Emoticons are a type of Curio in Don't Starve Together. They can be acquired through daily or randomly timed drops, through event Chests (either purchased through the Shop or earned by leveling up) or weaved with Spools. Emoticons can be viewed in the Curio Cabinet.
These Emoticons are only obtainable during the official The Forge event.
Woven - Common Beefalo Emoticon A cute beefalo face brightens any conversation. Type :beefalo: in chat to use this emoticon.
Woven - Common Chest Emoticon For conversations where you need to get something off your chest. Type :chest: in chat to use this emoticon.
Woven - Common Chester Emoticon A loyal friend makes a great addition to any chat. Type :chester: in chat to use this emoticon.
Woven - Common Crockpot Emoticon Use this emoticon to let others know what's for dinner. Type :crockpot: in chat to use this emoticon.
Woven - Common Deerclops Eye Emoticon Keep an eye on chat with this eyeball emoticon. Type :eyeball: in chat to use this emoticon.
Woven - Common Farm Emoticon This farm emoticon is sure to cultivate excellent conversation. Type :farm: in chat to use this emoticon.
Woven - Common Fire Emoticon Ignite conversation with this fire emoticon. Type :fire: in chat to use this emoticon.
Woven - Common Ghost Emoticon Bring a touch of the supernatural to chat. Type :ghost: in chat to use this emoticon.
Woven - Common Grave Emoticon This emoticon is suited to even the gravest of conversation topics. Type :grave: in chat to use this emoticon.
Woven - Common Ham Bat Emoticon Go ham in chat with this ham bat emoticon. Type :hambat: in chat to use this emoticon.
Woven - Common Hammer Emoticon A hammer chat emoticon is sure to drive any point home. Type :hammer: in chat to use this emoticon.
Woven - Common Heart Emoticon Show everyone you care with this heart emoticon. Type :heart: in chat to use this emoticon.
Woven - Common Horn Emoticon Get on the horn with chat. Type :horn: in chat to use this emoticon.
Woven - Common Hungry Stomach Emoticon Let your friends in chat know you're feeling a bit peckish. Type :hunger: in chat to use this emoticon.
Woven - Common Lightbulb Emoticon Illuminate conversations with this lightbulb emoticon. Type :lightbulb: in chat to use this emoticon.
Woven - Common Magic Skull Emoticon Make chatting a little more magical. Type :arcane: in chat to use this emoticon.
Woven - Common Pigman Emoticon Chatting's never a boar with this pigman emoticon. Type :pig: in chat to use this emoticon.
Woven - Common Poop Emoticon Some emotions are simply best expressed through manure. Type :poop: in chat to use this emoticon.
Woven - Common Red Gem Emoticon Let someone know you think they're a gem. Type :redgem: in chat to use this emoticon.
Woven - Common Sanity Brain Emoticon It'd be insane not to use this brain emoticon in chat. Type :sanity: in chat to use this emoticon.
Woven - Common Science Machine Emoticon Let everyone in chat know it's time for science. Type :sciencemachine: in chat to use this emoticon.
Woven - Common Second-hand Dentures Emoticon Some people are just chatterboxes. Type :faketeeth: in chat to use this emoticon.
Woven - Common Skull Emoticon Abandon all hope ye who enter chat. Type :skull: in chat to use this emoticon.
Woven - Common Spider Web Emoticon Get tangled up in conversation with this spider web emoticon. Type :web: in chat to use this emoticon.
Woven - Common Tophat Emoticon Class up any conversation with this top hat emoticon. Type :tophat: in chat to use this emoticon.
Year of the Varg Emoticons
These Emoticons are only obtainable during the official Year of the Varg event.
Woven - Common Battle Emoticon Let everyone know you're ready for a fight with this battle emoticon. Type :battle: in chat to use this emoticon.
Woven - Common Flex Emoticon Make sure others witness your strong conversational skills. Type :flex: in chat to use this emoticon.
Woven - Common Gold Nugget Emoticon Sometimes you just have to drop a nugget of truth into the conversation. Type :gold: in chat to use this emoticon.
Woven - Common Torch Emoticon For illuminating conversation. Type :torch: in chat to use this emoticon.
The Gorge Emoticons
These Emoticons are only obtainable during the official The Gorge event.
Woven - Common Abigail Emoticon Add a dash of color to the conversation. Type :abigail: in chat to use this emoticon.
Woven - Common Alchemy Engine Emoticon Add a little science to everyone's day. Type :alchemyengine: in chat to use this emoticon.
Woven - Common Backpack Emoticon If there's one thing you can do with this backpack, it's carry a conversation. Type :backpack: in chat to use this emoticon.
Woven - Common Beehive Emoticon Let everyone in chat know that you're a busy bee. Type :beehive: in chat to use this emoticon.
Woven - Common Berry Bush Emoticon Pick and choose your topics of conversation. Type :berry_bush: in chat to use this emoticon.
Woven - Common Carrot Emoticon Ehh, what's up, chat? Type :carrot: in chat to use this emoticon.
Woven - Common Egg Emoticon Make sure all your chat jokes go over easy. Type :egg: in chat to use this emoticon.
Woven - Common Eye Plant Emoticon What're you looking at, chat? Type :eyeplant: in chat to use this emoticon.
Woven - Common Fire Pit Emoticon Keep conversations burning late into the night with this firepit emoticon. Type :firepit: in chat to use this emoticon.
Woven - Common Meat Emoticon Put a big ol' hunk of meat in chat. Why not? Type :meat_big: in chat to use this emoticon.
Woven - Common Refine Emoticon Let someone know that their comment was a gem. Type :refine: in chat to use this emoticon.
Woven - Common Salt Emoticon Bring just a pinch of salt to chat. Type :salt: in chat to use this emoticon.
Woven - Common Shadow Manipulator Emoticon Give the conversation a hint of magic. Type :shadowmanipulator: in chat to use this emoticon.
Woven - Common Shovel Emoticon Some topics of conversation are best buried. Type :shovel: in chat to use this emoticon.
Woven - Common Thumbs Up Emoticon Use this thumbs up emoticon to let everyone know that you approve. Type :thumbsup: in chat to use this emoticon.
Woven - Common Trap Emoticon Lure others into conversation with this trap emoticon. Type :trap: in chat to use this emoticon.
Woven - Common Trophy Emoticon Let everyone know they did great with this trophy emoticon. Type :trophy: in chat to use this emoticon.
Woven - Common Wave Emoticon Say "hi" to chat with this wave emoticon! Type :wave: in chat to use this emoticon.
Woven - Common Worm Hole Emoticon A wormhole emoticon, for quick escape from awkward conversations. Type :wormhole: in chat to use this emoticon.
Other Emoticons
Woven - Common Florid Postern Emoticon Being thrust into a new world of dangers is a great conversation-starter! Type :portal: in chat to use this emoticon.
Woven - Common Touch Stone Emoticon Bring the chat to life! Type :resurrection: in chat to use this emoticon.
The first Emoticons were introduced in the first season of The Forge event.