)Map Scroll (empty)- "There's nothing to be gleaned from this."

Icon Celestial​Celestial

Don't Starve Together

  • Moon Rock IdolMoon Rock Idol- "They always need an offering."
  • Portal ParaphernaliaPortal Paraphernalia- "I suppose I should build this."
  • Moon Glass AxeMoon Glass Axe- "Go on. Axe me what the moon's made of."
  • Glass CutterGlass Cutter- "Sharp like my wit."
  • Bath BombBath Bomb- "It smells quite nice, if I'm honest."

Icon Critters​Critters

Don't Starve Together

  • KittykitKittykit- "A wholly agreeable animal."
  • VarglingVargling- "You're a slobbery little chap, aren't you?"
  • EweletEwelet- "Quit nibbling my coattails."
  • BroodlingBroodling- "Just like old times."
  • GlomglomGlomglom- "You are much too trusting, friend."
  • GibletGiblet- "You're as fowl as I am!"
  • MothlingMothling- "You had better not chew holes in my suit."
  • Friendly PeeperFriendly Peeper- ""Tell me, what is it you see, little one?"

Icon Fishing​Fishing

Don't Starve Together

  • Wooden Ball BobberWooden Ball Bobber- "How quaint."
  • Hardened Slip BobberHardened Slip Bobber- "It's made of tougher stuff."
  • Sunrise SpinnerbaitDusky SpinnerbaitNightflyer SpinnerbaitSunrise SpoonDusky SpoonNightflyer SpoonSunrise, Dusky, and Nightflyer Spinnerbait and Spoon- "At least I don't have to use worms."
  • Rainy Day LureRainy Day Lure- "Go fishing in the rain? And ruin my last good suit?"
  • Snow Day LureSnow Day Lure- "Why would anyone want to fish while it's snowing?"
  • Stupefying LureStupefying Lure- "I think Higgsbury already got too close to one of these."
  • Heavy Weighted LureHeavy Weighted Lure- "I'm reluctant to see what manner of fish would bite THAT."
  • Jet Quill FloatCrimson Quill FloatAzure Quill FloatSaffron Quill FloatJet Quill Float, Crimson Quill Float, Azure Quill Float, and Saffron Quill Float- "I used to see quill floats like this back in England."
  • Down Quill FloatMalbatross Quill FloatDown Quill Float and Malbatross Quill Float- "A bit of extra flair goes a long way."

Icon Sculpt​Sculpt

Don't Starve Together

  • Statue Hornucopia MarbleStatue Hornucopia StoneStatue Hornucopia MoonglassCarved Hornucopia- "This seems cruel."
  • Statue Pipe MarbleStatue Pipe StoneStatue Pipe MoonglassBubble Pipe Carving- "Ceci n'est pas une pipe. Pity."
  • Statue Pawn MarbleStatue Pawn StoneStatue Pawn MoonglassPawn Figure- "I have no idea what that is."
  • Statue Rook MarbleStatue Rook StoneStatue Rook MoonglassRook Figure- "This is nice, but where's the rust? The exhaust pipes?"
  • Statue Knight MarbleStatue Knight StoneStatue Knight MoonglassKnight Figure- "A dreadful lack of accordions."
  • Statue Knight MarbleStatue Knight StoneKnight Figure (shaking on new moon)- "And I thought chivalry was dead!"
  • Statue Bishop MarbleStatue Bishop StoneStatue Bishop MoonglassBishop Figure- "Could use a few more mechanical bits in my opinion."
  • Statue Rook MarbleStatue Rook StoneStatue Bishop MarbleStatue Bishop StoneRook and Bishop Figures (shaking on new moon)- "The pieces are in motion!"
  • Statue Muse MarbleStatue Muse StoneStatue Muse MoonglassQueenly Figure- "Must everything be about my shortcomings?"
  • Statue Formal MarbleStatue Formal StoneStatue Formal MoonglassKingly Figure- "What a well-dressed figure!"
  • Statue Deerclops MarbleStatue Deerclops StoneStatue Deerclops MoonglassDeerclops Figure- "I don't like winters."
  • Statue Bearger MarbleStatue Bearger StoneStatue Bearger MoonglassBearger Figure- "A brute."
  • Statue MooseGoose MarbleStatue MooseGoose StoneStatue MooseGoose MoonglassMoose/Goose Figure- "What an imbecilic expression."
  • Statue Dragonfly MarbleStatue Dragonfly StoneStatue Dragonfly MoonglassDragonfly Figure- "It never stood a chance."
  • Statue Butterfly MarbleStatue Butterfly StoneStatue Butterfly MoonglassMoon Moth Figure- "Rather elegant, I'd say."
  • Statue Anchor MarbleStatue Anchor StoneStatue Anchor MoonglassAnchor Figure- "How kitsch."
  • Statue Moon MarbleStatue Moon StoneStatue Moon Moonglass"Moon" Figure- "I'm fairly partial to this one."
  • Statue Malbatross MarbleStatue Malbatross StoneStatue Malbatross MoonglassMalbatross Figure- "Such a fowl-tempered bird."
  • Statue Crab King MarbleStatue Crab King StoneStatue Crab King MoonglassCrab King Figure- "I am not that crabby!"
  • Statue Toadstool MarbleStatue Toadstool StoneStatue Toadstool MoonglassToadstool Figure- "At least the statue doesn't smell as bad as the original."
  • Statue Ancient Fuelweaver MarbleStatue Ancient Fuelweaver StoneStatue Ancient Fuelweaver MoonglassAncient Fuelweaver Figure- "I do like this one."
  • Statue Klaus MarbleStatue Klaus StoneStatue Klaus MoonglassKlaus Figure- "Why bother?"
  • Statue Bee Queen MarbleStatue Bee Queen StoneStatue Bee Queen MoonglassBee Queen Figure- "Does she really need a statue?"
  • Statue Antlion MarbleStatue Antlion StoneStatue Antlion MoonglassAntlion Figure- "Is there a sinkhole I can bury this in?"
  • Statue Ancient Guardian MarbleStatue Ancient Guardian StoneStatue Ancient Guardian MoonglassAncient Guardian Figure- "Always keep things close to the chest, right pal?"
  • Statue Celestial Champion MarbleStatue Celestial Champion StoneStatue Celestial Champion MoonglassCelestial Champion Figure- "How could I not have seen..."
  • Statue Eye of Terror MarbleStatue Eye of Terror StoneStatue Eye of Terror MoonglassEye of Terror Figure- "An eye could never best a master of illusion such as I."
  • Statue Twins of Terror MarbleStatue Twins of Terror StoneStatue Twins of Terror MoonglassTwins of Terror Figure- "The most troublesome pair I've ever seen."

Icon Seafaring​Seafaring

Don't Starve Together

  • Boat KitBoat Kit- "I've been reduced to a common shipyard laborer."
  • PlankPlank- "Jumping off would ruin what's left of my suit."
  • Boat Leak SmallBoat Leak MediumLeak- "Oh, great. Now we're going to drown."
  • Boat PatchBoat Patch- "I detest such work."
  • OarOar- "I have no desire to toil like a common sailor."
  • Driftwood OarDriftwood Oar- "Hmph. I've never been one for manual lab-oar."
  • Anchor KitAnchor Kit- "Can't someone else assemble it?"
  • Anchor BuildAnchor- "I can drop it to keep the boat in place."
  • MastMast Kit- "Do I look like a shipyard laborer?"
  • Mast BuildMast- "Every vessel mast have one."
  • Winged SailWinged Sail Kit- "Must I do everything?"
  • Winged Sail BuildWinged Sail- "A warning to any waterfowl that cross us."
  • Steering Wheel KitSteering Wheel Kit- "Hard labor? Isn't that Winona's forte?"
  • Steering Wheel BuildSteering Wheel- "Why yes, you may call me the "Captain"."
  • Tin Fishin' BinTin Fishin' Bin- "Ugh, the smell... the things I do for a decent meal."
  • Pinchin' WinchPinchin' Winch- "We are to start dredging up what lies beneath now, are we?"
  • Pinchin' WinchPinchin' Winch (retrieving item)- "It seems I've gotten a hold of something."
  • Pinchin' WinchPinchin' Winch (holding item)- "Interesting."
  • Deck IlluminatorDeck Illuminator- "Far more practical than setting a fire on our boat."
  • Lightning ConductorLightning Conductor- "Very prudent."
  • Fire Pump BuildFire Pump- "Higgsbury, I think a bucket would have sufficed..."

Icon Balloonomancy​Balloonomancy

Don't Starve Together

  • Pile o' BalloonsPile o' Balloons- "Those look much too jovial for my liking."
  • BalloonBalloon- "This seems out of place here. Too cheery."
  • Speedy Balloon 1Speedy Balloon- "The mime's power unsettles me."
  • Speedy Balloon 4Speedy Balloon (deflated)- "Its power is spent. Now it's just garishly cheery."
  • Party BalloonParty Balloon- "Oh no... he's managed to make them even more cheerful."
  • Inflatable VestInflatable Vest- "I think I'd rather drown."
  • Balloon HatBalloon Hat- "Would I really stoop so low as to wear such a thing?"

Icon Books​Books

Don't Starve Together

  • BookcaseBookcase- "Rebuilding her library, is she?"
  • Birds of the WorldBirds of the World- "What a wasteful misuse of magic."
  • Horticulture, AbridgedHorticulture, Abridged- "Hopefully this version is less wordy."
  • Applied SilvicultureApplied Silviculture- "It's not wise to toy with forces beyond your comprehension."
  • Sleepytime StoriesSleepytime Stories- "I haven't had a real sleep in... ages."
  • The End is NighThe End is Nigh!- "I've had enough fire and brimstone for one eternity."
  • On TentaclesOn Tentacles- "What horrors shall be summoned from the depths?"
  • The Angler's Survival GuideThe Angler's Survival Guide- "I suppose I'll eat for a lifetime, then? Somehow I doubt it."
  • Pyrokinetics ExplainedPyrokinetics Explained- "Ah. Based on the librarian's own observations, I take it?"
  • Overcoming ArachnophobiaOvercoming Arachnophobia- "As if spiders are what you should be worried about here."
  • Tempering TemperaturesTempering Temperatures- "I'm always cool and collected."
  • Lux AeternaLux Aeterna- "Taking some inspiration from the Codex, are we? I'm flattered."
  • Practical Rain RitualsPractical Rain Rituals- "What's a ritual without a little showmanship? Surely a prop or two?"
  • Lunar GrimoireLunar Grimoire- "We've come this far, no point in stopping our meddling now."
  • Apicultural NotesApicultural Notes- "Perhaps now the bees will serve me."
  • Horticulture, ExpandedHorticulture, Expanded- "Hopefully this will mean less time relegated to the garden."
  • The Everything EncyclopediaThe Everything Encyclopedia- "Hmph. It doesn't hold a candle to the secret knowledge I possess."
  • Lux Aeterna ReduxLux Aeterna Redux- "Now she's just showing off."
  • Fiery PenFiery Pen- "Words hold power. Pens too, apparently."


Don't Starve Together

  • Bio ScanalyzerBio Scanalyzer- "I feel like it's watching me..."
  • Bio ScanalyzerBio Scanalyzer (inactive)- "Something about it is just so temptingly kickable."
  • Bio ScanalyzerBio Scanalyzer (hunting)- "Where does it think it's going?"
  • Bio ScanalyzerBio Scanalyzer (scanning)- "Hmph. Good luck unraveling the mysteries of my creations."
  • Bio ScanalyzerBio Scanalyzer (scan complete)- "That constant blinking light is testing my patience."
  • Circuit ExtractorCircuit Extractor- "Nerves of steel, that one."
  • Bio DataBio Data- "Well... fine. I suppose that sums it all up, more or less."
  • Hardy CircuitSuper-Hardy CircuitProcessing CircuitSuper-Processing CircuitBeanbooster CircuitGastrogain CircuitSuper-Gastrogain CircuitAcceleration CircuitSuper-Acceleration CircuitThermal CircuitRefrigerant CircuitElectrification CircuitOptoelectronic CircuitIllumination CircuitCircuits (besides Chorusbox)- "That robot needs to pull themselves together."
  • Chorusbox CircuitChorusbox Circuit- "They wouldn't..."

Icon ClocksmithyClocksmithy

Don't Starve Together

  • Clockmaker's ToolsClockmaker's Tools- "Little hand tools, how quaint."
  • Time PiecesTime Pieces- "She doesn't understand the full extent of the power she's toying with."
  • Ageless WatchSecond Chance WatchBackstep WatchBacktrek WatchRift WatchAgeless Watch, Second Chance Watch, Backstep Watch, Backtrek Watch, and Rift Watch- "Careful, madam. I know where this trail ultimately leads."
  • Ageless WatchSecond Chance WatchBackstep WatchBacktrek WatchRift WatchAgeless Watch, Second Chance Watch, Backstep Watch, Backtrek Watch, and Rift Watch (recharging)- "It looks like she'll have to wait, for once."
  • Rift Watch Portal EntrancePortal Entrance- "At least it doesn't smell, like some other modes of transportation."
  • Rift Watch Portal ExitPortal Exit- "Hmph. I think she puts it up there on purpose."
  • Alarming ClockAlarming Clock- "That... looks like it would hurt."

Icon Ectoherbology​Ectoherbology

Don't Starve Together

  • Revenant RestorativeSpectral Cure-AllUnyielding DraughtDistilled VengeanceNightshade NostrumVigor MortisAll Ghostly Elixirs- "It appears someone has been toying with the dark arts and crafts."

Icon Engineering​Engineering

Don't Starve Together

  • Trusty TapeTrusty Tape- "The wilderness is tough on a tailor made suit."
  • Winona's Catapult BuildWinona's Catapult- "I could have thought of that."
  • Winona's CatapultWinona's SpotlightWinona's Catapult and Spotlight (not connected to generator)- "It's useless out here without power."
  • Winona's CatapultWinona's SpotlightWinona's GeneratorWinona's G.E.M.eratorWinona's Inventions (burning)- "I'm going to pretend I don't see it."
  • Winona's Catapult BurntWinona's Spotlight BurntWinona's Generator BurntWinona's G.E.M.erator BurntWinona's Inventions (burnt)- "Oh. What a pity."
  • Winona's Spotlight BuildWinona's Spotlight- "Well sure, if you want to take the easy way out."
  • Winona's Generator BuildWinona's Generator- "Where does she find the time to build all this."
  • Winona's GeneratorWinona's G.E.M.eratorWinona's Generator and G.E.M.erator (low fuel)- "I think it's losing power."
  • Winona's GeneratorWinona's Generator (out of fuel)- "See? It wasn't so great after all."
  • Winona's G.E.M.erator BuildWinona's G.E.M.erator- "At least she has the sense to use gems."
  • Winona's G.E.M.eratorWinona's G.E.M.erator (out of fuel)- "Magic isn't so easy, is it?"

Icon Green Thumb​Green Thumb

Don't Starve Together

  • Bramble HuskBramble Husk- "Who's frail now?"
  • Bramble TrapBramble Trap- "Best laid traps."
  • Compost WrapCompost Wrap- "I'm utterly dung with all of this."

Icon Seasonings​Seasonings

Don't Starve Together

  • Garlic PowderGarlic Powder- "Keeps everyone from getting too close."
  • Honey CrystalsHoney Crystals- "I never was one for syrupy mush."
  • Chili FlakesChili Flakes- "Bit of a kick in the pants."
  • Seasoning SaltSeasoning Salt- "My doctor said I shouldn't have too much."

Icon Slingshot Ammo​Slingshot Ammo

Don't Starve Together

  • PebblesMarblesPebbles and Marbles- "Not particularly creative."
  • Gold RoundsFreeze RoundsSlow-Down RoundsCursed RoundsGold Rounds, Freeze Rounds, Slow-Down Rounds, and Cursed Rounds- "Ah, now that might be interesting."
  • Poop PelletsPoop Pellets- "Must he leave that lying around? I nearly ruined my shoes."

Icon Spider CareSpider Care

Don't Starve Together

  • Den Decorating SetDen Decorating Set- "Careful child, it's a slippery slope towards a career in the arts."
  • Webby WhistleWebby Whistle- "It's probably covered in spider spit."
  • Shoo BoxShoo Box- "If only loud noises were really enough to deter them."
  • Healing GlopHealing Glop- "Just in case I lose my mind entirely and want to heal those little pests."
  • Warrior SwitcherdoodleCave SwitcherdoodleShatter SwitcherdoodleStrider SwitcherdoodleWarrior, Cave, Shatter, and Strider Switcherdoodle- "I'm not eating that."
  • Dangler SwitcherdoodleSpitter SwitcherdoodleNurse SwitcherdoodleDangler, Spitter, and Nurse Switcherdoodle- "How sickeningly endearing."

Icon Stagecraft​Stagecraft

Don't Starve Together

  • Weaponized WarbleHeartrending BalladClear Minded CadenzaBel Canto of CourageFireproof FalsettoWeaponized Warble, Heartrending Ballad, Clear Minded Cadenza, Bel Canto of Courage, and Fireproof Falsetto- "No. I do NOT sing."
  • Rude InterludeStartling SoliloquyRude Interlude and Startling Soliloquy- "My acts were always a bit more improvisational."

Icon StrongmanStrongman

Don't Starve Together

  • Mighty GymMighty Gym- "Hmph. I suppose some people are impressed by shows of brute strength."
  • File:Mighty Gym Burnt.pngMighty Gym (burnt)- "The show's over."
  • DumbbellDumbbell- "I have no interest in such things."
  • Golden DumbbellGembellGolden Dumbbell and Gembell- "It's not that impressive."
  • Potato SackPotato Sack- "Potatoes are powerful things, not to be underestimated."

GiftLargeA​Events (Don't Starve Together icononly)

Hallowed Nights

  • Candy BagCandy Bag- "That's our sugar-sack."
  • Candy AppleCandy Apple- "Oh good, it's solid candy. I feared something healthy had snuck in."
  • Candy CornCandy Corn- "Waxy, just like me."
  • Catcoon CandyCatcoon Candy- "Almost endearing. Almost."
  • Choco PigsChoco Pigs- "Eating them makes me feel powerful."
  • Ghost PopTentacle LolliGhost Pop and Tentacle Lolli- "No one is above enjoying a good lollipop."
  • Gummy SpiderGummy Spider- "Black licorice, my favorite."
  • Jelly WormJelly Worm- "How the tables have turned, worm."
  • Not-So-Candy CornNot-So-Candy Corn- "Who is making all this candy, exactly?"
  • RaisinsRaisins- "I am much more disappointed than I thought I'd be."
  • "Raisins""Raisins"- "A mystery I'm not keen on solving."
  • Candy LiceCandy Lice- "Ah, maggots... how novel."
  • Otherworldly JawbreakerOtherworldly Jawbreaker- "It's not terrible."
  • Lava PepperLava Pepper- "Only ruffians enjoy torturing themselves like this."
  • Broken StakeBroken Stake- "I told you people, I am *not* a vampire!"
  • Cubic Zirkonia BallCubic Zirkonia Ball- "Amateur magic for children."
  • Empty ElixirEmpty Elixir- "I'm not in the habit of imbibing strange liquids."
  • Faux FangsFaux Fangs- "Permanently bared."
  • Monkey PawMonkey Paw- "I'm done tampering with magical oddities, thank-you."
  • Spider RingSpider Ring- "The opposite of dapper."
  • BinocularsBinoculars- "You are all ants in my eyes already."
  • Lone GloveLone Glove- "What a tacky glove."
  • Snail ScaleSnail Scale- "One hundred percent to scale."
  • Goop CanisterGoop Canister- "I've no idea what that is."
  • Toy CobraToy Cobra- "It looks cheap."
  • Crocodile ToyCrocodile Toy- "What use would I have of such a thing?"
  • Broken TerrariumBroken Terrarium- "Rosebud."
  • Odd RadioOdd Radio- "At least it's not ragtime."
  • Broken HairdryerBroken Hairdryer- "Some harebrained invention of the scientist's, perhaps?"
  • Mad Scientist LabMad Scientist Lab- "How maddening."
  • Brew of Phobic AbrogationBrew of Phobic AbatementBrew of Phobic Abrogation and Brew of Phobic Abatement- "Takes away the horrors. But who would want that?"
  • Canteen of Sanguine MixtureTumblerful of Psychic FortitudeCanteen of Sanguine Mixture and Tumblerful of Psychic Fortitude- "Ah. This'll do the trick."
  • Flask of Sanguine MixtureDram of Psychic FortitudeFlask of Sanguine Mixture and Dram of Psychic Fortitude- "Could be a little stronger."
  • Sulfuric Crystals of SaltpeterSulfuric Crystals of LimeSulfuric Crystals of Saltpeter and Sulfuric Crystals of Lime- "Might as well throw it in the fire."
  • Lunar ExperimentSteeped Lunar Essence- "A fine pot of tea, with a side of mutation."
  • Totally Normal RootTotally Normal Root- "Ah. A chance to grow something horrible."
  • Totally Normal SaplingTotally Normal Sapling- "Just days away from dreadful."
  • Bat DecorationBat Decoration- "Such a burden to carry it. If only there were a place to leave it."
  • Crow DecorationCrow Decoration- "Why do I hear "Nevermore"?"
  • Dangling Depth Dweller DecorationDangling Depth Dweller Decoration- "Ugh. These guys again."
  • Ghost DecorationGhost Decoration- "Oh joy. Is there really need for decoration?"
  • Spider DecorationSpider Decoration- "I like the real ones better."
  • Tentacle DecorationTentacle Decoration- "Shouldn't it be hanging from somewhere."
  • Bats coming out of tree- "Quite an expert illusion."
  • Drinking bravery potion- "I was never really scared of those trees anyhow."
  • Steeped Lunar Essence had no effect- "How disappointing."

Winter's Feast

  • Gift WrapGift Wrap- "For wrapping odds and ends..."
  • GiftLargeAGiftLargeBGiftMediumAGiftMediumBGiftSmallAGiftSmallBGift- "An elegantly wrapped social obligation."
  • Festive Tree PlanterFestive Tree Planter- "How repulsively festive."
  • Festive Tree Planter BurntFestive Tree Planter (burnt)- "That's that, it seems."
  • Festive Tree PlanterWinter's Feast Tree (sapling)- "Have we nothing better to do with our time?"
  • Festive TreeWinter's Feast Tree- "How wretchedly jolly."
  • Festive TreeWinter's Feast Tree (burning)- "It’s a Winter’s Feast miracle."
  • Festive TreeWinter's Feast Tree (burnt)- "Can we turn our attentions back to survival now?"
  • Gingerbread CookieGingerbread Cookie- "Stop looking at me, cookie fiend."
  • Eternal FruitcakeEternal Fruitcake- "It is unbound from time."
  • Sugar CookieSugar Cookie- "We're celebrating freezing to death, I see."
  • Candy CaneCandy Cane- "I don't even use a cane."
  • Chocolate Log CakeChocolate Log Cake- "How, err... traditional."
  • Plum PuddingPlum Pudding- "It's extremely rich."
  • Apple CiderApple Cider- "Glorified apple juice."
  • Hot CocoaHot Cocoa- "Such a decadent beverage."
  • Heavenly EggnogHeavenly Eggnog- "My... favorite... she remembered."
  • Festive BaubleFestive Bauble 2Festive Bauble 3Festive Bauble 4Festive Bauble 5Festive Bauble 6Festive Bauble 7Festive Bauble 8Festive Bauble 9Festive Bauble 10Festive Bauble 11Festive Bauble 12Festive Bauble FancyFestive Bauble Fancy 2Festive Bauble Fancy 3Festive Bauble Fancy 4Festive Bauble Fancy 5Festive Bauble Fancy 6Festive Bauble Fancy 7Festive Bauble Fancy 8Festive Bauble- "Gaudy, like the rest of this shindig."
  • Festive LightFestive Light 2Festive Light 3Festive Light 4Festive Light 5Festive Light 6Festive Light 7Festive Light 8Festive Light- "How frivolous."
  • Magnificent Adornment BeargerMagnificent Adornment DeerclopsMagnificent Adornment GmooseMagnificent Adornment DragonflyMagnificent Adornment BeeQueenMagnificent Adornment ToadstoolMagnificent Adornment AntlionMagnificent Adornment FuelweaverMagnificent Adornment KlausMagnificent Adornment KrampusMagnificent Adornment Gem Deer BlueMagnificent Adornment Gem Deer RedMagnificent Adornment MalbatrossMagnificent Adornment- "What a thing to risk one's life for."
  • Champion Adornment Grand Forge BoarriorChampion Adornment RhinocebrosChampion Adornment Infernal SwineclopsChampion Adornment- "A volatile decoration."
  • Appeasing Adornment MumsyAppeasing Adornment BillyAppeasing Adornment- "There's something familiar about this..."
  • Masonry OvenMasonry Oven- "Something about it... ah, I'm sure it's nothing."
  • Masonry OvenMasonry Oven (cooking)- "What's it cooking up now?"
  • Masonry OvenMasonry Oven (almost done cooking)- "I do wish it would hurry up."
  • Masonry OvenMasonry Oven (dish ready)- "Finally!"
  • Winter's Feast TableWinter's Feast Table- "Must we go through this production for a little food?"
  • Winter's Feast TableWinter's Feast Table (with food)- "I suppose I'll have to share."
  • Winter's Feast TableWinter's Feast Table (wrong food)- "The wrong place for this."
  • Winter's Feast Table BurntWinter's Feast Table (burnt)- "Humbug."
  • Merry BerrysauceMerry Berrysauce- "This seems like a lot of fuss for some mashed berries."
  • BibingkaBibingka- "It has a unique spongy texture."
  • Cabbage RollsCabbage Rolls- "Meat rolled in cabbage. How exciting."
  • Festive Fish DishFestive Fish Dish- "I don't know what's so festive about it."
  • Good GravyGood Gravy- "I have a tendency to overdo it on the gravy."
  • LatkesLatkes- "They're acceptable."
  • LutefiskLutefisk- "It has an odd, yet strangely mouthwatering aroma."
  • Mulled PunchMulled Punch- "It brings a small respite from this wretched cold."
  • PanettonePanettone- "Fruitcake's more agreeable cousin."
  • PavlovaPavlova- "It has a certain elegance to it."
  • Pickled HerringPickled Herring- "I suppose I can't be picky."
  • Polish CookiesPolish Cookies- "How quaint."
  • Pumpkin PiePumpkin Pie- "Well... perhaps just a slice."
  • Roasted TurkeyRoasted Turkey- "I myself will carve this roast beast."
  • StuffingStuffing- "Something to fill the void in my stomach."
  • Sweet Potato CasseroleSweet Potato Casserole- "How very... rustic."
  • TamalesTamales- "They've got a bit of kick to them."
  • TourtiereTourtiere- "I haven't had a meat pie since I left Liverpool."
  • Gingerbread PigGingerbread Pig- "Must you make me chase you?"
  • Gingerbread Pig House 1Gingerbread Pig House 2Gingerbread Pig House 3Gingerbread Pig House 4Gingerbread Pig House- "Entirely too gaudy."
  • Gingerbread VargGingerbread Varg- "Pretty brash for something so edible."
  • Cookie CrumblesCookie Crumbles- "It's falling apart."
  • Holiday CheerHoliday Cheer- "I prefer my fuel more nightmarish."
  • Eating Holiday Cheer- "It tastes bitter."
  • Eating without feasting- "I suppose it's only right to share this with the others."
  • Feasting- "At last, a decent meal."
  • Feasting buff- "That food seems to have had an odd affect on me..." [sic]
  • Feasting buff wearing off- "Its power was short-lived."

Lunar New Year

  • Red PouchRed Pouch- "A spot of luck."
  • Lucky Gold NuggetLucky Gold Nugget- "Gold's gold as far as I'm concerned."
  • Red FirecrackersRed Firecrackers- "Great for magic tricks."
  • Red LanternRed Lantern- "Not having a light would certainly be unlucky."
  • Lucky FanLucky Fan- "Now I'll have no problem keeping my cool."
  • Lucky Beast HeadLucky Beast Head- "Quite formidable looking."
  • Lucky Beast BodyLucky Beast Body- "I'm no middleman."
  • Lucky Beast TailLucky Beast Tail- "The back end of a terrible beast."
  • Floating LanternFloating Lantern- "It's oddly beautiful."
  • Dappled KoiGolden KoiDappled and Golden Koi- "Don't be koi with me."
  • Gobbler Shrine BuildGobbler Shrine- "It seems my fortune's changing."
  • Gobbler ShrineGobbler Shrine (empty)- "Something else seems to be required."
  • Gobbler Shrine BurntGobbler Shrine (burnt)- "It's no use to anyone now."
  • Varg Shrine BuildVarg Shrine- "The preparations have been made."
  • Varg ShrineVarg Shrine (empty)- "It requires a torch."
  • Varg Shrine BurntVarg Shrine (burnt)- "Burnt to cinders."
  • Lucky WhistleLucky Whistle- "Howl I ever find a use for this?"
  • Clay HoundClay Hound- "I was wise to be suspicious."
  • Clay Hound StatueClay Hound (statue)- "I don't trust it."
  • Clay VargClay Varg- "This earthen beast's all fired up."
  • Clay Varg StatueClay Varg (statue)- "How delightfully disconcerting."
  • Hound SketchVarg SketchHound Sketch and Varg Sketch- "I'll need somewhere to sculpt it."
  • Hound Figure Marble BuildHound Figure Stone BuildHound Figure Moonglass BuildHound Figure- "It's quite fetching."
  • Varg Figure Marble BuildVarg Figure Stone BuildVarg Figure Moonglass BuildVarg Figure- "What a gruesome maw."
Pig King
  • Pig Shrine BuildPig Shrine- "How quaint."
  • Pig ShrinePig Shrine (empty)- "It needs some kind of meat."
  • Pig Shrine BurntPig Shrine (burnt)- "Not useful like this."
  • Tribute RoastTribute Roast- "Ah. I do enjoy a nice meal."
  • Eight Treasure Mud PieEight Treasure Mud Pie- "Ugh. More fit for a creature than for me."
  • Fish Heads on a StickFish Heads on a Stick- "Nothing fancy, but it will do."
  • Golden BeltGolden Belt- "Those pigs are getting more and more clever."
  • Elite Pig DmitriElite Pig (Dmitri)- "Filthy."
  • Elite Pig IgnatiusElite Pig (Ignatius)- "A fiery one."
  • Elite Pig SawyerElite Pig (Sawyer)- "Rotten to the core."
  • Elite Pig WadeElite Pig (Wade)- "He's a slippery fellow."
  • Can't play game (too late)- "It's much too late for that."
  • Can't play game (area not empty)- "Ugh. I'm not doing anything in that mess."
  • Can't play game (danger)- "I have bigger things to worry about right now."
  • Leaving game- "I don't need this anymore."
  • Carrat Shrine BuildCarrat Shrine- "It's ready."
  • Carrat ShrineCarrat Shrine (empty)- "It requires an offering."
  • Carrat Shrine BurntCarrat Shrine (burnt)- "It's of no use to me like this."
  • Starting Point KitStarting Point Kit- "Might as well start things off with a bang. Or a gong."
  • Starting PointStarting Point- "I suppose this is what I must do for entertainment now."
  • Finish Line KitFinish Line Kit- "End of the line, pal."
  • Finish LineFinish Line- "Such frivolity."
  • Finish Line BurntFinish Line (burnt)- "I've no use for it anymore."
  • Finish LineFinish Line (won)- "I'd almost forgotten the sweet taste of victory."
  • Finish LineFinish Line (lost)- "{winner}'s racer was... superior to mine..."
  • Checkpoint KitCheckpoint Kit- "The dumb little creatures would be lost without them."
  • CheckpointCheckpoint- "These posts will serve as adequate route markers."
  • Navigation Gym KitNavigation Gym Kit- "My Carrat requires some direction."
  • Navigation GymNavigation Gym- "An underling must be able to follow directions."
  • Navigation GymNavigation Gym (with Carrat)- "The training seems to be progressing well."
  • Navigation Gym BurntNavigation Gym (burnt)- "Useless."
  • Reflex Gym KitReflex Gym Kit- "It would be prudent to place this somewhere."
  • Reflex GymReflex Gym- "You never know what might pop up on the race track."
  • Reflex GymReflex Gym (with Carrat)- "Hm. I'm getting a sudden craving for popcorn..."
  • Reflex Gym BurntReflex Gym (burnt)- "Useless."
  • Speed Gym KitSpeed Gym Kit- "I should construct this, posthaste."
  • Speed GymSpeed Gym- "Athletics were never my strong suit."
  • Speed GymSpeed Gym (with Carrat)- "It's rather amusing to watch it scurry."
  • Speed Gym BurntSpeed Gym (burnt)- "Useless."
  • Endurance Gym KitEndurance Gym Kit- "I tire of lugging this around."
  • Endurance GymEndurance Gym- "An exercise machine... the most dastardly of inventions."
  • Endurance GymEndurance Gym (with Carrat)- "You will thank me for making you stronger."
  • Endurance Gym BurntEndurance Gym (burnt)- "Useless."
  • Carrat Scale KitCarrat Scale Kit- "It seems some assembly is required."
  • Carrat ScaleCarrat Scale- "I will only accept the finest Carrat."
  • Carrat ScaleCarrat Scale (bad Carrat)- "A disappointing performance."
  • Carrat ScaleCarrat Scale (good Carrat)- "Excellent. You've done well."
  • Carrat Scale BurntCarrat Scale (burnt)- "It's worthless now."
  • Packet of SeedsPacket of Seeds- "I will reap what I sow."
  • Premium Seed PacketPremium Seed Packet- "This should yield a higher quality crop."
  • Carrat Figure Marble BuildCarrat Figure Stone BuildCarrat Figure Moonglass BuildCarrat Figure- "If only I had a mantle to set it on."
  • Charlie's CarratCharlie's Carrat- "Starting to feel left out?"
  • Can't start race with no participants- "This race seems to be decidedly lacking in racers."
  • Race starting- "Begin!"
  • Carrat is sleeping- "Wake up, you useless vermin!"
  • Carrat is stunned- "What's the matter? Get going!"
  • Carrat going wrong way-
    • "You fool! You're going the wrong way!"
    • "No! The other way!"
  • Carrat is slow- "Faster! Faster I say!"
  • Carrat is exhausted- "The creature is past its prime."
  • Attempting to pick up wrong Carrat-
    • "Say, pal, why don't you come work for me?"
    • "Its allegiance lies elsewhere."
  • Beefalo Shrine BuildBeefalo Shrine- "Let's get on with it then."
  • Beefalo ShrineBeefalo Shrine (empty)- "It will require an offering."
  • Beefalo Shrine BurntBeefalo Shrine (burnt)- "Pity."
  • Sewing Machine KitSewing Machine (held)- "Why must these things come unassembled?"
  • Sewing MachineSewing Machine- "I'm more of an appreciator of fine clothes than a maker of them."
  • Judge's Booth ItemJudge's Booth (held)- "Oh good, something more to build."
  • Judge's Booth BuildJudge's Booth- "Hmph. What makes him think he's qualified to pass judgement?"
  • Beefalo Stage ItemBeefalo Stage (held)- "This seems like a dreadful amount of effort."
  • Beefalo Stage BuildBeefalo Stage- "Enjoy your time in the spotlight while you can."
  • Fearsome Pattern ScrapFormal Pattern ScrapFestive Pattern ScrapFearsome, Formal, and Festive Pattern Scrap- "I'll have to combine them before they'll reveal their secrets."
  • Warrior Beefalo DollDolled-Up Beefalo DollFestive Beefalo DollFlowery Beefalo DollIronclad Beefalo DollFrostbitten Beefalo DollFormal Beefalo DollVictorian Beefalo DollLucky Beast Beefalo DollBeefalo Dolls (Year of the Beefalo)- "This might be of interest to the judge."
  • Warrior Beefalo DollFestive Beefalo DollFlowery Beefalo DollIronclad Beefalo DollFrostbitten Beefalo DollFormal Beefalo DollVictorian Beefalo DollLucky Beast Beefalo DollMost Beefalo Dolls- "I've no need for such things."
  • Dolled-Up Beefalo DollDolled-Up Beefalo Doll- "I've no need for such things. Perhaps one of the children might take it."
  • Costume Pattern(Warrior Beefalo Doll)Warrior Costume Pattern- "This could be useful."
  • Costume Pattern(Dolled-Up Beefalo Doll)Dolled-Up Costume Pattern- "I can only imagine how grotesque this will look..."
  • Costume Pattern(Festive Beefalo Doll)Festive Costume Pattern- "Positively garish."
  • Costume Pattern(Flowery Beefalo Doll)Flowery Costume Pattern- "Florals. How saccharine."
  • Costume Pattern(Ironclad Beefalo Doll)Ironclad Costume Pattern- "Is this the robot's doing?"
  • Costume Pattern(Frostbitten Beefalo Doll)Frostbitten Costume Pattern- "Chilling."
  • Costume Pattern(Formal Beefalo Doll)Formal Costume Pattern- "These garments are absolutely wasted on such base creatures."
  • Costume Pattern(Victorian Beefalo Doll)Victorian Costume Pattern- "Hmph. Rather outdated."
  • Costume Pattern(Lucky Beast Beefalo Doll)Lucky Beast Costume Pattern- "I'd say luck is in rather short supply around here."
  • Beefalo Figure Marble BuildBeefalo Figure Stone BuildBeefalo Figure Moonglass BuildBeefalo Figure- "At least this version doesn't shed all over my poor suit."
  • Calling beefalo- "And here comes my... er, "beautiful" assistant."
  • Can't build stage too far- "This seems a bit far from the festivities, don't you think?"
  • Can't hitch beefalo (no beefalo)- "Here's the hitch pal, I'm going to need a beefalo."
  • Can't hitch beefalo (too far away)- "Get over here, you hairy imbecile!"
  • Can't hitch beefalo (already hitched)- "The beast is ready to be judged."
  • Can't hitch beefalo (in bad mood)- "Perhaps once the beast has settled down and is willing to be reasonable."
  • Can't select beefalo contestant (already made choice)- "My choice has been made. No going back."
  • Can't select beefalo contestant (not part of contest)- "I'll bide my time until the next competition."
  • Failed to start contest (generic)- "Where is that incompetent judge?"
  • Failed to start contest (already active elsewhere)- "There must be a competition going on elsewhere..."
  • Judge can't appraise beefalo now- "He's attending to some other business, presently."
  • Learned new costume pattern- "At last, something new."
  • Costume pattern already known- "An old pattern. I've no use for it."
  • Catcoon Shrine BuildCatcoon Shrine- "I suppose even a thief has its admirers."
  • Catcoon ShrineCatcoon Shrine (empty)- "It seems we're supposed to offer it something."
  • File:Catcoon Shrine Burnt.pngCatcoon Shrine (burnt)- "Seems not everyone appreciates the little thieves."
  • Kitcoon Nursery KitKitcoon Nursery Kit- "I don't see why I need to build them a house. They need to learn to climb trees like adults."
  • Kitcoon NurseryKitcoon Nursery- "A house for kitcoons? Can the pitiful little things not climb trees yet?"
  • Kitcoon NurseryKitcoon Nursery (playing hide-and-seek)- "They are not here, they are out hiding."
  • Kitcoon NurseryKitcoon Nursery (playing hide-and-seek, time almost up)- "We are nearly out of time to find all of the rascals."
  • File:Kitcoon Nursery Burnt.pngKitcoon Nursery (burnt)- "No place to hide anymore."
  • Wind-up Mouse ToyWind-up Mouse Toy- "The classic game of catcoon and mechnical mouse." [sic]
  • Kit CollarKit Collar- "I've named so many creatures at this point, the novelty has worn off."
  • Gobbler Wobbler KitGobbler Wobbler Kit- "Surely someone else can set it up."
  • Gobbler WobblerGobbler Wobbler- "Those creatures are so feeble of mind they can't tell a real bird from a wooden one."
  • File:Gobbler Wobbler Burnt.pngGobbler Wobbler (burnt)- "Whatever will we do without it."