Don't Starve Wiki
Don't Starve Wiki

Wilson Portrait
I wonder what it's plotting...


The Brainy Sprout is a Plant spawning near Coral Reefs in the Shipwrecked DLC. When picked, it will yield Brainy Matter, and will grow back 20 days after being picked.

If not picked, it will glow at Dusk and Night, providing enough light to ward off Charlie. While glowing it also has a Sanity aura.

The sprout can be permanently destroyed with a hammer for two Limestone and a Brainy Matter if it is not already picked.

Prototype Tips

  • Making a base on an island close to a sprout is useful in Monsoon Season, especially when Research Stations get flooded, as the Brainy Matter can be turned into the Brain of Thought, which allows prototyping without the need of a station. It also gives a good sanity bonus (due to the sanity drain from excess Rain)

Placeholder Trivia

  • Their brain shape and the fact that they spawn in the reef biome could be a reference to brain coral (Diploria labyrinthiformis).