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Webber Portrait
He looks pretty important.


The King of the Merms is a Mob exclusive to the Don't Starve Together character Wurt. He appears after feeding a Merm on the Royal Tapestry

Brain Behavior[]

The King of the Merms has 1000 Health and regenerates 2 Health Meter per second. He cannot attack or move but he spawns up to 4 Loyal Merm Guards when his Health drops below 75% that disappear when the attacker is killed or out of range. When killed, the Guards regenerate after 1 day.

If the Tapestry is destroyed while the King is on it, for example with a Deconstruction Staff, he will immediately die no matter the amount of Health he has.

Upon spawning he has 50 Hunger, then he can be fed up to 200 maximum Hunger using the same set of Foods that Wurt eats (note that he doesn't have the same bonus as her and only gets the normal amount of Hunger for the food he eats). The King will only accept Food from Wurt and refuse to accept any items from any other characters. The only way for a character other than Wurt to be able to give him anything is by wearing the Clever Disguise Wurt can craft. Like Wurt and other Merms, the King does not lose Health if he eats Kelp or Durians. However, he can lose and gain Health from other Foods he eats and can therefore be killed or healed by feeding him. The King has a Hunger drain of 25 per day. When his Hunger reaches zero, his Health will deplete and he will die in 2 days.

As long as the King of the Merms is alive, all Merms receive a stat boost. Wurt players change stats to 250 Health, 250 Hunger and 200 Sanity corresponding of a bonus of +100 Health Meter, +50 Hunger Meter and +50 Sanity Meter. Normal Merms gain +60 Health Meter and +10 damage. Loyal Merm Guards gain +460 Health Meter and +30 damage.

When the King of the Merms is alive, Merms and Loyal Merm Guards are neutral to all creatures and players.

Like Wurt and other Merms, Frogs are neutral toward the King.

A King of the Merms will now buff Wurt and Merms on both the surface and the Caves as of update 617515[1]


Wurt or a player wearing a Clever Disguise can offer Freshwater Fish, Live Eel or Ocean Fishes to the King of the Merms in exchange for various resources. In the case of Ocean Fishes, the King will give Gold Nuggets in addition to the usual gifts. Note that he will eat Popperfishes and Corn Cods and not give anything in return for them. The King gives 1 to 2 more items if the fish he receives is Heavy. For filler items, the minimum is unchanged and always 2. The table below lists the possible gifts.

King of the Merms Gifts
Chance Item Normal Amount If Fish Is Heavy
29% Kelp Fronds 2-4 3-6
14% Seeds 4-6 5-8
14% Cut Reeds 1-2 2-4
+Seeds (75%), Kelp Fronds (25%) 2-4 2-6
14% Tentacle Spots 1 2-3
+Seeds (75%), Kelp Fronds (25%) 2-4 2-6
14% Dessicated Tentacle/Melty Marbles/Air Unfreshener/Bent Spork/Hardened Rubber Bung 1 2-3
+Seeds (75%), Kelp Fronds (25%) 2-4 2-6
14% Brittle Seed Pods/Swirly Seeds/Sharp Seeds/Pointy Seeds/Seed Pods/Lumpy Seeds* 1-2 2-4
+Seeds (75%), Kelp Fronds (25%) 2-4 2-6

* These listed seed types correspond to Durian, Eggplant, Pumpkin, Onion, Garlic and Pepper.

In addition to the gifts, the King of the Merms also gives Gold Nuggets in exchange of Ocean Fishes. Like other gifts, he gives 1 to 2 more Nuggets if the fish is Heavy. The table below lists the possible Nuggets amount.

King of the Merms Gold Nuggets
Fish Item Normal Amount If Fish Is Heavy
Runty GuppyNeedlenosed SquirtBitty BaitfishSmolt FryFallounderBloomfin TunaScorching SunfishSpittlefish Gold Nugget 1-2 2-4
MudfishDeep BassDandy LionfishBlack CatfishIce BreamSweetish Fish Gold Nugget 2-4 3-6
Dappled KoiGolden Koi Lucky Gold Nugget 2-4 3-6

Insight Skill Upgrades[]

Merms and the King of the Merms can receive different upgrades depending on the skills Wurt has mastered and items Wurt have given to the king:

Skill Effect
Sensible Swamp Fighter
Sensible Swamp Fighter
Loyal Merm Guards will retreat from battle if they have less than 25% of their health left and will rejoin, if their health is restored.
The King's Pauldron Quest
The King's Pauldron Quest
When Wurt gives a Marble Suit to the King of the Merms, all loyal Merms with head armor will receive additional 15% damage protection.
The King's Crown Quest
The King's Crown Quest
When Wurt gives a Thulecite Crown to the King of the Merms, all loyal Merms will learn to dodge. The dodge has a 10 seconds cooldown.
The King's Trident Quest
The King's Trident Quest
When Wurt gives a Strident Trident to the King of the Merms, all loyal Merms will deal 5% more damage. All Loyal Merm Guards also have a 33% chance to perform a triple attack with 26.3 damage for each strike.
Sated Sovereign I
Sated Sovereign I
King of the Merms' maximum hunger is increased by 25%.
Sated Sovereign II
Sated Sovereign II
King of the Merms' maximum hunger is increased by 50%.
Sated Sovereign III
Sated Sovereign III
King of the Merms' hunger drains 15% slower.

Gramophone Quotes[]

King of the Merms talks depending on his hunger:

Hunger Meter = 0
Hunger Meter < 20
Treachery... villainy! To let King waste away like this...
Hunger Meter < 50
What take so long? Make offerings to your King!
Hunger Meter < 100
King desires food!
Hunger Meter < 190
King feeling a bit peckish...
Hunger Meter ≥ 190
Have done well. Now go.

Placeholder Trivia[]

  • The King of the Merms was introduced to Don't Starve Together in the Wurt Character Update.
  • The King used to have a Hunger drain of 50 per day.
  • The King of the Merms is capable of giving both a Float in the form of the hardened rubber bung and a Lure in the form of the bent spork, making him able to supply everything needed for ocean fishing except the rod itself.

Prototype Tips[]

  • Since the King of the Merms doesn't eat Meat but eats Meat free Crock Pot meals (much like Wurt), it's a good idea to check out the food-related Tips on Wurt's page for things to feed him with.
  • The King of the Merms doesn't receive changes in Sanity from the food he eats. As a result, he's a good "trash can" for disposing of stale and spoiled foods.
    • The eating animation's duration scales with the food's quality, making him eat Seeds or Crop Seeds, for example, very quickly.
  • As Ponds are commonly found in Swamps, it usually suffices to just catch the fish on site instead of bringing it from the player's base to the King.
  • The King-to-be-Merm doesn't need to be fed directly and can instead get a total hunger value of 100 by eating food off the ground, allowing non-Wurt players to keep the Merms passive or revive the King when the Wurt player is away.
  • The Hunger damage world setting affects the King of the Merms, as such he can be kept alive indefinetly without managing his hunger, if the player so desires.

Winona's Spotlight Animations[]

Blueprint Gallery[]

