Don't Starve Wiki
Don't Starve Wiki

Wigfrid Portrait
The röad tö battle leads wherever I chööse.


Cobblestones are a craftable Turf Item found in the Structures Tab. They require 1 Rocky Turf and 1 Board to craft and an Alchemy Engine to prototype. Like other Turfs, it can be placed on any bare ground tile or used as fuel.

Cobblestones allow players to lay down their own Roads. Similar to natural Roads, they will speed up the player by 30%. Unlike natural Roads, Cobblestones can be moved using the Pitchfork. Small patches of it can be found in Mosaic biomes.

Plants like Berry Bushes, Grass Tufts, Saplings, Spiky Bushes, Pine Cones, and Birchnuts can't be planted on these Turfs, unless they were planted before the Turfs were placed. It will also stop the Lureplants' Eyeplants from spawning.

When placed on the Surface World covering a large enough area, Crows are the only Birds that will spawn and land on these turfs.

Shipwrecked icon Shipwrecked[]

In the Shipwrecked DLC, the crafting recipe for Cobblestone requires Magma Turf instead of Rocky Turf. During Monsoon Season, this Turf will not spawn Puddles. Expanding Puddles can still flood this Turf, however.

When placed on the Surface World covering a large enough area, Toucans are the only Birds that will spawn and land on these turfs. During Hurricane Season, there are no birds that spawn and land on these turfs.

Don't Starve Together icon Don't Starve Together[]

In Don't Starve Together, Cobblestone turf is crafted in sets of 4 which require 1 Cut Stone, and 2 Flint to craft and an Alchemy Engine to prototype. It is found in the Decorations filter.

Brick Flooring[]

Exclusive to: Don't Starve Together icon

Wortox Portrait
These bricks should do the trick.


Brick Flooring is a craftable Turf Item exclusive to Don't Starve Together, introduced in the Cult of the Lamb Crossover update. Its rare Blueprint can be obtained by contributing a Red Crown to the Antlion. It is crafted with 1 Cut Stone and 2 Flint, producing 4 turf items.

Like the Cobblestones turf the Brick Flooring is providing a 30% speed boost.

Placeholder Trivia[]

  • Before the introduction of Stone Road Turf in the Hamlet DLC, Cobblestones were the only craftable Turf that provides a faster movement speed.
  • Before Cobblestones were implemented, players were able to dig up Road Turf.
  • Don't Starve Together icon Brick Flooring was added in the Cult of the Lamb Crossover update.

Blueprint Gallery[]