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Itens são qualquer coisa no mundo de Don't Starve que pode ser pego e carregado pelo jogador (diferente de objetos, que são estacionários). Eles podem ser qualquer coisa e são conseguidos através de pilhagem, Mineração, Agricultura ou matando Mobs, com exceção de uns poucos que são itens específicos para cada personagem. A maioria dos itens tem uma função específica que o torna único; itens de Comida restauram a Fome, roupas fornecem calor, proteção contra danos e pode até aumentar a Sanidade, e outros artigos podem ser usados para Manufatura.
Abaixo está uma extensa lista de itens, quais são empilháveis, quais os seus usos, e como obtê-las. Geralmente, pequenos itens pode ser empilhados até um total de 40, itens de tamanho médio podem ser empilhados até 20 e itens de tamanhos grandes só podem ser empilhados até 10. Por exemplo: Sílex (Flint) => 40, Madeiras (Logs) => 20 e Tábuas (Boards) => 10.
Item | Nome | Tipo | Pilhagem | Aquisição |
Flor de Abigail (Abigail's Flower) | Item específico de personagem | — | Jogue como Wendy | |
Horticultura Aplicada (Applied Horticulture) | Item específico de personagem/Livro | — | Crie enquanto joga com Wickerbottom | |
Cinza (Ash) | Item de Manufatura | 40 | Deixado por plantas queimadas ou outros itens inflamáveis queimados, aparece quando uma fogueira normal se apaga, e deixado por Cães de Caça Vermelhos. | |
Machado (Axe) | Ferramenta/Arma | — | Manufatura | |
Mochila (Backpack) | Bolsa/Item de sobrevivência | — | Manufatura | |
Ovos com Bacon (Bacon and Eggs) | Receita de Panela | 40 | Comida de Panela | |
Bilboquê (Ball and Cup) | Item de Escavação | 40 | Escavando Covas (Graves) | |
Bastão de Morcego (Bat Bat) | Arma mágica de combate | — | Manufatura | |
Asa de Morcegolisco (Batilisk Wing) | Comida/Item de Manufatura | 20 | Deixado por Batilisk | |
Pelo de Barba (Beard Hair) | Item de Manufatura | 40 |
Raspando a Barba de Wilson ou deixado por Coelhos Barbudos, Beardlord e Splumonkeys das Sombras.
| |
Coelho Barbudo (Beardling) | Mob/Comida | — | Capturado com uma Armadilha quando a Sanidade está abaixo de 40% | |
Abelha (Bee) | Mob | 20 | Capturado com uma Rede de Insetos (Bug Net) | |
Mina de Abelha (Bee Mine | Armadilha/Arma | — | Manufatura | |
Chapéu de Beefalo (Beefalo Hat) | Chapéu/Item de Vestimenta | — | Manufatura | |
Chifre de Beefalo (Beefalo Horn) | Item de Manufatura/Ferramenta | — | Deixado por Búfalo | |
Lã de Beefalo (Beefalo Wool) | Item de Manufatura | 40 | Deixado por Búfalo, ou raspando um Búfalo com uma Lâmina de Barbear | |
Chapéu de Apicultor (Beekeeper Hat) | Chapéu/Armadura/Item de Vestimenta | — | Manufatura | |
Cinto da Fome (Belt of Hunger) | Chapéu/Item de Vestimenta | — | Manufatura | |
Bagas (Berries) | Comida | 40 | Colhendo Arbustos de Bagas | |
Arbusto de Bagas (Berry Bush) | Plantável | 10 | Escavando Arbustos de Bagas | |
Pássaros do Mundo (Birds of the World) | Item especifico de personagem/Livro | — | Manufature enquanto joga com Wickerbottom | |
Armadilha de Pássaro (Bird Trap) | Item de Sobrevivência/Armadilha | — | Manufatura | |
Dardo de Sopro (Blow Dart) | Arma | 20 | Manufatura e deixado por MacTusk | |
Cogumelo Azul (Blue Mushroom) | Comida | 40 | Colhendo um Cogumelo Azul ou derrubando Árvores de Cogumelo Azuis | |
Gema Azul (Blue Gem) | Item de Manufatura/Item de Escavação de Túmulos | 40 | Deixado por Cães de Caça Azuis, encontrado em Cavernas e Ruínas (Ruins), pode ser desenterrado de Covas, e pode cair do teto de cavernas durante terremotos | |
Diagrama (Blueprint) | Item diverso | 1 | Pode ser encontrado em Restos Mortais, no Modo Aventura ou se você inicia um mundo Padrão+. | |
Tábua (Board) | Item de Manufatura | 10 | Manufatura | |
Bumerangue (Boomerang) | Arma | — | Manufatura | |
Coisa de Caixa (Box Thing) | Componente da Coisa de Madeira | — | [[:Categoria:Objetos que Aparecem Naturalmente|Aparece]] uma vez por Mundo | |
Berinjela Assada (Braised Eggplant) | Comida | 40 | Cozinhando | |
Colete Jovial (Breezy Vest) | Item de Vestimenta | — | Manufatura | |
Concha Quebrada (Broken Shell) | Item diverso | 40 | Deixado por Slurtles, Slurtle Mounds, e Snurtles | |
Rede de Insetos (Bug net) | Ferramenta/Arma/Item de Sobrevivência | — | Manufatura | |
Pelo de Coelho (Bunny Puff) | Item de Manufatura | 40 | Deixado por Homem-Coelho (Bunnyman) | |
Chapéu de Arbusto (Bush Hat) | Chapéu/Item de Vestimenta | — | Manufatura | |
Manteiga (Butter) | Comida | 40 | Raramente deixado por Borboletas | |
Bolinho de Manteiga (Butter Muffin) | Receita de Panela | 40 | Comida de Panela (Crock Pot) | |
Borboleta (Butterfly) | Mob/Plantável | 20 | Capturado com uma Rede de Insetos (Bug net) | |
Asas de Borboleta (Butterfly Wings) | Comida | 40 | Deixado por Borboletas | |
Cenoura (Carrot) | Comida | 20 | Cultivando, e deixado por Homens-Coelho | |
Sementes de Cenoura (Carrot Seeds) | Sementes Cultiváveis/Comida/Plantável | 20 | Alimentando um aássaro em uma Gaiola | |
Banana da Caverna (Cave Banana) | Comida | 40 | Colhendo Árvores de Banana da Caverna ou destruindo um Splumonkey Pod | |
Tufo de Rocha da Caverna (Cave Rock Turf) | Tufos | 10 | Desenterrando nas cavernas usando um Forcado | |
Carvão Vegetal (Charcoal) | Combustível | 40 | Deixado por Krampus e derrubando Árvores (Tree) queimadas | |
Piso Atapetado (Carpeted Flooring) | Tufos | 10 | Manufatura | |
Piso Axadrezado (CheckBoard Flooring) | Tufos | 10 | Manufatura | |
Amuleto Gelado (Chilled Amulet) | [[::Categoria:Amuletos|Amuleto]] | — | Manufatura | |
Piso Asfaltado (Cobllestones) | Tufos | 10 | Manufatura | |
Codex Umbra | Item específico de personagem/Livro | — | Jogue com Maxwell | |
Amuleto de Construção (Construction Amulet) | [[::Categoria:Amuletos|Amuleto]] | — | Manufatura | |
Asa de Morcegolisco Cozida (Cooked Batilisk Wing) | Comida | 20 | Cozinhando | |
Cogumelo Azul Cozido (Cooked Blue Cap) | Comida | 40 | Cozinhando | |
Banana da Caverna Cozida (Cooked Cave Banana) | Comida | 40 | Cozinhando | |
Ovo Cozido (Cooked Egg) | Comida | 40 | Cozinhando | |
Enguia Cozida (Cooked Eel) | Comida | 40 | Cozinhando | |
Peixe Cozido (Cooked Fish) | Comida | 40 | Cozinhando | |
Pernas de Sapo Cozidas (Cooked Frog Legs) | Comida | 40 | Cozinhando | |
Cogumelo Verde Cozido (Cooked Green Cap) | Comida | 40 | Cozinhando | |
Carne Vegetal Cozida (Cooked Leafy Meat) | Comida | 20 | Cozinhando | |
Mandrágora Cozida (Cooked Mandrake) | Comida | 40 | Cozinhando | |
Carne Cozida (Cooked Meat) | Comida | 20 | Cozinhando | |
Carne de Monstro Cozida (Cooked Monster Meat) | Comida | 20 | Cozinhando | |
Pedaço de Carne Cozido Cooked Morsel) | Comida | 40 | Cozinhando | |
Cogumelo Vermelho Cozido (Cooked Rep Cap) | Comida | 40 | Cozinhando | |
Bússola (Compass) | Item diverso | — | Manufatura | |
Milho (Corn) | Comida | 20 | Fazenda | |
Corn Seeds | Crop Seeds/Food/Plantable | 20 | Feeding a bird in a Bird Cage | |
Coisa de Manivela (Crank Thing) | Wooden Thing Component | — | Spawns once per World | |
Pena Carmesim (Crimson Feather) | Crafting Item | 40 | Dropped by Redbird | |
Crow | Mob | — | Caught with a Bird Trap | |
Pena de Corvo (Crow Feather) | Crafting Item | 40 | Dropped by Crow | |
Grama Cortada (Cut Grass) | Crafting Item | 40 | Picking Grass | |
Juncas Cortadas (Cut Reeds) | Crafting Item | 40 | Picking Reeds | |
Pedra Cortada (Cut Stone) | Crafting Item | 10 | Crafting | |
Colete Garboso (Dapper Vest) | Dress Item | — | Crafting | |
Pétalas Negras (Dark Petals) | Food, Crafting Item | 40 | Picking Evil Flowers | |
Espada das Sombras (Dark Sword) | Weapon/Magic Item | — | Crafting | |
Vara de Descontrução (Desconstruction Staff) | Staff | — | Crafting | |
Globocular de Cerclope (Deerclops Eyeball) | Food | — | Dropped by Deerclops | |
Tentáculo Dissecádo (Dessicated Tentacle) | Itens de Coveiro (Gravedigger Items) | 40 | Cavando Covas (Graves) | |
Vara Divinal (Divining Rod) | Science Item | — | Crafting | |
Fruta do Dragão (Dragon Fruit) | Food | 20 | Fazenda | |
Sementes de Fruta do Dragão (Dragon Fruit Seeds) | Crop Seeds/Food/Plantable | 20 | Feeding a bird in a Bird Cage | |
Torta do Dragão (Dragonpie) | Receita da Panela (Crock Pot) | 20 | Cozinhando na Panela (Crock Pot) | |
Coxa de Galinha (Drumstick) | Food | 40 | Dropped by Gobbler | |
Dúrio (Durian) | Food | 20 | Farming | |
Sementes de Dúrio (Durian Seeds) | Crop Seeds/Food/Plantable | 40 | Feeding a bird in a Bird Cage | |
Enguia (Eel) | Food | 40 | Fishing | |
Ovo (Egg) | Food | 40 | Feeding a bird in a Bird Cage | |
Beringela (Eggplant) | Food | 20 | Plantando | |
Sementes de Beringela (Eggplant Seeds) | Crop Seeds/Food/Plantable | 40 | Feeding a bird in a Bird Cage | |
Dúrio Muito Mal Cheiroso (Extra Smelly Durian) | Food | 40 | Cooking | |
Osso Ocular (Eye Bone) | Misc. Item | — | Found naturally on the map and spawns Chester | |
Apito Falso (Fake Kazoo) | Itens de Coveiro (Gravedigger Items) | 40 | Cavando Covas (Graves) | |
Chaéu de Penas (Feather Hat) | Hat/Dress Item | — | Crafting | |
Dardo Flamejante (Fire Dart) | Weapon | 20 | Crafting | |
Varinha de Fogo (Fire Staff) | Staff | — | Crafting | |
Vagalumes (Fireflies) | Mob | 40 | Caught with a Bug Net | |
Peixe (Fish) | Food | 40 | Fishing and dropped by Merms | |
Tacos de Peixe (Fish Tacos) | Crock Pot Recipe | 40 | Crock Pot Food | |
Vara de Pescar (Fishing Rod) | Tool/Weapon/Survival Item | — | Crafting | |
Palitos de Peixe (Fishsticks) | Crock Pot Recipe | 40 | Crock Pot Food | |
Salada de Frutas (Fist Full of Jam) | Crock Pot Recipe | 40 | Crock Pot Food | |
Bulbo Carnudo (Fleshy Bulb) | Plantable | 10 | Dropped by Lureplants | |
Sílex (Flint) | Crafting Item | 40 | Found on the ground, mining Boulders and Stalagmites, may fall from cave roof during Earthquakes, and dropped by Rock Lobsters | |
Capacete de Fultebol (Football Helmet) | Armor/Dress Item | — | Crafting | |
Folhagem (Foliage) | Food | 40 | Picking a Fern | |
Tufo de Floresta (Forest Turf) | Turfs | 10 | Digging up the ground in forest areas with a Pitchfork | |
Fios Desgastados (Frazzled Wires) | Itens de Coveiro (Gravedigger Items) | 40 | Cavando Covas (Graves) | |
Perna de Galinha Frita (Fried Drumstick) | Food | 40 | Cooking | |
Ovo de Passaro Alto Frito (Fried Tallbird Egg) | Food | 20 | Cooking | |
Pernas de Sapo (Frog Legs) | Food | 40 | Dropped by Frogs and Merms | |
Sanduíche de Sapo (Froggle Bunwich) | Crock Pot Recipe | 40 | Crock Pot Food | |
Salada de Frutas (Fruit Medley) | Crock Pot Recipe | 40 | Crock Pot Food | |
Tufo de Fungos (azul) (Fungal Turf (Blue)) | Turfs | 10 | Found underground by digging up the ground in fungal areas with a Pitchfork | |
Tufo de Fungos (Vermelho) (Fungal Turf (Red)) | Turfs | 10 | Found underground by digging up the ground in fungal areas with a Pitchfork | |
Tufo de Fungos (Verde) Fungal Turf (Green) | Turfs | 10 | Found underground by digging up the ground in fungal areas with a Pitchfork | |
Rolo de Pêlo (Fur Roll) | Sleeping Resource | 10 | Manufatura | |
Grinalda (Garland) | Hat/Dress Item/ | — | Manufatura | |
Engrenagens (Gears) | Crafting Item/Gravedigger Item | 40 | Cavando Covas (Graves) e dropped de Clockwork Monsters | |
Fruto Brilhante (Glow Berry) | Food | — | Dropped by Depths Worm | |
Gnomo (Gnome) | Itens de Coveiro (Gravedigger Items) | 40 | Cavando Covas (Graves) | |
Pepita de Ouro (Gold Nugget) | Crafting Item | 20 | Mining Gold Veins and Stalagmites, found on the ground in Graveyards, may fall from cave roof during Earthquakes, and giving certain items to the Pig King | |
Nó de Gord (Gord's Knot) | Itens de Coveiro (Gravedigger Items) | 40 | Cavando Covas (Graves) | |
Armadura de Grama (Grass Suit) | Armour | — | Manufatura | |
Tufo de Grama (Grass Tuft) | Dug up grass | 10 | Dug up by Shovel | |
Tufo de Grama (Grass Turf) | Turfs | 10 | Digging up the ground in grassy areas with a Pitchfork | |
Gema Verde (Green Gem) | Crafting Item | 40 | Mainly found by mining Ancient Statues in the Ruins. | |
Cogumelo Verde (Green Cap) | Food | 40 | Dropped by picking a Green Mushroom or chopping down Green Mushtrees | |
Guano | Fertilizer | 20 | Periodically produced by Batilisks | |
Tufo de Guano (Guano Turf) | Turfs | 10 | Found underground by digging up the ground in guano areas with a Pitchfork | |
Cifre do Guardião (Guardian's Horn) | Ancient Item | — | Dropped by Ancient Guardian | |
Pólvora (Gunpowder) | Explosive Weapon | 40 | Manufatura | |
Bastão de Presunto (Ham Bat) | Weapon | — | Crafting | |
Martelo (Hammer) | Tool/Weapon | — | Manufatura | |
Tempão de Borracha Endurecido (Hardened Rubber Bung) | Itens de Coveiro (Gravedigger Items) | 40 | Cavando Covas (Graves) | |
Ovo de Passaroalto Eclodindo (Hatching Tallbird Egg) | Tallbird Young/Food | — | Place a Tallbird Egg near a fire for a short time. | |
Muro de Feno (Hay Wall) | Wall | 20 | Crafting | |
Unguento Curativo (Healing Salve) | Healing Item/Survival Item | 40 | Crafting | |
Pedra Térmica (Heat Stone) | Survival Item | — | Crafting | |
Mel (Honey) | Food/Crafting Item | 40 | Dropped by Bees and Killer Bees, destroying Bee and Killer Bee hives and harvested from Bee Boxes | |
Presunto com Mel (Honey Ham) | Crock Pot Recipe | 40 | Crock Pot Food | |
Pedaços de Mel (Honey Nuggets) | Crock Pot Recipe | 40 | Crock Pot Food | |
Cataplasma de Mel (Honey Poultice) | Healing Item/Survival Item | 40 | Crafting | |
Favo de Mel (Honeycomb) | Crafting Item | 20 | Destroying Bee and Killer Bee hives. | |
Abóbora Assada (Hot Pumpkin) | Food | 40 | Cooking | |
Dente de Cão (Hound's Tooth) | Crafting Item | 40 | Cai de Cão de Caça e Hound Mounds | |
Houndius Shootius | Deployable Structure | 40 | Crafting | |
Vara de Gelo (Ice Staff) | Staff | — | Crafting | |
Carne Seca (Jerky) | Food | 20 | Hang Meat on a Drying Rack | |
Espetinhs (Kabobs) | Crock Pot Recipe | 40 | Crock Pot Food | |
Abelha Assassina (Killer Bee) | Mob | 20 | Caught with a Bug Net | |
Tromba de Coaelefante (Koalefant Trunk) | Food/Crafting Item | 20 | Dropped by Koalefant | |
Bife de Tromba de Coaelefante (Koalefant Trunk Steak) | Food | 20 | Cooking a Koalefant Trunk or Winter Koalefant Trunk | |
Saco de Krampus (Krampus Sack) | Bag | — | Dropped by Krampus | |
Lanterna (Lantern) | Light Source | — | Crafting | |
O Catador Preguiçoso (The Lazy Forager) | Amulet | — | Crafting | |
Líquen (Lichen) | Food | 40 | Harvesting Cave Lichen | |
Carne Vegetal (Leafy Meat) | Food | 20 | Harvesting a LurePlant | |
Amuleto de Vida (Life Giving Amulet) | Amulet | 20 | Crafting and Digging up Graves | |
Bulbo Luminoso (Light Bulb) | Crafting Item/Light Source/Food | 40 | Picking a Light Flower | |
Madeira Viva (Living Log) | Crafting Item | 20 | Dropped by Treeguard or Totally Normal Tree | |
Madeira (Log) | Crafting Item | 20 | Chopping down trees, Mushtrees, or Cave Banana Trees, and digging up tree stumps | |
Armadura de Madeira (Log Suit) | Armour | — | Crafting | |
Lucy o Machado (Lucy the Axe) | Tool/Weapon | — | Play as Woodie | |
Machado Luxuoso (Luxury Axe) | Tool/Weapon | — | Crafting | |
Robô Mentiroso (Lying Robot) | Itens de Coveiro (Gravedigger Items) | 40 | Cavando Covas (Graves) | |
Magiluminescência (Magiluminescence) | Amulet | — | Crafting | |
Mandrágora (Mandrake) | Mob/Food | 40 | Picking a Mandrake at Day, dropped by deceased Mandrakes. | |
Sopa de Mandrágora (Mandrake Soup) | Crock Pot Recipe | 40 | Crock Pot Food | |
Estrume (Manure) | Fertilizer | 20 |
Periodically produced by Beefalos and Koalefants. Can be made by feeding vegetables to Pigs and angrying Splumonkeys. Can also by destroying Splumonkey Pods and Pig Torches | |
Mármore (Marble) | Crafting Item | 40 | Minimg Marble Pillars, Marble Trees, Harp Statues and Maxwell's Statues, may fall from cave roof during Earthquakes, or appears when a Touch Stone breaks | |
Armadura de Mármore (Marble Suit) | Armour | — | Crafting | |
Arbust Espinhento (Spiky Bush) | Plantable | 10 | Dig up a Spiky Bush using a Shovel | |
Tufo do Pântano (Marsh Turf) | Turfs | 10 | Digging up ground in a Marsh with a Pitchfork | |
Carne (Meat) | Food | 20 | Cai de grandes mobs como Porcos (Pig), Búfalo (Beefalo) etc. | |
Almôndegas (Meatballs) | Crock Pot recipe | 40 | Crock Pot Food | |
Ensopado de Carne (Meaty Stew) | Crock Pot recipe | 40 | Crock Pot Food | |
Bolas de Gude (Melty Marbles) | Itens de Coveiro (Gravedigger Items) | 40 | Cavando Covas (Graves) | |
Coisa Batata de Metal (Metal Potato Thing) | Wooden Thing Component | — | Spawns
once per World | |
Chapéu de Minerador (Miner Hat) | Hat/Light Source | — | Crafting | |
Botões Incompatíveis (Mismatched Buttons) | Itens de Coveiro (Gravedigger Items) | 40 | Cavando Covas (Graves) | |
Carne de Monstro Seca (Monster Jerky) | Food | 20 | Hang Monster Meat on a Drying Rack | |
Lasanha de Monstro (Monster Lasagna) | Crock Pot Recipe | 40 | Crock Pot Food | |
Carne de Monstro (Monster Meat) | Food | 20 | Dropped by many monsters, such as Hounds, and Spiders | |
Pedaço de Carne (Morsel) | Food | 40 | Dropped by small animals, Beardlings, Crows, etc. | |
Mosquito | Mob | 20 | Catch using a Bug Net | |
Saco de Mosquito (Mosquito Sack) | Healing Item | 20 | Dropped by Mosquitos | |
Tufo de Lama (Mud Turf) | Turfs | 10 | Found underground by digging up the ground in mud areas with a Pitchfork | |
Armadura Noturna (Night Armour) | Armor/Magic Item | — | Crafting | |
Combustível do Pesadelo (Nightmare Fuel) | Crafting Item/Itens de Coveiro (Gravedigger Items) | 40 | Crafting, digging up graves, and appears when a Touch Stone breaks. It is also dropped by Shadow Creatures, Beardlings and Splumonkeys | |
Amuleto do Pesadelo (Nightmare Amulet) | Amulet | — | Crafting | |
Nitro (Nitre) | Crafting Item | 40 | Mining Smooth Boulders and Stalagmites, may fall from cave roof during Earthquakes | |
Em Tentáculos (On Tentacles) | Character-specific Item/Book | — | Craft it while playing as Wickerbottom | |
Banda de Um Homem Só (One-man Band) | Magic Item | — | Crafting | |
Picareta Opulenta (Opulent Pickaxe) | Tool/Weapon | — | Crafting | |
Gema Laranja (Orange Gem) | Crafting Item | 40 |
Mainly found by mining Ancient Statues in the Ruins. | |
Flauta de Pã (Pan Flute) | Weapon/Magic Item | — | Crafting | |
Papiro (Papyrus) | Crafting Item | 20 | Crafting | |
Pétalas (Petals) | Food, Crafting Item | 40 | Picking Flowers | |
Picareta (Pickaxe) | Tool/Weapon | — | Crafting | |
Picaremachado (Pick/Axe) | Tool/Weapon | — | Crafting | |
Pastel Polonês (Pierogi) | Crock Pot Recipe | 40 | Comida da Panela (Crock Pot) | |
Pele de Porco (Pig Skin) | Food/Crafting Item | 40 | Dropped by Pig, Guardian Pig, and Werepig, or by breaking Pig Heads with a Hammer | |
Porcochila (Piggyback) | Bag/Survival Item | — | Crafting | |
Pilha de Balões (Pile o' Balloons) | Character-Specific Item | — | Play as Wes | |
Pinha de Conífera (Pine Cone) | Fuel, Tree Resource | 40 | Chopping down Evergreens | |
Forquilha (Pitchfork) | Tool/Weapon | — | Crafting | |
Romã (Pomegranate) | Food | 40 | Plantando | |
Sementes de Romã (Pomegranate Seeds) | Crop Seeds/Food/Plantable | 40 | Feeding a bird in a Bird Cage | |
Pipoca (Popcorn) | Food | 40 | Cooking | |
Bolo de Pólvora (Powdercake) | Crock Pot Recipe | 40 | Comida da Panela (Crock Pot) | |
Fruta do Dragão Preparada (Prepared Dragon Fruit) | Food | 40 | Cooking | |
Colete Fofo (Puffy Vest) | Dress Item | — | Crafting | |
Abóbora (Pumpkin) | Food | 20 | Plantando | |
Sementes de Abóbora (Pumpkin Seeds) | Crop Seeds/Food/Plantable | 40 | Feeding a bird in a Bird Cage | |
Biscoito de Abóbora (Pumpkin Cookie) | Crock Pot Recipe | 40 | Comida da Panela (Crock Pot) | |
Lanterna de Abóbora (Pumpkin Lantern) | Light Source | — | Crafting | |
Gema Roxa (Purple Gem) | Crafting Item | 40 | Crafting. Dropped by Clockwork Bishop and mining Ancient Statues | |
Coelho (Rabbit) | Mob/Food | — | Pego com a Armadilha (Trap) | |
Abafadores de Coelho (Rabbit Earmuffs) | Hat/Dress Item | — | Crafting | |
Ragoût de Legumes (Ratatouille) | Receita da Panela (Crock Pot) | 40 | Comida da Panela (Crock Pot) | |
Navalha (Razor) | Tool | — | Crafting | |
Gema Vermelha (Red Gem) | Crafting Item/Itens de Coveiro (Gravedigger Items) | 40 | Dropped de Cães de Caça Vermelho, encontrado em covas, e pela mineração Stalagmites e Ancient Statues. Isso pode cair do teto da caverna durante terremotos. | |
Cogumelo Vermelho (Red Cap) | Comida | 40 | Dropped by picking a Red Mushroom or chopping down Red Mushtrees | |
Pássaro Vermelho (Redbird) | Mob | — | Caught with a Bird Trap | |
Pá Real (Regal Shovel) | Tool/Weapon | — | Crafting | |
Coisa Anel (Ring Thing) | Wooden Thing Component | — | Spawns once per World | |
Bagas Assadas (Roasted Berries) | Comida | 40 | Cooking | |
Cenoura Assada (Roasted Carrot) | Comida | 40 | Cooking | |
Rochas (Rocks) | Crafting Item | 40 | Finding on the ground, mining Boulders or Stalagmites, may fall from cave roof during Earthquakes, and dropped by Rock Lobster | |
Tufo de Pedra (Rocky Turf) | Turfs | 10 | Digging up ground in Rockyland areas with a Pitchfork | |
Corpa (Rope) | Crafting Item | 10 | Crafting | |
Podridão (Rot) | Fertilizer/Food | 40 | Letting perishables spoil or by destroying Merm Heads using a Hammer | |
Ovo Podre (Rotten Egg) | Food | 40 | Let an Egg spoil | |
Arvorezinha Desenterrada (Dug Sapling) | Plantable | 10 | Dug up by Shovel | |
Tufo de Savana (Savanna Turf) | Turfs | 10 | Digging up the ground in a Savanna with a Pitchfork | |
Dentadura de Segunda-mão (Second-hand Dentures) | Itens de Coveiro (Gravedigger Items) | 40 | Cavando Covas (Graves) | |
Sementes (Seeds) | Food/Plantable | 40 | Left behind by birds | |
Kit de Costura (Sewing Kit) | Dress Item | — | Crafting | |
Conchacete (Shelmet) | Hat/Armor | — | Dropped by Slurtles | |
Pá (Shovel) | Tool/Weapon | — | Crafting | |
Seda (Silk) | Crafting Item | 40 | Dropped by Spiders and by destroying a Spider Den or Spilagmite | |
Dardo Sonífero (Sleep Dart) | Weapon | 20 | Crafting | |
Históris de Ninar (Sleepytime Stories) | Character-specific Item/Book | — | Craft it while playing as Wickerbottom | |
Romã Fatiada (Sliced Pomegranate) | Food | 40 | Cooking | |
Tufo Viscoso (Slimey Turf) | Turfs | 10 | Found underground by digging up the ground in slimey areas with a Pitchfork | |
Couro de Sugador (Slurper Pelt) | Crafting Item | 40 | Dropped by Slurpers | |
Gosma de Cararuga (Slurtle Slime) | Lantern Fuel | 20 | Dropped by Slurtle, Slurtle Mound, and Snurtle | |
Carne Seca Pequena (Small Jerky) | Food | 40 | Hang a Morsel, Frog Leg, Fish, or other small meats on a Drying Rack | |
Pássaro do Inverno (Snowbird) | Mob | — | Caught with a Trap | |
Pena Azul (Azure Feather) | Crafting Item | 40 | Dropped by Snowbird | |
Armadura de Concha de Cararuga (Snurtle Shell Armor) | Armor | — | Dropped by Snurtle | |
Lança (Spear) | Melee Weapon | — | Crafting | |
Ovos de Aranha (Spider Eggs) | Plantable | 10 | Dropped by 3-tier Spider Dens and by Spider Queens | |
Glândula de Aranha (Spider Gland) | Crafting Item/Healing Item | 20 | Dropped by Spiders | |
Spiderhat | Dress Item | — | Dropped by Spider Queens | |
Varinha Convocadora de Estrela (Star Caller's Staff) | Staff | — | Crafting | |
Ferrão (Stinger) | Crafting Item | 40 |
Dropped by Bees and Killer Bees | |
Muro de Pedra (Stone Wall) | Wall | 20 | Crafting | |
Chapéu de Palha (Straw Hat) | Hat/Dress Item | — | Crafting | |
Rolo de Palha (Straw Roll) | Sleeping Resource/Survival Item | 10 | Crafting | |
Beringela Recheada (Stuffed Eggplant) | Crock Pot Recipe | 40 | Crock Pot Food | |
Balas (Taffy) | Crock Pot Recipe | 40 | Crock Pot Food | |
Ovo de Pássaro Alto (Tallbird Egg) | Tallbird Young/Food | — | Stealing from a Tallbird Nest | |
Boina Escocesa (Tam o' Shanter) | Hat/Dress Item | — | Dropped by MacTusk | |
Varinha Teolocalizadora (Telelocator Staff) | Staff | — | Crafting | |
Espeto de Tentaculo (Tentacle Spike) | Melee Weapon | — | Dropped by Tentacle or Big Tentacle | |
Manchas de Tentáculo (Tentacle Spots) | Crafting Item | 40 | Dropped by Tentacle or Big Tentacle | |
O Fim Está Próximo! (The End is Nigh!) | Character-specific Item/Book | — | Craft it while playing as Wickerbottom | |
O Explorador Preguiçoso (The Lazy Explorer) | Staff | — | Crafting, can be acquired from an Ancient Altar | |
Tulecite (Thulecite) | Crafting Item | 20 | Crafting, found in the Ruins | |
Coroa de Tulecite (Thulecite Crown) | Hat/Dress Item | — | Crafting | |
Fragmentos de Tulecite (Thulecite Fragments) | Ancient Item, Crafting Item | 40 | Found in the Ruins | |
Clava de Tulecite (Thulecite Club) | Weapon | — | Crafting | |
Medalhão de Tulecite (Thulecite Medallion) | Ancient Item | — | Crafting | |
Armadura de Tulecite (Thulecite Suit) | Hat/Armor/Dress Item | — | Crafting | |
Muro de Tulecite (Thulecite Wall) | Wall | 20 | Crafting | |
Foguete Pequeno (Tiny Rocketship) | Itens de Coveiro (Gravedigger Items) | 40 | Cavando Covas (Graves) | |
Sementes Tostadas (Toasted Seeds) | Food | 40 | Cooking | |
Armadilha de Dente (Tooth Trap) | Trap/Weapon | — | Crafting | |
Cartola (Top Hat) | Hat/Dress Item | — | Crafting | |
Tocha (Torch) | Light Source/Weapon | — | Crafting | |
Armadilha (Trap) | Survival Item/Weapon | — | Crafting | |
Jantar de Peru (Turkey Dinner) | Crock Pot Recipe | 40 | Crock Pot Food | |
Graveto (Twig) | Crafting Item | 40 | Picking a Sapling or Spiky Bush, destroying Merm Heads using a Hammer, or chopping down Cave Banana Trees or Spiky Trees | |
Guarda-Chuva (Umbrella) | Survival Item/Weapon | — | Crafting | |
Unagi | Crock Pot Recipe | 40 | Crock Pot Food | |
Bengala de Andar (Walking Cane) | Dress Item/Weapon | — | Crafting | |
Waffles | Crock Pot Recipe | 40 | Crock Pot Food | |
Presa de Morsa (Walrus Tusk) | Crafting | 10 | Dropped by MacTusk | |
Gosma Molhada (Wet Goop) | Crock Pot Recipe | 40 | Created by an invalid Crock Pot recipe, or from a Hatching Tallbird Egg that is too cold | |
Chapéu de Inverno (Winter Hat) | Hat/Dress Item | — | Crafting | |
Coelho do Inverno (Winter Rabbit) | Mob/Comida | — | Captura com a Armadilha (Trap) | |
Tromba de Coaelefante do Inverno (Winter Koalefant Trunk) | Food/Crafting Item | 20 | Dropped by Winter Koalefant | |
Isqueiro da Willow (Willow's Lighter) | Character-specific Item/Light Source | — | Play as Willow | |
Muro de Madeira (Wood Wall) | Wall | 20 | Crafting | |
Piso de Madeira (Wooden Flooring) | Turfs | 20 | Crafting | |
Gema Amarela (Yellow Gem) | Crafting Item | 40 | Mainly found by mining Ancient Statues in the Ruins. |