Don't Starve Wiki
Don't Starve Wiki

Biomes are environments or habitats. 

The Don't Starve world tends to be made up of several biomes. Each may appear on its own island by many will share islands and often there will appear blended spots such as in the image.


  • The Forest is one of biomes observed in-game. One of the most commonly found. The forest biome is full of Trees. The earth is the dark brown colour as seem in image. 
  • The forest is most prone to fire problems and the spawning of Treeguard.

Forests can be found as whole islands, in the center of swamp or as small portions of other islands- typically in a central area. That being said it is possible to find OTHER biomes in the center of a forest environment. 


  • One of the Biomes observed in-game.
  • Swamp is considered the most dangerous of all biomes for its native swamp monster which attacks without provokation. 
  • Swamps are also the only location to find reedsponds, Frogs and spikey trees. 
  • The swamp habitat can take up entire islands with exlusion of a small amount of forest that often appears at the heart.
  • There is also a chance random patches of swamp may spawn in other areas usually next to or near the forest habitat.
  • Spider nests do appear in Swamps. However they may attack the swamp monsters and more often than not they will lose.

Plains (Savannah)

  • One of the biomes observed in-game. 
  • Yellow. Broad and large. With the occasional small patches found else where. Normally the plains occur in large spaces and seem endless.
  • Spiders do occur in the plains but can be sparce. 
  • If next to a forest biome, trees can occur near the border.
  • There are some flowers and therefore butterflies . 


  • One of the biomes observed in-game
  • Grasslands are also known as the Green areas. Or starting areas. You typically start the game in a grassland. They are full of resources.
  • Trees grow sparce but are present, there are boulders and plenty of grass, saplings, carrots and berry bushes. 
  • On the start island there is usually flint found on the ground waiting to be picked up.
  • There are also spider nests but they are typically spread out over the land. The grasslands are usually found with areas of forest and tend to be the environment in which natural Pig house appear.

This is also the environment for Bees, flowers, butterfly and Red bird populations. 

Rockland (Quarry)

  • One of the biomes observed in-game.
  • Rather uninspiring land scape. It looks similar to the paths. Only there is a lot more of it!
  • The rockylands seem to have few things growing on them. The occasional tree can be seen.
  • This is the native habitat of the Tallbird and boulders.
  • The only place to find Tallbird eggs.


  • A condensed mixture of biomes in the game.
  • Mosaic "biomes" are observably rare, and contain a random patchwork of all other biomes within them.
  • A signature of the Mosaic biome is the presence of several small holes of ocean, identical to the edges of islands, in the appearance of a circular shape or other obscure polygon.
  • Mosaic biomes would make excellent homes, if not for the uncommonness of signature biome benefits, such as tallbirds and beefalo, due to the considerably small area of each biome region.
    Mosaic biome

    A portion of a mosaic biome.
