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Don't Starve Wiki

Bunnymen are neutral creatures who live underground. They spawn from Rabbit Hutches which look like giant Carrots. These Hutches can be built by the player both under and above-ground. If a Bunnyman is above ground during the day, he will fall asleep like a Pig does when trapped outside at night. When found naturally, Bunnymen often live in small villages and can commonly be found fighting other Cave-dwellers. When killed, Bunnymen drop 2 Carrots and 1 Meat or 1 Bunny Puff. Bunnymen can be convinced to follow a character in exchange for Carrots. When a friendly Bunnyman is nearby Sanity will slowly increase much like Pig followers. Like Pigs, they take two blasts from the Ice Staff to be frozen. And they respawn in 2 days after killed.


Bunnymen are hostile to any meat-eating creature which includes the player should they be carrying or pick up any Meats or Meat Crock Pot Foods, as well as Eggs. This includes Monster Meat and Batilisk Wings which are easily found underground. Bunnymen will not however attack the player for carrying Tallbird eggs, presumably since they may be planning to hatch and care for it. Also they attack the player if they are carrying a meat-based crock pot recipes, like Pierogi or Meatballs so be careful.

On the other hand, even befriended Bunnymen will attack players that pick up meat. When reduced to low health, Bunnymen will flee and regenerate. Unlike Pigs, they do not fight using a kiting style. Like other creatures who live in groups, Bunnymen will defend each other when attacked. If the player attacks a Bunnyman while allied with the other Bunnymen, the allies will help to kill the one targeted by the player. If a befriended player is being attacked nearby, sleeping Bunnymen will wake up to defend their ally. Oddly, they will do the same if a pig is attacked nearby.


When hunting Bunnymen, it may be useful to bring some meat along. This will anger them and they will attack, making it easier to initiate combat. Bunnymen will run away when their health is low. When fleeing, they must either be cornered or attacked with a ranged weapon. The Boomerang is the cheapest option, but any kind of blow dart works as well. If cornering them above ground, it is possible to lose the drops in the sea.


When the player's Sanity drops below 80, (60 for Wes) Bunnymen (like normal surface Rabbits) will become Beardlords. In this form, they make raspy, distorted growling noises, rather than their normal sounds. They will also periodically display a growling animation, where they show their teeth and raise their arms threateningly. Oddly enough, Beardlords walk instead of hopping. Beardlords can be befriended with a Carrot in the same manner as normal Bunnymen, but they drain sanity when close to the player. However, when following the player, they will run with raised arms, similar to the chasing pattern of a Werepig. In addition, when attacking enemies, Beardlords will use an overhand clawing motion similar to the way the Werepig attacks. When killed, beardlords drop two Beard Hair and one Meat . Beardlords will not go back to their houses at daybreak until they're turned back into bunnymen. 


  • Bunnymen are the fourth Mob 'in the mold' of Pigs. The other two are Merms and Walrus.
  • According to Kevin, Pigs and Bunnymen will probably fight each other (Although currently they don't).
  • Bunnymen are the sixth different type of follower the player can have. The others are Pigs, SmallbirdsMandrakes, Baby Beefalo, Rock Lobster  and Chester.
  • Many of the friendly Bunnyman names are either plants (e.g. Brassica = cabbage, Celeriac = celery-root, Pimpernel/Tragopogon = flowers, Psoralea = tumbleweed) or atomic elements minus the -ium suffix (e.g. Europia, Gadolin, Neo/Praseodymia, Promethia, Scandius, Ytterbia).
  • When examining a rabbit hole, Wilson says: "That must lead to the kingdom of the bunnymen." This might have been an inspiration for Bunnymen.
  • They seem to curiously look at the Player when they are in the Darkness.
  • Bunnymen were added in the Underground update.
  • Spiders eat Bunny Puffs, making it difficult to gather them with the Spiderhat.
  • They trigger Bee Mines.
  • Bunnymen will not follow you out of the cave when you exit it, unlike Chester .


A list of known Bunnymen names: 

  • Bolero
  • Brassica
  • Bunium
  • Celeriac
  • Carrot
  • Crusader
  • Daikon
  • Europia
  • Fred
  • Gadolin
  • Imperator
  • Ipomoea
  • Juwarot
  • Karotan
  • Microseris
  • Neodymia
  • Onward
  • Onwards
  • Parsnip
  • Pimpernel
  • Praseodymia
  • Promethia
  • Psoralea
  • Rabbit
  • Redhild
  • Scandius
  • Solanum
  • Suko
  • Topweight
  • Tragopogon
  • Uchon
  • Ullucus
  • Yam Daisy
  • Yellow
  • Ytterbia
  • Zingiber
  • Zino

