“This is a powerful artifact.”
“Mysterious power emanates from it...”
“Why is sticky?”
“It pulses with unknown power.”
“The young seal has left a gift!”
“It's pulsing with power, eh.”
“I sense a powerful force within it.”
“Wonderful. It's a conduit for that dark fuel.”
“I shall wield this with pröper respect for the mighty warriör wizard that left it.”
“We can feel the strength coursing through it!”
“Why would anyone need this much power?”
“It's just dripping with magicks!”
“Whut th' devil is thet?”
“Hello? Hello? Not talking”
“That's a treasure if I ever saw one.”
The Magic Seal is an Item introduced in the Shipwrecked DLC. It is dropped by the Sealnado's Seal form, regardless of whether it is killed or spared. It can be used to craft the Howling Conch and the Sail Stick.
- The Magic Seal's name is a play on how the word "seal" is a homonym, and can mean a symbol or emblem, and "seal" as in the aquatic mammal that the Magic Seal drops from.
- This is further reinforced by the fact that there is a symbol on the bottom, and that the item is shaped like the animal, with the bump forming a "snout" and "whiskers" and purple gems forming the "eyes."