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Willow Portrait
Guess I better find a dumb spot to plant some dumb plants.


Wormwood Portrait
Make ground soft and nice


The Garden Digamajig is an Item exclusive to Don't Starve Together, introduced in the Return of Them updates. It can be crafted at the Science Machine under the Food & Gardening Filter with 3 Boards, 2 Rope, and two Flint.

The Garden Digamajig can be deployed as a structure to automatically plow a surface of 1 tile under it in 15 seconds into Farm Soil in order to cultivate Farm Plants and Weeds. It also spawns 2-4 Garden Detritus and becomes a Garden Digamajig item once again with 1 use taken away. It has 4 uses.

Farm Soil is a special sort of turf, applied over the turf below without requiring it to be removed.

Placeholder Trivia[]

  • The Garden Digamajig was introduced in the Reap What You Sow update.
  • When it was first implemented, it was known as the "Garden Rigamajig". It was later renamed to Garden Digamajig in the Waterlogged update.

Prototype Tips[]

  • Given unwanted farm plot positioning, as the Garden Digamajig's created farm soil is a turf, it can be pitchforked to remove it, returning the tile to its previous turf.
  • Alternatively, the Garden Digamajig can be hammered even as it is plowing the soil in order to stop it from creating farm soil in a misclicked tile. Doing do will make it drop to the ground with -25% durability.