Don't Starve Wiki
Don't Starve Wiki

Wilson Portrait
Maybe I should stand back.


Krissures are objects found in the Shipwrecked DLC. After a player has dug up a Magma Pile, a Krissure may appear and erupt. Krissures will alternate between dormant and erupting states. It can be used as a Light source, but it may burn if a player stands too close. Note that it's the initial burst of krissure that sets things on fire, not the lasting flame itself. The player can cook Food over an erupting Krissure. Flooded Krissures do not erupt.

Mosquito Bugs

  • If the player dies near Krissures and uses a Touchstone, Life Giving Amulet, Meat Effigy or another method of resurrection, the Krissure will sometimes get stuck in the erupting state, but no longer allow the player to cook Food. This may also occur at the end of the Werebeaver transformation while playing as Woodie.
  • Willow, while not getting any fire damage, does not get a Sanity bonus while standing next to an erupting Krissure.

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