Lunar Hail is a naturally occurring event exclusive to Don't Starve Together, introduced in the From Beyond updates. Like Rain, it will occur periodically after Lunar Rifts have been activated and can last up to 90 seconds. Instead of rain drops, Moon Shards and Infused Moon Shards will fall from the sky, dealing 30 damage when hitting a player. Players can avoid hail damage completely while standing under any Tree, using an Umbralla or wearing Bone Armor or a Hardwood Hat. Unlike Earthquakes in the Caves, all Mobs are currently immune to hail damage.
The falling Moon Shards and Infused Moon Shards have a chance of 25% to remain on the ground for 5 seconds, making this an alternative to Moonstorms for obtaining Infused Moon Shards.
- Lunar Hail was introduced in the Host of Horrors update.
- In the early beta Lunar Hail also dealt damage to mobs. Klei removed this because too many mobs died during Lunar Hail, but stated it could come back when they find a way to protect mobs from the damage.