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Itens são qualquer coisa no mundo de Don't Starve que pode ser pego e carregado pelo jogador (diferente de objetos, que são estacionários). Eles podem ser qualquer coisa e são conseguidos através de pilhagem, Mineração, Agricultura ou matando Mobs, com exceção de uns poucos que são itens específicos para cada personagem. A maioria dos itens tem uma função específica que o torna único; itens de Comida restauram a Fome, roupas fornecem calor, proteção contra danos e pode até aumentar a Sanidade, e outros artigos podem ser usados para Manufatura.

Abaixo está uma extensa lista de itens, quais são empilháveis, quais os seus usos, e como obtê-las. Geralmente, pequenos itens pode ser empilhados até um total de 40, itens de tamanho médio podem ser empilhados até 20 e itens de tamanhos grandes só podem ser empilhados até 10. Por exemplo: Sílex (Flint) => 40, Madeiras (Logs) => 20 e Tábuas (Boards) => 10.

Item Nome Tipo Pilhagem Aquisição
Abigail's Flower
Flor de Abigail (Abigail's Flower) Item específico de personagem Jogue como Wendy
Applied Horticulture
Horticultura Aplicada (Applied Horticulture) Item específico de personagem/Livro Crie enquanto joga com Wickerbottom
Cinza (Ash) Item de Manufatura 40 Deixado por plantas queimadas ou outros itens inflamáveis queimados, aparece quando uma fogueira normal se apaga, e deixado por Cães de Caça Vermelhos.
Axe Machado (Axe) Ferramenta/Arma Manufatura
Backpack Mochila (Backpack) Bolsa/Item de sobrevivência Manufatura
Bacon and Eggs Ovos com Bacon (Bacon and Eggs) Receita de Panela 40 Comida de Panela
Ball and Cup
Bilboquê (Ball and Cup) Item de Escavação 40 Escavando Covas (Graves)
BatBat Bastão de Morcego (Bat Bat) Arma mágica de combate Manufatura
Asa de Batilisk
Asa de Morcegolisco (Batilisk Wing) Comida/Item de Manufatura 20 Deixado por Batilisk
Beard Hair Pelo de Barba (Beard Hair) Item de Manufatura 40

RaspandoBarba de Wilson  ou deixado por Coelhos BarbudosBeardlord e Splumonkeys das Sombras.

Beard Monster
Coelho Barbudo (Beardling) Mob/Comida Capturado com uma Armadilha quando a Sanidade está abaixo de 40%
Bee Abelha (Bee) Mob 20 Capturado com uma Rede de Insetos (Bug Net)
Bee Mine Mina de Abelha (Bee Mine Armadilha/Arma Manufatura
Beefalo Hat Chapéu de Beefalo (Beefalo Hat) Chapéu/Item de Vestimenta Manufatura
Beefalo Horn Chifre de Beefalo (Beefalo Horn) Item de Manufatura/Ferramenta Deixado por Búfalo
Beefalo Wool Lã de Beefalo (Beefalo Wool) Item de Manufatura 40 Deixado por Búfalo, ou raspando um Búfalo com uma Lâmina de Barbear
Beekeeper Hat Chapéu de Apicultor (Beekeeper Hat) Chapéu/Armadura/Item de Vestimenta Manufatura
Belt of Hunger Cinto da Fome (Belt of Hunger) Chapéu/Item de Vestimenta Manufatura
Berries Bagas (Berries) Comida 40 Colhendo Arbustos de Bagas
Arbusto de bagas
Arbusto de Bagas (Berry Bush) Plantável 10 Escavando Arbustos de Bagas
Birds of the World Pássaros do Mundo (Birds of the World) Item especifico de personagem/Livro Manufature enquanto joga com Wickerbottom
Bird Trap Armadilha de Pássaro (Bird Trap) Item de Sobrevivência/Armadilha Manufatura
Blow Dart Dardo de Sopro (Blow Dart) Arma 20 Manufatura e deixado por MacTusk
Blue Cap Cogumelo Azul (Blue Mushroom) Comida 40 Colhendo um Cogumelo Azul ou derrubando Árvores de Cogumelo Azuis
Blue Gem Gema Azul (Blue Gem) Item de Manufatura/Item de Escavação de Túmulos 40 Deixado por Cães de Caça Azuis, encontrado em Cavernas e Ruínas (Ruins), pode ser desenterrado de Covas, e pode cair do teto de cavernas durante terremotos
Blueprint Diagrama (Blueprint) Item diverso 1 Pode ser encontrado em Restos Mortais, no Modo Aventura ou se você inicia um mundo Padrão+.
Boards Tábua (Board) Item de Manufatura 10 Manufatura
Boomerang Bumerangue (Boomerang) Arma Manufatura
Coisa Caixa
Coisa de Caixa (Box Thing) Componente da Coisa de Madeira [[:Categoria:Objetos que Aparecem Naturalmente|Aparece]] uma vez por Mundo
Braised Eggplant Berinjela Assada (Braised Eggplant) Comida 40 Cozinhando
Breezy Vest Colete Jovial (Breezy Vest) Item de Vestimenta Manufatura
Broken Shell Concha Quebrada (Broken Shell) Item diverso 40 Deixado por Slurtles, Slurtle Mounds, e Snurtles
Bug Net Rede de Insetos (Bug net) Ferramenta/Arma/Item de Sobrevivência Manufatura
Bunny Puff Pelo de Coelho (Bunny Puff) Item de Manufatura 40 Deixado por Homem-Coelho (Bunnyman)
Bush Hat Chapéu de Arbusto (Bush Hat) Chapéu/Item de Vestimenta Manufatura
Butter Manteiga (Butter) Comida 40 Raramente deixado por Borboletas
Butter Muffin Bolinho de Manteiga (Butter Muffin) Receita de Panela 40 Comida de Panela (Crock Pot)
Butterfly Borboleta (Butterfly) Mob/Plantável 20 Capturado com uma Rede de Insetos (Bug net)
Butterfly Wings Asas de Borboleta (Butterfly Wings) Comida 40 Deixado por Borboletas
Carrot Cenoura (Carrot) Comida 20 Cultivando, e deixado por Homens-Coelho
Sementes de Cenoura
Sementes de Cenoura (Carrot Seeds) Sementes Cultiváveis/Comida/Plantável 20 Alimentando um aássaro em uma Gaiola
Cave Banana Banana da Caverna (Cave Banana) Comida 40 Colhendo Árvores de Banana da Caverna ou destruindo um Splumonkey Pod
Tufo de Rocha da Caverna
Tufo de Rocha da Caverna (Cave Rock Turf) Tufos 10 Desenterrando nas cavernas usando um Forcado
Charcoal Carvão Vegetal (Charcoal) Combustível 40 Deixado por Krampus e derrubando Árvores (Tree) queimadas
Carpeted Flooring Piso Atapetado (Carpeted Flooring) Tufos 10 Manufatura
Checkerboard Flooring Piso Axadrezado (CheckBoard Flooring) Tufos 10 Manufatura
Chilled Amulet Amuleto Gelado (Chilled Amulet) [[::Categoria:Amuletos|Amuleto]] Manufatura
Cobblestones Piso Asfaltado (Cobllestones) Tufos 10 Manufatura
Codex Umbra
Codex Umbra Item específico de personagem/Livro Jogue com Maxwell
Green amulet
Amuleto de Construção (Construction Amulet) [[::Categoria:Amuletos|Amuleto]] Manufatura
Cooked Batilisk Wing Asa de Morcegolisco Cozida (Cooked Batilisk Wing) Comida 20 Cozinhando
Cooked Blue Cap Cogumelo Azul Cozido (Cooked Blue Cap) Comida 40 Cozinhando
Cooked Cave Banana Banana da Caverna Cozida (Cooked Cave Banana) Comida 40 Cozinhando
Cooked Egg Ovo Cozido (Cooked Egg) Comida 40 Cozinhando
Cooked Eel Enguia Cozida (Cooked Eel) Comida 40 Cozinhando
Cooked Fish Peixe Cozido (Cooked Fish) Comida 40 Cozinhando
Cooked Frog Legs Pernas de Sapo Cozidas (Cooked Frog Legs) Comida 40 Cozinhando
Cooked Green Cap Cogumelo Verde Cozido (Cooked Green Cap) Comida 40 Cozinhando
Cooked Leafy Meat Carne Vegetal Cozida (Cooked Leafy Meat) Comida 20 Cozinhando
Cooked Mandrake Mandrágora Cozida (Cooked Mandrake) Comida 40 Cozinhando
Cooked Meat Carne Cozida (Cooked Meat) Comida 20 Cozinhando
Cooked Monster Meat Carne de Monstro Cozida (Cooked Monster Meat) Comida 20 Cozinhando
Cooked Morsel Pedaço de Carne Cozido Cooked Morsel) Comida 40 Cozinhando
Cooked Red Cap Cogumelo Vermelho Cozido (Cooked Rep Cap) Comida 40 Cozinhando
Compass Bússola (Compass) Item diverso Manufatura
Corn Milho (Corn) Comida 20 Fazenda
Sementes de Milho (Corn Seeds) Corn Seeds Crop Seeds/Food/Plantable 20 Feeding a bird in a Bird Cage
Coisa Alavanca
Coisa de Manivela (Crank Thing) Wooden Thing Component Spawns once per World
Crimson Feather Pena Carmesim (Crimson Feather) Crafting Item 40 Dropped by Redbird
Crow Crow Mob Caught with a Bird Trap
Crow Feather Pena de Corvo (Crow Feather) Crafting Item 40 Dropped by Crow
Cut Grass Grama Cortada (Cut Grass) Crafting Item 40 Picking Grass
Cut Reeds Juncas Cortadas (Cut Reeds) Crafting Item 40 Picking Reeds
Cut Stone Pedra Cortada (Cut Stone) Crafting Item 10 Crafting
Dapper Vest Colete Garboso (Dapper Vest) Dress Item Crafting
Dark Petals Pétalas Negras (Dark Petals) FoodCrafting Item 40 Picking Evil Flowers
Dark Sword Espada das Sombras (Dark Sword) Weapon/Magic Item Crafting
Green Staff
Vara de Descontrução (Desconstruction Staff) Staff Crafting
Deerclops Eyeball Globocular de Cerclope (Deerclops Eyeball) Food Dropped by Deerclops
Tentáculo dissecado
Tentáculo Dissecádo (Dessicated Tentacle) Itens de Coveiro (Gravedigger Items) 40 Cavando Covas (Graves)
Divining Rod Vara Divinal (Divining Rod) Science Item Crafting
Dragon Fruit Fruta do Dragão (Dragon Fruit) Food 20 Fazenda
Sementes de Fruta do Dragão
Sementes de Fruta do Dragão (Dragon Fruit Seeds) Crop Seeds/Food/Plantable 20 Feeding a bird in a Bird Cage
Dragonpie Torta do Dragão (Dragonpie) Receita da Panela (Crock Pot) 20 Cozinhando na Panela (Crock Pot)
Drumstick Coxa de Galinha (Drumstick) Food 40 Dropped by Gobbler
Durian Dúrio (Durian) Food 20 Farming
Sementes de Durião
Sementes de Dúrio (Durian Seeds) Crop Seeds/Food/Plantable 40 Feeding a bird in a Bird Cage
Eel Enguia (Eel) Food 40 Fishing
Egg Ovo (Egg) Food 40 Feeding a bird in a Bird Cage
Eggplant Beringela (Eggplant) Food 20 Plantando
Sementes de Berinjela
Sementes de Beringela (Eggplant Seeds) Crop Seeds/Food/Plantable 40 Feeding a bird in a Bird Cage
Extra Smelly Durian Dúrio Muito Mal Cheiroso (Extra Smelly Durian) Food 40 Cooking
Eye Bone Osso Ocular (Eye Bone) Misc. Item Found naturally on the map and spawns Chester
Apito Falso
Apito Falso (Fake Kazoo) Itens de Coveiro (Gravedigger Items) 40 Cavando Covas (Graves)
Feather Hat Chaéu de Penas (Feather Hat) Hat/Dress Item Crafting
Fire Dart Dardo Flamejante (Fire Dart) Weapon 20 Crafting
Fire Staff Varinha de Fogo (Fire Staff) Staff Crafting
Fireflies Vagalumes (Fireflies) Mob 40 Caught with a Bug Net
Fish Peixe (Fish) Food 40 Fishing and dropped by Merms
Fish Tacos Tacos de Peixe (Fish Tacos) Crock Pot Recipe 40 Crock Pot Food
Fishing Rod Vara de Pescar (Fishing Rod) Tool/Weapon/Survival Item Crafting
Fishsticks Palitos de Peixe (Fishsticks) Crock Pot Recipe 40 Crock Pot Food
Fist Full of Jam Salada de Frutas (Fist Full of Jam) Crock Pot Recipe 40 Crock Pot Food
Fleshy Bulb Bulbo Carnudo (Fleshy Bulb) Plantable 10 Dropped by Lureplants
Flint Sílex (Flint) Crafting Item 40 Found on the ground, mining Boulders and Stalagmites, may fall from cave roof during Earthquakes, and dropped by Rock Lobsters
Football Helmet Capacete de Fultebol (Football Helmet) Armor/Dress Item Crafting
Foliage Folhagem (Foliage) Food 40 Picking a Fern
Tufo de Floresta
Tufo de Floresta (Forest Turf) Turfs 10 Digging up the ground in forest areas with a Pitchfork
Fios Desgastados
Fios Desgastados (Frazzled Wires) Itens de Coveiro (Gravedigger Items) 40 Cavando Covas (Graves)
Fried Drumstick Perna de Galinha Frita (Fried Drumstick) Food 40 Cooking
Fried Tallbird Egg Ovo de Passaro Alto Frito (Fried Tallbird Egg) Food 20 Cooking
Frog Legs Pernas de Sapo (Frog Legs) Food 40 Dropped by Frogs and Merms
Froggle Bunwich Sanduíche de Sapo (Froggle Bunwich) Crock Pot Recipe 40 Crock Pot Food
Fruit Medley Salada de Frutas (Fruit Medley) Crock Pot Recipe 40 Crock Pot Food
Tufo de Cogumelo (Azul)
Tufo de Fungos (azul) (Fungal Turf (Blue)) Turfs 10 Found underground by digging up the ground in fungal areas with a Pitchfork
Tufo de Cogumelo (Vermelho)
Tufo de Fungos (Vermelho) (Fungal Turf (Red)) Turfs 10 Found underground by digging up the ground in fungal areas with a Pitchfork
Tufo de Cogumelo (Verde)
Tufo de Fungos (Verde) Fungal Turf (Green) Turfs 10 Found underground by digging up the ground in fungal areas with a Pitchfork
Fur Roll Rolo de Pêlo (Fur Roll) Sleeping Resource 10 Manufatura
Garland Grinalda (Garland) Hat/Dress Item/ Manufatura
Gears Engrenagens (Gears) Crafting Item/Gravedigger Item 40 Cavando Covas (Graves) e dropped de Clockwork Monsters
Glow Berry
Fruto Brilhante (Glow Berry) Food Dropped by Depths Worm
Gnomo (Gnome) Itens de Coveiro (Gravedigger Items) 40 Cavando Covas (Graves)
Gold Nugget Pepita de Ouro (Gold Nugget) Crafting Item 20 Mining Gold Veins and Stalagmites, found on the ground in Graveyards, may fall from cave roof during Earthquakes, and giving certain items to the Pig King
Nó de Gord
Nó de Gord (Gord's Knot) Itens de Coveiro (Gravedigger Items) 40 Cavando Covas (Graves)
Grass Suit Armadura de Grama (Grass Suit) Armour Manufatura
Relva de Grama
Tufo de Grama (Grass Tuft) Dug up grass 10 Dug up by Shovel
Tufo de Grama
Tufo de Grama (Grass Turf) Turfs 10 Digging up the ground in grassy areas with a Pitchfork
Gema verde
Gema Verde (Green Gem) Crafting Item 40 Mainly found by mining Ancient Statues in the Ruins.
Green Cap Cogumelo Verde (Green Cap) Food 40 Dropped by picking a Green Mushroom or chopping down Green Mushtrees
Guano Guano Fertilizer 20 Periodically produced by Batilisks
Tufo de Guano
Tufo de Guano (Guano Turf) Turfs 10 Found underground by digging up the ground in guano areas with a Pitchfork
Rhino Horn
Cifre do Guardião (Guardian's Horn) Ancient Item Dropped by Ancient Guardian
Gunpowder Pólvora (Gunpowder) Explosive Weapon 40 Manufatura
Ham Bat Bastão de Presunto (Ham Bat) Weapon Crafting
Hammer Martelo (Hammer) Tool/Weapon Manufatura
Tampão de Borracha Endurecido
Tempão de Borracha Endurecido (Hardened Rubber Bung) Itens de Coveiro (Gravedigger Items) 40 Cavando Covas (Graves)
Hatching Tallbird Egg Ovo de Passaroalto Eclodindo (Hatching Tallbird Egg) Tallbird Young/Food Place a Tallbird Egg near a fire for a short time.
Hay Wall Muro de Feno (Hay Wall) Wall 20 Crafting
Healing Salve Unguento Curativo (Healing Salve) Healing Item/Survival Item 40 Crafting
Heat Stone Pedra Térmica (Heat Stone) Survival Item Crafting
Honey Mel (Honey) Food/Crafting Item 40 Dropped by Bees and Killer Bees, destroying Bee and Killer Bee hives and harvested from Bee Boxes
Honey Ham Presunto com Mel (Honey Ham) Crock Pot Recipe 40 Crock Pot Food
Honey Nuggets Pedaços de Mel (Honey Nuggets) Crock Pot Recipe 40 Crock Pot Food
Honey Poultice
Cataplasma de Mel (Honey Poultice) Healing Item/Survival Item 40 Crafting
Favo de Mel (Honeycomb) Crafting Item 20 Destroying Bee and Killer Bee hives.
Hot Pumpkin Abóbora Assada (Hot Pumpkin) Food 40 Cooking
Hound's Tooth Dente de Cão (Hound's Tooth) Crafting Item 40 Cai de Cão de Caça e Hound Mounds
Houndius Shootius Houndius Shootius Deployable Structure 40 Crafting
Ice Staff2
Vara de Gelo (Ice Staff) Staff Crafting
Jerky Carne Seca (Jerky) Food 20 Hang Meat on a Drying Rack
Kabobs Espetinhs (Kabobs) Crock Pot Recipe 40 Crock Pot Food
Killer Bee Abelha Assassina (Killer Bee) Mob 20 Caught with a Bug Net
Koalefant Trunk Tromba de Coaelefante (Koalefant Trunk) Food/Crafting Item 20 Dropped by Koalefant
Koalefant Trunk Steak Bife de Tromba de Coaelefante (Koalefant Trunk Steak) Food 20 Cooking a Koalefant Trunk or Winter Koalefant Trunk
Krampus Sack Saco de Krampus (Krampus Sack) Bag Dropped by Krampus
Lantern Lanterna (Lantern) Light Source Crafting
Lazy Forager's Amulet
O Catador Preguiçoso (The Lazy Forager) Amulet Crafting
Lichen Líquen (Lichen) Food 40 Harvesting Cave Lichen
Leafy Meat Carne Vegetal (Leafy Meat) Food 20 Harvesting a LurePlant
Life Giving Amulet Amuleto de Vida (Life Giving Amulet) Amulet 20 Crafting and Digging up Graves
Light Bulb Bulbo Luminoso (Light Bulb) Crafting Item/Light Source/Food 40 Picking a Light Flower
Living Log Madeira Viva (Living Log) Crafting Item 20 Dropped by Treeguard or Totally Normal Tree
Log Madeira (Log) Crafting Item 20 Chopping down trees, Mushtrees, or Cave Banana Trees, and digging up tree stumps
Log Suit Armadura de Madeira (Log Suit) Armour Crafting
Lucy the Axe Lucy o Machado (Lucy the Axe) Tool/Weapon Play as Woodie
Luxury Axe Machado Luxuoso (Luxury Axe) Tool/Weapon Crafting
Rôbo Mentiroso
Robô Mentiroso (Lying Robot) Itens de Coveiro (Gravedigger Items) 40 Cavando Covas (Graves)
Magiluminescence Magiluminescência (Magiluminescence) Amulet Crafting
Mandrágora (Mandrake) Mob/Food 40 Picking a Mandrake at Day, dropped by deceased Mandrakes.
Mandrake Soup Sopa de Mandrágora (Mandrake Soup) Crock Pot Recipe 40 Crock Pot Food
Manure Estrume (Manure) Fertilizer 20

Periodically produced by Beefalos and Koalefants. Can be made by feeding vegetables to Pigs and angrying Splumonkeys. Can also by destroying Splumonkey Pods and Pig Torches

Mármore (Marble) Crafting Item 40 Minimg Marble Pillars, Marble Trees, Harp Statues and Maxwell's Statues, may fall from cave roof during Earthquakes, or appears when a Touch Stone breaks
Marble Suit Armadura de Mármore (Marble Suit) Armour Crafting
Arbusto do Pântano
Arbust Espinhento (Spiky Bush) Plantable 10 Dig up a Spiky Bush using a Shovel
Marsh Turf Tufo do Pântano (Marsh Turf) Turfs 10 Digging up ground in a Marsh with a Pitchfork
Meat Carne (Meat) Food 20 Cai de grandes mobs como Porcos (Pig), Búfalo (Beefalo) etc.
Meatballs Almôndegas (Meatballs) Crock Pot recipe 40 Crock Pot Food
Meaty Stew Ensopado de Carne (Meaty Stew) Crock Pot recipe 40 Crock Pot Food
Bolinhas de Gude
Bolas de Gude (Melty Marbles) Itens de Coveiro (Gravedigger Items) 40 Cavando Covas (Graves)
Coisa Batata de Metal
Coisa Batata de Metal (Metal Potato Thing) Wooden Thing Component Spawns

once per World

Miner Hat Chapéu de Minerador (Miner Hat) Hat/Light Source Crafting
Botões Não-Compatíveis
Botões Incompatíveis (Mismatched Buttons) Itens de Coveiro (Gravedigger Items) 40 Cavando Covas (Graves)
Monster Jerky Carne de Monstro Seca (Monster Jerky) Food 20 Hang Monster Meat on a Drying Rack
Monster Lasagna Lasanha de Monstro (Monster Lasagna) Crock Pot Recipe 40 Crock Pot Food
Monster Meat Carne de Monstro (Monster Meat) Food 20 Dropped by many monsters, such as Hounds, and Spiders
Morsel Pedaço de Carne (Morsel) Food 40 Dropped by small animals, Beardlings, Crows, etc.
Mosquito Mosquito Mob 20 Catch using a Bug Net
Mosquito Sack Saco de Mosquito (Mosquito Sack) Healing Item 20 Dropped by Mosquitos
Tufo de Lama
Tufo de Lama (Mud Turf) Turfs 10 Found underground by digging up the ground in mud areas with a Pitchfork
Night Armour Armadura Noturna (Night Armour) Armor/Magic Item Crafting
Nightmare Fuel Combustível do Pesadelo (Nightmare Fuel) Crafting Item/Itens de Coveiro (Gravedigger Items) 40 Crafting, digging up graves, and appears when a Touch Stone breaks.  It is also dropped by Shadow CreaturesBeardlings and Splumonkeys
Nightmare Amulet Amuleto do Pesadelo (Nightmare Amulet) Amulet Crafting
Nitre Nitro (Nitre) Crafting Item 40 Mining Smooth Boulders and Stalagmites, may fall from cave roof during Earthquakes
On Tentacles Em Tentáculos (On Tentacles) Character-specific Item/Book Craft it while playing as Wickerbottom
One-man Band Banda de Um Homem Só (One-man Band) Magic Item Crafting
Opulent Pickaxe Picareta Opulenta (Opulent Pickaxe) Tool/Weapon Crafting
Gema Laranja
Gema Laranja (Orange Gem) Crafting Item 40

Mainly found by mining Ancient Statues in the Ruins.

Pan Flute Flauta de Pã (Pan Flute) Weapon/Magic Item Crafting
Papyrus Papiro (Papyrus) Crafting Item 20 Crafting
Petals Pétalas (Petals) FoodCrafting Item 40 Picking Flowers
Pickaxe Picareta (Pickaxe) Tool/Weapon Crafting
PickSlashAxe Picaremachado (Pick/Axe) Tool/Weapon Crafting
Pierogi Pastel Polonês (Pierogi) Crock Pot Recipe 40 Comida da Panela (Crock Pot)
Pig Skin Pele de Porco (Pig Skin) Food/Crafting Item 40 Dropped by Pig, Guardian Pig, and Werepig, or by breaking Pig Heads with a Hammer
Piggyback Porcochila (Piggyback) Bag/Survival Item Crafting
Pile o' Balloons Pilha de Balões (Pile o' Balloons) Character-Specific Item Play as Wes
Pinha de Conífera (Pine Cone) Fuel, Tree Resource 40 Chopping down Evergreens
Pitchfork Forquilha (Pitchfork) Tool/Weapon Crafting
Pomegranate Romã (Pomegranate) Food 40 Plantando
Sementes de Romã
Sementes de Romã (Pomegranate Seeds) Crop Seeds/Food/Plantable 40 Feeding a bird in a Bird Cage
Popcorn Pipoca (Popcorn) Food 40 Cooking
Powdercake Bolo de Pólvora (Powdercake) Crock Pot Recipe 40 Comida da Panela (Crock Pot)
Prepared Dragon Fruit Fruta do Dragão Preparada (Prepared Dragon Fruit) Food 40 Cooking
Puffy Vest Colete Fofo (Puffy Vest) Dress Item Crafting
Pumpkin Abóbora (Pumpkin) Food 20 Plantando
Sementes de Abóbora
Sementes de Abóbora (Pumpkin Seeds) Crop Seeds/Food/Plantable 40 Feeding a bird in a Bird Cage
Pumpkin Cookie Biscoito de Abóbora (Pumpkin Cookie) Crock Pot Recipe 40 Comida da Panela (Crock Pot)
Pumpkin Lantern Lanterna de Abóbora (Pumpkin Lantern) Light Source Crafting
Purple Gem Gema Roxa (Purple Gem) Crafting Item 40 Crafting. Dropped by Clockwork Bishop and mining Ancient Statues
Rabbit Coelho (Rabbit) Mob/Food Pego com a Armadilha (Trap)
Rabbit Earmuffs Abafadores de Coelho (Rabbit Earmuffs) Hat/Dress Item Crafting
Ratatouille Ragoût de Legumes (Ratatouille) Receita da Panela (Crock Pot) 40 Comida da Panela (Crock Pot)
Razor Navalha (Razor) Tool Crafting
Red Gem Gema Vermelha (Red Gem) Crafting Item/Itens de Coveiro (Gravedigger Items) 40 Dropped de Cães de Caça Vermelho, encontrado em covas, e pela mineração Stalagmites e Ancient Statues. Isso pode cair do teto da caverna durante terremotos.
Red Cap Cogumelo Vermelho (Red Cap) Comida 40 Dropped by picking a Red Mushroom or chopping down Red Mushtrees
Redbird Pássaro Vermelho (Redbird) Mob Caught with a Bird Trap
Regal Shovel Pá Real (Regal Shovel) Tool/Weapon Crafting
Coisa Anel
Coisa Anel (Ring Thing) Wooden Thing Component Spawns once per World
Roasted Berries Bagas Assadas (Roasted Berries) Comida 40 Cooking
Roasted Carrot Cenoura Assada (Roasted Carrot) Comida 40 Cooking
Rocks Rochas (Rocks) Crafting Item 40 Finding on the ground, mining Boulders or Stalagmites, may fall from cave roof during Earthquakes, and dropped by Rock Lobster
Tufo de Pedra
Tufo de Pedra (Rocky Turf) Turfs 10 Digging up ground in Rockyland areas with a Pitchfork
Rope Corpa (Rope) Crafting Item 10 Crafting
Rot Podridão (Rot) Fertilizer/Food 40 Letting perishables spoil or by destroying Merm Heads using a Hammer
Rotten Egg Ovo Podre (Rotten Egg) Food 40 Let an Egg spoil
Árvorezinha Desenterrada
Arvorezinha Desenterrada (Dug Sapling) Plantable 10 Dug up by Shovel
Tufo de Savana
Tufo de Savana (Savanna Turf) Turfs 10 Digging up the ground in a Savanna with a Pitchfork
Dentadura de Segunda-mão
Dentadura de Segunda-mão (Second-hand Dentures) Itens de Coveiro (Gravedigger Items) 40 Cavando Covas (Graves)
Seeds Sementes (Seeds) Food/Plantable 40 Left behind by birds
Sewing Kit Kit de Costura (Sewing Kit) Dress Item Crafting
Shelmet Conchacete (Shelmet) Hat/Armor Dropped by Slurtles
Shovel Pá (Shovel) Tool/Weapon Crafting
Silk Seda (Silk) Crafting Item 40 Dropped by Spiders and by destroying a Spider Den or Spilagmite
Sleep Dart Dardo Sonífero (Sleep Dart) Weapon 20 Crafting
Sleepytime Stories Históris de Ninar (Sleepytime Stories) Character-specific Item/Book Craft it while playing as Wickerbottom
Sliced Pomegranate Romã Fatiada (Sliced Pomegranate) Food 40 Cooking
Tufo de Gosma
Tufo Viscoso (Slimey Turf) Turfs 10 Found underground by digging up the ground in slimey areas with a Pitchfork
Slurper Pelt Couro de Sugador (Slurper Pelt) Crafting Item 40 Dropped by Slurpers
Slurtle Slime Gosma de Cararuga (Slurtle Slime) Lantern Fuel 20 Dropped by SlurtleSlurtle Mound, and Snurtle
Small Jerky Carne Seca Pequena (Small Jerky) Food 40 Hang a MorselFrog LegFish, or other small meats on a Drying Rack
Snowbird Pássaro do Inverno (Snowbird) Mob Caught with a Trap
Azure Feather Pena Azul (Azure Feather) Crafting Item 40 Dropped by Snowbird
Snurtle Shell Armor Armadura de Concha de Cararuga (Snurtle Shell Armor) Armor Dropped by Snurtle
Spear Lança (Spear) Melee Weapon Crafting
Spider Eggs Ovos de Aranha (Spider Eggs) Plantable 10 Dropped by 3-tier Spider Dens and by Spider Queens
Spider Gland Glândula de Aranha (Spider Gland) Crafting Item/Healing Item 20 Dropped by Spiders
Spiderhat Spiderhat Dress Item Dropped by Spider Queens
Star Caller's Staff Varinha Convocadora de Estrela (Star Caller's Staff) Staff Crafting
Stinger Ferrão (Stinger) Crafting Item 40

Dropped by Bees and Killer Bees

Stone Wall Muro de Pedra (Stone Wall) Wall 20 Crafting
Straw Hat Chapéu de Palha (Straw Hat) Hat/Dress Item Crafting
Straw Roll Rolo de Palha (Straw Roll) Sleeping Resource/Survival Item 10 Crafting
Stuffed Eggplant Beringela Recheada (Stuffed Eggplant) Crock Pot Recipe 40 Crock Pot Food
Taffy Balas (Taffy) Crock Pot Recipe 40 Crock Pot Food
Tallbird Egg Ovo de Pássaro Alto (Tallbird Egg) Tallbird Young/Food Stealing from a Tallbird Nest
Tam o' Shanter Boina Escocesa (Tam o' Shanter) Hat/Dress Item Dropped by MacTusk
Telelocator Staff Varinha Teolocalizadora (Telelocator Staff) Staff Crafting
Tentacle Spike Espeto de Tentaculo (Tentacle Spike) Melee Weapon Dropped by Tentacle or Big Tentacle
Tentacle Spots Manchas de Tentáculo (Tentacle Spots) Crafting Item 40 Dropped by Tentacle or Big Tentacle
The End is Nigh O Fim Está Próximo! (The End is Nigh!) Character-specific Item/Book Craft it while playing as Wickerbottom
The Lazy Explorer O Explorador Preguiçoso (The Lazy Explorer) Staff Crafting, can be acquired from an Ancient Altar
Thulecite Tulecite (Thulecite) Crafting Item 20 Crafting, found in the Ruins
Thulecite Crown
Coroa de Tulecite (Thulecite Crown) Hat/Dress Item Crafting
Thulecite Fragments
Fragmentos de Tulecite (Thulecite Fragments) Ancient Item, Crafting Item 40 Found in the Ruins
Thulecite Club Clava de Tulecite (Thulecite Club) Weapon Crafting
Thulecite Medallion Medalhão de Tulecite (Thulecite Medallion) Ancient Item Crafting
Thulecite Suit Armadura de Tulecite (Thulecite Suit) Hat/Armor/Dress Item Crafting
Muro de Tulecite (Thulecite Wall) Wall 20 Crafting
Pequeno Foguete
Foguete Pequeno (Tiny Rocketship) Itens de Coveiro (Gravedigger Items) 40 Cavando Covas (Graves)
Toasted Seeds Sementes Tostadas (Toasted Seeds) Food 40 Cooking
Tooth Trap Armadilha de Dente (Tooth Trap) Trap/Weapon Crafting
Top Hat Cartola (Top Hat) Hat/Dress Item Crafting
Torch Tocha (Torch) Light Source/Weapon Crafting
Trap Armadilha (Trap) Survival Item/Weapon Crafting
Turkey Dinner Jantar de Peru (Turkey Dinner) Crock Pot Recipe 40 Crock Pot Food
Twigs Graveto (Twig) Crafting Item 40 Picking a Sapling or Spiky Bush, destroying Merm Heads using a Hammer, or chopping down Cave Banana Trees or Spiky Trees
Umbrella Guarda-Chuva (Umbrella) Survival Item/Weapon Crafting
Unagi Unagi Crock Pot Recipe 40 Crock Pot Food
Walking Cane Bengala de Andar (Walking Cane) Dress Item/Weapon Crafting
Waffles Waffles Crock Pot Recipe 40 Crock Pot Food
Walrus Tusk Presa de Morsa (Walrus Tusk) Crafting 10 Dropped by MacTusk
Wet Goop Gosma Molhada (Wet Goop) Crock Pot Recipe 40 Created by an invalid Crock Pot recipe, or from a Hatching Tallbird Egg that is too cold
Winter Hat Chapéu de Inverno (Winter Hat) Hat/Dress Item Crafting
Coelho do Inverno
Coelho do Inverno (Winter Rabbit) Mob/Comida Captura com a Armadilha (Trap)
Winter Koalefant Trunk Tromba de Coaelefante do Inverno (Winter Koalefant Trunk) Food/Crafting Item 20 Dropped by Winter Koalefant
Willow's Lighter Isqueiro da Willow (Willow's Lighter) Character-specific Item/Light Source Play as Willow
Wood Wall Muro de Madeira (Wood Wall) Wall 20 Crafting
Wooden Flooring Piso de Madeira (Wooden Flooring) Turfs 20 Crafting
Yellow Gem Gema Amarela (Yellow Gem) Crafting Item 40 Mainly found by mining Ancient Statues in the Ruins.