Don't Starve Wiki
Don't Starve Wiki

Smells like mud.


Trees willow

Forest is a biome designated by dark green ground and lots of Evergreens and Lumpy Evergreens. In addition to Trees, Boulders, Graves and Spider Dens can be found.

The forest biome is the most prone to Fire and the spawning of Treeguards, due to the number of Trees in close proximity.

Forests can be found as whole islands, in the center of a Marsh, or as small portions of other islands, typically near the center. It is also possible to find other biomes in the center of a forest biome.

Don't Starve Together icon Don't Starve Together[]

In Don't Starve Together, the Stagehand, Terrarium and the Moon Stone Set Piece spawn in the Forest biome. In some worlds, Juicy Berry Bushes and Twiggy Trees replace Berry Bushes and Saplings respectively, including in this biome.

There are at least 2 forests in each world: a Moonstone Forest and a Mandrake Forest are guaranteed.

Moonstone Forest[]

This forest contains the Moon Stone Set Piece and is guaranteed to be generated with a small, internal grassland which holds a Walrus Camp. Unless the world has the Triple MacTusk biome (always located next to the Stage), this will be the only Walrus Camp.

Mandrake Forest[]

This forest has a small grassland with 1-3 Mandrakes. This forest also has a mini Savanna with beefalo.

Swamp Forest[]

This forest spawns with a 1-2 swamp and a small grassland with 5-20 Pig Houses. One end of the natural cobblestone road usually end in the small grassland, with the other end of cobblestone road ending in Pig King. Eye bone can usually be found in the mini swamp. This is an optional Biome that has 50% chance of being generated.
